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John Dowland

Jadran Duncumb | Accademia Strumentale Italiana | Alberto Rasi


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917293821
Catnr: CC 72938
Release date: 02 June 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72938
Release date
02 June 2023

"Lachrimae or Tears are the names of these pieces of music where Jadran Duncrumb's lute moans softly but very musically on a soft consort of violas: plucked and rubbed strings in the centre-low register, with surprisingly modern effects."

Amadeus, 01-6-2024

About the album

From 1598 to 1606, Dowland entered the service of Christian IV of Denmark as court Lutenist. Having had the opportunity to absent himself by traveling to England both for the musical needs of the court and «on his own business», he was in London from the summer of 1603 until the summer of 1604, and during that stay he published Lachrimae, or Seaven Teares (1604), a collection he dedicated to Anne of Denmark, Christian IV’s sister, wife since 1589 of the new King James I.

Lachrimae is Dowland’s only publication of consort music, and the only collection for a string consort and lute. It is scored in five parts for a consort of viols (or violin-family instruments) and one part for lute in tablature. All parts are not printed in separate scores, as was customary, but on a single folio: all six performers could read their part from two facing pages by sitting around the table with the book placed in the middle. That 'book-singing' is par excellence that of polyphony says a lot about the decisive function that also in terms of performance takes on the graphic arrangement of the music on the charts containing it.

The most unique of the graphic solutions devised for polyphonic music is the 'table' layout adopted by John Dowland for the publication of Lachrimae or Seaven Teares. The six parts of the music are printed on two adjacent large-format (folio) sides and arranged in such a way that, with the open book in the middle of a table and the musicians distributed on its sides, each has his or her part facing the right way. The ideal performance condition, where possible, remains today that with the 'book' of music open on a table and the performers arranged around it in the positions envisaged by the author, so as to faithfully recreate the original sound conditions of this music, for a listening experience that brings together the visual and auditory aspects of the concert in a single, more intense perceptive sensation.
Von 1598 bis 1606 trat Dowland als Hoflautenist in den Dienst von Christian IV. von Dänemark. Nachdem er die Gelegenheit hatte, sich sowohl für die musikalischen Bedürfnisse des Hofes als auch "in eigener Sache" nach England zu begeben, hielt er sich vom Sommer 1603 bis zum Sommer 1604 in London auf. Während dieses Aufenthalts veröffentlichte er Lachrimae, or Seaven Teares (1604), eine Sammlung, die er Anne von Dänemark, der Schwester von Christian IV. und seit 1589 Ehefrau des neuen Königs James I., widmete.

Lachrimae ist Dowlands einzige Veröffentlichung von Consort-Musik und die einzige Sammlung für ein Streichconsort und Laute. Sie besteht aus fünf Stimmen für ein Gambenkonsort (oder Instrumente der Violinfamilie) und einer Stimme für Laute in Tabulatur. Alle Stimmen sind nicht in separaten Partituren gedruckt, wie es damals üblich war, sondern auf einem einzigen Folianten: Alle sechs Ausführenden konnten ihre Stimme von zwei gegenüberliegenden Seiten ablesen, indem sie um den Tisch saßen und das Buch in die Mitte legten. Dass der "Buchgesang" der Mehrstimmigkeit schlechthin entspricht, sagt viel über die entscheidende Funktion aus, die die grafische Anordnung der Musik auf den Tafeln, die sie enthalten, auch für die Aufführung hat.

Die einzigartigste grafische Lösung, die für mehrstimmige Musik entwickelt wurde, ist das "Tabellen"-Layout, das John Dowland für die Veröffentlichung von Lachrimae oder Seaven Teares gewählt hat. Die sechs Teile der Musik sind auf zwei nebeneinander liegenden großformatigen Seiten (Folio) gedruckt und so angeordnet, dass das aufgeschlagene Buch in der Mitte eines Tisches liegt und die Musiker auf den Seiten verteilt sind, so dass jeder seinen Teil in der richtigen Richtung hat. Die ideale Aufführungsbedingung ist auch heute noch, wenn möglich, das aufgeschlagene "Buch" auf einem Tisch und die Ausführenden in den vom Autor vorgesehenen Positionen darum herum, um die ursprünglichen Klangbedingungen dieser Musik getreu wiederherzustellen und so ein Hörerlebnis zu ermöglichen, das die visuellen und auditiven Aspekte des Konzerts in einer einzigen, intensiveren Wahrnehmungsempfindung vereint.


Alberto Rasi (treble viol)

Alberto Rasi, veronese, after his studies in Double Bass and Composition, studied Viola da Gamba and Violone at the Schola Cantorum Basel with Jordi Savall, and at the Conservatoire de Génève with Ariane Maurette. Since 1978, taking advantage of his training as a Double Bass player, he began playing both the viola da gamba and violone, giving concerts and recordings with the most renowned groups. In 1981 he co-founded Accademia Strumentale Italiana with the harpischordist Patrizia Marisaldi. As soloist and with this ensemble he has given concerts throughout Europe and beyond. In 1992 he became Artistic Director of this group and he has recorded several CDs for the Stradivarius label of Milan and various others CD labels winning various prizes including: Diapason d’Or,...

Alberto Rasi, veronese, after his studies in Double Bass and Composition, studied Viola da Gamba and Violone at the Schola Cantorum Basel with Jordi Savall, and at the Conservatoire de Génève with Ariane Maurette.

Since 1978, taking advantage of his training as a Double Bass player, he began playing both the viola da gamba and violone, giving concerts and recordings with the most renowned groups.

In 1981 he co-founded Accademia Strumentale Italiana with the harpischordist Patrizia Marisaldi.

As soloist and with this ensemble he has given concerts throughout Europe and beyond. In 1992 he became Artistic Director of this group and he has recorded several CDs for the Stradivarius label of Milan and various others CD labels winning various prizes including: Diapason d’Or, 10 de Repertoire, Musica 5 Stars, Amadeus and the Midem Classical Award 2007 in the category, Early Music.

He is currently teaching viola da gamba at the Conservatory of Verona.

In 1999 he founded the Baroque Orchestra of Verona, Il Tempio Armonico, which he conducts from the violoncello, and with which he has recorded the complete orchestral music of the veronese Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco.


Accademia Strumentale Italiana

The Accademia Strumentale Italiana was founded in Verona with the specific purpose of recreating the atmospheres of those ancient and illustriuos academies, where the pleasure of meeting one another gave a special fl avour to making music together. Its repertoire encompasses instrumental and vocal music ranging from the Renaissance to the Baroque, performed according to strict philological canons, but without compromising its ability to comunicate with the present: its musicians are convinced that even if the score is ancient, Music is always timeless. The Accademia has performed extensively in Europe and has been invited to several international festivals where it has always met with widespread critical acclaim. The members of the Accademia are all renowned specialists in HIP and work together...
The Accademia Strumentale Italiana was founded in Verona with the specific purpose of recreating the atmospheres of those ancient and illustriuos academies, where the pleasure of meeting one another gave a special fl avour to making music together. Its repertoire encompasses instrumental and vocal music ranging from the Renaissance to the Baroque, performed according to strict philological canons, but without compromising its ability to comunicate with the present: its musicians are convinced that even if the score is ancient, Music is always timeless.
The Accademia has performed extensively in Europe and has been invited to several international festivals where it has always met with widespread critical acclaim. The members of the Accademia are all renowned specialists in HIP and work together with some of the most famous European ensembles.
Since 1993 the Accademia has recorded mainly for Stradivarius and DIVOX, collecting prizes and awards from the specialized press (Midem Classical Award 2007 with the CD Dolcissimo Sospiro). With the recording of Die Kunst der Fuga started a collaboration with the Dutch label Challenge Records. Alberto Rasi is the group’s musical director; the ensemble is currently composed of a consort of viols, who are joined by guest artists invited to partake in larger projects.


Claudia Pasetto (tenor viol)

André Lislevand (treble viol)

Mario Filippini (bass viol)

Riccardo Coelati Rama (great bass viol)



Lachrimae or Tears are the names of these pieces of music where Jadran Duncrumb's lute moans softly but very musically on a soft consort of violas: plucked and rubbed strings in the centre-low register, with surprisingly modern effects.
Amadeus, 01-6-2024

This unique recording is based on the ideal performance configuration of this early 17th century music, with the music book lying open on a table and the performers arranged around it.
Lufthansa In-flight Entertainment, 20-2-2024

it is first of all the superlative lute of Jadran Duncrumb which impresses, both in the perfectly measured dissertations of the pavanes (magnificent Lachrimae gementes) and in the gaillardes played solo (The Earle of Essex His Galliard).
Diapason, 01-2-2024

...the resulting recorded sound is superior: The little band is more or less centrally placed in the sound stage, and each part is clearly presented. The solo lute pieces, such as The Earle of Essex Galiard, are exquisitely played by Jadran Duncumb and realistically recorded, letting us hear the beauty of his tone and taste. (...) The repertoire will be familiar to fans of Dowland's melancholy works. Nonetheless I highly recommend this disc for such listeners.
Fanfare Magazine, 01-1-2024

The Italian version differs here and there from the basic idea: they also play a piece (Lachrimae Tristes) without the lute, sometimes play pizzicato on the gambas and choose overall in terms of balance for a slightly too prominent role of the strings.
Luister, 01-9-2023

Play album Play album
Lachrimae Antiquae
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Sir John Souch his Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Lachrimae Antiquae Novae
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
The King of Denmarks Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Lachrimae Gementes
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
The Earle of Essex Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Lachrimae Tristes
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
M. Giles Hoby his Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Lachrimae Coactae
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
M. Thomas Collier his Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Lachrimae Amantis
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
M. Nicho. Gryffith his Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Lachrimae Verae
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Semper Dowland semper Dolens
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
M. George Whitehead his Almand
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Sir Henry Vmptons Funerall
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
M. Henry Noell his Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
M. Iohn Langtons Pauan
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
M. Bucton his Galiard
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
Mrs. Nichols Almand
(John Dowland) Alberto Rasi, Jadran Duncumb, Claudia Pasetto, André Lislevand, Mario Filippini, Riccardo Coelati Rama, Accademia Strumentale Italiana
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