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Cuban Fire


Cuban Fire

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917136425
Catnr: DMCHR 71364
Release date: 02 August 2019
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71364
Release date
02 August 2019

About the album

German Youth Jazz Orchestra: Some might link this term with a stomping ground for highly talented prodigies or pigheaded kids who had got it into their heads to go their own way into jazz despite all good advice to do "something reasonable” instead. For some, it sounded like the conventional, big orchestral swing of the brand Basie, Ellington or Glenn Miller, not too complicated so that everyone could join, but always suitable to let it all hang out for once in an explosive horn section. True to the motto: They just want to play! Even if there were actually certain such tendencies at some time, they found their place in the dustbin of outdated prejudices long ago.

The reason is that the German Youth Jazz Orchestra—abbreviated BuJazzO—has aimed to give an independent voice to outstanding young musicians and musicians from Germany since its founding by Peter Herbolzheimer in 1988. In a certain sense, the official German Youth Jazz Orchestra also reflects the respective musical spirit of the times, regardless of whether under the direction of Jiggs Whigham or currently under Niels Klein. The demands have remained at the highest level for almost 30 years, which is why BuJazzO is considered the hotbed of jazz talent in Germany as well as a launch pad for a number of well-known names in addition to having received a number of high-profile awards such as the German Music Prize (1997), the WDR Jazz Prize (2010) and the ECHO Jazz (2012).

The latest production from “BuJazzO” is entitled “Cuban Fire” and pays tribute primarily to Jiggs Whigham, who has had a close affinity to the orchestra as artistic director, lecturer and mentor since 2011, consequently practically embodying a part of BuJazzO DNA. Whigham, this shrewd, 75-year-old American trombonist, enjoys optimum esteem worldwide. In BuJazzO circles, they respectfully call Jiggs a “mammoth of jazz.” He is a person who understands how to fire the enthusiasm of people and young musicians for jazz with his stylistically confident and enormous range of experiences. Because he likes to share his knowledge with young people, young talented musicians learn what it means to live as professional musicians, play with the highest standards at all times, wait humbly behind a stage, travel, practice, think about music, prepare themselves, integrate important partners and commit to a project.

In 2020, Whigham is to receive the highest distinction that BuJazzO has to award: he will be its honorary conductor. Then he will hand over artistic direction to Ansgar Striepens. For this occasion, there is now a live recording with refined nuances, powerful wind sets and virtuoso nested arrangements recorded at Bimhuis in Amsterdam on September 25, 2016. Johnny Richards' Cuban Fire Suite is proof of BuJazzO's tremendous potential as well as reminiscent of Jiggs Whigham's own musical past in Stan Kenton's orchestra. And a prime example of his own demands on how a big band is to sound. It can’t get any better!

Bundesjugendjazzorchester: Möglicherweise verbanden einige diesen Terminus mal mit einem Tummelplatz für hochbegabte Wunderkinder oder Dickschädel, die es sich partout in den Kopf gesetzt hatten, ihren Weg im Jazz zu gehen, aller guten Ratschläge zum Trotz, lieber „etwas Vernünftiges“ zu lernen. Für manche klang es nach biederem, großorchestralen Swing der Marke Basie, Ellington oder Glenn Miller, nicht zu kompliziert, damit jeder mitkommen konnte, aber jederzeit dafür geeignet, um im krachenden Bläsersatz einmal so richtig die Sau rauszulassen. Getreu der Devise: Sie wollen doch nur spielen! Selbst wenn es gewisse Tendenzen tatsächlich einmal gab, so haben sie längst einen Platz in der Asservatenkammer der überkommenen Vorurteile gefunden.

Denn das Bundesjugendjazzorchester – kurz BuJazzO – nimmt schon seit seiner Gründung durch Peter Herbolzheimer 1988 für sich in Anspruch, herausragenden jungen Musikerinnen und Musikern aus Deutschland eine eigenständige Stimme zu geben. Im gewissen Sinn spiegelt das offizielle Jugendjazzorchester der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auch den jeweiligen musikalischen Zeitgeist wider, sei es unter der Leitung von Jiggs Whigham oder unter Niels Klein. Die Ansprüche bewegen sich seit fast 30 Jahren auf allerhöchstem Niveau, weshalb das BuJazzO als die Talentschmiede des Jazz in Deutschland sowie als Startrampe für eine Reihe bekannter Namen gilt und eine Vielzahl hochkarätiger Auszeichnungen wie den Deutschen Musikpreis (1997), den WDR Jazzpreis (2010) oder den ECHO Jazz (2012) einheimste.

Die neueste Produktion aus dem Hause „BuJazzO“ trägt den Titel „Cuban Fire“ und würdigt in erster Linie Jiggs Whigham, der dem Orchester sein 2011 als künstlerischer Leiter, Dozent und Mentor nahe steht, also quasi ein Stück BuJazzO-DNA verkörpert. Whigham, dieser smarte, 75-jährige, amerikanische Posaunist, genießt weltweit allerhöchste Wertschätzung. In BuJazzO-Kreisen nennen sie Jiggs respektvoll ein „Mammut des Jazz“. Er sei eine Person, die es stilsicher und mit riesigem Erfahrungssatz versteht, die Menschen für den Jazz und die musikalische Nachwuchsförderung zu begeistern. Weil er sein Wissen gerne und bereitwillig mit Jüngeren teilt, lernen die jungen Talente, was es heißt, als Profimusiker zu leben, jederzeit mit höchstem Anspruch zu spielen, hinter der Bühne demütig zu warten, zu reisen, zu üben, nachzudenken über Musik, sich vorzubereiten, wichtige Partner zu integrieren und an ein Projekt zu binden.

2020 soll Whigham die höchste Position erklimmen, die das BuJazzO zu vergeben hat: Er wird dessen Ehrendirigent. Die künstlerische Leitung gibt er dann in die Hände von Ansgar Striepens. Aus diesem Anlass liegt nun eine vor feinen Nuancen, wuchtigen Bläsersätzen und virtuos verschachtelten Arrangements nur so strotzende Liveaufnahme aus dem Bimhuis in Amsterdam vom 25. September 2016 vor. Die „Cuban Fire Suite“ von Johnny Richards ist ein Beweis für das gewaltige Potenzial des BuJazzO, aber auch eine Reminiszenz an Jiggs Whighams eigene musikalische Vergangenheit im Orchester von Stan Kenton. Und ein Paradebeispiel für seinen ureigenen Anspruch an den Klang einer Big Band. Besser geht es kaum!



“If it weren’t for BuJazzO, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” (Till Brönner) 'BuJazzO is a dream band for any composer/conductor.' (John Hollenbeck) The Bundesjazzorchester (BuJazzO for short) is the official youth jazz orchestra of the Federal Republic of Germany. The most talented musicians of the next generation come together with renowned pedagogues and conductors to form an ensemble that strives for musical excellence. Originally founded in 1988 by Peter Herbolzheimer, the Bundesjazzorchester is known today as the meeting point for the next generation of talented jazz musicians in Germany. The artistic director team of Prof. Niels Klein and Prof. Ansgar Striepens work together closely alongside guest directors, to prepare, rehearse, and perform regular new programmes, both inside and outside Germany. With...

“If it weren’t for BuJazzO, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” (Till Brönner)

"BuJazzO is a dream band for any composer/conductor." (John Hollenbeck)

The Bundesjazzorchester (BuJazzO for short) is the official youth jazz orchestra of the Federal Republic of Germany. The most talented musicians of the next generation come together with renowned pedagogues and conductors to form an ensemble that strives for musical excellence. Originally founded in 1988 by Peter Herbolzheimer, the Bundesjazzorchester is known today as the meeting point for the next generation of talented jazz musicians in Germany.
The artistic director team of Prof. Niels Klein and Prof. Ansgar Striepens work together closely alongside guest directors, to prepare, rehearse, and perform regular new programmes, both inside and outside Germany. With few exceptions, the young musicians, ranging in age from 17 to 24, study at German and international music conservatories. During their time in the orchestra, the musicians are accompanied by an impressive faculty of jazz professionals, who, in addition to giving instrument-specific instruction, support the young musicians musically as well as professionally, offering connections to their networks and providing optimal conditions for their growth.
After a successful audition, each member remains in the orchestra for up to two years. This allows for the next generation of new talent to join what has become an important stepping stone in the jazz scene towards a successful career. Amongst the approximately 900 alumni of the orchestra are such prominent musicians as Till Brönner, Roger Cicero, Tom Gaebel, Julia Hülsmann, Frederik Köster, Robert Landfermann, Matthias Schriefl, Sebastian Sternal, Peter Weniger, Nils Wogram, Michael Wollny, and Nils Wülker.
The project is generously funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the West German Broadcasting (WDR), the German performers’ copyright society GVL, and Mercedes-Benz Group AG. In addition, the participants contribute financially through co-payments.
The Bundesjazzorchester is the winner of the Frankfurt Music Award 2018 and the ECHO JAZZ Award 2012. In 2012, the ensemble was awarded the West German Broadcasting Jazz Award, and won the German Music Award in 1997.


Jiggs Whigham (conductor)


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