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Jan Prax Quartet


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917345223
Catnr: CR 73452
Release date: 06 April 2018
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73452
Release date
06 April 2018

"Great compositions and a sublime sound quality"

Music Emotion, 29-6-2018

About the album

"You are so young and play so great. I hate you!" It does not do the journey of the artist justice to reduce classically trained pianist Jan Prax to this best known of quotes, uttered by saxophone player David Sanborn after a concert at the Leverkusener Jazztage. Prax has received numerous prizes, and after his debut album with a renowned German jazz label, his second album is now released on Challenge Records.

Ascending – the artistic vision of the artist Jan Prax (alto & soprano saxophones, composition, band leader) to date in its entire spectrum, with influences from the Straight Ahead Jazz of the 1950s and 1960s, the avant-garde movement of the 1960, Hip Hop as well as Rhythm and Blues.

Ascending – the album by Jan Prax Quartet. As with the previous production Keepin’ a Style Alive (ACT), this recording focuses on the acoustic jazz quartet with outstanding partners such as Martin Sörös (piano & Fender Rhodes, composition), Tilman Oberbeck (double bass) and Michael Mischl (drums), this time with a line-up extended by high profile guests Bodek Janke (tabla & percussion) and Soweto Kinch (rap & alto saxophone).

Ascending – like the ascendant in astrology revealing a person’s true potential… like a developing improvisation, fuelled by passion and driven by the collective, a quest for ways of expression without neglecting the roots.
Jan Prax - ausgebildet als klassischer Pianist - auf das wohl bekannteste Zitat (“ Du bist so jung und spielst so großartig. Ich hasse dich" Worte des Saxophonisten David Sanborn) nach einem Konzert anlässlich der Leverkusener Jazztage zu reduzieren, wird dem Weg des Künstlers sicherlich nicht gerecht. Nach zahlreichen Preisen im In- und Ausland, dem Debutalbum bei einem renommierten deutschen Jazz Label, erscheint das zweite Album des Ausnahmesaxophonisten bei Challenge Records.

Ascending: die künstlerische Vision des Künstlers Jan Prax (alto & soprano saxophones , composition, band leader) zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt in ihrer ganzen Bandbreite, mit Einflüssen aus dem Straight Ahead Jazz der 1950er und 60er Jahre, der Avantgarde-Bewegung der 60er Jahre, des Hip Hop und Rhythm and Blues.

Ascending, das neue Album des Jan Prax Quartets. Wie bei der vorigen überaus erfolgreichen Produktion Keepin’ A Style Alive (ACT), steht auch hier das akustische Jazz-Quartett mit hervorragenden Partnern wie Martin Sörös (piano & fender rhodes, composition), Tilman Oberbeck (double bass) und Michael Mischl (drums) im Fokus, wobei die Besetzung dieses Mal mit den hochkarätigen Gästen Bodek Janke (tabla & percussion) und Soweto Kinch (rap & alto saxophone) erweitert wurde.

... Ascending - wie der Aszendent in der Astrologie, der das wahre Potential eines Menschen enthüllt ... wie eine sich entwickelnde Improvisation, befeuert von der Leidenschaft und getrieben vom Kollektiv, eine Suche nach neuen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, ohne die Wurzeln zu vergessen.


Jan Prax (saxophone)

Jan Prax is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, pianist and band leader. Born in Karlsruhe in 1992 he began his musical education at the age of three at the piano, winning numerous prizes as a classical pianist. During his youth his interest in jazz saxophone grew rapidly. Soon he was awarded the grant for highly talented students of the Badisches Konservatorium. He studied under Laszlo Wolpert, Peter Lehel and gained his bachelor’s degree with honours under professor Klaus Graf. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Munich.
Jan Prax is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, pianist and band leader. Born in Karlsruhe in 1992 he began his musical education at the age of three at the piano, winning numerous prizes as a classical pianist. During his youth his interest in jazz saxophone grew rapidly. Soon he was awarded the grant for highly talented students of the Badisches Konservatorium. He studied under Laszlo Wolpert, Peter Lehel and gained his bachelor’s degree with honours under professor Klaus Graf. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Munich.


Tilman Oberbeck (double bass)

Bodek Janke (percussion)

Soweto Kinch (saxophone)


Jan Prax (saxophone)

Jan Prax is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, pianist and band leader. Born in Karlsruhe in 1992 he began his musical education at the age of three at the piano, winning numerous prizes as a classical pianist. During his youth his interest in jazz saxophone grew rapidly. Soon he was awarded the grant for highly talented students of the Badisches Konservatorium. He studied under Laszlo Wolpert, Peter Lehel and gained his bachelor’s degree with honours under professor Klaus Graf. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Munich.
Jan Prax is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, pianist and band leader. Born in Karlsruhe in 1992 he began his musical education at the age of three at the piano, winning numerous prizes as a classical pianist. During his youth his interest in jazz saxophone grew rapidly. Soon he was awarded the grant for highly talented students of the Badisches Konservatorium. He studied under Laszlo Wolpert, Peter Lehel and gained his bachelor’s degree with honours under professor Klaus Graf. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Munich.



Great compositions and a sublime sound quality
Music Emotion, 29-6-2018

Beautiful compositions in a sublime sound quality.
Music Emotion, 29-6-2018

It is amazing how this band - only the drummer is older than thirty - sounds so mature. Prax is also excellent on soprano sax.
De Standaard, 28-3-2018

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