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Kyle Aho


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: OA2 Records
UPC: 0805552220520
Catnr: OA2 22205
Release date: 04 November 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
OA2 Records
Catalogue number
OA2 22205
Release date
04 November 2022

About the album

Nine poems and phrases are the heart of this wide-ranging project by composer/pianist Kyle Aho for his Missouri-based jazz quintet, along with vocalist Christin Bohrisch. Selecting poetry and text that underscore the artist’s struggle for transcendence through creativity, Aho's search over the last decade revealed works from ancient voices such as Mayadeviyaka and Symeon, poems from Walt Whitman and Franz Kafka, and three works by his own mother, Margaret Aho. The longing resonating from the texts connected with Aho, much as the music of John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter, and Keith Jarrett. With short solo piano and instrumental pieces creating a sense of balance, flow, and discovery, the poems set to Aho's compositions express a yearning for communion and spirituality, for an existence beyond the physical.
Neun Gedichte und Phrasen bilden das Herzstück dieses weitreichenden Projekts des Komponisten/Pianisten Kyle Aho für sein Jazzquintett aus Missouri und die Sängerin Christin Bohrisch. Bei der Auswahl von Gedichten und Texten, die das Streben des Künstlers nach Transzendenz durch Kreativität unterstreichen, stieß Aho bei seiner Suche in den letzten zehn Jahren auf Werke antiker Stimmen wie Mayadeviyaka und Symeon, auf Gedichte von Walt Whitman und Franz Kafka sowie auf drei Werke seiner eigenen Mutter, Margaret Aho. Die Sehnsucht, die in den Texten mitschwingt, verbindet sich mit Aho ebenso wie die Musik von John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter und Keith Jarrett. Mit kurzen Soloklavier- und Instrumentalstücken, die ein Gefühl der Ausgewogenheit, des Flusses und der Entdeckung vermitteln, drücken die Gedichte, die Aho komponiert hat, eine Sehnsucht nach Gemeinschaft und Spiritualität aus, nach einer Existenz jenseits des Physischen.


Kyle Aho (piano)

Kyle Aho is a jazz pianist, composer, and educator living in Springfield, Missouri. He has performed with many notable artists, including George Garzone, Jerry Bergonzi, Bob Brookmeyer, Geri Brown, and others. Some performance highlights include NYC’s Blue Note and Jazz Standard, The Kennedy Center  in Washington D.C., The Green Mill in Chicago, The Blue Room in Kansas City, and concerts in Japan and Taiwan.  After growing up Pocatello, Idaho, a mountain railroad town, Kyle spent the next 13 years in Seattle and Boston as a working musician and student before moving to the Midwest to raise a family. He currently teaches  at Missouri State University in the the jazz studies and dance programs. 
Kyle Aho is a jazz pianist, composer, and educator living in Springfield, Missouri. He has performed with many notable artists, including George Garzone, Jerry Bergonzi, Bob Brookmeyer, Geri Brown, and others.
Some performance highlights include NYC’s Blue Note and Jazz Standard, The Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., The Green Mill in Chicago, The Blue Room in Kansas City, and concerts in Japan and Taiwan. After growing up Pocatello, Idaho, a mountain railroad town, Kyle spent the next 13 years in Seattle and Boston as a working musician and student before moving to the Midwest to raise a family. He currently teaches at Missouri State University in the the jazz studies and dance programs.


Kyle Aho (piano)

Kyle Aho is a jazz pianist, composer, and educator living in Springfield, Missouri. He has performed with many notable artists, including George Garzone, Jerry Bergonzi, Bob Brookmeyer, Geri Brown, and others. Some performance highlights include NYC’s Blue Note and Jazz Standard, The Kennedy Center  in Washington D.C., The Green Mill in Chicago, The Blue Room in Kansas City, and concerts in Japan and Taiwan.  After growing up Pocatello, Idaho, a mountain railroad town, Kyle spent the next 13 years in Seattle and Boston as a working musician and student before moving to the Midwest to raise a family. He currently teaches  at Missouri State University in the the jazz studies and dance programs. 
Kyle Aho is a jazz pianist, composer, and educator living in Springfield, Missouri. He has performed with many notable artists, including George Garzone, Jerry Bergonzi, Bob Brookmeyer, Geri Brown, and others.
Some performance highlights include NYC’s Blue Note and Jazz Standard, The Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., The Green Mill in Chicago, The Blue Room in Kansas City, and concerts in Japan and Taiwan. After growing up Pocatello, Idaho, a mountain railroad town, Kyle spent the next 13 years in Seattle and Boston as a working musician and student before moving to the Midwest to raise a family. He currently teaches at Missouri State University in the the jazz studies and dance programs.


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