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Star Crossed Lovers

Patty Lomuscio | Kenny Barron | Vincent Herring | Peter Washington | Joe Farnsworth

Star Crossed Lovers

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917354829
Catnr: CR 73548
Release date: 13 May 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73548
Release date
13 May 2022

"... Special tip is the Italian ""E se" written by Mario Rosini, a friend of Patty Lomuscio. An album to melt away!"

Inmusic, 01-12-2022

About the album

My dream has finally come true, to make a record in NY with jazz legend, maestro Kenny Barron.

I have always loved jazz and New York is its home. It all started by chance, thanks to the friendship that links me to Joe Farnsworth, the king of swing, caused by a situation that we never wanted or imagined we would have to face during the lockdown. After an exchange of music and emails, the much desired project came true and was realized in the most important jazz recording studio in the world, the Rudy Van Gelder Studio.

The common denominator for the songs is love and the sensations experienced during that forced isolation, being alone in the house, uncertainties, the desire to overcome everything through love. I am particularly attached to the only Italian song that I contributed, written by an extraordinary musician and friend, Mario Rosini, a song whose meaning is very close to my father.

The pieces we have chosen resonate beautifully thanks to the piano touch of Kenny Barron, the deep sound of Peter Washington, the poignant notes of Vince Herring and the pressing rhythm of Joe Farnsworth. I have added in my own emotions that I have tried to convey with my voice. I am amazed and happy at the results!
Mein Traum ist endlich wahr geworden, eine Platte in New York mit der Jazzlegende Kenny Barron aufzunehmen.

Ich habe den Jazz schon immer geliebt und New York ist seine Heimat. Angefangen hat alles durch Zufall, dank der Freundschaft, die mich mit Joe Farnsworth, dem König des Swing, verbindet, verursacht durch eine Situation, die wir nie wollten oder uns vorstellen konnten, dass wir während des Lockdowns damit konfrontiert werden würden. Nach einem Austausch von Musik und E-Mails wurde das lang ersehnte Projekt Wirklichkeit und wurde im wichtigsten Jazz-Aufnahmestudio der Welt, dem Rudy Van Gelder Studio, realisiert.

Der gemeinsame Nenner der Lieder ist die Liebe und die Empfindungen, die man während der erzwungenen Isolation erlebt, das Alleinsein im Haus, die Ungewissheit, der Wunsch, alles durch die Liebe zu überwinden. Besonders am Herzen liegt mir das einzige italienische Lied, das ich beigesteuert habe, geschrieben von einem außergewöhnlichen Musiker und Freund, Mario Rosini, ein Lied, dessen Aussage meinem Vater sehr nahe geht.

Die Stücke, die wir ausgewählt haben, klingen dank des Klavierspiels von Kenny Barron, des tiefen Klangs von Peter Washington, der ergreifenden Noten von Vince Herring und des drängenden Rhythmus von Joe Farnsworth wunderbar. Ich habe meine eigenen Emotionen eingebracht, die ich mit meiner Stimme zu vermitteln versucht habe. Ich bin beeindruckt und glücklich über das Ergebnis!


Vincent Herring (saxophone)

Vincent has developed into a virtuoso with a voice that is uniquely intense and vigorous with energy and direction. He is considered one of the premier saxophonists of his generation. Vincent first toured Europe and the United States with Lionel Hampton’s big band in the early 1980’s. As he developed his musicianship he began to work with Nat Adderley a liaison that continued for nine years. Along the way he worked and / or recorded with Cedar Walton, Freddie Hubbard, Dizzy Gillespie, Louis Hayes, Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers, Horace Silver Quintet, Jack DeJohnette’s Special Edition, Larry Coryell, Steve Turre, The Mingus Big Band, Kenny Barron, Nancy Wilson, Dr. Billy Taylor, Carla Bley, and John Hicks. Other special concert and...
Vincent has developed into a virtuoso with a voice that is uniquely intense and vigorous with energy and direction. He is considered one of the premier saxophonists of his generation.
Vincent first toured Europe and the United States with Lionel Hampton’s big band in the early 1980’s. As he developed his musicianship he began to work with Nat Adderley a liaison that continued for nine years. Along the way he worked and / or recorded with Cedar Walton, Freddie Hubbard, Dizzy Gillespie, Louis Hayes, Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers, Horace Silver Quintet, Jack DeJohnette’s Special Edition, Larry Coryell, Steve Turre, The Mingus Big Band, Kenny Barron, Nancy Wilson, Dr. Billy Taylor, Carla Bley, and John Hicks. Other special concert and projects have included special guest soloist engagements with Wynton Marsalis at Lincoln Center. Vincent also appeared as a guest soloist at Carnegie Hall with John Faddis and The Carnegie Hall Big Band.
While amassing these impressive credentials, Vincent continues to develop his own voice and style. In addition to the legends and peers he has worked with Vincent is inspired by a collage of diverse musical influences. Which is reflected in his original band called Earth Jazz Agents.
Vincent is also involved in Jazz education. He is currently on staff at William Patterson University as well as conducting master classes and jazz workshops at Juilliard. Vincent has also conducted master classes on jazz improvising at Duke and Cornell Universities.
Vincent has recorded 15 CD’s as a leader and can be heard on over 200 as a sideman.


Peter Washington (double bass)

Kenny Barron (piano)



... Special tip is the Italian ""E se" written by Mario Rosini, a friend of Patty Lomuscio. An album to melt away!
Inmusic, 01-12-2022

... there is perfectly performed jazz with real emotions, which is a pleasure to listen to. An all-star line-up under the direction of Kenny Barron offers us jazz at the highest level...
jazzfun, 21-5-2022

We love the fresh voice of the Italian. We applaud the sensitivity and touch of Barron on the piano, the rhythm of Joe Farnsworth on the drums, the depth of Peter Washington on the double bass, the interventions of Vincent Herring on the alto sax. It's damn good.
Le Soir, 26-7-2022

... With (quite) individual and smooth voice with soft timbre, Patty Lomuscio sings and scats with dedicated expression, giving a fresh expression to the old songs...
Musikansich, 20-7-2022

... what makes this CD stand out from the crowd are saxophonist Vincent Herring, who guest stars on 3 tracks, and especially pianist Kenny Barron, whose extra-sparing playing keeps the music airy while never losing sight of harmony and melody.
NaDann, 01-7-2022

... With her inwardly warming timbre full of character as well as her penchant for fine scat, she should not only fall on open ears in the Big Apple,...
Jazzthing 06 2022, 27-5-2022

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