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Space Big Band

Knudsen/Rudzinskis Space Big Band

Space Big Band

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917139327
Catnr: DMCHR 71393
Release date: 22 October 2021
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71393
Release date
22 October 2021

"... There are then many original, lustfully polyphonic ideas to hear, abstract n constructions, which do justice to the cosmic specification by all means..."

Jazzthing, 23-3-2022

About the album

Space, endless expanses: these are the adventures of the Space Big Band, who travel with a team of seventeen to places that no big band has ever seen before. Space Big Band was named by Danish bassist Kenneth Dahl Knudsen and Latvian saxophonist Toms Rudzinskis. The two got to know each other in Berlin. They hit it off musically and decided to form a band together. Both Knudsen and Rudzinskis had worked for big bands in the past and found that there was a lack of modern, contemporary compositions for such large ensembles. With a host of friends, excellent musicians from Germany, Denmark, Latvia, the USA, Russia, Ukraine, France, Sweden and Austria, they got the project going. The result is the first “Space Big Band” album.

The term “space” has a double meaning. Of course, first of all outer space is meant and the history of its exploration. The two bandleaders, who each composed five pieces for the album, include references to inspirations from Galileo to Hawking, early geology and the origin of the earth, Johannes Kepler and the frequencies of planets, but also to current space missions and the history of our knowledge of the cosmos. But there is also “space” in music. It needs space, space for improvisation and collective music-making, as is typical for a contemporary jazz orchestra. The song titles usually make it clear from where the respective piece draws its inspiration. Both composers studied and researched their subject areas, but the songs do not tell unambiguous stories.

The five compositions by Kenneth Dahl Knudsen deal with the unimaginable vastness of space and its planets, occasionally touch land and finally move toward Mars: Dark Ages, Before Time, Phobos and Deimos, Terra, Arrival to Mars. The five compositions by Toms Rudzinskis are more about the origin of the earth and geological eras, about expansion and supercontinents until the origin of living beings and the soul: Hades, Permia, Vaalbara, Orsa, Anima. The music is suspenseful and versatile; it relies just as much on the power of a big band as on the extraordinary abilities of its soloists. The electro-acoustic ensemble has many possibilities to play out its strengths: From the sustained soundscapes in "Permia" to the nervous radiance of the opener "Orsa" and all the way to the futuristic playground "Arrival to Mars". It quickly becomes clear that the different strengths of the two bandleaders in the Space Big Band combine in an ideal way. While Kenneth Dahl Knudsen focuses on rhythm – he has been dealing with complex rhythms and polyrhythms in his work for a long time – Toms Rudzinskis is a melodic powerhouse. Together they combine the exploration of the cold, unknown and yet to be discovered or already conquered space with the emergence of the living and breathing earth, which is located in the middle of it.
Toms Rudzinskis is one of the leading Baltic jazz saxophonists, who has often been accredited with an innovative and unique sound. He is the head of his own quintet ABYSS as well as other bands, but is also active as a sideman. He currently lives in Berlin.
Kenneth Dahl Knudsen is a Danish bassist who has released five albums under his own name since 2010 and has won numerous prizes. He is always looking for new ways to play music and collaborate with others. Both musicians are happy that they have found a place on Double Moon Records with the Space Big Band: That can’t be a coincidence!

Der Weltraum, unendliche Weiten - dies sind die Abenteuer der Space Big Band, die mit einem siebzehnköpfigen Team unterwegs ist an Orte, die nie eine Big Band zuvor gesehen hat.

Namensgeber der Space Big Band sind der dänische Bassist Kenneth Dahl Knudsen und der lettische Saxofonist Toms Rudzinskis. Kennengelernt haben sich die beiden in Berlin. Es klickte musikalisch und sie beschlossen, gemeinsam eine Band auf die Beine zu stellen. Sowohl Knudsen als auch Rudzinskis hatten in der Vergangenheit schon für Big Bands gearbeitet und dabei festgestellt, dass es an modernen, zeitgenössischen Kompositionen für solche Großensembles mangelt. Mit einer Schar befreundeter, exzellenter Musiker aus Deutschland, Dänemark, Lettland, den USA, Russland, der Ukraine, Frankreich, Schweden und Österreich setzten sie das Unternehmen dann in die Tat um - das Ergebnis ist das erste Album „Space Big Band“.

Dabei hat der Begriff „Space“ durchaus eine doppelte Bedeutung. Natürlich ist zunächst der Weltraum und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung gemeint. Dabei beziehen die beiden Bandleader, die jeweils fünf Kompositionen für das Album geschrieben haben, Inspirationen von Galileo bis Hawking mit ein, es geht um frühe Geologie und die Entstehung der Erde, um Johannes Kepler und die Frequenzen von Planeten, aber auch um aktuelle Weltraum-Missionen und die Geschichte unseres Wissens vom Kosmos.

Aber auch in der Musik gibt es „Space“. Es braucht Raum, Raum für Improvisation und kollektives Musizieren, wie es für ein zeitgenössisches Jazzorchester typisch ist.

Die Songtitel machen dabei meist schon deutlich, woher das jeweilige Stück seine Inspiration bezieht. Beide Komponisten haben sich viel mit ihren Themengebieten beschäftigt und recherchiert, wobei die Songs aber keine eindeutigen Geschichten erzählen.

Die fünf Kompositionen von Kenneth Dahl Knudsen beschäftigen sich mit der unvorstellbaren Weite des Weltraums und seinen Planeten, berühren ab und zu auch mal Land und bewegen sich schließlich auf den Mars zu: Dark Ages, Before Time, Phobos and Deimos, Terra, Arrival to Mars. Bei den fünf Kompositionen von Toms Rudzinskis geht es mehr um die Entstehung der Erde und um geologische Zeitalter, um Ausdehnung und Superkontinente bis zur Entstehung von Lebewesen und der Seele: Hades, Permia, Vaalbara, Orsa, Anima.

Die Musik ist spannungsgeladen und vielseitig, sie setzt genauso auf die Kraft einer Big Band als auch auf die außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten ihrer Solisten. Das elektro-akustische Ensemble hat viele Möglichkeiten, seine Stärken auszuspielen: Von den getragenen Klangflächen in „Permia“ über die nervöse Strahlkraft des Openers „Orsa“ bis zur futuristischen Spielwiese „Arrival to Mars“. Dabei wird schnell deutlich, dass sich die unterschiedlichen Stärken der beiden Bandleader in der Space Big Band auf ideale Weise verbinden. Während Kenneth Dahl Knudsen den Fokus auf den Rhythmus legt - er hat sich in seiner Arbeit schon lange mit komplexen Rhythmen und Polyrhythmen beschäftigt -, ist Toms Rudzinskis ein melodisches Kraftwerk. Gemeinsam verknüpfen sie die Erforschung des kalten, unbekannten und noch zu entdeckenden oder bereits eroberten Weltraums mit der Entstehung der lebenden und atmenden Erde, die sich mitten in ihm befindet.

Toms Rudzinskis gehört zu den führenden baltischen Jazz-Saxofonisten, dem schon oft ein innovativer und einzigartiger Sound bescheinigt wurde. Er leitet sowohl sein eigenes Quintett ABYSS als auch andere Bands, ist aber auch als Sideman aktiv. Zur Zeit lebt er in Berlin.

Kenneth Dahl Knudsen ist ein Bassist aus Dänemark, der seit 2010 bereits fünf Alben unter eigenem Namen veröffentlicht und zahlreiche Preise gewonnen hat. Er sucht immer nach neuen Wegen in der Musik und in der Zusammenarbeit mit anderen.

Beide Musiker sind froh, dass sie mit der Space Big Band einen Platz auf Double Moon Records gefunden haben: Das kann doch kein Zufall sein!


Toms Rudzinskis (alto saxophone)

Toms Rudzinskis, called the “most impressive discovery in Latvian jazz in the past years” and described as having “a talent in finding the unbeaten path where tradition meets extremely intellectual, free, complicated and interesting musicianship”, is one of Baltic’s leading award-winning jazz saxophone players, composers and educators. Rudzinskis’ debut recording ABRA (2014) received critical acclaim and double “Latvian Grammy” nominations as Best Jazz Album and Best Debut, only to be followed by Best Album nominated all-analogue recorded and vinyl released album Locomotion! (2017), with the next electro-acoustic quintet ABYSS album in the works. Prestigious Conservatorium van Amsterdam graduate, Keep an Eye, Meer Jazz, Burghausen Jazz competition, Dutch Jazz Competition Grand Prix winner, Best Soloist at the international big band competition Meer Jazz, a...
Toms Rudzinskis, called the “most impressive discovery in Latvian jazz in the past years” and described as having “a talent in finding the unbeaten path where tradition meets extremely intellectual, free, complicated and interesting musicianship”, is one of Baltic’s leading award-winning jazz saxophone players, composers and educators.
Rudzinskis’ debut recording ABRA (2014) received critical acclaim and double “Latvian Grammy” nominations as Best Jazz Album and Best Debut, only to be followed by Best Album nominated all-analogue recorded and vinyl released album Locomotion! (2017), with the next electro-acoustic quintet ABYSS album in the works.
Prestigious Conservatorium van Amsterdam graduate, Keep an Eye, Meer Jazz, Burghausen Jazz competition, Dutch Jazz Competition Grand Prix winner, Best Soloist at the international big band competition Meer Jazz, a well-respected soloist and sideman, Toms lives in Berlin and performs and collaborates internationally.


Kenneth Dahl Knudsen (bass)

“Kenneth Dahl Knudsen‘s music is impossible to place in a genre – it belongs in a category of its own. If you accept that premise, the music opens up a completely new world” (Nordjyske) Danish bassist, composer and educator Kenneth Dahl Knudsen has been touring all across the planet with musicians from various genres. Always searching for new ways inside the music and new forms of collaboration, he draws a lot of inspiration from his research work on micro-rhythms and the many corners of the world his music has led him to. Kenneth has released 5 albums as a leader: Strings Attached (2010) Clockstopper (2012) We‘ll meet in the rain (2016) Tété (2018) and UUMMAT (2020), a massive artistic statement that breaks down...
Kenneth Dahl Knudsen‘s music is impossible to place in a genre – it belongs in a category of its own. If you accept that premise, the music opens up a completely new world” (Nordjyske) Danish bassist, composer and educator Kenneth Dahl Knudsen has been touring all across the planet with musicians from various genres. Always searching for new ways inside the music and new forms of collaboration, he draws a lot of inspiration from his research work on micro-rhythms and the many corners of the world his music has led him to.
Kenneth has released 5 albums as a leader: Strings Attached (2010) Clockstopper (2012) We‘ll meet in the rain (2016) Tété (2018) and UUMMAT (2020), a massive artistic statement that breaks down barriers between classical, folk and jazz. Recipient of the La Defense Jazz prize, Den Nordjyske culture prize, the Danish Arts Council, the Asia project by JazzDenmark, Jazz A Vienne Prize, The JazzClasher, In Vivo Award, Orleans Jazz Prize, DMF Award, today the award-winning bassist lives in Denmark, from where he tours, teaches and creates.



Toms Rudzinskis (alto saxophone)

Toms Rudzinskis, called the “most impressive discovery in Latvian jazz in the past years” and described as having “a talent in finding the unbeaten path where tradition meets extremely intellectual, free, complicated and interesting musicianship”, is one of Baltic’s leading award-winning jazz saxophone players, composers and educators. Rudzinskis’ debut recording ABRA (2014) received critical acclaim and double “Latvian Grammy” nominations as Best Jazz Album and Best Debut, only to be followed by Best Album nominated all-analogue recorded and vinyl released album Locomotion! (2017), with the next electro-acoustic quintet ABYSS album in the works. Prestigious Conservatorium van Amsterdam graduate, Keep an Eye, Meer Jazz, Burghausen Jazz competition, Dutch Jazz Competition Grand Prix winner, Best Soloist at the international big band competition Meer Jazz, a...
Toms Rudzinskis, called the “most impressive discovery in Latvian jazz in the past years” and described as having “a talent in finding the unbeaten path where tradition meets extremely intellectual, free, complicated and interesting musicianship”, is one of Baltic’s leading award-winning jazz saxophone players, composers and educators.
Rudzinskis’ debut recording ABRA (2014) received critical acclaim and double “Latvian Grammy” nominations as Best Jazz Album and Best Debut, only to be followed by Best Album nominated all-analogue recorded and vinyl released album Locomotion! (2017), with the next electro-acoustic quintet ABYSS album in the works.
Prestigious Conservatorium van Amsterdam graduate, Keep an Eye, Meer Jazz, Burghausen Jazz competition, Dutch Jazz Competition Grand Prix winner, Best Soloist at the international big band competition Meer Jazz, a well-respected soloist and sideman, Toms lives in Berlin and performs and collaborates internationally.


Kenneth Dahl Knudsen (bass)

“Kenneth Dahl Knudsen‘s music is impossible to place in a genre – it belongs in a category of its own. If you accept that premise, the music opens up a completely new world” (Nordjyske) Danish bassist, composer and educator Kenneth Dahl Knudsen has been touring all across the planet with musicians from various genres. Always searching for new ways inside the music and new forms of collaboration, he draws a lot of inspiration from his research work on micro-rhythms and the many corners of the world his music has led him to. Kenneth has released 5 albums as a leader: Strings Attached (2010) Clockstopper (2012) We‘ll meet in the rain (2016) Tété (2018) and UUMMAT (2020), a massive artistic statement that breaks down...
Kenneth Dahl Knudsen‘s music is impossible to place in a genre – it belongs in a category of its own. If you accept that premise, the music opens up a completely new world” (Nordjyske) Danish bassist, composer and educator Kenneth Dahl Knudsen has been touring all across the planet with musicians from various genres. Always searching for new ways inside the music and new forms of collaboration, he draws a lot of inspiration from his research work on micro-rhythms and the many corners of the world his music has led him to.
Kenneth has released 5 albums as a leader: Strings Attached (2010) Clockstopper (2012) We‘ll meet in the rain (2016) Tété (2018) and UUMMAT (2020), a massive artistic statement that breaks down barriers between classical, folk and jazz. Recipient of the La Defense Jazz prize, Den Nordjyske culture prize, the Danish Arts Council, the Asia project by JazzDenmark, Jazz A Vienne Prize, The JazzClasher, In Vivo Award, Orleans Jazz Prize, DMF Award, today the award-winning bassist lives in Denmark, from where he tours, teaches and creates.



... There are then many original, lustfully polyphonic ideas to hear, abstract n constructions, which do justice to the cosmic specification by all means...
Jazzthing, 23-3-2022

... There is still plenty of room for modern big bands in the contemporary jazz scene. Knudsen / Rudzinski and the Space Big Band are able to fill it excellently with their debut.
Concerto, Austria, 01-2-2022

... Toms Rudzinskis is one of the most innovative jazz composers and performers in the Baltics...
Nach-Welt, 11-10-2021

... Each composition captivates with sophisticated harmony, excellent direction, arrangements and great solos. A great idea for an album, realized with a truly impressive result.

The large international formation led by Danish bassist Kenneth D. Knudsen and Latvian saxophonist Toms Rudzinskis presents a space-inspired jazz suite with groovy sounds.
Lufthansa airplay 3 month

Brilliant when it comes to speed, remarkably beautiful when it gets lyrical.
Na Dann, 23-12-2021

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