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Goleine | Haesen | Breidenbach | Willems | Roelofs


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Buzz
UPC: 0608917614022
Catnr: ZZ 76140
Release date: 04 April 2025
1 CD
€ 19.95
Catalogue number
ZZ 76140
Release date
04 April 2025

About the album

Back in May 2023, at Charlotte’s invitation, we came together for the first time, not knowing what to expect and wondering if there would be a musical chemistry present between us. Since all four of us work as independent musicians and songwriters within many different musical directions, there is a passion we all share: the love of the sung song.

All four of us love to sing, write, and create music that feels authentic, unfiltered, and true. That first meeting wasn’t just a jam session; it felt like coming home. The connection was undeniable, and from that moment, we knew we weren’t just musicians playing together— we were a band.

The songs we sing give words to personal experiences from our lives. Some have been part of our individual repertoires for years. Others we wrote together. But as applicable as they are to our own personal situations, they now feel more than anything like Goleine songs.

When you make music together, share life experiences and beliefs, you get to know each other very well. It’s beautiful how a song can transform through a new collaboration. It breathes differently, reinvents itself, and creates a sense of belonging. That’s what we’ve found in each other—a musical family. This is how it feels when we are on stage together and we hope that we can convey this feeling of unity to our audience as well. This album is dear to us and we hope it will be a blessing for the listener.

Im Mai 2023 kamen wir auf Charlottes Einladung hin zum ersten Mal zusammen, ohne zu wissen, was uns erwarten würde, und fragten uns, ob zwischen uns eine musikalische Chemie vorhanden sein würde. Da wir alle vier als unabhängige Musiker und Songwriter in vielen verschiedenen Musikrichtungen arbeiten, teilen wir alle eine Leidenschaft: die Liebe zum gesungenen Lied.
Wir alle vier lieben es, zu singen, zu schreiben und Musik zu machen, die sich authentisch, ungefiltert und wahr anfühlt. Dieses erste Treffen war nicht nur eine Jamsession, es fühlte sich an, als kämen wir nach Hause. Die Verbindung war unbestreitbar, und von diesem Moment an wussten wir, dass wir nicht nur Musiker waren, die zusammen spielten – wir waren eine Band.
Die Lieder, die wir singen, geben persönlichen Erfahrungen aus unserem Leben Worte. Einige gehören seit Jahren zu unserem individuellen Repertoire. Andere haben wir gemeinsam geschrieben. Aber so sehr sie auch auf unsere eigene persönliche Situation zutreffen, fühlen sie sich jetzt mehr denn je wie Goleine-Lieder an.
Wenn man gemeinsam Musik macht, Lebenserfahrungen und Überzeugungen teilt, lernt man sich sehr gut kennen. Es ist schön, wie sich ein Lied durch eine neue Zusammenarbeit verändern kann. Es atmet anders, erfindet sich neu und schafft ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit. Das haben wir ineinander gefunden – eine musikalische Familie. So fühlt es sich an, wenn wir zusammen auf der Bühne stehen, und wir hoffen, dass wir dieses Gefühl der Einheit auch unserem Publikum vermitteln können. Dieses Album liegt uns sehr am Herzen und wir hoffen, dass es für den Hörer ein Segen sein wird.



GOLEINE is not only a unisex name that means harmony, but also the newest Folk Jazz collective from Limburg (NL) with pianist and winner of Dutch Jazz Competition and Anne MG Schmidt award Mike Roelofs, double bassist, Princess Christina Concours and Maastricht Jazz Award winner Peter Willems, Dutch-Burundese singer/chansonnière and Eujazz Award winner Charlotte Haesen and guitarist/producer Philip Breidenbach. Atmosphere, virtuosity, vulnerability and strong stories: The intriguing band GOLEINE tirelessly builds their own musical universe and have just played their debut tour in the Netherland, Germany and Belgium.
GOLEINE is not only a unisex name that means harmony, but also the newest Folk Jazz collective from Limburg (NL) with pianist and winner of Dutch Jazz Competition and Anne MG Schmidt award Mike Roelofs, double bassist, Princess Christina Concours and Maastricht Jazz Award winner Peter Willems, Dutch-Burundese singer/chansonnière and Eujazz Award winner Charlotte Haesen and guitarist/producer Philip Breidenbach.
Atmosphere, virtuosity, vulnerability and strong stories: The intriguing band GOLEINE tirelessly builds their own musical universe and have just played their debut tour in the Netherland, Germany and Belgium.


Mike Roelofs (keyboard)

Charlotte Haesen (vocals)

Known to be active in various musical genres, the singer Charlotte Haesen reaches her listeners with her authentic performance and storytelling, her unmistakable timbre and her incredible musicality. She has won the EuJazz Award, the public price at the 28th Concours de la Chanson Alliance Francaise and received several rewards for her videoclips. Being a uniquely versatile artist, Haesen has performed with different formations at festivals and stages in over 15 countries worldwide. Born in Amsterdam, she has origins from France, The Netherlands and Burundi. She grows up at the border between French speaking Belgium and The Nederlands. She studies jazz singing at the Maastricht Conservatory and the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Charlotte currently focuses on two main projects: Café des Chansons and her duo with guitar...

Known to be active in various musical genres, the singer Charlotte Haesen reaches her listeners with her authentic performance and storytelling, her unmistakable timbre and her incredible musicality. She has won the EuJazz Award, the public price at the 28th Concours de la Chanson Alliance Francaise and received several rewards for her videoclips. Being a uniquely versatile artist, Haesen has performed with different formations at festivals and stages in over 15 countries worldwide.

Born in Amsterdam, she has origins from France, The Netherlands and Burundi. She grows up at the border between French speaking Belgium and The Nederlands. She studies jazz singing at the Maastricht Conservatory and the Amsterdam University of the Arts.

Charlotte currently focuses on two main projects: Café des Chansons and her duo with guitar player Philip Breidenbach: Haesen & Breidenbach.


Philip Breidenbach (guitar)

I was born in Aachen, Germany in 1985. At the age of eight I took my first guitar lessons and got hooked on all kinds of musical instruments very quickly. Luckily I had access to plenty of them at my parents house so I made my first experiences with the drums and the piano at the age of ten. After studying the guitar for sixteen years under several teachers, I graduated at the Conservatorium of Maastricht, Netherlands in 2009. At the time I was already playing and writing for several projects and made contact with different musical genres.  During my studies I also began to record and produce music. What started as passionate experiments for myself evolved to a profession and I quickly got my first engagements to produce and write music for others. In 2010 I was working on...

I was born in Aachen, Germany in 1985.

At the age of eight I took my first guitar lessons and got hooked on all kinds of musical instruments very quickly. Luckily I had access to plenty of them at my parents house so I made my first experiences with the drums and the piano at the age of ten.

After studying the guitar for sixteen years under several teachers, I graduated at the Conservatorium of Maastricht, Netherlands in 2009. At the time I was already playing and writing for several projects and made contact with different musical genres.

During my studies I also began to record and produce music. What started as passionate experiments for myself evolved to a profession and I quickly got my first engagements to produce and write music for others.

In 2010 I was working on my first full studio-album production. Since then I am constantly working as guitarist, composer and producer for different artists and projects.

One of my favourite parts of being a musician is being on tour. I love traveling and playing music has already brought me various places and made me meet a lot of beautiful and interesting people on my journeys. I am grateful and exited every time I'm leaving for a concert. Much as I adore working "behind the scene", still playing concerts is probably the most challenging and fulfilling activity in my life as a musician. I hope I'll be able to experience that until great age.


Peter Willems (double bass)


Mike Roelofs (keyboard)

Charlotte Haesen (vocals)

Known to be active in various musical genres, the singer Charlotte Haesen reaches her listeners with her authentic performance and storytelling, her unmistakable timbre and her incredible musicality. She has won the EuJazz Award, the public price at the 28th Concours de la Chanson Alliance Francaise and received several rewards for her videoclips. Being a uniquely versatile artist, Haesen has performed with different formations at festivals and stages in over 15 countries worldwide. Born in Amsterdam, she has origins from France, The Netherlands and Burundi. She grows up at the border between French speaking Belgium and The Nederlands. She studies jazz singing at the Maastricht Conservatory and the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Charlotte currently focuses on two main projects: Café des Chansons and her duo with guitar...

Known to be active in various musical genres, the singer Charlotte Haesen reaches her listeners with her authentic performance and storytelling, her unmistakable timbre and her incredible musicality. She has won the EuJazz Award, the public price at the 28th Concours de la Chanson Alliance Francaise and received several rewards for her videoclips. Being a uniquely versatile artist, Haesen has performed with different formations at festivals and stages in over 15 countries worldwide.

Born in Amsterdam, she has origins from France, The Netherlands and Burundi. She grows up at the border between French speaking Belgium and The Nederlands. She studies jazz singing at the Maastricht Conservatory and the Amsterdam University of the Arts.

Charlotte currently focuses on two main projects: Café des Chansons and her duo with guitar player Philip Breidenbach: Haesen & Breidenbach.


Philip Breidenbach (guitar)

I was born in Aachen, Germany in 1985. At the age of eight I took my first guitar lessons and got hooked on all kinds of musical instruments very quickly. Luckily I had access to plenty of them at my parents house so I made my first experiences with the drums and the piano at the age of ten. After studying the guitar for sixteen years under several teachers, I graduated at the Conservatorium of Maastricht, Netherlands in 2009. At the time I was already playing and writing for several projects and made contact with different musical genres.  During my studies I also began to record and produce music. What started as passionate experiments for myself evolved to a profession and I quickly got my first engagements to produce and write music for others. In 2010 I was working on...

I was born in Aachen, Germany in 1985.

At the age of eight I took my first guitar lessons and got hooked on all kinds of musical instruments very quickly. Luckily I had access to plenty of them at my parents house so I made my first experiences with the drums and the piano at the age of ten.

After studying the guitar for sixteen years under several teachers, I graduated at the Conservatorium of Maastricht, Netherlands in 2009. At the time I was already playing and writing for several projects and made contact with different musical genres.

During my studies I also began to record and produce music. What started as passionate experiments for myself evolved to a profession and I quickly got my first engagements to produce and write music for others.

In 2010 I was working on my first full studio-album production. Since then I am constantly working as guitarist, composer and producer for different artists and projects.

One of my favourite parts of being a musician is being on tour. I love traveling and playing music has already brought me various places and made me meet a lot of beautiful and interesting people on my journeys. I am grateful and exited every time I'm leaving for a concert. Much as I adore working "behind the scene", still playing concerts is probably the most challenging and fulfilling activity in my life as a musician. I hope I'll be able to experience that until great age.



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