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Jochen Baldes Subnoder


Price: € 8.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917112528
Catnr: DMCHR 71125
Release date: 27 September 2013
1 CD
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€ 8.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71125
Release date
27 September 2013

About the album

Jochen Baldes already founded the band Subnoder 16 years ago, and consequently it is one of the most longstanding ones in Switzerland. Even if the members often changed, the heart has remained the same. The compositions and arrangements of the leader are that which create a great deal of the appeal of Subnoder – and for which he looks for the ideal band members each time, who understand and implement his concept. This is so even if the co-musicians always add their own touch, and Baldes even demands that from them. This experiment has again succeeded following the last, extensively praised album "The Moholo Songs" (Double Moon Records, 2007). The launching pad for it are the internalized structures and sounds of American jazz of the 50s to 70s, but the pieces are given wings by the original harmonics and rhythmics and the smooth lines of the melodies. The interlocking of topic and improvisation is striking, and the transitions are sometimes barely perceptible. As a result, the pieces on the CD seem to come from one mold, almost like a suite. A fantastic effect is created: pleasantly airy and easy to listen to, you only discover the complexity of the music when you listen very closely to it.

Jochen Baldes, graduate of the renowned Swiss Jazz School in Bern, is an established big name in jazz in Switzerland (and beyond its borders). Of course, as musician who was and is active in numerous (not only) jazz ensembles, but also as composer for films and radio plays. His second great passion is painting, which he cultivates successfully with a lot of energy. As if that were not enough, he also has an executive board position in the known jazz club "Moods" in Zurich. He has a melancholic, almost poetic sound at times as saxophonist, full of warmth and depth. His virtuosity does not unfold in hectic speed, but instead with elegance and precision.
The guitarist Franz Hellmüller joined Subnoder at the changing of band members a few years ago. He has already attracted international attention with his own bands "Hellmüller's 4" and "H2S2". The brilliant guitarist studied in Paris and Lucerne and gives Subnoder a new sound quality.
Thomas Bauser, who lives in Freiburg, Germany, is actually known to many as an organist. Following piano studies in Freiburg and at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern, he dedicated himself to the Hammond organ in several bands. However, the piano, which he solely plays in Subnoder, has clearly not drifted into the background as a passion of his.
Raffaele Bossard (b) enjoyed his jazz music studies at the Jazz School in Lucerne and during studies in New York (among others, with Ron Carter). In addition to his own bands, he plays with elder statesman Joe Haider – and in Subnoder for the past few years. His creative, but always solid accompaniment is a decisive component of the band sound, and his solo pieces are always good for surprises.
The drummer Michi Stulz studied in Lucerne and honed his skills considerably during stays in New York and West Africa. He demonstrates his versatility and preciseness in the band of the successful violinist Tobias Preisig, and he is also an important component in Subnoder, without whom the Subnoder sound would be missing something decisive.
Die Formation Subnoder hat Jochen Baldes bereits vor 16 Jahren gegründet, sie ist damit eine der langlebigsten der Schweiz. Auch wenn die Besetzung immer wieder verändert wurde – das Herz bleibt: Es sind die Kompositionen und Arrangements des Leaders, die einen großen Teil des Reizes der Musik von Subnoder ausmachen – und für die er jeweils die Idealbesetzung sucht, die sein Konzept versteht und umsetzt. Auch wenn die Kollegen immer ihre eigenen „Duftmarken“ setzen – und dazu von Baldes auch aufgefordert werden. Erneut ist dies Experiment nach dem letzten, reichlich gelobten Album „The Moholo Songs“ (Double Moon Records, 2007), gelungen. Die Startrampe dafür bilden die verinnerlichten Strukturen und Sounds des amerikanischen Jazz der 50er bis 70er Jahre, die Flügel werden den Stücken aber verliehen durch die eigenwillige Harmonik und Rhythmik und die ausgefeilten Linien der Melodien. Auffallend ist auch die Verzahnung von Thema und Improvisation, die Übergänge sind manchmal kaum wahrnehmbar. So erscheinen die Stücke des Albums wie aus einem Guss, fast wie eine Suite. Es entsteht ein wunderbarer Effekt: angenehm luftig und eingängig anzuhören, entdeckt man erst beim genauen Zuhören die Komplexität der Musik.

Jochen Baldes, einst Absolvent der renommierten Swiss Jazz School in Bern, ist in der Schweiz (und darüber hinaus) eine feste Größe des Jazz. Natürlich als Musiker, der in zahlreichen (nicht nur Jazz-) Formationen aktiv war und ist, aber auch als Komponist für Filme und Hörspiele. Seine zweite große Leidenschaft ist die Malerei, die er mit großer Energie und erfolgreich pflegt. Als ob das nicht genug sei, bekleidet er auch noch einen Vorstandsposten im bekannten Jazzclub „Moods“ in Zürich. Als Saxophonist verfügt er über einen elegischen, manchmal geradezu poetischen Ton, voller Wärme und Tiefgründigkeit. Seine Virtuosität entfaltet sich nicht in hektischer Raserei, sondern mit Eleganz und Präzision.
Bei der Umbesetzung der Band vor einigen Jahren ist der Gitarrist Franz Hellmüller zu Subnoder gestoßen. Mit seinen eigenen Formationen „Hellmüller´s 4“ und „H2S2“ hat er auch schon international auf sich aufmerksam machen können. Der brillante Gitarrist lernte in Paris und Luzern und verleiht Subnoder eine neue Sound-Qualität.
Der in Freiburg (D) lebende Thomas Bauser ist eigentlich vielen als Organist bekannt. Nach dem Piano-Studium in Freiburg und an der Swiss Jazz School in Bern hat er sich in mehreren Formationen der Hammond Organ zugewendet. Aber unüberhörbar ist das Piano, das er bei Subnoder ausschließlich spielt, als Leidenschaft nicht in den Hintergrund getreten.
Raffaele Bossard (b) hat seine jazzmusikalische Erziehung an der Jazzschule in Luzern und bei einem Studienaufenthalt in New York (bei u.a. Ron Carter) genossen. Neben eigenen Bands spielt er u.a. bei „elder statesman“ Joe Haider – und seit einigen Jahren bei Subnoder. Seine kreative, aber immer solide Begleitung ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Bandsounds, solistisch ist er immer für Überraschungen gut.
Der Schlagzeuger Michi Stulz hat einst in Luzern studiert und seine Fähigkeiten bei Aufenthalten in New York und in Westafrika breit geschult. In der Band des erfolgreichen Violinisten Tobias Preisig zeigt er seine Variabilität und Exaktheit, und auch bei Subnoder ist er ein wichtiger Baustein, ohne den dem Subnoder-Sound etwas Entscheidendes fehlen würde.


Jochen Baldes

Jochen Baldes, graduate of the renowned Swiss Jazz School in Bern, is an established big name in jazz in Switzerland (and beyond its borders). Of course, as musician who was and is active in numerous (not only) jazz ensembles, but also as composer for films and radio plays. His second great passion is painting, which he cultivates successfully with a lot of energy. As if that were not enough, he also has an executive board position in the known jazz club 'Moods' in Zurich. He has a melancholic, almost poetic sound at times as saxophonist, full of warmth and depth. His virtuosity does not unfold in hectic speed, but instead with elegance and precision.
Jochen Baldes, graduate of the renowned Swiss Jazz School in Bern, is an established big name in jazz in Switzerland (and beyond its borders). Of course, as musician who was and is active in numerous (not only) jazz ensembles, but also as composer for films and radio plays. His second great passion is painting, which he cultivates successfully with a lot of energy. As if that were not enough, he also has an executive board position in the known jazz club "Moods" in Zurich. He has a melancholic, almost poetic sound at times as saxophonist, full of warmth and depth. His virtuosity does not unfold in hectic speed, but instead with elegance and precision.


Raffaele Bossard

Raffaele Bossard (b) enjoyed his jazz music studies at the Jazz School in Lucerne and during studies in New York (among others, with Ron Carter). In addition to his own bands, he plays with elder statesman Joe Haider – and in Subnoder for the past few years. His creative, but always solid accompaniment is a decisive component of the band sound, and his solo pieces are always good for surprises.
Raffaele Bossard (b) enjoyed his jazz music studies at the Jazz School in Lucerne and during studies in New York (among others, with Ron Carter). In addition to his own bands, he plays with elder statesman Joe Haider – and in Subnoder for the past few years. His creative, but always solid accompaniment is a decisive component of the band sound, and his solo pieces are always good for surprises.


Michi Stulz

The drummer Michi Stulz studied in Lucerne and honed his skills considerably during stays in New York and West Africa. He demonstrates his versatility and preciseness in the band of the successful violinist Tobias Preisig, and he is also an important component in Subnoder, without whom the Subnoder sound would be missing something decisive.
The drummer Michi Stulz studied in Lucerne and honed his skills considerably during stays in New York and West Africa. He demonstrates his versatility and preciseness in the band of the successful violinist Tobias Preisig, and he is also an important component in Subnoder, without whom the Subnoder sound would be missing something decisive.


Franz Hellmüller

Franz Hellmüller is known for his guitar work in various combos; constantly in quest of unexplored passages through the jungle of jazz, he draws on everyday experiences with unusual depth and acuity and is forever discovering exciting new ways to marry the familiar with the unknown. Like all creative people, however, he needs to keep his balance while attempting his feats of derringdo. Because every quo vadis always assumes a point of departure. For modern creators, of course, it is much easier to answer the first question, with its speculative dimension, than to give an account of one’s origins, which demands a credo. Since, although speculation can be revoked at any time, a credo is for keeps.   Together with Luca Sisera...
Franz Hellmüller is known for his guitar work in various combos; constantly in quest of unexplored passages through the jungle of jazz, he draws on everyday experiences with unusual depth and acuity and is forever discovering exciting new ways to marry the familiar with the unknown. Like all creative people, however, he needs to keep his balance while attempting his feats of derringdo. Because every quo vadis always assumes a point of departure. For modern creators, of course, it is much easier to answer the first question, with its speculative dimension, than to give an account of one’s origins, which demands a credo. Since, although speculation can be revoked at any time, a credo is for keeps.
Together with Luca Sisera and Tony Renold, Franz Hellmüller has got to a point where confessing his roots is not only inevitable, but mandatory. The trio’s takes on standards are not simply the next in a series of 1001 variations on the same old same old, rattling on down through the history of jazz for eons already: they are an anchor for a boat headed back into harbour from the open sea. For good? No sir! They weld the bonds of collective memory to the contingency of an individual perspective: no standard album of standards, but one that will set standards. The classic jazz numbers on this CD are the charts these three musicians can use to set sail once again, and not only on this disk. A break in both senses of the word, a creative process of orientation – an adventure.




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