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Illusion - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 56

PC Energetic

Illusion - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 56

Price: € 8.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917114720
Catnr: DMCHR 71147
Release date: 30 January 2015
1 CD
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€ 8.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71147
Release date
30 January 2015

""It is a colourful bouquet of influences. And then there is also the love for driving grooves, for a rock attitude as well as for melodie.""

Radio Dreyeckland - Jazzmatinee, 14-6-2015

About the album

There is a great mixture of influences, which you can discover on the debut CD of the young guitarist Philip Czarnecki. Of course, jazz history is there with all the influential figureheads from Wes Montgomery to John Coltrane. The phrasing in the solos refers to these roots time and again. In addition, Czarnecki has obviously listened intensively to contemporary jazz guitarists such as Pat Metheny and John Scofield. There is also a love of driving grooves, rock attitude and melody. Although many already did that before him, he adds a "certain extra something": an extensive creative will, which already lets you detect a high degree of individualism. It is not without reason that the band is limited to a small trio with e-bass and drums. Nothing limits the desire to experiment with music in this small circle and without harmony instruments. "Music is the fuel that flows directly into your blood and nervous system; that's why I exist and why I am a musician," Czarnecki emphasized. He and his co-players understand how to bundle their enormous technical skills in such a way that a sound is created in the end, which captivates you and entices you to set the silver disc to "Repeat".
Philip Czarnecki from Hamburg studied classical guitar as a child. He bought his first electric guitar when he was 13 and discovered role models ranging from Jimi Hendrix to Jimmy Page. A short time later, he encountered jazz in his search for additional forms of expression. With the same élan, he became immersed in improvised music, became a member of the State Youth Jazz Orchestra and the Bundesjazzorchester (German Jazz Orchestra) and started college studies, first in Hamburg and then in Amsterdam. He again expanded his horizon there. New bands, new refined stylistic elements, tours and even a performance at the North Sea Jazz Festival followed. At the same time, Philip Czarnecki received numerous prizes and distinctions.
Jonathan Ihlenfeld Cuniado plays the electric bass on the CD. He studied jazz bass in the Netherlands (Enschede and Amsterdam) and graduated with a Master's degree. His versatility is proven fact: he took first place in the "Prize of the German and Rock and Pop Musician Association", and he has been a member of the Trilok Gurtu Band over the past years (by the way, together with Jazz thing Next Generation "veteran" Frederik Köster).
Marc Ayza from Barcelona, Spain, on the drums is one of the busiest and innovative drummers in his country and has been that far beyond its borders for quite some time. As his band co-musicians, he is also very versatile and plays in hip hop bands as well as works as a DJ. He is also a drummer much in demand in the jazz scene, where he has played alongside Antonio Hart, Steve Kuhn and Seamus Blake, among others.
Guest musician Jasper Blom is one of the most well-known musicians in his country and winner of numerous prizes. He creates a sound, which is the "topping on the cake", on three tracks with his electrically modified saxophone.
Rakel Salazar, successful funk and soul singer from Spain, gives two other pieces a vocal radiance that rounds out the CD fantastically.
Release 56 of the series "Jazz thing Next Generation" proves once again how lively and variant-rich the young jazz scene is in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. PC Energetic is a good example for this with rocky and funky guitar licks, energetic solos as well as compositions with melodic radiance – a distinguishing feature (not only) within the series!
Es ist ein bunter Blumenstrauß an Einflüssen, die man auf der Debut-CD des jungen Gitarristen Philip Czarnecki entdecken kann. Natürlich ist da die Jazzhistorie, mit all den prägenden Aushängeschildern von Wes Montgomery bis John Coltrane. Immer wieder verweist die Phrasierung in den Soli auf diese Wurzeln. Darüber hinaus hat Czarnecki offensichtlich zeitgenössische Jazzgitarristen wie Pat Metheny und John Scofield intensiv gehört. Und da ist auch noch die Liebe zum treibenden Groove, zur Rock-Attitüde, zur Melodie. Aber das alles haben schon viele vor ihm getan. Bei ihm kommt das „gewisse Extra“ hinzu: Ein großer Gestaltungswille, der bereits ein hohes Maß an Individualität erkennen lässt – nicht umsonst fußt die Besetzung auf einem knappen Trio mit E-Bass und Schlagzeug. Nichts schränkt in diesem kleinen Kreis und ohne Harmonie-Instrument die musikalische Experimentierlust ein. „Musik ist Treibstoff, der direkt ins Blut und ins Nervensystem fließt - deshalb existiere ich und deshalb bin ich Musiker“ betont Czarnecki. Er und seine musikalischen Begleiter verstehen es, ihre jeweiligen enormen technischen Fähigkeiten so zu bündeln, dass am Ende ein Sound entsteht, der gefangen nimmt und dazu verleitet, die Silberscheibe auf „Repeat“ zu stellen.
Philip Czarnecki aus Hamburg lernt als Kind zunächst klassische Gitarre. Mit 13 Jahren legt er sich seine erste elektrische Gitarre zu – und entdeckt für sich Vorbilder von Jimi Hendrix bis Jimmy Page. Wiederum kurze Zeit später stößt er bei der Suche nach weiteren Ausdrucksformen auf den Jazz. Mit dem gleichen Elan vertieft er sich in die improvisierte Musik, wird Mitglied des Landesjugendjazzorchesters und des Bundesjazzorchesters, beginnt das Studium, zunächst in Hamburg, dann in Amsterdam. Dort erweitert sich erneut der Horizont, neue Bands, neue stilistische Feinheiten, Touren und selbst ein Auftritt beim North Sea Jazz Festival folgen. Parallel dazu sammelt Philip Czarnecki zahlreiche Preise und Auszeichnungen ein.
Den elektrischen Bass bedient Jonathan Ihlenfeld Cuniado. Er studierte ebenfalls in den Niederlanden (Enschede und Amsterdam) Jazz Bass und schloss mit dem Master ab. Seine Vielseitigkeit ist nachgewiesen: im Fach „Fusion“ belegte er den Ersten Platz beim „Preis des deutschen Rock und Pop Musiker Verbandes“, in den letzten Jahren ist er Mitglied der Trilok Gurtu Band (übrigens zusammen mit Jazz thing Next Generation-„Veteran“ Frederik Köster).
Marc Ayza aus Barcelona/Spanien am Schlagzeug gehört zu den umtriebigsten und innovativsten Schlagzeugern seiner Heimat und auch längst darüber hinaus. Wie seine beiden Bandkollegen ist auch er sehr vielseitig, spielt in Hip Hop-Formationen oder betätigt sich als DJ. Gleichzeitig ist er ein gefragter Drummer in der Jazzszene, wo er unter anderem mit Antonio Hart, Steve Kuhn und Seamus Blake spielte.
Gastmusiker Jasper Blom ist einer der bekanntesten Musiker seiner Heimat, vielfacher Preisträger – und bildet auf drei Tracks das klangliche „Sahnehäubchen“ mit dem elektronisch verfremdeten Saxofon.
Rakel Salazar, erfolgreiche Funk- und Soulsängerin aus Spanien, verleiht zwei weiteren Stücken einen vokalen Glanz, der die CD wunderbar abrundet.
Ausgabe 56 der Serie „Jazz thing Next Generation“ beweist einmal mehr, wie lebendig und variantenreich die junge Jazzszene in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz ist. PC Energetic ist mit rockigen und funky Gitarrenriffs, energetischen Soli sowie Kompositionen mit melodischer Strahlkraft ein gutes Beispiel dafür – ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal (nicht nur) innerhalb der Serie!


PC Energetic

Philip Czarnecki from Hamburg studied classical guitar as a child. He bought his first electric guitar when he was 13 and discovered role models ranging from Jimi Hendrix to Jimmy Page. A short time later, he encountered jazz in his search for additional forms of expression. With the same élan, he became immersed in improvised music, became a member of the State Youth Jazz Orchestra and the Bundesjazzorchester (German Jazz Orchestra) and started college studies, first in Hamburg and then in Amsterdam. He again expanded his horizon there. New bands, new refined stylistic elements, tours and even a performance at the North Sea Jazz Festival followed. At the same time, Philip Czarnecki received numerous prizes and distinctions. Jonathan Ihlenfeld Cuniado plays...
Philip Czarnecki from Hamburg studied classical guitar as a child. He bought his first electric guitar when he was 13 and discovered role models ranging from Jimi Hendrix to Jimmy Page. A short time later, he encountered jazz in his search for additional forms of expression. With the same élan, he became immersed in improvised music, became a member of the State Youth Jazz Orchestra and the Bundesjazzorchester (German Jazz Orchestra) and started college studies, first in Hamburg and then in Amsterdam. He again expanded his horizon there. New bands, new refined stylistic elements, tours and even a performance at the North Sea Jazz Festival followed. At the same time, Philip Czarnecki received numerous prizes and distinctions.
Jonathan Ihlenfeld Cuniado plays the electric bass on the CD. He studied jazz bass in the Netherlands (Enschede and Amsterdam) and graduated with a Master's degree. His versatility is proven fact: he took first place in the "Prize of the German and Rock and Pop Musician Association", and he has been a member of the Trilok Gurtu Band over the past years (by the way, together with Jazz thing Next Generation "veteran" Frederik Köster).
Marc Ayza from Barcelona, Spain, on the drums is one of the busiest and innovative drummers in his country and has been that far beyond its borders for quite some time. As his band co-musicians, he is also very versatile and plays in hip hop bands as well as works as a DJ. He is also a drummer much in demand in the jazz scene, where he has played alongside Antonio Hart, Steve Kuhn and Seamus Blake, among others.
Guest musician Jasper Blom is one of the most well-known musicians in his country and winner of numerous prizes. He creates a sound, which is the "topping on the cake", on three tracks with his electrically modified saxophone.




"It is a colourful bouquet of influences. And then there is also the love for driving grooves, for a rock attitude as well as for melodie."
Radio Dreyeckland - Jazzmatinee, 14-6-2015

A strong creative drive, versatility of different playing techniques and above all a distinct personal style (...)
Jazzpodium, 02-3-2015

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