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Cast Off - Leinen Los - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 71

Fabian Schoene Quartet

Cast Off - Leinen Los - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 71

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917119329
Catnr: DMCHR 71193
Release date: 12 January 2018
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71193
Release date
12 January 2018

"The sound of the group is best described as fresh, pleasant post bop without nostalgic features with a lot of speed and swing, beautyful solos and picturesque melodies. All the pieces came from the pen of Fabian Schöne and it must be said, he shows himself a master."

Rootstime, 06-2-2018

About the album

Four young musicians full of euphoria raring to go are in the starting gates, eager to be finally able to show what they can do. In this respect, the title "Cast off – Leinen los" (trans. note: the German is simply a translation of the English) for the debut album of the quartet of the alto and soprano saxophonist living in Mannheim Fabian Schöne fits just as well as the mouthpieces on his golden horns. Cast off and go out into the rough sea of a professional musician’s life!

While many already disappear into the depths of the vast ocean at first contact with storms, swirls and cliffs never to be seen or heard from again, Captain Schöne’s crew has pieced together an amazingly weatherproof steamer, tenaciously holding his course. As reinforcement, the 71st protagonists of the successful Jazz thing Next Generation series signed up the renowned trumpeter Axel Schlosser. "He is one of the most versatile and creative trumpeters in Germany and also a very pleasant person," Schöne explained the choice of his dialog partner and co-musician. "Axel also has a unique and distinctive sound.” Because the saxophonist and composer also got to know and appreciate the combination of trumpet and saxophone through his work in the band "The Windwalkers", he again decided in favor of this kind of dual leadership in his first musical calling card, and they really harmonize fantastically with each other in “Black Flag”, "Maria” and "If I Should Loose You".

The overall picture of "Cast off – Leinen los!" is especially characterized by the always noticeable authenticity, with which all participants get to work. No one has to compromise; all play exactly what they love and also like to hear: fresh, pleasant non-nostalgic post-bop full of swinging and rocking grooves, solo gems, picturesque, hymn-like melodies and sophisticated sets, held together by an organic group sound, for which the Hungarian pianist Laszlo Szitko, the Franconian bassist Friedrich Betz and Ludwigshafen drummer Tobias Frohnhöfer stand. The nine pieces recorded on May 9 and 10, 2017, all composed by Fabian Schöne, were created over a longer period of time and have a distinctive common theme. "Because I am originally from Flensburg, in other words grew up at the coast, and am also passionate about water sports, the titles always deal with the wet element or have a Nordic touch for me.” The influence of great exemplary musicians such as Kenny Garrett shine through not only in the opener "Black Flag".

As a member of "Windwalkers", Fabian Schöne won first prize at the 8th International Jazz Competition in Bucharest in 2014. In the same year, he could be heard as the opening act for Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock at the Stuttgart Jazzopen. Since March 2015, the 30-year-old has enjoyed the advantages of a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation. He also plays as a member of the Little Vintage Orcherstra, Itchy Pants, and the big band KicksʼnʼSticks.

Not only Axel Schlosser as a guest on the robust next generation ship predicts a promising future for Fabian Schöne and his friends: "It was not only a lot fun to participate in the recording of Fabian's first album, but I am also very pleased to hear the result in its entirety now a few months later. After you have pushed the play button once, you will want to hear more in any case!" In sailor circles, the wish is for "fair winds". Hats off!
Besser lässt sich die Aufbruchsstimmung in einer Band wohl kaum auf den Punkt bringen. Vier junge Musiker stehen voller Euphorie in den Startlöchern, begierig darauf, endlich loslegen zu dürfen. Insofern passt der Titel „Cast Off – Leinen los“ für das Debütalbum des Quartetts des Alt- und Sopransaxofonisten Fabian Schöne. Leinen los und hinaus in die raue See des professionellen Musikerlebens!

Während viele aber schon beim Erstkontakt mit Stürmen und Klippen auf Nimmerwiedersehen in den Untiefen des Ozeans verschwinden, hat sich die Crew um Kapitän Schöne einen erstaunlich wetterfesten Dampfer zusammengebastelt. Als Verstärkung holten sich die 71. Protagonisten der erfolgreichen Jazz thing Next Generation-Reihe den renommierten Trompeter Axel Schlosser. „Er ist einer der vielseitigsten und kreativsten Trompeter in Deutschland und noch dazu eine äußerst angenehme Person“, begründet Schöne die Wahl seines Dialog- und Satzpartners. „Außerdem verfügt Axel über einen einzigartigen, unverwechselbaren Ton.“ Weil der Saxofonist und Komponist außerdem durch seine Arbeit bei der Formation „The Windwalkers“ die Kombination Trompete-Saxofon kennen und schätzen lernte, entschied er sich bei seiner ersten musikalischen Visitenkarte wieder für diese Art der Doppelspitze, die in „Black Flag“, „Maria“ und „If I Should Loose You“ fürwahr prächtig miteinander harmoniert.

Das Gesamtbild von „Cast Off – Leinen los!“ prägt vor allem die jederzeit spürbare Authentizität, mit der alle Beteiligten zu Werke gehen. Keiner muss sich verbiegen, alle spielen exakt das, was sie lieben: Frischen, angenehm unnostalgischen Postbop voller swingender und rockiger Grooves, solistischer Preziosen, hymnischer, malerischer Melodien und ausgefeilter Satzarbeit, zusammengehalten von einem organischen Gruppensound, für den der ungarische Pianist Laszlo Szitko, der fränkische Bassist Friedrich Betz und der Ludwigshafener Schlagzeuger Tobias Frohnhöfer stehen. Die am 9. und 10. Mai 2017 aufgenommenen neun Stücke, allesamt aus der Feder von Fabian Schöne, entstanden dabei über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg und verfügen über einen markanten roten Faden: „Da ich ursprünglich aus Flensburg stamme, also an der Küste aufwuchs, und außerdem leidenschaftlicher Wassersportler bin, geht es in den Titeln stets um das nasse Element oder um eine für mich nordische Note.“ Auch der Einfluss großer Vorbilder wie Kenny Garrett schimmert nicht nur im Opener „Black Flag“ durch.
Als Mitglied der „Windwalkers“ gewann Fabian Schöne bei der 8. Internationalen Jazz Competition in Bukarest 2014 den ersten Preis. Im selben Jahr war er im Vorprogramm bei den Stuttgarter Jazzopen für Wayne Shorter und Herbie Hancock zu hören. Seit März 2015 genießt der 30-Jährige die Vorzüge eines Stipendiums der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Außerdem agiert er noch als Mitglied beim Little Vintage Orcherstra, den Itchy Pants und der Big Band KicksʼnʼSticks.
Nicht nur Axel Schlosser als Gast auf dem robusten Next Generation-Schiff prophezeit Fabian Schöne und seinen Freunden eine vielversprechende Zukunft: „Es hat mir nicht nur großen Spaß gemacht, an den Aufnahmen zu Fabians erstem Album mitzuwirken, sondern es bereitet mir auch viel Freude, das Resultat in seiner Gesamtheit nun einige Monate später zu hören. Hat man einmal die Play-Taste gedrückt, möchte man auf jeden Fall weiter hören!“ In Seemannskreisen wünscht man sich „Mast- und Schotbruch“. Chapeau!


Fabian Schoene (saxophone)

As a member of the group The Windwalkers he won the 8th Int. Jazz Competition Bucharest 2014 and supported Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock at the Jazzopen Stuttgart in the same Year.  Since 2015 he is holding a Scholarship from the Foundation of the German public.     Now as a leader of his own group he gathered some of the most important young musicians of the Rhein-Neckar Jazz Scene for his group. His music is located in the wide field of the modern Jazz area with energetic phrases and rocking grooves but still deeply grounded in the tradition.
As a member of the group The Windwalkers he won the 8th Int. Jazz Competition Bucharest 2014 and supported Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock at the Jazzopen Stuttgart in the same Year. Since 2015 he is holding a Scholarship from the Foundation of the German public. Now as a leader of his own group he gathered some of the most important young musicians of the Rhein-Neckar Jazz Scene for his group. His music is located in the wide field of the modern Jazz area with energetic phrases and rocking grooves but still deeply grounded in the tradition.


Axel Schlosser (trumpet)

Axel Schlosser is one of the best and most versatile trumpet players in Germany. Over the past 20 years, he has played in numerous big bands (Sunday Night Orchestra, Rainer Tempel Big Band, Al Porcino Big Band, Bobby Burgess Big Band Explosion, Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra and hr-Bigband, among others) and smaller bands of traditional to modern jazz from Charly Antolini to Albert Mangelsdorff. In addition, he has conducted several of his own bands (he released the CD 'Tales From The South' with his quartet on Double Moon Records in 2013) and is a member in other bands, e.g., the quintet L 14, 16, which has won numerous awards (also at Double Moon Records: 'Elder', 2011).
Axel Schlosser is one of the best and most versatile trumpet players in Germany. Over the past 20 years, he has played in numerous big bands (Sunday Night Orchestra, Rainer Tempel Big Band, Al Porcino Big Band, Bobby Burgess Big Band Explosion, Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra and hr-Bigband, among others) and smaller bands of traditional to modern jazz from Charly Antolini to Albert Mangelsdorff. In addition, he has conducted several of his own bands (he released the CD "Tales From The South" with his quartet on Double Moon Records in 2013) and is a member in other bands, e.g., the quintet L 14, 16, which has won numerous awards (also at Double Moon Records: "Elder", 2011).


Friedrich Betz (double bass)


Fabian Schoene (saxophone)

As a member of the group The Windwalkers he won the 8th Int. Jazz Competition Bucharest 2014 and supported Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock at the Jazzopen Stuttgart in the same Year.  Since 2015 he is holding a Scholarship from the Foundation of the German public.     Now as a leader of his own group he gathered some of the most important young musicians of the Rhein-Neckar Jazz Scene for his group. His music is located in the wide field of the modern Jazz area with energetic phrases and rocking grooves but still deeply grounded in the tradition.
As a member of the group The Windwalkers he won the 8th Int. Jazz Competition Bucharest 2014 and supported Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock at the Jazzopen Stuttgart in the same Year. Since 2015 he is holding a Scholarship from the Foundation of the German public. Now as a leader of his own group he gathered some of the most important young musicians of the Rhein-Neckar Jazz Scene for his group. His music is located in the wide field of the modern Jazz area with energetic phrases and rocking grooves but still deeply grounded in the tradition.



The sound of the group is best described as fresh, pleasant post bop without nostalgic features with a lot of speed and swing, beautyful solos and picturesque melodies. All the pieces came from the pen of Fabian Schöne and it must be said, he shows himself a master.
Rootstime, 06-2-2018

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