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Brasis · Sonho de Lá

Henrique Gomide | Daphne Oltheten

Brasis · Sonho de Lá

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917358025
Catnr: CR 73580
Release date: 11 October 2024
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73580
Release date
11 October 2024

"... Expression, simplicity and creative authenticity dominate the atmosphere of this beautiful album..."

jazzfun, 11-10-2024

About the album

The musical universe we present on this album is, in some form, our dream of Brazil. The Brazil of diversity, the Brazil that even in the face of injustice and difficulties remains inventive and incomparably creative. In this project, we dream of a Brazil with unique rhythmic, harmonic, melodic and aesthetic beauty. The Brazil of our masters: Pixinguinha, Moacir Santos, Baden Powell and Egberto Gismonti. A country that continues to innovate and reinvent itself.

With Sonho de lá, the fruit of our daydreams, musings and musical experiments, we offer another contribution to highlight the piano-violin duo and its vast possibilities within the rich repertoire of Brazilian music. This work is a continuation of the research we began on our last album Brasis.

The combination of piano and violin has already been widely explored in the realm of classical music, in the universe of chamber music. Some people say that of all the possible instrumental duets, the piano and violin boast the widest written musical repertoire.

However, when we are talking about Brazilian popular music, there is still much to discover and a lot of room to experiment with this musical combination. It’s not that bowed string instruments aren’t a part of Brazilian culture. On the contrary, Brazil has a long tradition of using the rabeca (a fiddle that predates the modern violin) in popular music. We find this instrument in numerous folkloric musical styles such as fandango, moçambique, congada, folia do Divino, folia-de-reis and others. Yet in popular music, the specific combination of piano and violin has rarely been explored. We can only think of a few rare exceptions, like the albums Fafá & Carolina, a duet between violinist Fafá Lemos (1921-2004) and pianist Carolina Cardoso de Menezes (1913-2000) released in 1989, and the album Duo by Ricardo Herz (1978) and Nelson Ayres (1947), released in 2017.
Das musikalische Universum, das wir auf diesem Album präsentieren, ist in gewisser Form unser Traum von Brasilien. Das Brasilien der Vielfalt, das Brasilien, das selbst angesichts von Ungerechtigkeit und Schwierigkeiten erfinderisch und unvergleichlich kreativ bleibt. In diesem Projekt träumen wir von einem Brasilien mit einer einzigartigen rhythmischen, harmonischen, melodischen und ästhetischen Schönheit. Das Brasilien unserer Meister: Pixinguinha, Moacir Santos, Baden Powell und Egberto Gismonti. Ein Land, das sich ständig erneuert und neu erfindet.

Mit Sonho de lá, der Frucht unserer Tagträume, Träumereien und musikalischen Experimente, bieten wir einen weiteren Beitrag, um das Klavier-Violine-Duo und seine enormen Möglichkeiten innerhalb des reichen Repertoires der brasilianischen Musik hervorzuheben. Dieses Werk ist eine Fortsetzung der Forschungen, die wir auf unserem letzten Album Brasis begonnen haben.

Die Kombination von Klavier und Violine ist im Bereich der klassischen Musik, im Universum der Kammermusik, bereits weithin erforscht worden. Es gibt Stimmen, die behaupten, dass Klavier und Violine von allen möglichen Instrumentalduos das umfangreichste geschriebene Musikrepertoire haben.

In der brasilianischen Volksmusik gibt es jedoch noch viel zu entdecken und viel Raum für Experimente mit dieser musikalischen Kombination. Es ist nicht so, dass Streichinstrumente nicht Teil der brasilianischen Kultur wären. Im Gegenteil, Brasilien hat eine lange Tradition in der Verwendung der Rabeca (einer Geige, die der modernen Violine vorausging) in der Volksmusik. Wir finden dieses Instrument in zahlreichen folkloristischen Musikstilen wie Fandango, Moçambique, Congada, Folia do Divino, Folia-de-Reis und anderen. In der populären Musik ist die spezifische Kombination von Klavier und Violine jedoch kaum erforscht worden. Es gibt nur wenige Ausnahmen, wie die Alben Fafá & Carolina, ein 1989 veröffentlichtes Duett zwischen dem Geiger Fafá Lemos (1921-2004) und der Pianistin Carolina Cardoso de Menezes (1913-2000), und das 2017 erschienene Album Duo von Ricardo Herz (1978) und Nelson Ayres (1947).


Henrique Gomide (piano)

Born in São Paulo in 1988, Henrique Gomide has a broad musical background. After graduating in Classical Piano at ULM and Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Gomide was granted a scholarship by the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) to pursue an MA in Jazz Piano, completing his degree in 2014. Currently residing in Cologne (Germany), he obtained a second master’s degree in Jazz Composition and Arrangement from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in 2018, with a specialisation in Big Band Arranging. Throughout his education, Gomide studied jazz piano with Geri Allen, Juraj Stanik, Michele Rosewoman, Oscar Perez, and classical piano with Hermes Jacchieri, José Eduardo Martins, Paulo Álvares and David Witten, among others. With his piano-trio Caixa Cubo, which...

Born in São Paulo in 1988, Henrique Gomide has a broad musical background. After graduating in Classical Piano at ULM and Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Gomide was granted a scholarship by the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) to pursue an MA in Jazz Piano, completing his degree in 2014. Currently residing in Cologne (Germany), he obtained a second master’s degree in Jazz Composition and Arrangement from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in 2018, with a specialisation in Big Band Arranging. Throughout his education, Gomide studied jazz piano with Geri Allen, Juraj Stanik, Michele Rosewoman, Oscar Perez, and classical piano with Hermes Jacchieri, José Eduardo Martins, Paulo Álvares and David Witten, among others.

With his piano-trio Caixa Cubo, which originated in São Paulo, he released 6 CD's and performed in hundreds of concerts in Brazil, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, England and Mozambique. Alongside his partner, Daphne Oltheten, Gomide forms the Duo Oltheten-Gomide, which recorded two CD’s with works by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and contemporary Brazilian composers. He also takes part in other projects as a pianist, such as Nau Trio, Ayça Miraç Quartet and Juliana da Silva Band which are all active around Germany. As an arranger, Gomide leads the Henrique Gomide Big Band and has delivered arrangements for bands like Subway Jazz Orchestra (Köln), Banda Urbana (São Paulo), Big Band of the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) and Big Band of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (Germany).

During his graduate studies, Gomide developed a thesis on Brazilian composer and string instrument virtuoso Aníbal Augusto Sardinha, also known as Garoto (1915-1955). Since then, he has engaged in several projects aimed at disseminating Garoto’s music around the world. He is one of the authors of the Songbook Choros de Garoto (IMS - SESC Editions), which includes 67 compositions by Garoto and the musical director of the documentary 'Garoto - Vivo Sonhando" (TC Filmes, Lente Viva), which will be premiered in September 2020. In 2016, Henrique worked as musical director for the tribute show Garoto 100 Anos, held at Sesc Pinheiros (Sao Paulo, Brazil). It brought together major Brazilian musicians such as Guinga, Yamandu Costa and Paulo Bellinati.

Throughout his career, Henrique played and recorded with renowned musicians, including Bart van Lier, Tony Lakatos, Nailor Proveta, Mateus Aleluia, Teco Cardoso, Vinicius Dorin, Paulo Bellinati, Toninho Carrasqueira, Monica Salmaso, Celio Barros, Marku Ribas, Gabi Guedes, John Ruocco and Andrea di Biase, among others.


Daphne Oltheten (violin)

Daphne Oltheten is een veelzijdige Nederlandse violiste met interesses in veel soorten muziek uit verschillende landen, van kamermuziek tot en met groot orkest. Zij speelt in Nederland en Duitsland in diverse HIP (Historically Informed Practise) Ensembles, zoals het Apollo Ensemble, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Harmonie Universelle en Capella Augustina. Daarnaast heeft ze zowel Braziliaanse Barokmuziek als Beethoven gespeeld met het HIP orkest van de Universidade de São Paulo. Met (Jazz) pianist Henrique Gomide vormt Daphne een vast Duo waarmee ze, vaak onbekende, instrumentale Braziliaanse muziek opzoekt en speelt. Voor het label GLM Fine Music brachten ze dan ook in 2022 hun eerste CD met Braziliaanse muziek uit (BRASIS). Deze CD krijgt in oktober 2024 een vervolg bij het Label Challenge Records International. Naast...
Daphne Oltheten is een veelzijdige Nederlandse violiste met interesses in veel soorten muziek uit verschillende landen, van kamermuziek tot en met groot orkest. Zij speelt in Nederland en Duitsland in diverse HIP (Historically Informed Practise) Ensembles, zoals het Apollo Ensemble, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Harmonie Universelle en Capella Augustina. Daarnaast heeft ze zowel Braziliaanse Barokmuziek als Beethoven gespeeld met het HIP orkest van de Universidade de São Paulo. Met (Jazz) pianist Henrique Gomide vormt Daphne een vast Duo waarmee ze, vaak onbekende, instrumentale Braziliaanse muziek opzoekt en speelt. Voor het label GLM Fine Music brachten ze dan ook in 2022 hun eerste CD met Braziliaanse muziek uit (BRASIS). Deze CD krijgt in oktober 2024 een vervolg bij het Label Challenge Records International.
Naast haar Bachelor vioolstudies die ze achtereenvolgens bij Coosje Wijzenbeek, Mireille van der Wart en Theodora Geraets aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium in Den Haag behaalde, studeerde Daphne Barokviool bij Christine Busch aan de Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart. Vanwege haar interesses in educatie besloot Daphne ook de studie Instrumental Pädagogik te volgen aan de Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln. Hier behaalde ze in 2023 haar Bachelor Diploma met als Thesisonderwerp ‘de ontwikkeling van kamermuziek binnen het vioolonderwijs’.


Anna Serierse (vocals)


Egberto Gismonti

The complexity of Brazil, its interweaving and co-existence of culture, finds its echo in the music of Egberto Gismonti, who draws on resources both “primitive” and “sophisticated”. As critic Josef Woodard observed, in Gismonti’s work “the line between folklore, classical heritage, hints of jazz, and nameless modes of invention is beautifully smudged.” Born in 1947 in the small Brazilian town of Carmo, Gismonti studied piano from the age of five and, later flute and clarinet. He is self-taught on guitar, which he took up at age of 21, soon developing his innovative, two-handed techniques of simultaneous lines and counter-melodies on the instrument. In 1970 he travelled to Paris to study with two important teachers, famed pedagogue Nadia Boulanger and twelve-tone...
The complexity of Brazil, its interweaving and co-existence of culture, finds its echo in the music of Egberto Gismonti, who draws on resources both “primitive” and “sophisticated”. As critic Josef Woodard observed, in Gismonti’s work “the line between folklore, classical heritage, hints of jazz, and nameless modes of invention is beautifully smudged.” Born in 1947 in the small Brazilian town of Carmo, Gismonti studied piano from the age of five and, later flute and clarinet. He is self-taught on guitar, which he took up at age of 21, soon developing his innovative, two-handed techniques of simultaneous lines and counter-melodies on the instrument. In 1970 he travelled to Paris to study with two important teachers, famed pedagogue Nadia Boulanger and twelve-tone composer Jean Barraqué, Webern’s most dedicated disciple. Valuable as these experiences were, they served also to strengthen Gismonti’s respect for the music of his homeland, which seemed to him an unlimited resource. “World music”, as it would later be termed, was on his doorstep – so many musical traditions overlapped and dovetailed in Brazil: “All European cultures and other cultures are part of our culture.” He has always cited his time with the Xingu Indians in the Amazon jungle as a crucial part of his musical and philosophical education, heightening an awareness of essentials necessary for survival, in art and elsewhere.


Henrique Gomide (piano)

Born in São Paulo in 1988, Henrique Gomide has a broad musical background. After graduating in Classical Piano at ULM and Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Gomide was granted a scholarship by the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) to pursue an MA in Jazz Piano, completing his degree in 2014. Currently residing in Cologne (Germany), he obtained a second master’s degree in Jazz Composition and Arrangement from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in 2018, with a specialisation in Big Band Arranging. Throughout his education, Gomide studied jazz piano with Geri Allen, Juraj Stanik, Michele Rosewoman, Oscar Perez, and classical piano with Hermes Jacchieri, José Eduardo Martins, Paulo Álvares and David Witten, among others. With his piano-trio Caixa Cubo, which...

Born in São Paulo in 1988, Henrique Gomide has a broad musical background. After graduating in Classical Piano at ULM and Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Gomide was granted a scholarship by the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) to pursue an MA in Jazz Piano, completing his degree in 2014. Currently residing in Cologne (Germany), he obtained a second master’s degree in Jazz Composition and Arrangement from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in 2018, with a specialisation in Big Band Arranging. Throughout his education, Gomide studied jazz piano with Geri Allen, Juraj Stanik, Michele Rosewoman, Oscar Perez, and classical piano with Hermes Jacchieri, José Eduardo Martins, Paulo Álvares and David Witten, among others.

With his piano-trio Caixa Cubo, which originated in São Paulo, he released 6 CD's and performed in hundreds of concerts in Brazil, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, England and Mozambique. Alongside his partner, Daphne Oltheten, Gomide forms the Duo Oltheten-Gomide, which recorded two CD’s with works by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and contemporary Brazilian composers. He also takes part in other projects as a pianist, such as Nau Trio, Ayça Miraç Quartet and Juliana da Silva Band which are all active around Germany. As an arranger, Gomide leads the Henrique Gomide Big Band and has delivered arrangements for bands like Subway Jazz Orchestra (Köln), Banda Urbana (São Paulo), Big Band of the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) and Big Band of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (Germany).

During his graduate studies, Gomide developed a thesis on Brazilian composer and string instrument virtuoso Aníbal Augusto Sardinha, also known as Garoto (1915-1955). Since then, he has engaged in several projects aimed at disseminating Garoto’s music around the world. He is one of the authors of the Songbook Choros de Garoto (IMS - SESC Editions), which includes 67 compositions by Garoto and the musical director of the documentary 'Garoto - Vivo Sonhando" (TC Filmes, Lente Viva), which will be premiered in September 2020. In 2016, Henrique worked as musical director for the tribute show Garoto 100 Anos, held at Sesc Pinheiros (Sao Paulo, Brazil). It brought together major Brazilian musicians such as Guinga, Yamandu Costa and Paulo Bellinati.

Throughout his career, Henrique played and recorded with renowned musicians, including Bart van Lier, Tony Lakatos, Nailor Proveta, Mateus Aleluia, Teco Cardoso, Vinicius Dorin, Paulo Bellinati, Toninho Carrasqueira, Monica Salmaso, Celio Barros, Marku Ribas, Gabi Guedes, John Ruocco and Andrea di Biase, among others.



... Expression, simplicity and creative authenticity dominate the atmosphere of this beautiful album...
jazzfun, 11-10-2024

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