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Coming Home - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 97

Mathieu Clement

Coming Home - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 97

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917142228
Catnr: DMCHR 71422
Release date: 24 March 2023
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71422
Release date
24 March 2023

"... also Mathieu Clement (dr) Luxembourger and actually still student in Cologne, provided with his sextet surprisingly mature sounding, bebop based sounds..."

Jazzthetik, 01-7-2023

About the album

It's sheer madness, but drummer Mathieu Clement is only 21 years old, and he was only the time of recording “Coming Home” He was born in Luxembourg where he handled drumsticks for the first time at the tender age of seven.
“My father is a church organist, but he also plays jazz piano,” Mathieu said. "My grandfather is a photographer and also a big jazz fan who has photographed many jazz legends. As a result, I was surrounded by this music from the beginning, but I first played rock music." At the age of thirteen, Mathieu then captured the jazz virus in the form of Art Blakey, whom he still worships today. But he was influenced by the Cologne scene. "As a young student, I then came to Cologne where I graduated from high school," he recalled. "I really wanted to play, and Cologne was the best choice for that. I take lessons from Jonas Burgwinkel at the university, and he is a great teacher." Clement was soon able to gain a foothold in the Cologne scene – "you are accepted very quickly, but also challenged" – and today he plays in the JugendJazzOrchester NRW, among others. On his 20th birthday, he decided that he wanted to start his own band which was to be a sextet. Two tenor saxophonists, namely Victor Fox and Adrian Gallet, together with trumpeter Jakob Bänsch form the front line. Leon Hattori plays the piano and Jan Blikslager the double bass. "I had already played a lot with Jan and Adrian, so it was clear that they had to be part of it. I also wanted to play with Jakob, Victor and Leon, so I just asked them,” is the bandleader's simple explanation for the line-up. In the opening song Five Children", the wind players deliver an expressive trialogue that lives from fire and expressiveness. The gripping sound of Blikslager's double bass then introduces the song “Like a Monk Tune”, which scores with its strong theme, which is based on classic modern jazz traditions. With a lot of youthful energy, this constriction is abandoned especially in the solos again and again, and saxophonist Fox especially proves to be an indefatigable free spirit. “The Sleepwalker” unfolds a mysterious atmosphere at a leisurely pace that is illuminated by the pallid wind instruments, but also by Hattori's highlighted piano playing. The title track is a fast-paced tour de force through post-bop formations, in which Clement can shine with his tempo changes. “Aphasia” is a ballad masterfully designed by Clement with brushes, on which Hattori plays an atmospheric solo and which features a guest star on the trumpet. Matthias Schriefl stood in for Jakob Bänsch, who was suffering from tonsillitis at the time of the recording, as he did for “Mad Mat” and “Last Tune in the Hochschule”. "Mad Mat", supported by an uncompromising walking bass, can then probably be read as a self-portrait of the bandleader: The band shows their entire class there and combines gripping themes with furious solos that play out in front of a transparent network of rhythms. “Kyana” is only a short interlude, on which Mathieu plays a vibraphone. The album ends as it should with "Last Tune in the Hochschule". A casual sound panorama forms in front of the listener, which creates a cheerful straight ahead theme from a creeping blues.
Jazz is in the best hands with this young group, all of whom are younger than thirty except guest star Matthias Schriefl. Mathieu Clement's sextet celebrates the balance between tradition and modernity with great enthusiasm and shows that the label "Jazz thing Next Generation" is a never-ending source.

Es ist der schiere Wahnsinn, aber der Schlagzeuger Mathieu Clement ist erst 21 Jahre alt, zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme von „Coming Home“ war er sogar erst 20. Geboren wurde er in Luxemburg, wo er im zarten Alter von sieben Jahren erstmals die Schlagzeugstöcke in die Hand nahm.
„Mein Vater ist Kirchenorganist, betätigt sich aber auch als Jazzpianist“, erzählt Mathieu Clement. „Mein Großvater ist Fotograf und ebenfalls ein großer Jazzfan, der viele Jazzlegenden fotografiert hat. Ich war also von Anfang an von dieser Musik umgeben, habe aber zunächst Rockmusik gespielt.“
Mit dreizehn hat Mathieu sich dann den Jazzvirus in Form von Art Blakey einfangen, den er heute noch verehrt. Geprägt aber hat ihn die Kölner Szene. „Als Jungstudent bin ich dann nach Köln gekommen, während ich noch mein Abitur gemacht habe“, erinnert er sich. „Ich wollte unbedingt spielen und da war Köln die beste Wahl. An der Hochschule studiere ich bei Jonas Burgwinkel, der ein super Lehrer ist.“
In der Kölner Szene konnte Clement dann ziemlich bald Fuß fassen - „man wird sehr schnell akzeptiert, aber auch gefordert“ -, heute spielt er unter anderem im JugendJazzOrchester NRW. Mit seinem 20. Geburtstag entstand der Wunsch, eine eigene Band zu gründen - ein Sextett sollte es sein. Gleich zwei Tenorsaxofonisten, nämlich Victor Fox und Adrian Gallet, bilden zusammen mit dem Trompeter Jakob Bänsch die Frontline, am Klavier sitzt Leon Hattori und den Kontrabass spielt Jan Blikslager. „Mit Jan und Adrian hatte ich sowieso schon viel gespielt, deshalb war es klar, dass sie dabei sein mussten. Mit Jakob Bänsch, Victor Fox und Leon Hattori wollte ich gerne spielen, deshalb habe ich sie gefragt“, lautet die schlichte Erklärung des Bandleaders für die Besetzung.
Im Auftakt-Song „Five Children“ liefern sich die Bläser einen ausdrucksstarken Trialog, der von Feuer und Expressivität lebt. Der zupackende Sound von Blikslagers Kontrabass leitet dann den Song „Like a Monk Tune“ ein, der mit einem starken Thema punktet, das sich an klassische Modern-Jazz-Traditionen anlehnt. Mit viel jugendlicher Energie wird dieses Korsett vor allem in den Soli aber auch immer wieder verlassen, vor allem Saxofonist Victor Fox erweist sich als unermüdlicher Freigeist. In gemächlichem Tempo entfaltet „The Sleepwalker“ eine mysteriöse Atmosphäre, die von den fahlen Bläsern, aber auch von Hattoris schrägem Klavier schlaglichtartig beleuchtet wird. Der Titeltrack ist eine rasante tour de force durch Post-Bop-Gefilde, bei der Clement mit seinen Tempowechseln besonders glänzen kann. „Aphasia“ ist eine Ballade, die von Clement meisterlich mit den Besen gestaltet wird, auf der Hattori ein stimmungsvolles Solo spielt und die an der Trompete einen Gaststar präsentiert. Matthias Schriefl ist hier, wie auch bei „Mad Mat“ und „Last Tune in the Hochschule“, für Jakob Bänsch eingesprungen, der zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme mit einer Mandelentzündung zu kämpfen hatte. Das von einem kompromisslosen walking bass getragene „Mad Mat“ darf dann wohl als Selbstporträt des Bandleaders gelesen werden: Hier zeigt die Band ihre ganze Klasse und kombiniert packende Themen mit furiosen Soli, die vor einem transparenten Rhythmusgeflecht ablaufen. Nur ein kurzes Zwischenspiel ist „Kyana“, auf dem Mathieu Clement sich am Vibraphon präsentiert. Mit „Last Tune in the Hochschule“ endet das Album standesgemäß, vor den Ohren des Hörers bildet sich ein lässiges Klangpanorama, das aus einem schleichenden Blues ein fröhliches Straight-Ahead-Thema entstehen lässt.
Der Jazz ist bei dieser jungen Truppe, die bis auf den Gaststar Matthias Schriefl allesamt noch unter dreißig sind, jedenfalls in den besten Händen. Mit viel Enthusiasmus zelebriert das Sextett von Mathieu Clement seinen Tanz zwischen Tradition und Moderne und zeigt, dass das Etikett „Jazz thing Next Generation“ eine nie versiegende Quelle kekennzeichnet.


Mathieu Clement (drums)

Mathieu Clement is born in Luxembourg in 2001. He learns the drums and vibraphone at the age of 7 and in 2019 enters the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln where his current teachers are Jonas Burgwinkel, Jürgen Friedrich, Hubert Nuss. He’s a member of the JugendJazzOrchester NRW, participated in the 2021 IASJ Meeting in München and had lessions with Greg Hutchinson, Joe Sanders in Velenje, Slovenia. In February 2022 he recorded his debut Album at the LOFT, Köln. Mathieu has played concerts at the Philharmonie du Luxembourg, Unterfahrt Jazz Club München, Fabrik Hamburg, B-flat Berlin, Stadtgarten Köln, King Georg, Altes Pfandhaus Köln, and many more. 
Mathieu Clement is born in Luxembourg in 2001. He learns the drums and vibraphone at the age of 7 and in 2019 enters the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln where his current teachers are Jonas Burgwinkel, Jürgen Friedrich, Hubert Nuss. He’s a member of the JugendJazzOrchester NRW, participated in the 2021 IASJ Meeting in München and had lessions with Greg Hutchinson, Joe Sanders in Velenje, Slovenia. In February 2022 he recorded his debut Album at the LOFT, Köln. Mathieu has played concerts at the Philharmonie du Luxembourg, Unterfahrt Jazz Club München, Fabrik Hamburg, B-flat Berlin, Stadtgarten Köln, King Georg, Altes Pfandhaus Köln, and many more.

Victor Fox (tenor saxophone)

The German tenor saxophonist was born in Seligenstadt. There he took his first musical steps, taking lessons at the local music school. Since 2016 he studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mayence with his teachers Claudius Valk, Sebastian Sternal and Jesse Milliner. From 2011 to 2019 he was a member of the „Hessian State Youth Jazz Orchestra“ and from 2016 to 2018 he was a member of the „National Jazz Orchestra of Germany“ under the direction of Jiggs Wigham and Niels Klein. During the past eight years, Victor has had the chance to play international tours in countries like USA, Ecuador, China, Russia, India, Poland, England, Lithuania and Latvia. During these concerts and tours he was performing with many well-known musicians like...

The German tenor saxophonist was born in Seligenstadt. There he took his first musical steps, taking lessons at the local music school. Since 2016 he studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mayence with his teachers Claudius Valk, Sebastian Sternal and Jesse Milliner.

From 2011 to 2019 he was a member of the „Hessian State Youth Jazz Orchestra“ and from 2016 to 2018 he was a member of the „National Jazz Orchestra of Germany“ under the direction of Jiggs Wigham and Niels Klein.

During the past eight years, Victor has had the chance to play international tours in countries like USA, Ecuador, China, Russia, India, Poland, England, Lithuania and Latvia.

During these concerts and tours he was performing with many well-known musicians like Dianne Reeves, Diane Schuur, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Norma Winstone, Evan Parker, Branford Marsalis, Nils Landgren, Jiggs Whigham, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Kit Downes, Peter Brötzmann, Christian Lillinger, Christopher Dell, Frank Gratkowski, etc.

He can be heard on eight studio records.


Jakob Bänsch (trumpet)

Adrian Gallet (tenor saxophone)

Leon Hattori (piano)


Mathieu Clement (drums)

Mathieu Clement is born in Luxembourg in 2001. He learns the drums and vibraphone at the age of 7 and in 2019 enters the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln where his current teachers are Jonas Burgwinkel, Jürgen Friedrich, Hubert Nuss. He’s a member of the JugendJazzOrchester NRW, participated in the 2021 IASJ Meeting in München and had lessions with Greg Hutchinson, Joe Sanders in Velenje, Slovenia. In February 2022 he recorded his debut Album at the LOFT, Köln. Mathieu has played concerts at the Philharmonie du Luxembourg, Unterfahrt Jazz Club München, Fabrik Hamburg, B-flat Berlin, Stadtgarten Köln, King Georg, Altes Pfandhaus Köln, and many more. 
Mathieu Clement is born in Luxembourg in 2001. He learns the drums and vibraphone at the age of 7 and in 2019 enters the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln where his current teachers are Jonas Burgwinkel, Jürgen Friedrich, Hubert Nuss. He’s a member of the JugendJazzOrchester NRW, participated in the 2021 IASJ Meeting in München and had lessions with Greg Hutchinson, Joe Sanders in Velenje, Slovenia. In February 2022 he recorded his debut Album at the LOFT, Köln. Mathieu has played concerts at the Philharmonie du Luxembourg, Unterfahrt Jazz Club München, Fabrik Hamburg, B-flat Berlin, Stadtgarten Köln, King Georg, Altes Pfandhaus Köln, and many more.


... also Mathieu Clement (dr) Luxembourger and actually still student in Cologne, provided with his sextet surprisingly mature sounding, bebop based sounds...
Jazzthetik, 01-7-2023

... The 21-year-old musician presents himself as a leader and as a composer who is very familiar with the jazz tradition and plays it skillfully and with taste. He is supported by his young band, whose parts interlock precisely...
Jazz'n More, 01-7-2023

... the MATHIEU CLEMENT SEXTETT moves on "Coming Home" skillfully in the tradition of modern jazz and does not let the throughout youthful age shine through.
NaDann, 05-4-2023

... Yes, the development of this young musician should definitely be kept an eye on, there may be something more to come, although Coming Home is already a top album!
Musikansich, 01-4-2023

... At the same time, however, the sextet integrates the most diverse views of playing and exudes a musical nonchalance that is actually not yet self-evident at this age...
Jazzthing, 29-3-2023

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