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Robert Schumann, Wilhelm Kielwasser, Gustav Mahler

Christoph Prégardien / Ensemble Kontraste


Price: € 12.95
Format: SACD hybrid
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917251821
Catnr: CC 72518
Release date: 27 September 2011
1 SACD hybrid
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72518
Release date
27 September 2011

"Prégardien sings with an unaffected directness that by no means precludes subtlety."

Gramophone, 01-2-2012

About the album

Not even our contemporary inclination towards ‘authenticity’ and ‘loyalty to the composer’s intentions’ has been able to stop the trend of adapting scores for a different instrumentation than what the composer originally had in mind. The rapidly growing number of smallish ensembles with combinations of instruments for which very little music is available has even proved to be an added incentive in this direction, leading towards a new development within classical music. Not infrequently, a particular interest is shown in lieder which were originally written for solo voice with piano accompaniment. Sometimes the composers themselves put a small instrumental ensemble or even a complete symphony orchestra in the place of the original piano part, but it is not unusual for others to undertake this task.

One of the composers who adapted a piano score for a complete orchestra was Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), and the orchestration for his Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer, written in 1883-1885) followed the piano version so quickly that the very first performance in 1886 immediately featured the orchestra. In 1920, Arnold Schoenberg created a new version for flute, clarinet, harmonium, piano, string quintet and percussion, and this instrumentation was taken by the ensemble KONTRASTE as the starting point for a project called Wanderer, in collaboration with the tenor Christoph Prégardien. It revolves around Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen as well as sixteen lieder by Robert Schumann, which were arranged for this project by Marcus Reiβenberger. The idea was to retain the liveliness heard in the piano accompaniment while at the same time creating an instrumental colour palette that far surpassed it. A sort of intermezzo is formed by four lieder by contemporary composer Wilhelm Killmayer, who wrote his own instrumentation to fit in with the idiom used in the lieder of Mahler and Schumann. (from the linernotes written by Paul Korenhof)
Wanderer, kleurrijke en meeslepende liederen over rondreizende gezellen
Deze knap samengestelde liederenuitvoering is ontstaan uit de nauwe samenwerking van de lyrische tenor Christoph Prégardien en het ensemble Kontraste. Zij vertolken de gedachten en gevoelens van de 'wanderer', de dolende ziel, de rondreizende gezel. En zo diep en kleurrijk klinkt deze muziek zelden. Ware romantiek, de liederen van componisten Robert Schumann, Wilhelm Killmayer en Gustav Mahler. Een must voor liefhebbers van de liedkunst. In deze uitvoering biedt Christoph Prégardien "een opvallende emotionele verdieping van fraai gerangschikte Schumannliederen.", zoals Lavinia Meijer in de Gelderlander, oktober 2011, zegt.

In 1920 creëerde componist Arnold Schönberg een nieuwe versie van Mahlers Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, voor fluit, klarinet, piano, harmonium, strijkkwintet en slagwerk. Deze versie gold als uitgangspunt voor het project van het ensemble Kontraste en Prégardien. Ook de liederen van Schumann kregen een nieuw arrangement. Doel was de levendige klank van de pianobegeleiding te behouden en tegelijkertijd een instrumentaal kleurenpalet te realiseren dat alles overtrof. De liederen van de hedendaagse componist Wilhelm Killmayer vormen een prima intermezzo, maar passen ook naadloos bij de muziek van Mahler en Schumann.

De Duitse Christoph Prégardien (1956) begon zijn zangcarrière als koorknaap in de dom van Limburg an der Lahn, zijn geboortestad. Prégardien behoort tot de beste lyrische tenoren van deze tijd. Hij heeft een heldere en precieze stemvoering. Zijn intelligente interpretatie en dictie, gecombineerd met zijn kracht om door te dringen tot de kern van zijn rol, maken van hem een alom gewaardeerd zanger. De tenor treedt wereldwijd op met vooraanstaande orkesten en is ook een graag geziene gast in ons land.

Het Duitse ensemble Kontraste is al 25 jaar initiator en vast onderdeel van het culturele leven in Nürnberg, Duitsland. De musici staan niet alleen voor bewezen muziek, maar ook voor onbekende, gewaagde en provocerende muziek. Het ensemble ontving in Duitsland talrijke onderscheidingen en treedt regelmatig op in grote Europese steden en Japan.

Reizvolle Lied-Bearbeitungen für Tenor und kleines Ensemble

Aus der regelmäßigen Zusammenarbeit von Christoph Prégardien mit dem Ensemble Kontraste (Nürnberg) entstand das klug zusammen gestellte ’Wanderer’-Projekt, welches Lieder von Schumann, Killmayer und Mahler in Bearbeitungen für kleines Ensemble präsentiert. So intensiv und farbenreich erklingen diese Werke selten. Ein Muss für alle Freunde der Liedkunst!


Christoph Prégardien

Born 1956 in Limburg, Germany, Christoph Prégardien began his musical education as a choirboy. He then studied singing with Martin Gründler and Karlheinz Jarius in Frankfurt, Carla Castellani in Milan, Alois Treml in Stuttgart and attended Hartmut Höll’s lieder-class. Widely regarded as among the foremost lyric tenors, Christoph Prégardien frequently collaborates with conductors such as Barenboim, Chailly, Gardiner, Harnoncourt, Herreweghe, Luisi, Metzmacher, Nagano, Sawallisch and Thielemann. His repertory spans a wide range from the great Baroque, Classical and Romantic Oratorios to 20th century works by Britten, Killmayer, Rihm, Stravinsky. Recognized as an eminent recitalist, Christoph Prégardien is regularly welcomed at the major recital venues of Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Salzburg, Zurich, Vienna, Barcelona and Geneva, as well as during his...
Born 1956 in Limburg, Germany, Christoph Prégardien began his musical education as a choirboy. He then studied singing with Martin Gründler and Karlheinz Jarius in Frankfurt, Carla Castellani in Milan, Alois Treml in Stuttgart and attended Hartmut Höll’s lieder-class.
Widely regarded as among the foremost lyric tenors, Christoph Prégardien frequently collaborates with conductors such as Barenboim, Chailly, Gardiner, Harnoncourt, Herreweghe, Luisi, Metzmacher, Nagano, Sawallisch and Thielemann. His repertory spans a wide range from the great Baroque, Classical and Romantic Oratorios to 20th century works by Britten, Killmayer, Rihm, Stravinsky.
Recognized as an eminent recitalist, Christoph Prégardien is regularly welcomed at the major recital venues of Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Salzburg, Zurich, Vienna, Barcelona and Geneva, as well as during his concert tours throughout Italy, Japan and North America.
A longstanding collaboration unites him with his favourite piano partners Michael Gees and Andreas Staier. Soloist of choice for renowned orchestras, he performed with the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic, Bavarian Radio Symphony, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam, Gewand-hausorchester Leipzig, London Philharmonia, Staatskapelle Dresden, Philharmonie de Radio France, the Montreal, Boston, St. Louis and San Francisco Symphony Orchestras.
An important part of his repertory has been recorded by labels such as BMG, EMI, Deutsche Grammophon, Philips, Sony, Erato, Challenge Classics and Teldec. He is represented on more than a hundred and twenty titles, including nearly all of his active repertoire. His recordings of German Romantic Lied repertory have been highly acclaimed by the public and press and have received international awards including the prestigious Orphée d’Or of the Académie du Disque Lyrique-Prix Georg Solti, Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik, Edison Award, Cannes Classical Award and Diapason d’Or.
As an opera singer, Christoph Prégardien has made stage appearences in major European houses, performing leading roles as Tamino (Zauberflöte), Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni), Almaviva (Il Barbiere di Seviglia), Fenton (Falstaff) and Monteverdi’s Ulisse. In Spring 2005, Christoph Prégardien sang the leading part in Mozart’s “La Clemenza di Tito” at the Paris National Opera conducted by Sylvain Cambreling.
An important aspect in the musical life of Christoph Prégardien is his intensive and varied educational work. From 2000 to 2005 Christoph Prégardien was in charge of a vocal class at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Zurich. Since the autumn of 2004, he is a professor at the Musikhochschule Köln. In a new combination of DVD and book, released in the serie “Schott Master Class”, he presents for the first time questions of singing technique and interpretation in word and picture. Film examples accompagny him during his lessons with masterclass students.
Christoph Prégardien now has a long-term cooperation with Challenge Classics. The first production on our label, released in February 2008, was Schubert’s “Die schöne Müllerin” with pianist Michael Gees. In the fall of 2008 “Schwanengesang” with pianist Andreas Staier followed and “Die schöne Müllerin” was awarded the Midem ‘Record of the Year’ 2009 at MIDEM, the world’s largest music industry trade fair. The duo Christoph Prégardien/Michael Gees also received the MIDEM ‘Vocal Recitals’ Award 2009. Throughout 2008 the recording received critical acclaim from many national and international magazines (Gramophone, Editor’s Choice & „Best of 2008“ among others).


Ensemble Kontraste

EnsembleKONTRASTE was founded in Nuremberg in 1990. Right from the beginning it caught the attention of the public and the critics through its uncompromising programs and interpretations. Variable instrumentation allows it to engage in the most varied styles and genres of chamber music. The Nuremberg concert series opened in 1992 and was followed by concerts at home and abroad. Since then eK has given concerts in major European centers such as Vienna, Krakow, Paris, Athens, Munich, Berlin and received invitations to renowned festivals such as the Vienna Festival, Salzburg Festival, Schleswig Holstein Music Festival, the Ludwigsburg Palace Festival, the mdr Music Summer, the Janacek Festival Ostrava, the Berlinale, the Munich Film Festival, the Festival international du film d'Arras, the Fidena,...
EnsembleKONTRASTE was founded in Nuremberg in 1990. Right from the beginning it caught the attention of the public and the critics through its uncompromising programs and interpretations. Variable instrumentation allows it to engage in the most varied styles and genres of chamber music. The Nuremberg concert series opened in 1992 and was followed by concerts at home and abroad. Since then eK has given concerts in major European centers such as Vienna, Krakow, Paris, Athens, Munich, Berlin and received invitations to renowned festivals such as the Vienna Festival, Salzburg Festival, Schleswig Holstein Music Festival, the Ludwigsburg Palace Festival, the mdr Music Summer, the Janacek Festival Ostrava, the Berlinale, the Munich Film Festival, the Festival international du film d'Arras, the Fidena, the Rheinland-Pfalz Culture Summer, Les Giboulées de la Marionnette/ Strasbourg and the Imaginale.
In 1999 eK received the Wolfram-von-Eschenbach award, in 2000 the Sponsors' Award of the Ernst-von-Siemens Cultural Foundation, in 2004 the Cultural Award of the City of Nuremberg, as well as in 2007 the Friedrich-Baur award of the Academy of Fine Arts.
Numerous productions originated in conjunction with various German broadcasting corporations (SWR, SFB, RB, SR), the cooperation with the Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting Service) being a particularly close one. Exemplary for the seriousness and intensity of the ensemble's work is its involvement with the Second Viennese School. Highly-lauded, almost rapturous interpretations arose under the direction of its long-standing artistic conductor Hermann Beyer, which is documented by works of Schönberg and Webern in a CD from Ambitus Records.
The ensemble has a basic predilection for the human voice and it gives concerts with such exceptional singers as Anke Vondung, Christoph Pregardien, Salome Kammer or the Vocal Ensemble Singer Pur.
The eK received major international recognition by accompanying silent movies live with newly composed music. It produces regularly for ZDF/arte and has been a guest performer at film festivals all over Europe, including the Berlinale. The ensemble cooperates in this area chiefly with the conductor and film specialist Frank Strobel.
eK celebrated its 15th anniversary with the premiere of "Schuberts Winterreise "- a Composed Interpretation" by Hans Zender (soloist: C. Pregardien) and launched in collaboration with the writer and translator Hans Wollschläger a series with the topic of music and literature under the title "Dichtercafe" (Poets' Café).



Gustav Mahler

During his own time, Gustav Mahler was considered as one of the major conductors of Europe, but nowadays he is considered to a major composer who bridged the Late Romantic period to the modern age.  Few composers are so connected with the symphonic repertory as Gustav Mahler. Composing symphonies was his 'core business': in every aspect he developed the symphony towards, and sometimes even over, its absolute limits. Almost all of Mahler's symphonies are lenghty, demand a large orchestra and are particularly great in their expressive qualities. With rustic and mythical atmospheres (the start of the First Symphony), daunting chaos (the end of his Sixth), grand visions (end of his Second), cheerful melodies (opening Fourth), romantic melancholy (the famous adagio of...

During his own time, Gustav Mahler was considered as one of the major conductors of Europe, but nowadays he is considered to a major composer who bridged the Late Romantic period to the modern age.

Few composers are so connected with the symphonic repertory as Gustav Mahler. Composing symphonies was his "core business": in every aspect he developed the symphony towards, and sometimes even over, its absolute limits. Almost all of Mahler's symphonies are lenghty, demand a large orchestra and are particularly great in their expressive qualities. With rustic and mythical atmospheres (the start of the First Symphony), daunting chaos (the end of his Sixth), grand visions (end of his Second), cheerful melodies (opening Fourth), romantic melancholy (the famous adagio of his Fifth), evocations of nature (his Third), megalomanic eruptions in the orchestra (his Eighth), and the clamant atonality of his unfinished Tenth, Mahler's musical palette seemed inexhaustible.

His symphonies are captivating, but some could find it a bit 'over the top' at times. For those, his orchestral songs could undoubtedly show there is an incredibly subtle and refined side to his compositional style as well.

In the Netherlands, Mahler is particularly popular due to its close bond with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, which was already established during his lifetime!


Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann was a German composer and influential music critic. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era. Schumann left the study of law, intending to pursue a career as a virtuoso pianist. He had been assured by his teacher Friedrich Wieck that he could become the finest pianist in Europe, but a hand injury ended this dream. Schumann then focused his musical energies on composing. Schumann's published compositions were written exclusively for the piano until 1840; he later composed works for piano and orchestra; many Lieder (songs for voice and piano); four symphonies; an opera; and other orchestral, choral, and chamber works. Works such as Carnaval, Symphonic Studies, Kinderszenen, Kreisleriana, and the Fantasie in...
Robert Schumann was a German composer and influential music critic. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era. Schumann left the study of law, intending to pursue a career as a virtuoso pianist. He had been assured by his teacher Friedrich Wieck that he could become the finest pianist in Europe, but a hand injury ended this dream. Schumann then focused his musical energies on composing.
Schumann's published compositions were written exclusively for the piano until 1840; he later composed works for piano and orchestra; many Lieder (songs for voice and piano); four symphonies; an opera; and other orchestral, choral, and chamber works. Works such as Carnaval, Symphonic Studies, Kinderszenen, Kreisleriana, and the Fantasie in C are among his most famous. His writings about music appeared mostly in the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (New Journal for Music), a Leipzig-based publication which he jointly founded.
In 1840, Schumann married Friedrich Wieck's daughter Clara, against the wishes of her father, following a long and acrimonious legal battle, which found in favour of Clara and Robert. Clara also composed music and had a considerable concert career as a pianist, the earnings from which, before her marriage, formed a substantial part of her father's fortune.
Schumann suffered from a mental disorder, first manifesting itself in 1833 as a severe melancholic depressive episode, which recurred several times alternating with phases of ‘exaltation’ and increasingly also delusional ideas of being poisoned or threatened with metallic items. After a suicide attempt in 1854, Schumann was admitted to a mental asylum, at his own request, in Endenich near Bonn. Diagnosed with "psychotic melancholia", Schumann died two years later in 1856 without having recovered from his mental illness.



Prégardien sings with an unaffected directness that by no means precludes subtlety.
Gramophone, 01-2-2012

All those concerned with this Wanderer project are to be heartily congratulated. I will listen to this splendidly performed release again and again.
Music Web International, 01-2-2012

his singing is full of imaginative insights
BBC Music Magazine, 01-1-2012

Triumph of emotionality

Play album Play album
Arrangements for small ensemble: Frühlingsfahrt op. 45,2
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Eintritt op. 82,1
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: In der Fremde op. 39,8
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Waldesgespräch op. 39,3
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Mondnacht op. 39,5
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Einsame Blumen op. 82
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Trost im Gesang op. 142
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Sehnsucht nach der Waldgegend op. 35,5
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Wanderung op. 35,7
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Herberge op. 82
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Es leuchtet meine Liebe op. 127,3
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Dein Angesicht op. 127,2
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Lehn Deine Wang op. 142,2
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Mein Wagen rollet langsam op. 142,4
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Abschied op. 82
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Der Dichter spricht? from ?Kinderszenen? op. 15
(Robert Schumann) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: In lieblicher Bläue
(Wilhelm Killmayer) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Der Mensch
(Wilhelm Killmayer) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Wie Wolken
(Wilhelm Killmayer) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Griechenland
(Wilhelm Killmayer) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
(Gustav Mahler) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Ging heut morgen übers Feld
(Gustav Mahler) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Ich hab? ein glühend Messer
(Gustav Mahler) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
Arrangements for small ensemble: Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
(Gustav Mahler) Christoph Prégardien, Ensemble Kontraste
show all tracks

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Franz Schubert
Die schöne Müllerin
Christoph Prégardien / Michael Gees

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