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Magic Realism

Chai Masters

Magic Realism

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917354324
Catnr: CR 73543
Release date: 03 June 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73543
Release date
03 June 2022

"Fulminant debut album ... The poetic potential of the Chai Masters on their debut album "Magic Realism" is striking - and also how they translate it into music under high tension, says jazz critic Georg Waßmuth."

SWR, 16-8-2022

About the album

It could be the familiar layout of a room, the evocative sound of a musical instrument, or a simple daily utensil. A teapot, for instance.
Who knows, it could even be the record you are currently holding in your hands. With a bit of craftsmanship, possibly some technology,
or a simple shift in perspective, the inanimate object comes alive, challenging your perception of reality. But are you still witnessing
reality, or is there magic at work here?

Die Band Chai Masters besteht aus fünf jungen, internationalen Musikern, von denen jeder gleichzeitig Komponist, Arrangeur und Interpret ist, und vereint alle Arten von musikalischen Fähigkeiten. Das Quintett komponiert seine eigene Musik, deren Einflüsse vom Flamenco bis zum französischen Impressionismus reichen und die mit südindischen karnatischen Techniken durchsetzt ist.
"Dieses Album wurde während des 2. Covid-Lockdowns aufgenommen. Die Umstände waren gegen uns, da die beiden Shows, die wir vor den Aufnahmen machen wollten, abgesagt wurden, und wir hatten das Gefühl, dass wir nicht vollständig vorbereitet waren, um ins Studio zu gehen. Zu Beginn der Aufnahmen war die Atmosphäre im Studio von Unsicherheit geprägt; wir wussten nicht, ob wir alles schaffen würden, was wir wollten. Aber schon bald, nachdem wir angefangen hatten zu spielen, begannen wir uns zu entspannen und uns auf die Musik zu konzentrieren, und die Magie begann zu wirken. Nach zwei intensiven Aufnahmetagen waren wir uns nicht sicher, ob das, was wir hatten, überhaupt gut war, aber nachdem wir es mit neuen Ohren gehört hatten, waren wir mit den endgültigen Takes zufrieden."
- Antonio Moreno Glazkov


Chai Masters

Formed by five young international musicians, each of them being a composer, an arranger and a performer at once, Chai Masters is the pooling of all types of musical skills. The quintet crafts its own original music, with influences ranging from Flamenco to French impressionism, the lot infused with South Indian carnatic techniques. 
Formed by five young international musicians, each of them being a composer, an arranger and a performer at once, Chai Masters is the pooling of all types of musical skills. The quintet crafts its own original music, with influences ranging from Flamenco to French impressionism, the lot infused with South Indian carnatic techniques.

Lucas Martínez Membrilla (tenor saxophone)


Fulminant debut album ... The poetic potential of the Chai Masters on their debut album "Magic Realism" is striking - and also how they translate it into music under high tension, says jazz critic Georg Waßmuth.
SWR, 16-8-2022

... That the Chai Masters know the tradition of jazz is evident in their quotation of a Charlie Parker classic, which here, played with gusto, has become a launching pad for a completely original piece by the band....
NDR CD of the week, 01-7-2022

The magic realism of the title is especially evident in the atmosphere of some themes. Besides, the band is mainly rooted in modern jazz in the best sense of the word: beautifully developed themes, impassioned solos in which stillness alternates with energetic interplay.
Jazzbulletin, 01-6-2023

Next Generation Jazz, which sounds magical and dreamy sounds...
Inmusic, 01-12-2022

The CHAI MASTERS are not tea producers but a quintet of trumpet, sax, piano, bass and drums. Their different backgrounds make them their musical strength...
NaDann, 20-7-2022

The compositions, mainly due to Glazkov, are beautiful and the play of the two prompters is exciting. As if a magic breath had carried away the group.
MAD Jazz, 20-7-2022

... (However,) on this album we find romantic, emotional phrases, beautiful improvisations, there are also moments of bubbling rhythmic energy, after which time is suspended with the resounding sounds.
Jazzfun, 01-7-2022

... virtuoso, lyrical, rather timeless jazz music..., 01-7-2022

... virtuoso, lyrical, rather timeless jazz music...
virgin jazz face, 01-7-2022

... exciting and challenging music in which, above all, groups are made perfect, but that is an illusion because the distinctive solos of the group members are not to be sneezed at, each and every one of them masters on their instrument.
Rootstime, 26-6-2022

... Not classic neobop, but subtly ticking, subliminally grooving, sometimes highly virtuosic, lyrical dream music full of secret havens...
Jazzthing 06 2022, 27-5-2022

... The music is characterized by freshness and innovation, densely set arrangements, spirited performances of soloists and powerful sound, presented quite emotionally. And so you offer quite magical moments in reality, you should enjoy them.

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