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Domenico Scarlatti

Frédéric D’oria-Nicolas


Price: € 17.95
Format: CD
Label: Fondamenta
UPC: 0190759820421
Catnr: FON 1901035
Release date: 27 September 2019
1 CD
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€ 17.95
Catalogue number
FON 1901035
Release date
27 September 2019

About the album

Life without music would be inconceivable to me, but I always knew that I could not limit my life to playing an instrument.

Over nearly twenty years, I have given hundreds of concerts as both a soloist and with chamber ensembles. I was lucky enough to fulfil many dreams: studying with Tatiana Zelikman in Moscow; discovering and performing true masterpieces; playing on extraordinary instruments in fabulous acoustic settings; and sharing the stage with many first-rate musicians who have left me with lasting memories, including pianist Alexander Kobrin, baritone Laurent Naouri, violinists Svetlin Roussev and Alena Baeva, and cellists François Salque and Boris Andrianov.

But complete mastery of a concert programme for any given performance means playing it time and time again in public. And to do that, one must accept a certain lifestyle, one that leaves little time for family and for exploring other passions.

Now that I am the father of two little boys, I often play hide and seek. I also regularly don an Indiana Jones outfit of a new type, and I set off to track down forgotten recordings of legendary artists. Discovering these treasure chests that have remained unopened for decades, sharing such special times with the descendants of Navarra, Gilels and Peterson, hearing these gems for the first time and then restoring them – all these joys cannot be described.

At this point in time, I have no doubt that my choices, the new emotions I experience and my demands on myself mean that I cannot round out my life more fully as a concert performer, at least for the moment.

Previously, I had never thought of recording an album without giving a companion concert. But a certain person took it into his head to convince me otherwise, and he was definitely the only one who could have succeeded!

I am grateful to Michel Navarra, to whom I dedicate this album, for his friendship, intelligence, humour and legendary doggedness, without whom this recording of Scarlatti’s sonatas would never have come into being.

Leven zonder muziek zou voor mij ondenkbaar zijn, maar ik heb altijd geweten dat ik mijn leven niet kon beperken tot het bespelen van een instrument.

In de loop van bijna twintig jaar heb ik honderden concerten gegeven, zowel als solist als met kamermuziekensembles. Ik had het geluk om veel van mijn dromen in vervulling te laten gaan: studeren met Tatiana Zelikman in Moskou; het ontdekken en uitvoeren van ware meesterwerken; het spelen op buitengewone instrumenten in een fantastische akoestiek; en het podium delen met vele eersteklas musici die me blijvende herinneringen hebben nagelaten, waaronder pianist Alexander Kobrin, bariton Laurent Naouri, violisten Svetlin Roussev en Alena Baeva en cellisten François Salque en Boris Andrianov.

Maar een volledige beheersing van een concertprogramma voor een bepaalde uitvoering betekent het steeds opnieuw in het openbaar spelen. En om dat te doen moet men een bepaalde levensstijl accepteren, een die weinig tijd overlaat voor familie en het onderzoeken van andere passies.

Nu ik vader ben van twee zoons speel ik vaak verstoppertje. Ik spoor ook regelmatig vergeten opnames van legendarische artiesten op als een nieuw soort Indiana Jones. Het ontdekken van deze schatkisten die decennia lang ongeopend zijn gebleven, het delen van zulke speciale momenten met de afstammelingen van Navarra, Gilels, Peterson, deze pareltjes voor het eerst horen en ze daarna herstellen – de vreugde hiervan kan niet beschreven worden.

Op dit moment heb ik geen twijfel dat mijn keuzes, de nieuwe emoties die ik ervaar de eisen die ik mezelf stel betekenen dat ik mijn leven niet volledig uit kan werken als een concertmusicus, in ieder geval niet op dit moment.

Vroeger had ik er nooit aan gedacht om een album op te nemen zonder een bijbehorend concert te geven. Maar een bepaald persoon haalde het in zijn hoofd me te overtuigen om het anders te doen, en hij was zeker de enige die daarin kon slagen!

Ik ben Michel Navarra dankbaar, aan wie ik dit album opdraag, voor zijn vriendschap, intelligentie, humor en legendarische volharding, zonder wie dit album met sonates van Scarlatti nooit zou hebben bestaan.

- Frédéric D’oria-Nicolas
Das Leben ohne Musik wäre für mich unvorstellbar, aber ich wusste immer, dass ich mein Leben nicht auf das Spielen eines Instruments beschränken konnte.

In fast zwanzig Jahren habe ich Hunderte von Konzerten sowohl als Solist als auch mit Kammerensembles gegeben. Ich hatte das Glück, viele Träume zu erfüllen: mit Tatiana Zelikman in Moskau zu studieren, wahre Meisterwerke zu entdecken und aufzuführen, auf außergewöhnlichen Instrumenten in fabelhaften akustischen Umgebungen zu spielen und die Bühne mit vielen erstklassigen Musikern zu teilen, die mir bleibende Erinnerungen hinterlassen haben, darunter der Pianist Alexander Kobrin, der Bariton Laurent Naouri, die Geiger Svetlin Roussev und Alena Baeva sowie die Cellisten François Salque und Boris Andrianov.

Aber die vollständige Beherrschung eines Konzertprogramms für eine bestimmte Aufführung bedeutet, es immer wieder in der Öffentlichkeit zu spielen. Und um das zu tun, muss man einen bestimmten Lebensstil akzeptieren, der wenig Zeit für die Familie und die Erforschung anderer Leidenschaften lässt.... Ich bin Michel Navarra, dem ich dieses Album widme, für seine Freundschaft, Intelligenz, seinen Humor und seine legendäre Hartnäckigkeit dankbar, ohne die diese Aufnahme von Scarlattis Sonaten nie entstanden wäre. Frédéric D’oria-Nicolas


Frédéric D’oria-Nicolas (piano)

Rather than pursue the career in science that was open to him, Frédéric D’Oria-Nicolas decided to devote himself completely to music. He moved to Moscow, where he studied under Tatiana Zelikman, whose guidance he had been receiving in parallel to his studies since the age of thirteen. In 1998, he joined her class at the Gnessin Music Academy in Moscow. After seven years in Russia, D’Oria-Nicolas was the first European to graduate from this illustrious academy. His career has been studded with numerous awards: First Prize of the Mrvaninsky Competition, Saint Petersburg; Révélation Classique de l’Adami, prizewinner of the Bleustein-Blanchet Fondation pour la Vocation, and awards given by the Fondation Charles Oulmont and the Mécénat Musical Société Générale In 2009,...

Rather than pursue the career in science that was open to him, Frédéric D’Oria-Nicolas decided to devote himself completely to music. He moved to Moscow, where he studied under Tatiana Zelikman, whose guidance he had been receiving in parallel to his studies since the age of thirteen. In 1998, he joined her class at the Gnessin Music Academy in Moscow. After seven years in Russia, D’Oria-Nicolas was the first European to graduate from this illustrious academy. His career has been studded with numerous awards: First Prize of the Mrvaninsky Competition, Saint Petersburg; Révélation Classique de l’Adami, prizewinner of the Bleustein-Blanchet Fondation pour la Vocation, and awards given by the Fondation Charles Oulmont and the Mécénat Musical Société Générale In 2009, ResMusica magazine named him artist of the year.

With a repertoire that includes over 380 works, D’Oria-Nicolas has given concert performances in some 24 countries.

His recording of the works for two pianos by Rachmaninov with pianist Alexander Kobrin was named best chamber music album of the year for the International Classical Music Awards.

D’Oria-Nicolas has always been fascinated by sound techniques. In 2008 he created his own label, Fondamenta, distributed by Sony Music. With his passion for revealing new talents, his most notable productions include the first albums by Yan Levionnois (Victoires de la Musique finalist), Thomas Leleu (Victoire de la Musique award winner) and Jules Matton (winner of the Grand Prix Lycéen des Compositeurs).

In 2015, he developed Phoenix Mastering®, a unique technique for the restoration of analogic recordings. He travels through Europe in search of previously unpublished recordings of legendary artists and has created “The Lost Recordings” collection. The first eleven volumes, including artists Ella Fitzgerald, Dave Brubeck, André Navarra, Emil Gilels and Sarah Vaughan, have enjoyed resounding success worldwide.



Domenico Scarlatti

Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti was an Italian composer who spent much of his life in the service of the Portuguese and Spanish royal families. He is classified primarily as a Baroque composer chronologically, although his music was influential in the development of the Classical style and he was one of the few Baroque composers to transition into the Classical period. Like his renowned father Alessandro Scarlatti, he composed in a variety of musical forms, although today he is known mainly for his 555 keyboard sonatas.
Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti was an Italian composer who spent much of his life in the service of the Portuguese and Spanish royal families. He is classified primarily as a Baroque composer chronologically, although his music was influential in the development of the Classical style and he was one of the few Baroque composers to transition into the Classical period. Like his renowned father Alessandro Scarlatti, he composed in a variety of musical forms, although today he is known mainly for his 555 keyboard sonatas.



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