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Arthur Possing


Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917142723
Catnr: DMCHR 71427
Release date: 25 August 2023
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71427
Release date
25 August 2023

"... nine small, fine, glittering, charming miniatures for the present, none longer than five minutes, graspable, technically demanding and yet full of natural beauty..."

Jazzthing, 23-8-2023

About the album

A solo album is always a risk for a pianist, because it is important to keep the complete attention of potential listeners only to this piano during the entire album. The Luxembourger Arthur Possing has so far attracted attention with two quartet albums; the second one, "Natural Flow", was released two years ago by Double Moon.

"The aesthetics of a solo album should differ significantly from my quartet recordings," the pianist stated. "Like a singer/songwriter who stands alone on stage with his guitar, I want to play songs alone on the piano. This means that my compositions are deliberately kept simple and the melody is always in the foreground and should have a statement. The pieces shouldn't be too long either." In fact, only the opening song "The Essence of Joy" is longer than the five-minute limit, and Possing has scattered four short interludes between his five songs, which create space for new moods and atmospheres. The straight "Folk Songs" is framed by two of these dreamy miniatures.

"In addition to my own pieces, I also wanted to play pop songs that have strongly influenced me or songs by musicians that I find very concise," Possing said. He chose two of Sting's most famous songs with "Fields of Gold" and "Seven Days". "Sting is a musician who has always fascinated me," the pianist recounted. “He loved playing with jazz musicians and that's why the harmonies of his songs are a bit more refined. There are odd time signatures in 'Seven Days‘, which the general audience does not notice because the song still grooves.”

"Beatriz" by Edu Lobo and Chico Buarque is a classic of Brazilian pop music that Arthur Possing got to know during his music studies. "I studied in Brussels, and there was also a Brazilian combo in which we played this song by Chico Buarque," the pianist recalled. "I always kept that in mind and thought I'd do something with it sometime."

The fourth cover version on "ID:entity" is "Cinematico", a song by the Belgian jazz pianist Eric Legnini. "Eric Legnini is a decisive figure in my life, both as a musician and as a human being," Possing stated. "He made me a complete pianist. I owe him a lot, and my version of 'Cinematic‘ is a tribute to him.”

The nine songs and four interludes make "ID:entity" an extremely varied album, on which you can perceive the complete bandwidth of pianist. Alone, as he plays “Fields of Gold” – namely, as if he touched the song with velvet gloves – is astonishing, but Possing's peculiarly radiant “Midnight Light” or the grippingly constructed “Val Pellice” show the pianistic variety that the Luxembourger has quite naturally at his disposal.

Possing is considered one of the most promising pianists of his generation. He has set an early highlight in his career with the natural musicality of “ID:entity”.

Ein Solo-Album ist für einen Pianisten immer ein Wagnis, denn allein am Klavier heißt es, denn potentiellen Hörer auf Albumlänge bei der Stange zu halten. Der Luxemburger Arthur Possing hat bislang mit zwei Quartett-Album auf sich aufmerksam gemacht, das zweite, „Natural Flow“, ist vor zwei Jahren bei Double Moon erschienen.

„Die Ästhetik eines Solo-Albums soll sich von meinen Quartett-Aufnahmen deutlich unterscheiden“, findet der Pianist. „Wie ein Singer/Songwriter, der allein mit seiner Gitarre auf der Bühne steht, will ich allein am Klavier vor allem Songs spielen. Das heißt, meine Kompositionen sind bewusst einfach gehalten und die Melodie steht immer im Vordergrund und soll eine Aussage haben. Die Stücke sollten auch nicht zu lang sein.“ In der Tat überschreitet lediglich der Auftaktsong „The Essence of Joy“ die Fünf-Minuten-Grenze und zwischen seine fünf Songs hat Possing vier kurze Zwischenstücke, sogenannte „Interludes“, gestreut, die Raum schaffen für neue Stimmungen und Atmosphären. So wird der straighte „Folk Songs“ von zwei dieser verträumten Miniaturen eingerahmt.

„Neben eigenen Stücken wollte ich auch Popsongs spielen, die mich stark beeinflusst haben oder Songs von Musikern, die ich sehr prägnant finde“, hat Possing sich vorgenommen. Mit „Fields of Gold“ und „Seven Days“ hat er sich dann gleich zwei der berühmtesten Songs von Sting ausgesucht. „Sting ist ein Musiker, der mich schon immer fasziniert hat“, sagt der Pianist. „Er hat gerne mit Jazzmusikern gespielt und deshalb sind die Harmonien seiner Songs auch etwas raffinierter. Bei ‚Seven Days‘ gibt es ungerade Taktarten, was dem großen Publikum gar nicht so auffällt, weil der Song trotzdem groovt.“

„Beatriz“ von Edu Lobo und Chico Buarque ist ein Klassiker der brasilianischen Popmusik, den Arthur Possing während seines Musikstudiums kennengelernt hat. „Ich habe in Brüssel studiert und da gab es auch eine brasilianische Combo, in der wir diesen Song von Chico Buarque gespielt haben“, erinnert der Pianist sich. „Den habe ich immer im Hinterkopf behalten und mir gedacht, dass ich irgendwann mal etwas damit machen würde.“

Die vierte Fremdkomposition auf „ID:entity“ ist „Cinematico“, ein Song des belgischen Jazzpianisten Eric Legnini. „Eric Legnini ist in meinem Leben, sowohl als Musiker als auch als Mensch, eine Ausschlag gebende Figur“, berichtet Arthur Possing. „Er hat mich zu einem kompletten Pianisten gemacht. Ich verdanke ihm sehr viel und meine Fassung von ‚Cinematic‘ ist eine Danksagung an ihn.“

Die neun Songs und vier „Interludes“ machen „ID:entity“ zu einem extrem abwechslungsreichen Album, auf dem man den Pianisten Arthur Possing in seiner ganzen Bandbreite wahrnehmen kann. Allein, wie er „Fields of Gold“ spielt - nämlich so, als ob er den Song quasi mit Samthandschuhen anfasst -, ist schon verblüffend, aber auch Possings eigentümlich strahlendes „Midnight Light“ oder das zupackend konstruierte „Val Pellice“ zeigen den pianistischen Variantenreichtum, über den der Luxemburger ganz selbstverständlich verfügt.

Arthur Possing gilt als einer der vielversprechendsten Pianisten seiner Generation. Mit der natürlichen Musikalität von „ID:entity“ hat er seiner Karriere ein frühes Glanzlicht aufgesetzt.


Arthur Possing (piano)

Seen as one of the promising pianists of his generation, Arthur Possing has a very natural approach to music. Born in 1996, he grew up in a family, where music takes an important role and was omnipresent at home. The Luxembourgian started with classical percussion and added soon classical piano, before discovering the world of jazz. After finishing secondary school, he began further studies in jazz piano at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles with Eric Legnini. The Arthur Possing Quartet was formed in 2013 and has released two albums to date: Four Years (2018) and Natural Flow (2021), which got acclaimed, both critically as well as from the audience. Their repertoire consists of own compositions, as well as tunes of jazzmen...

Seen as one of the promising pianists of his generation, Arthur Possing has a very natural approach to music. Born in 1996, he grew up in a family, where music takes an important role and was omnipresent at home. The Luxembourgian started with classical percussion and added soon classical piano, before discovering the world of jazz. After finishing secondary school, he began further studies in jazz piano at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles with Eric Legnini.

The Arthur Possing Quartet was formed in 2013 and has released two albums to date: Four Years (2018) and Natural Flow (2021), which got acclaimed, both critically as well as from the audience. Their repertoire consists of own compositions, as well as tunes of jazzmen they really appreciate. The quartet plays modern jazz, with influences from all genres, without forgetting the tradition.

Over the last five years, the group had the opportunity to tour extensively in Europe, but also beyond. At his young age, Arthur Possing shows musical versatility in his various projects, leaving nevertheless a clear, recognisable trademark.



Arthur Possing (piano)

Seen as one of the promising pianists of his generation, Arthur Possing has a very natural approach to music. Born in 1996, he grew up in a family, where music takes an important role and was omnipresent at home. The Luxembourgian started with classical percussion and added soon classical piano, before discovering the world of jazz. After finishing secondary school, he began further studies in jazz piano at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles with Eric Legnini. The Arthur Possing Quartet was formed in 2013 and has released two albums to date: Four Years (2018) and Natural Flow (2021), which got acclaimed, both critically as well as from the audience. Their repertoire consists of own compositions, as well as tunes of jazzmen...

Seen as one of the promising pianists of his generation, Arthur Possing has a very natural approach to music. Born in 1996, he grew up in a family, where music takes an important role and was omnipresent at home. The Luxembourgian started with classical percussion and added soon classical piano, before discovering the world of jazz. After finishing secondary school, he began further studies in jazz piano at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles with Eric Legnini.

The Arthur Possing Quartet was formed in 2013 and has released two albums to date: Four Years (2018) and Natural Flow (2021), which got acclaimed, both critically as well as from the audience. Their repertoire consists of own compositions, as well as tunes of jazzmen they really appreciate. The quartet plays modern jazz, with influences from all genres, without forgetting the tradition.

Over the last five years, the group had the opportunity to tour extensively in Europe, but also beyond. At his young age, Arthur Possing shows musical versatility in his various projects, leaving nevertheless a clear, recognisable trademark.



... nine small, fine, glittering, charming miniatures for the present, none longer than five minutes, graspable, technically demanding and yet full of natural beauty...
Jazzthing, 23-8-2023

Possing reveals himself, even more than with his group, as a storyteller. What is striking here is the strong structure of the album. The tension is maintained from start to finish, partly by inserting a few short moments of improvisation that are at the perfect place. Ultimately a more than successful solo album, even though this was not immediately on the program of this young promising pianist.
Jazzenzo, 11-10-2023

... Despite the cautious basic tone, the music never comes close to triviality....
Concerto, 01-10-2023

... With the short interludes he creates a little space between his melodically catchy and rather short titles, opens the ears for new moods...
NaDann, 01-9-2023

It's a very interesting album, beautiful, sometimes mysterious and enigmatic....
jazzfun, 29-8-2023

It is a very interesting album, beautiful, sometimes mysterious and enigmatic...
jazzfun, 28-8-2023

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