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Michael Gees

Michael Gees


Price: € 12.95
Format: SACD hybrid
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917251227
Catnr: CC 72512
Release date: 29 April 2011
1 SACD hybrid
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72512
Release date
29 April 2011

About the album

Music spontaneously composed originates from the presence of the spirit. This is music extempore. To achieve this, I have embraced the music of Erik Satie. Through closely-tied and personalized improvization, I gained insights and found open windows and doors. I looked into Satie’s music applying the rules it follows. Every day, I interpreted its horoscope, so to speak. What other development potential would have been “in it” for its idea? He himself led the path. With his “Wrong Dances,” he wrote the same piece three times: In his understanding, apparently, there is no one phrasing of a thought that remains valid through the times. Neither in my understanding, by the way.
Voortreffelijke improvisaties op de piano
Om deze uitvoering van pianomuziek van Erik Satie doorwrocht te kunnen spelen, heeft Michael Gees, de filosoof achter de piano, zich Saties muziek geheel eigen gemaakt. Hij deed dat door zich in zijn muziek te verplaatsen en zijn regels te gebruiken. Dat opende vensters ontdekte Gees, zo kreeg hij inzicht in de muziek van Satie, zoals hij zelf zegt. Met zijn spel laat Gees een lang vergeten traditie herleven: bestaand werk met geïmproviseerde onderdelen verfraaien. "Vakkundig gedaan en zeker de moeite waard om gehoord te worden." Robert Nemecek, Ensemble, september 2011.

De Duitse pianist, componist en vooral improvisator, Michael Gees (Bielefeld, 1953) komt uit een muzikale familie. Beide ouders waren zanger. Op zijn 3e ontdekte Michael de piano en 2 jaar later kreeg hij zijn eerste pianoles. Hij werd beschouwd als een wonderkind, trad al jong op, won concoursen en studeerde aan diverse universiteiten. Totdat hij er op zijn 15e de brui aan gaf en huis en haard verliet. Om het hoofd boven water te houden deed hij allerlei klussen en voer 2 jaar op zee. Tot hij in 1974 de mogelijkheid kreeg een piano- en compositiestudie aan de hogeschool voor muziek in Hannover te volgen. Hij wordt free lance pianist en componist en is grondlegger van een theater, waar mensen leren hun eigen artistieke impulsen te ontwikkelen. Vanaf 2009 doceert Michael Gees aan de Academie voor Muziek en Dans in Keulen.

De Franse componist en pianist Erik Satie (1866-1925) wisselde privémuzieklessen af met pianoklassen op het Conservatorium in Parijs, maar maakte niets af. Hij leidde het leven van een bohemien, was een buitenstaander en werd gezien als een kolderieke zonderling en provocateur. In 1887 vertrok Satie naar Montmartre, toen nog een plaats aan de rand van Parijs. Een omgeving van artiesten en kunstenaars. Hij genoot van de stimulerende sfeer in deze, van alle maatschappelijke dwang bevrijde, omgeving. Hoewel Satie uit een welgestelde familie kwam, leefde hij een groot deel van zijn leven in armoede. Als cabaret- en barpianist voorzag hij in zijn levensonderhoud. Satie trad in 1889 toe tot de geheime Orde van de Rozenkruisers. Hij werd aangetrokken door de daar heersende spirituele mengeling van religie, mystiek en cultus uit de middeleeuwen. Muzikaal werd hij geïnspireerd door Richard Wagner. Zijn oeuvre bestaat vooral uit piano- en theaterwerk. Na zijn dood raakte zijn muziek in de vergetelheid. Toch had hij gedurende zijn leven veel invloed op andere componisten als Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Francis Poulenc en de Amerikaan John Cage. De laatste wees in de jaren 40 van de 20ste eeuw op de moderniteit van Satie en gaf daarmee de aanzet voor een herleving van Saties muziek. Er werd wel gezegd dat het een soort pre-elektronische muziek was.
Nichts ist so gegenwärtig wie extemporierte Musik!

Michael Gees - der Philosoph am Klavier - hat sich Erik Saties Musik zu eigen gemacht und aus der gebundenen, anverwandelnden Improvisation Hellhörigkeiten gewonnen, offene Fenster und Türen entdeckt. Seit 2007 ist er mit Challenge Classics verbunden. Die 'Schöne Müllerin' (mit Christoph Prégardien, CC72292) wurde 2009 mit dem MIDEM Classical Award ausgezeichnet und wurde zugleich Recording of the Year. Mit seinem Spiel lässt er eine lang vergessene Tradition wiederaufleben: Das überlieferte Werk mit extemporierten Anteilen auszuschmücken.


Michael Gees

'Throughout the evening Gees played as if he had composed the pieces himself and was therefore extremely vigilant to make sure the performance was carried out according to his inner ear. His eyes were not those of an artist intent on reproduction, but  shone rather a lambent look of passion, just as one might imagine the composer as the creator.“ N. Campogrande Michael Gees’ biography certainly justifies the term: exceptional. Few others can claim to have a career already behind them at the tender age of fifteen: Born in 1953 into a world of sound and music, both parents are singers, the piano is his favourite toy at age three. Formal piano lessons follow at age five, and the young musician subsequently goes...
"Throughout the evening Gees played as if he had composed the pieces himself and was therefore extremely vigilant to make sure the performance was carried out according to his inner ear. His eyes were not those of an artist intent on reproduction, but shone rather a lambent look of passion, just as one might imagine the composer as the creator.“ N. Campogrande Michael Gees’ biography certainly justifies the term: exceptional. Few others can claim to have a career already behind them at the tender age of fifteen: Born in 1953 into a world of sound and music, both parents are singers, the piano is his favourite toy at age three. Formal piano lessons follow at age five, and the young musician subsequently goes on to win the Steinway Competition at age eight and receives a scholarship at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.
The child prodigy is hailed as “Westphalian Mozart“, takes up studies at the conservatories in Detmold and Vienna and it seems as if he is fast on his way to become an internationally acclaimed pianist. Were it not for the gifted child’s longing to explore the world of sound on his own terms, to playfully experience his self like the great masters’ music, to invent their music all over again, note for note instead of limiting himself to a technical practice regimen. Michael Gees flees the pressure of a predetermined competitional career at the age of fifteen, leaves school, conservatory and home behind, supports himself through odd jobs, works as archeological assistant and, in the process, for the duration of two full years, becomes a sailor.
Chance leads him back to the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover, where he resumes his compositional studies and eventually graduates. He now develops first rate pianistic chops on his own, composes a number of works, gains international renown as lied accompanist of extraordinary proportions with Christoph Prégardien and also appears in concerts globally; in Paris, London, New York and Tokio. All the while, he nurses and feeds his preference for combining the performance of music of past masters with living inspiration, thereby creating remarkable performances with his instrument.
In 1989, Gees founds “forum kunstvereint“ in his adopted hometown of Gelsenkirchen; the Consol Theater, also installed by him, opens its doors in 2001 on the confines of the former mining area Consolidation. There, music, dance and theatre projects take shape, where children, youths and adults alike are incited and encouraged to discover and realize their own artistic impulses. A steady number of CDs have been released from 1996 onward on forum kunstvereint, CPO and EMI, showcasing Michael Gees’ range.
Since 2008 Michael Gees is associated to the Netherlands label Challenge Classics. The 2009 release of the Schöne Müllerin with Christoph Prégardien won the MIDEM Classical Award and became Recording of the Year. Michael Gees works on solo-recitals which enjoy breaking with tradition, on modernized lied-renditions, melodramas and stage music.



Michael Gees

'Throughout the evening Gees played as if he had composed the pieces himself and was therefore extremely vigilant to make sure the performance was carried out according to his inner ear. His eyes were not those of an artist intent on reproduction, but  shone rather a lambent look of passion, just as one might imagine the composer as the creator.“ N. Campogrande Michael Gees’ biography certainly justifies the term: exceptional. Few others can claim to have a career already behind them at the tender age of fifteen: Born in 1953 into a world of sound and music, both parents are singers, the piano is his favourite toy at age three. Formal piano lessons follow at age five, and the young musician subsequently goes...
"Throughout the evening Gees played as if he had composed the pieces himself and was therefore extremely vigilant to make sure the performance was carried out according to his inner ear. His eyes were not those of an artist intent on reproduction, but shone rather a lambent look of passion, just as one might imagine the composer as the creator.“ N. Campogrande Michael Gees’ biography certainly justifies the term: exceptional. Few others can claim to have a career already behind them at the tender age of fifteen: Born in 1953 into a world of sound and music, both parents are singers, the piano is his favourite toy at age three. Formal piano lessons follow at age five, and the young musician subsequently goes on to win the Steinway Competition at age eight and receives a scholarship at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.
The child prodigy is hailed as “Westphalian Mozart“, takes up studies at the conservatories in Detmold and Vienna and it seems as if he is fast on his way to become an internationally acclaimed pianist. Were it not for the gifted child’s longing to explore the world of sound on his own terms, to playfully experience his self like the great masters’ music, to invent their music all over again, note for note instead of limiting himself to a technical practice regimen. Michael Gees flees the pressure of a predetermined competitional career at the age of fifteen, leaves school, conservatory and home behind, supports himself through odd jobs, works as archeological assistant and, in the process, for the duration of two full years, becomes a sailor.
Chance leads him back to the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover, where he resumes his compositional studies and eventually graduates. He now develops first rate pianistic chops on his own, composes a number of works, gains international renown as lied accompanist of extraordinary proportions with Christoph Prégardien and also appears in concerts globally; in Paris, London, New York and Tokio. All the while, he nurses and feeds his preference for combining the performance of music of past masters with living inspiration, thereby creating remarkable performances with his instrument.
In 1989, Gees founds “forum kunstvereint“ in his adopted hometown of Gelsenkirchen; the Consol Theater, also installed by him, opens its doors in 2001 on the confines of the former mining area Consolidation. There, music, dance and theatre projects take shape, where children, youths and adults alike are incited and encouraged to discover and realize their own artistic impulses. A steady number of CDs have been released from 1996 onward on forum kunstvereint, CPO and EMI, showcasing Michael Gees’ range.
Since 2008 Michael Gees is associated to the Netherlands label Challenge Classics. The 2009 release of the Schöne Müllerin with Christoph Prégardien won the MIDEM Classical Award and became Recording of the Year. Michael Gees works on solo-recitals which enjoy breaking with tradition, on modernized lied-renditions, melodramas and stage music.



Play album Play album


Trailer Michael Gees - ImproviSatie
Michael Gees - Die Nachtigall

Often bought together with..

Robert Schumann
Beyond Schumann
Michael Gees
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Betulia Liberata
L'Orfeo Barockorchester / Michi Gaigg
Robert Schumann, Wilhelm Kielwasser, Gustav Mahler
Christoph Prégardien / Ensemble Kontraste
Hugo Wolf
Italienisches Liederbuch (Italian songbook)
Christoph Prégardien / Julia Kleiter / Hilko Dumno
Various composers
Between life and death - Songs and Arias
Christoph Prégardien / Michael Gees

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