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From This Moment On

Mátyás Bartha Trio

From This Moment On

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917142020
Catnr: DMCHR 71420
Release date: 24 March 2023
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71420
Release date
24 March 2023

"A listening pleasure from the first to the last note ..."

Concerto, 01-7-2023

About the album

Elegance and passion are the outstanding qualities of Hungarian jazz pianist Mátyás Bartha, and he recorded his second album “From This Moment On” in trio format once again: "As a pianist, you really want to play in a trio," he believes, "because you can't hide behind a wind player."
Bartha started playing music at the age of eight when he discovered his father's organ on his own. His parents recognized his talent and gave him piano lessons and a piano. He discovered jazz when he was thirteen.
“It started with Ray Charles and the movie Ray,” he recalled. "I really liked it and I wanted to play blues too. My uncle played in a jazz band, which also inspired me quite a bit. Finally, I had a piano teacher who was a big jazz fan and gave me CDs by Keith Jarrett, Bud Powell and the Yellowjackets. I immediately fell in love with Bud Powell’s playing. His way of playing fascinated me greatly. Later, I also discovered Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, McCoy Tyner and Bill Evans.”
Bartha then went to Graz to study, where Olaf Polziehn became his first teacher, and now he lives in Vienna. Bassist Danny Ziemann is responsible for the deep tones in his trio. "Danny has incredible musical skills; he plays very well and has a great sense of rhythm," the band leader said. “In addition, we are very good friends and share ideas and music. When you play with Danny, you play more than you could have imagined. He comes up with ideas that you didn't even know he had. I like to pick musicians who are not only pleasant to play with, but who also take you to another level – and I have this feeling with him.”
Austrian Christian Salfellner, who has already played with musicians such as Fritz Pauer, Johannes Enders and Heinrich von Kalnein, is on the drums. “Christian was one of my teachers and I always liked the way he played and the way he thinks about music,” Bartha said. “Of course, I had reservations about bringing him into my band because of this constellation, but it worked great right away. He has an incredible sense of rhythm and always comes up with his own ideas. He listens very well, and I think that's an important quality for a drummer.”
The album opens with two of Bartha's own songs; “Bumpily” is dedicated to his partner Anna and “Dr. Raible” to jazz pianist Claus Raible. But American standards also play an important role on the album. Bartha merged two of them – "It's The Talk Of The Town" and "Old Folks" – in "The Ballad Medley". Then there's Jerome Kern's “I'm Old Fashioned” and two songs by the immortal Cole Porter. “Ev'rytime We Say Goodbye” has been packed into a 5/4 beat by the trio, and the fast-paced “From This Moment On” even gave the album its title. "I like everything that Cole Porter composed," the pianist admitted. “I've always played ‘Ev'rytime We Say Goodbye‘ and From This Moment On‘, and I can't say anything more about them than that I just really like these songs. For jazz musicians, they are simply a great basis for improvisation.”
The two remaining pieces then come from the man who is the link between drums and piano with his supple tone. “The Man from the Capital” is dedicated to the owner of the Viennese jazz club “Zwe”. Finally, the album ends on a funky note: Ziemann's “Green's Groove” is inspired by the American jazz pianist Benny Green and shows the trio of Mátyás Bartha from its spellbinding side.
Eleganz und Leidenschaft sind die hervorstechenden Eigenschaften des ungarischen Jazzpianisten Mátyás Bartha - auch sein zweites Album „From This Moment On“ hat er im Trioformat eingespielt: „Als Pianist möchte man unbedingt im Trio spielen“, findet er, „weil man sich nicht hinter einem Bläser verstecken kann.“
Zur Musik ist Bartha bereits mit acht Jahren gekommen, als er die Orgel seines Vaters für sich entdeckt hat - die Eltern erkannten sein Talent und haben ihm Klavierunterricht und ein Klavier spendiert. Mit dreizehn Jahren hat er dann den Jazz für sich entdeckt.
„Angefangen hat es mit Ray Charles und dem Film Ray“, erinnert er sich. „Der hat mir sehr gefallen und ich wollte auch Blues spielen. Mein Onkel spielte in einer Jazzband, die mich auch ziemlich begeistert hat. Schließlich hatte ich einen Klavierlehrer, der ein großer Jazzfan war und mir CDs von Keith Jarrett, Bud Powell und den Yellowjackets gegeben hat. Ich war sofort in Bud Powell verliebt. Seine Art zu spielen hat mich extrem mitgenommen. Später habe ich dann auch Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, McCoy Tyner und Bill Evans für mich entdeckt.“
Zum Studium geht Bartha dann nach Graz, wo Olaf Polziehn sein erster Lehrer wurde, mittlerweile lebt er in Wien. In seinem Trio ist der Bassist Danny Ziemann für die tiefen Töne zuständig. „Danny hat unglaubliche musikalische Skills, er intoniert sehr gut und hat eine super Time“, freut sich der Bandleader. „Darüber hinaus sind wir sehr gut befreundet, wir tauschen Ideen und Musik aus. Wenn man mit Danny spielt, spielt man mehr, als man sich vorher zugetraut hätte. Er kommt auf Ideen, von denen man gar nicht gewusst hat, dass er sie in sich hat. Ich suche gerne Musiker aus, mit denen es nicht nur angenehm ist, zu spielen, sondern die einen auch auf ein anderes Level holen - und bei ihm habe ich dieses Gefühl.“
Am Schlagzeug sitzt der Österreicher Christian Salfellner, der schon mit Musikern wie Fritz Pauer, Johannes Enders und Heinrich von Kalnein gespielt hat. „Christian gehörte zu meinen Lehrern und mir hat immer gefallen, wie er gespielt hat und wie er über Musik denkt“, erzählt Bartha. „Ich hatte natürlich wegen dieser Konstellation erst Bedenken, ihn in meine Band zu holen, aber es hat sofort super funktioniert. Er hat ein unglaubliches Rhythmusgefühl und kommt immer wieder mit eigenen Ideen. Er hört sehr gut zu und das halte ich bei einem Schlagzeuger für eine wichtige Eigenschaft.“
Eröffnet wird das Album mit zwei von Barthas eigenen Songs - „Bumpily“ ist seiner Lebensgefährtin Anna und „Dr. Raible“ dem Jazzpianisten Claus Raible gewidmet. Aber auch die amerikanischen Standards spielen eine wichtige Rolle auf dem Album. Zwei davon - „It’s The Talk Of The Town“ und „Old Folks“ - hat Bartha in „The Ballad Medley“ miteinander verschmolzen. Dann steht noch Jerome Kerns „I’m Old Fashioned“ auf dem Programm sowie zwei Songs des unsterblichen Cole Porter. „Ev’rytime We Say Goodbye“ ist vom Trio in einen 5/4-Takt verpackt worden, das rasante „From This Moment On“ hat dem Album sogar den Titel gegeben. „Alles, was Cole Porter geschrieben hat, gefällt mir“, gesteht der Pianist. „‚Ev’rytime We Say Goodbye‘ und ‚From This Moment On‘ habe ich immer schon gespielt und ich kann nichts Tieferes darüber sagen, als dass mir diese Stücke einfach extrem gefallen. Für Jazzmusiker sind sie einfach eine tolle Grundlage zum Improvisieren.“
Die zwei verbliebenen Stücke stammen dann von dem Mann, der mit seinem geschmeidigen Ton das Bindeglied zwischen Schlagzeug und Klavier ist. „The Man from the Capital“ ist dem Eigentümer des Wiener Jazzclubs „Zwe“ gewidmet. Ganz zum Schluss endet das Album dann auf einer funky Note: Ziemanns „Green’s Groove“ ist von dem amerikanischen Jazzpianisten Benny Green inspiriert worden und zeigt das Trio von Mátyás Bartha von seiner zupackenden Seite.


Mátyás Bartha (piano)

Over the last few years, pianist Matyas Bartha’s playing has taken him into the top league of the European jazz scene. Born in Hungary, he spent his student years in Graz (Austria) and now lives in Vienna, where he enriches the scene with his stylistically grounded yet innovative playing. Since 2020 Bartha has been joined by the excellent musicians Danny Ziemann (bass) and Christian Salfellner (drums), both extremely adept and experienced sidemen in the piano trio format, in the Matyas Bartha Trio. The diverse programme on this CD consists of compositions by Matyas and Danny, interspersed with carefully selected standards from the Great American Songbook, some of them arranged collectively by the trio.
Over the last few years, pianist Matyas Bartha’s playing has taken him into the top league of the European jazz scene. Born in Hungary, he spent his student years in Graz (Austria) and now lives in Vienna, where he enriches the scene with his stylistically grounded yet innovative playing.
Since 2020 Bartha has been joined by the excellent musicians Danny Ziemann (bass) and Christian Salfellner (drums), both extremely adept and experienced sidemen in the piano trio format, in the Matyas Bartha Trio.
The diverse programme on this CD consists of compositions by Matyas and Danny, interspersed with carefully selected standards from the Great American Songbook, some of them arranged collectively by the trio.


Danny Ziemann (double bass)


Mátyás Bartha (piano)

Over the last few years, pianist Matyas Bartha’s playing has taken him into the top league of the European jazz scene. Born in Hungary, he spent his student years in Graz (Austria) and now lives in Vienna, where he enriches the scene with his stylistically grounded yet innovative playing. Since 2020 Bartha has been joined by the excellent musicians Danny Ziemann (bass) and Christian Salfellner (drums), both extremely adept and experienced sidemen in the piano trio format, in the Matyas Bartha Trio. The diverse programme on this CD consists of compositions by Matyas and Danny, interspersed with carefully selected standards from the Great American Songbook, some of them arranged collectively by the trio.
Over the last few years, pianist Matyas Bartha’s playing has taken him into the top league of the European jazz scene. Born in Hungary, he spent his student years in Graz (Austria) and now lives in Vienna, where he enriches the scene with his stylistically grounded yet innovative playing.
Since 2020 Bartha has been joined by the excellent musicians Danny Ziemann (bass) and Christian Salfellner (drums), both extremely adept and experienced sidemen in the piano trio format, in the Matyas Bartha Trio.
The diverse programme on this CD consists of compositions by Matyas and Danny, interspersed with carefully selected standards from the Great American Songbook, some of them arranged collectively by the trio.



A listening pleasure from the first to the last note ...
Concerto, 01-7-2023

... Between free development of individual abilities and precisely coordinated group playing, between refined tone sequences and skilful euphony of the jazz trio tradition. ...
NaDann, 05-4-2023

... we follow track after track, admiring the pianist's artistry coming to the fore, but also the beautiful, melodic compositions....
Jazzfun, 27-3-2023

...The trio's playing flows like a river in the Danube, and the 8 tracks pass by like water in the Danube in springtime. ...
sk.jazz, 10-7-2023

... This lineup, riding in the wake of classic jazz trios, spiritedly carries on this tradition and brings this style of jazz to life in a sparkling way.
Musikansich, 18-5-2023

... But this threesome swings, can do it at a fast pace as well as with all nonchalance or with a lot of feeling...
virginjazzface, 14-4-2023

... Inspirations also sound in the originals: Bartha's "Dr. Raible" is dedicated to the pianist Claus Raible, Ziemann's "Green's Groove" to the pianist Benny Green.
Jazzthing, 29-3-2023

... Bartha is a profound interpreter of the Great American Songbook. His own compositions and arrangements are characterized by a great love of swing...
ORF, 19-3-2023

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