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Wolfgang - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 55

Raphael Walsers GangArt

Wolfgang - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 55

Price: € 8.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917114423
Catnr: DMCHR 71144
Release date: 24 October 2014
1 CD
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€ 8.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71144
Release date
24 October 2014

About the album

What a cleverly chosen band name: GangArt. It brings various associations to mind. The dictionary of the German language Duden defines GangArt as the various movement types of horses from walk, trot and canter to gallop. The compositions are arranged in precisely this way: at times slowly progressing and then proceeding at a whirlwind pace forward. However, there is also the difference between crosswise walk and ambling (e.g., in which camels and elephants move). The association also fits there: the musicians arrive at their destination with very different meters, extremely refined and running counter to each other. Finally, "gang" in English can signify a group of workers, a team or even a criminal gang. Refined sound tapestries are created combined artistically, which live from soloist elegance as much as from closely intertwined artistic interplay. Five young musicians from Switzerland, which is anyway known for its excellent jazz schools, joined together under the tutelage of bassist Raphael Walser not only to go to the limits of jazz, but also to explore unknown territory beyond. Venturesome, full of curiosity and with joy in experimenting that cannot be overheard: is this youthful arrogance? If it sounds like that, then we would all like to stay young.

The bassist and composer Raphael Walser, born in 1988, grew up in a family of musicians near Zurich. He already had contrabass lessons when he was 11, initially classical music, but he later studied in the Jazz Department at Zurich College of Arts. However, he had already proven his skills in various jazz bands even before that. He already won prizes while he was still studying and played at festivals in Switzerland and Germany. After graduating, he founded his own band "GangArt" in 2013, which is now having its debut in the renowned series "Jazz thing Next Generation".

Alto saxophonist Tobias Meier (born in 1984) is also from Zurich. His velvety sound, clever solos and stupendous playing technique have also made him into a sought-after musician. At the same time, he seems to have a 24-hour workday; in addition to playing with various bands, he works as a graphic artists, has his own record label and organizes several concert series.

Niculin Janett, tenor saxophone, born in 1989, also studied at Zurich College of Arts as Raphael Walser did and studied under Swiss greats such as Christoph Grab and Reto Suhner. He got polishing during a stay in New York and lessons from Loren Stillman and Vincent Herring, among others. The young man has found his own sound in the meantime and sets fantastic accents.

Pianist Marc Méan (born in1985) is already known to an international audience and not just since his participation in the finals at the Montreux Jazz Solo Competition and the BMW World Jazz Award. He studied in Lausanne and Copenhagen (among others, under Thierry Lang and Django Bates). He has already toured throughout Europe and farther afield; he was recently in Shanghai for several months.

The drummer Jonas Ruther studied in Lucerne. The fact that Gerry Hemingway was his teacher there is obvious. He does not limit himself by far to establishing a rhythmic structure, but instead influences the complete sound of the band decisively.
Welch ein klug gewählter Bandname: GangArt. Er erlaubt verschiedene Assoziationen. Der Duden definiert GangArt als die verschiedenen Fortbewegungsarten bei Pferden: von Schritt über Trab bis Galopp. Exakt so sind die Kompositionen angelegt – mal bedächtig schreitend, dann wieder stürmisch nach vorne preschend. Es gibt aber auch den Unterschied zwischen dem Kreuzgang und dem Passgang (in dem z.B. Kamele und Elefanten gehen). Passend ist die Assoziation hier ebenfalls: auch mit unterschiedlichsten Metren, durchaus auch raffiniert und gegenläufig gesetzt, kommen die Musiker ans gemeinsame Ziel. Schließlich bezeichnet die „gang“ im englischen eine Arbeitsgruppe, eine Mannschaft, oder gar eine Bande. Kunstvoll kombiniert (Gang-Art) entstehen raffinierte Klanggebilde, die von solistischer Eleganz ebenso leben wie von einem eng verzahnten, kunstvollen Zusammenspiel. Fünf junge Musiker aus der Schweiz, die ohnehin für ihre hervorragenden Jazzschulen bekannt ist, haben sich unter der Leitung des Bassisten Raphael Walser zusammen getan, um nicht nur an die Grenzen des Jazz zu gehen, sondern auch das unbekannte Terrain dahinter zu betreten. Risikofreudig, voller Neugierde, mit unüberhörbarer Freude am Experimentieren. Jugendlicher Übermut? Wenn der sich so anhört, wollen wir alle gerne jung bleiben.

Der Bassist und Komponist Raphael Walser, geboren 1988, wuchs nahe Zürich in einer Musikerfamilie auf. Schon mit 11 Jahren erhält er Kontrabass-Unterricht, zunächst klassisch, später aber studiert er an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste an der Abteilung Jazz. Schon davor allerdings hat er sich in verschiedenen Jazzbands bewährt. Während des Studiums konnte er bereits Preise gewinnen und spielte auf Festivals in der Schweiz und Deutschland. Nach dem Abschluss des Studiums hat er 2013 seine eigene Band „GangArt“ gegründet, die nun ihr Debut in der renommierten Reihe „Jazz thing Next Generation“ gibt.

Altsaxophonist Tobias Meier (Jahrgang 1984) stammt ebenso aus Zürich. Sein samtweicher Ton hat ihn ebenso zu einem gesuchten Musiker werden lassen wie seine durchdachten Soli und seine stupende Spieltechnik. Dabei scheint er einen 24-Stundentag zu haben: neben Engagements bei verschiedenen Bands arbeitet er als grafischer Künstler, betreibt sein eigenes Label und kuratiert mehrere Konzertreihen.

Niculin Janett, Tenorsaxophon, geboren 1989, hat wie Raphael Walser in der Zürcher Hochschule studiert, bei Schweizer Ikonen wie Christoph Grab und Reto Suhner. Feinschliff besorgte er sich bei einem Aufenthalt in New York und Unterricht bei u.a. Loren Stillman und Vincent Herring. Mittlerweile hat der junge Mann seinen eigenen Sound gefunden und setzt glänzende Akzente.

Pianist Marc Méan (Jahrgang 1985) ist bereits einem internationalen Publikum bekannt. Nicht erst seit der Finalteilnahme bei der Montreux Jazz Solo Competition und dem BMW Welt Jazz Award. Er studierte in Lausanne und Kopenhagen (u.a. bei Thierry Lang und Django Bates). Er tourte bereits Europaweit und darüber hinaus: zuletzt war er mehrere Monate in Shanghai…

Der Schlagzeuger Jonas Ruther hat in Luzern studiert – dass Gerry Hemingway dort einer seiner Lehrer war, ist kaum zu überhören. Er beschränkt sich bei weitem nicht darauf, ein rhythmisches Gerüst zu errichten, sondern beeinflusst maßgeblich den gesamten Sound der Band.


Raphael Walser

The bassist and composer Raphael Walser, born in 1988, grew up in a family of musicians near Zurich. He already had contrabass lessons when he was 11, initially classical music, but he later studied in the Jazz Department at Zurich College of Arts. However, he had already proven his skills in various jazz bands even before that. He already won prizes while he was still studying and played at festivals in Switzerland and Germany. After graduating, he founded his own band 'GangArt' in 2013, which is now having its debut in the renowned series 'Jazz thing Next Generation'.
The bassist and composer Raphael Walser, born in 1988, grew up in a family of musicians near Zurich. He already had contrabass lessons when he was 11, initially classical music, but he later studied in the Jazz Department at Zurich College of Arts. However, he had already proven his skills in various jazz bands even before that. He already won prizes while he was still studying and played at festivals in Switzerland and Germany. After graduating, he founded his own band "GangArt" in 2013, which is now having its debut in the renowned series "Jazz thing Next Generation".


Jonas Ruther

The drummer Jonas Ruther studied in Lucerne. The fact that Gerry Hemingway was his teacher there is obvious. He does not limit himself by far to establishing a rhythmic structure, but instead influences the complete sound of the band decisively.
The drummer Jonas Ruther studied in Lucerne. The fact that Gerry Hemingway was his teacher there is obvious. He does not limit himself by far to establishing a rhythmic structure, but instead influences the complete sound of the band decisively.


Tobias Meier

Alto saxophonist Tobias Meier (born in 1984) is also from Zurich. His velvety sound, clever solos and stupendous playing technique have also made him into a sought-after musician. At the same time, he seems to have a 24-hour workday; in addition to playing with various bands, he works as a graphic artists, has his own record label and organizes several concert series.
Alto saxophonist Tobias Meier (born in 1984) is also from Zurich. His velvety sound, clever solos and stupendous playing technique have also made him into a sought-after musician. At the same time, he seems to have a 24-hour workday; in addition to playing with various bands, he works as a graphic artists, has his own record label and organizes several concert series.


Niculin Janett

Niculin Janett, tenor saxophone, born in 1989, also studied at Zurich College of Arts as Raphael Walser did and studied under Swiss greats such as Christoph Grab and Reto Suhner. He got polishing during a stay in New York and lessons from Loren Stillman and Vincent Herring, among others. The young man has found his own sound in the meantime and sets fantastic accents.
Niculin Janett, tenor saxophone, born in 1989, also studied at Zurich College of Arts as Raphael Walser did and studied under Swiss greats such as Christoph Grab and Reto Suhner. He got polishing during a stay in New York and lessons from Loren Stillman and Vincent Herring, among others. The young man has found his own sound in the meantime and sets fantastic accents.


Marc Mean

Pianist Marc Méan (born in1985) is already known to an international audience and not just since his participation in the finals at the Montreux Jazz Solo Competition and the BMW World Jazz Award. He studied in Lausanne and Copenhagen (among others, under Thierry Lang and Django Bates). He has already toured throughout Europe and farther afield; he was recently in Shanghai for several months.
Pianist Marc Méan (born in1985) is already known to an international audience and not just since his participation in the finals at the Montreux Jazz Solo Competition and the BMW World Jazz Award. He studied in Lausanne and Copenhagen (among others, under Thierry Lang and Django Bates). He has already toured throughout Europe and farther afield; he was recently in Shanghai for several months.




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