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Suonate per violino e violone o cimbalo Op. 7 - Vol. 1
Johannes Schenk

Ensemble Castor

Suonate per violino e violone o cimbalo Op. 7 - Vol. 1

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917299922
Catnr: CC 72999
Release date: 04 April 2025
1 CD
€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72999
Release date
04 April 2025

About the album

For some time now, Johannes Schenck has enjoyed a return to popularity as a composer of ingenious and technically demanding music for viola da gamba, but his compositional output in other fields has largely been forgotten. His instrumental music, is nowadays generally recognised, was composed in the tradition of the composer-virtuoso, almost exclusively for the viola da gamba.

The only exception is the undated Opus 7, from the publishing house of Estienne Roger, entitled Suonate a Violino e Violone o Cimbalo, which first appeared in 1699. The two individual part-books of the publication, one for the solo violin, the other for the bass accompaniment, contain a total of 18 numbered pieces. The use of French titles for the dance forms and the title “Prelude in stile
francese” seem at first to point to a strong French influence on Schenck’s Op. 7, as does the fact that the dance movements are consistently in the ordering Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue, as was normal practice for a suite in France at the time.

But in fact Schenck cleverly mixes suite and sonata forms with formally free, almost improvisatory movements or entire
pieces in the so-called Stylus phantasticus, creating a successful synthesis of elements from French, Italian, and Dutch/North German styles. This joy in experimentation leads overall to an impressive diversity of form and great richness of contrast, further increased by means of the contrasting characters of the movements, whose spectrum ranges from playful dances to elegiac slow movements
Seit einiger Zeit erfreut sich Johannes Schenck als Komponist genialer und technisch anspruchsvoller Musik für Viola da Gamba wieder großer Beliebtheit, doch sein kompositorisches Schaffen auf anderen Gebieten ist weitgehend in Vergessenheit geraten. Seine Instrumentalmusik, die heute allgemein anerkannt ist, wurde in der Tradition des Komponisten-Virtuosen fast ausschließlich für die Viola da Gamba komponiert.
Die einzige Ausnahme ist das undatierte Opus 7 aus dem Verlag Estienne Roger mit dem Titel „Suonate a Violino e Violone o Cimbalo“, das erstmals 1699 erschien. Die beiden einzelnen Stimmbücher der Veröffentlichung, eines für die Solovioline und das andere für die Bassbegleitung, enthalten insgesamt 18 nummerierte Stücke. Die Verwendung französischer Titel für die Tanzformen und der Titel „Prelude in stile francese“ deuten zunächst auf einen starken französischen Einfluss auf Schencks Op. 7 hin, ebenso wie die Tatsache, dass die Tanzsätze konsequent in der Reihenfolge Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue angeordnet sind, wie es für eine Suite in Frankreich zu dieser Zeit üblich war.
Tatsächlich aber mischt Schenck geschickt Suiten- und Sonatenform mit formal freien, fast improvisatorischen Sätzen oder ganzen
Stücken im sogenannten Stylus phantasticus und schafft so eine gelungene Synthese aus Elementen des französischen, italienischen und niederländisch-norddeutschen Stils. Diese Experimentierfreude führt insgesamt zu einer beeindruckenden Formenvielfalt und großem Kontrastreichtum, der durch die kontrastierenden Charaktere der Sätze noch gesteigert wird, deren Spektrum von verspielten Tänzen bis hin zu elegischen langsamen Sätzen reicht.


Erich Traxler (harpsichord)

As a harpsichordist and organist Erich Traxler mainly deals with music between around 1600 and 1800. His main focus in the interpretation is on the exploration of the 'musical craft' as a basis for music in the Baroque age as well as the immediate linguistic in the music into the 19th century. His concert career includes performances as soloist on harpsichord and organ as well as chamber musician with various formations (eg L'Orfeo Baroque Orchestra, Ars Antiqua Austria, Accentus Austria, Bach Consort Vienna, Venice Baroque Orchestra, Ensemble saitsiing, musica novantica vienna, Ensemble Castor) , Previous tours have taken him to most European countries as well as to the USA, South America, South Africa and Japan. Numerous CD and radio recordings (ORF,...

As a harpsichordist and organist Erich Traxler mainly deals with music between around 1600 and 1800. His main focus in the interpretation is on the exploration of the "musical craft" as a basis for music in the Baroque age as well as the immediate linguistic in the music into the 19th century.

His concert career includes performances as soloist on harpsichord and organ as well as chamber musician with various formations (eg L'Orfeo Baroque Orchestra, Ars Antiqua Austria, Accentus Austria, Bach Consort Vienna, Venice Baroque Orchestra, Ensemble saitsiing, musica novantica vienna, Ensemble Castor) , Previous tours have taken him to most European countries as well as to the USA, South America, South Africa and Japan. Numerous CD and radio recordings (ORF, Gramola, WDR, Upper Austria organ organ) document his activity.

Erich Traxler received his musical education in Linz and Vienna u. a. Michael Radulescu, August Humer, Wolfgang Glüxam, Gordon Murray, Brett Leighton and Augusta Campagne. A postgraduate degree led him to Basel to the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, where he got important impulses from musicians such as Andrea Marcon, Wolfgang Zerer, Jean-Claude Zehnder and Jesper Christensen. As organist he won 1st prizes at international competitions for organ (Goldrain / I 2003, Bochum / D 2005).

From 2013 to 2018 Erich Traxler worked as a professor for harpsichord at the Music and Art University of Vienna (MUK). Since 2018 he is at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw). He also taught at masterclasses in Belgrade, Notre Dame University, USA, and Stellenbosch University in South Africa.


Philipp Comploi (violoncello)

Ensemble Castor

The Austrian Ensemble Castor, which has been founded by internationally successful musicians in 2010, has already established itself as an highly valued early music group beyond the Austrian border. The musical director of Castor is the Austrian violinist Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt. Castor works together with internationally renowned singers as Alois Mühlbacher, Johanna Falkinger, and Silvia Frigato and has regular projects with Enrico Onofri, Dorothee Oberlinger, and Jana Semerádová. Ensemble Castor is performing at international festivals and in concert halls like Carinthischer Sommer, Boston Early Music Festival, Early Music Vancouver, Festival St. Gallen, Fränkischer Sommer, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, HändelFestspiele Halle, Internationale Barocktage Stift Melk and various outstanding reviews give evidence of its high quality.  
The Austrian Ensemble Castor, which has been founded by internationally successful musicians in 2010, has already established itself as an highly valued early music group beyond the Austrian border. The musical director of Castor is the Austrian violinist Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt. Castor works together with internationally renowned singers as Alois Mühlbacher, Johanna Falkinger, and Silvia Frigato and has regular projects with Enrico Onofri, Dorothee Oberlinger, and Jana Semerádová. Ensemble Castor is performing at international festivals and in concert halls like Carinthischer Sommer, Boston Early Music Festival, Early Music Vancouver, Festival St. Gallen, Fränkischer Sommer, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, HändelFestspiele Halle, Internationale Barocktage Stift Melk and various outstanding reviews give evidence of its high quality.




Play album Play album
Sonatina II: Adagio – Allegro – Adagio
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina II: Adagio
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina II: Gigue. Allegro
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina II: Allemande
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina II: Courante
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina II: Sarabande. Adagio
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina II: Gigue
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Prelude in stile francese IX: Vivace
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Prelude in stile francese IX: Allemande
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Prelude in stile francese IX: Courante. Vivace
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Prelude in stile francese IX: Sarabande
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Prelude in stile francese IX: Gigue
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Prelude in stile francese IX: Rondeau
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Capriccio XVII: Vivace – Adagio – Allegro
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sinfonia III: Adagio
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sinfonia III: Allemande. Largo
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sinfonia III: Courante
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sinfonia III: Sarabande. Adagio
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sinfonia III: Gigue. Vivace
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Capriccio XIV: Aria. Allegro – Adagio – Allegro – Adagio
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Capriccio XIV: Allemande
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Capriccio XIV: Courante
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Capriccio XIV: Sarabande
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Capriccio XIV: Gigue
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Capriccio XIV: Gigue
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina IV: Allegro – Adagio
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina IV: Allegro
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina IV: Aria. Adagio
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina IV: Gigue. Allegro
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Fantasia XIII: Adagio – Allegro – Adagio
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Capriccio VI
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina XV: Adagio
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina XV: Allemande
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina XV: Courante
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina XV: Sarabande. Adagio
(Johannes Schenck, Johannes Schenk) Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Johannes Ötzbrugger, Ensemble Castor
Sonatina XV: Gigue
(Johannes Schenck) Philipp Comploi, Philipp Comploi, Erich Traxlerhar, Erich Traxlerhar, Ensemble Castor
show all tracks

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