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Waiting for a Summer Storm

Ramon van Merkenstein Trio

Waiting for a Summer Storm

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917357622
Catnr: CR 73576
Release date: 04 October 2024
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73576
Release date
04 October 2024

"... ... The original compositions and the great solos by all members of this trio make this album extraordinary and well worth listening to......  "

jazzfun, 04-10-2024

About the album

Quiet Dreams, the debut album of the Ramon van Merkenstein Trio, was released at the end of 2021. At that time, the world was recovering from the COVID lockdown, and we hadn’t been able to play live music for quite some time. Fortunately, we were able to go on an extensive release tour to promote our music, growing closer as a band along the way. We learned a lot about each other, both musically and personally. Our trio has always been about connecting — with the audience, with the music, and with each other. This intense period strengthened these connections, resulting in a powerful band that is elevating the music to new heights.

During this time, I began composing new music specifically tailored to our trio’s chemistry. I knew exactly how to write to bring out the best in Lieven, Gabriele, and the band. This is the new music on Waiting for a Summer Storm.

The album became a collection of moods, reflecting the deep connection between music and emotions. Each track tells a different story: from the excitement of sudden insight in Epiphany to the calm acceptance of fate in Waiting for a Summer Storm. Reflecting captures moments of introspection, while Green Garden celebrates joy. Apollo’s Daydream is about chasing your dreams, and Shadow Song is my tribute to my wife, Inge. Dauntless embodies the feeling of being unstoppable, and Chez Lydia captures the thrill of playing live with an audience.

Waiting for a Summer Storm is more than an album; it’s a reminder of how strong music is. Each piece serves as a portal into the collective consciousness of the trio. It’s a tribute to new beginnings, to adventures yet to come, to dreams waiting to take flight.

Quiet Dreams, das Debütalbum des Ramon van Merkenstein Trios, wurde Ende 2021 veröffentlicht. Zu dieser Zeit erholte sich die Welt gerade von der COVID-Sperre, und wir konnten schon seit geraumer Zeit keine Live-Musik mehr spielen. Glücklicherweise konnten wir auf eine ausgedehnte Release-Tour gehen, um unsere Musik zu promoten, und sind dabei als Band enger zusammengewachsen. Wir haben viel über uns gelernt, sowohl musikalisch als auch persönlich. In unserem Trio ging es schon immer um die Verbindung - mit dem Publikum, mit der Musik und miteinander. Diese intensive Zeit hat diese Verbindungen gestärkt und zu einer kraftvollen Band geführt, die die Musik zu neuen Höhen erhebt.

Während dieser Zeit begann ich, neue Musik zu komponieren, die speziell auf die Chemie unseres Trios zugeschnitten war. Ich wusste genau, wie ich schreiben musste, um das Beste aus Lieven, Gabriele und der Band herauszuholen. Das ist die neue Musik auf Waiting for a Summer Storm.

Das Album wurde zu einer Sammlung von Stimmungen, die die tiefe Verbindung zwischen Musik und Gefühlen widerspiegeln. Jedes Stück erzählt eine andere Geschichte: von der Aufregung der plötzlichen Erkenntnis in Epiphany bis zur ruhigen Akzeptanz des Schicksals in Waiting for a Summer Storm. Reflecting fängt Momente der Introspektion ein, während Green Garden die Freude feiert. In Apollo's Daydream geht es darum, seinen Träumen nachzujagen, und Shadow Song ist eine Hommage an meine Frau Inge. Dauntless verkörpert das Gefühl, unaufhaltsam zu sein, und Chez Lydia fängt den Nervenkitzel ein, live vor einem Publikum zu spielen.

Waiting for a Summer Storm ist mehr als ein Album; es ist eine Erinnerung daran, wie stark Musik ist. Jedes Stück dient als Portal in das kollektive Bewusstsein des Trios. Es ist eine Hommage an neue Anfänge, an bevorstehende Abenteuer und an Träume, die darauf warten, zu fliegen.


Ramon van Merkenstein (double bass)

Ramon van Merkenstein believes in combining traditional and experimental styles of music. He pursues grooving sound, compelling rhythms and surprising harmonies. Ramon graduated the Royal Conservatory of Brussels with a Master of Music degree for jazz double bass in 2017. His internationally recognized conservatory teachers – as well as his intensive studies of recordings by legendary jazz musicians – have inspired Ramon to find his own musical voice. Ramon’s musical creations and arrangements demonstrate his rich imagination and sophistication in jazz composition. Guided by fresh harmonies and grooving rhythms, he has developed his own characteristic style. Audiences say it’s a great experience to watch Ramon perform on stage. He radiates his own sound with jazz energy, while his interplay with other band members...

Ramon van Merkenstein believes in combining traditional and experimental styles of music. He pursues grooving sound, compelling rhythms and surprising harmonies.

Ramon graduated the Royal Conservatory of Brussels with a Master of Music degree for jazz double bass in 2017. His internationally recognized conservatory teachers – as well as his intensive studies of recordings by legendary jazz musicians – have inspired Ramon to find his own musical voice.

Ramon’s musical creations and arrangements demonstrate his rich imagination and sophistication in jazz composition. Guided by fresh harmonies and grooving rhythms, he has developed his own characteristic style.

Audiences say it’s a great experience to watch Ramon perform on stage. He radiates his own sound with jazz energy, while his interplay with other band members is always musically inventive and coherent.

Prepare to be surprised!



Ramon van Merkenstein (double bass)

Ramon van Merkenstein believes in combining traditional and experimental styles of music. He pursues grooving sound, compelling rhythms and surprising harmonies. Ramon graduated the Royal Conservatory of Brussels with a Master of Music degree for jazz double bass in 2017. His internationally recognized conservatory teachers – as well as his intensive studies of recordings by legendary jazz musicians – have inspired Ramon to find his own musical voice. Ramon’s musical creations and arrangements demonstrate his rich imagination and sophistication in jazz composition. Guided by fresh harmonies and grooving rhythms, he has developed his own characteristic style. Audiences say it’s a great experience to watch Ramon perform on stage. He radiates his own sound with jazz energy, while his interplay with other band members...

Ramon van Merkenstein believes in combining traditional and experimental styles of music. He pursues grooving sound, compelling rhythms and surprising harmonies.

Ramon graduated the Royal Conservatory of Brussels with a Master of Music degree for jazz double bass in 2017. His internationally recognized conservatory teachers – as well as his intensive studies of recordings by legendary jazz musicians – have inspired Ramon to find his own musical voice.

Ramon’s musical creations and arrangements demonstrate his rich imagination and sophistication in jazz composition. Guided by fresh harmonies and grooving rhythms, he has developed his own characteristic style.

Audiences say it’s a great experience to watch Ramon perform on stage. He radiates his own sound with jazz energy, while his interplay with other band members is always musically inventive and coherent.

Prepare to be surprised!



... ... The original compositions and the great solos by all members of this trio make this album extraordinary and well worth listening to......  
jazzfun , 04-10-2024

... has developed a sound language that artfully combines modern jazz with experimental sounds and rock elements...
Jazzzthing, 01-9-2024

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