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Stories of Change

Roos Meijer | Residentie Orkest the Hague

Stories of Change

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Buzz
UPC: 0608917613926
Catnr: ZZ 76139
Release date: 02 June 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
ZZ 76139
Release date
02 June 2023

"Not jazz, but it is good music, with honest and sincere lyrics. Also not to be sneezed at!"

Jazz & Mo', 01-12-2023

About the album

Songwriter Roos Meijer takes inspiration for her music from societal issues and unheard voices of people around the world. Her EP ‘Maktub’ tells the real stories of people she met who have had to seek refuge from war, and her album ‘Why Don’t We Give It A Try?’ was inspired by conversations she had with change-makers. In creating a voice for other people than herself in her music, she aims to challenge herself constantly in her writing. By putting herself in someone else’s shoes, she hopes to share with the world unheard stories of great importance.

In 2019, Roos applied for a scholarship to the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, to do her Masters in song writing in London. Sven Arne Tepl, director of the Residentie Orkest, was one of the commission members who decided which musicians were eligible to receive this grant. Sven was so touched by her music that he invited Roos to be part of her own Symphonic Junction concert with the Residentie Orkest. Of course, Roos didn’t have to think twice before accepting this incredible honour and opportunity. According to Sven, the authenticity and vulnerability that Roos shows as an artist, combined with the impact of her lyrics, has an immediate effect when listening to her music. Self-willed and honest.
Die Songwriterin Roos Meijer lässt sich für ihre Musik von gesellschaftlichen Themen und ungehörten Stimmen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt inspirieren. Ihre EP "Maktub" erzählt die wahren Geschichten von Menschen, die sie getroffen hat und die vor einem Krieg flüchten mussten, und ihr Album "Why Don't We Give It A Try?" wurde von Gesprächen inspiriert, die sie mit Menschen geführt hat, die Veränderungen bewirken. Indem sie in ihrer Musik anderen Menschen als sich selbst eine Stimme gibt, will sie sich in ihrem Schreiben ständig neu herausfordern. Indem sie sich in die Lage eines anderen versetzt, hofft sie, der Welt ungehörte Geschichten von großer Bedeutung mitzuteilen.

Für 2019 hat sich Roos für ein Stipendium des Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds beworben, um ihren Master in Songwriting in London zu machen. Sven Arne Tepl, Leiter des Residentie Orkest, war eines der Kommissionsmitglieder, die entschieden, welche Musiker für dieses Stipendium in Frage kommen. Sven war von ihrer Musik so berührt, dass er Roos einlud, an ihrem eigenen Symphonic Junction-Konzert mit dem Residentie Orkest teilzunehmen. Natürlich musste Roos nicht lange überlegen, um diese unglaubliche Ehre und Chance anzunehmen. Die Authentizität und Verletzlichkeit, die Roos als Künstlerin an den Tag legt, kombiniert mit der Wucht ihrer Texte, hat laut Sven einen unmittelbaren Effekt, wenn man ihre Musik hört. Eigenwillig und ehrlich.


Roos Meijer (vocals)

The sincerity of Roos Meijer’s alt-folk finds a way to the heart of even the most casual listener as she lends her voice to extraordinary but unheard people from around the world. Drawing inspiration from a diversity of genres, including folk, classical, indie-rock, and Arabic music, Roos bridges many rivers of the musical landscape and leads you to new pastures. With an understated but profound sense of detail, in both song and arrangement, her music finds and navigates emotional fine lines that are seldom expressed in popular music. Roos’ debut LP, ‘Why Don’t We Give It A Try?’, was released in November 2021 and was very well received; it got ranked number 1 at Music That Needs Attention and received multiple...

The sincerity of Roos Meijer’s alt-folk finds a way to the heart of even the most casual listener as she lends her voice to extraordinary but unheard people from around the world. Drawing inspiration from a diversity of genres, including folk, classical, indie-rock, and Arabic music, Roos bridges many rivers of the musical landscape and leads you to new pastures. With an understated but profound sense of detail, in both song and arrangement, her music finds and navigates emotional fine lines that are seldom expressed in popular music.

Roos’ debut LP, ‘Why Don’t We Give It A Try?’, was released in November 2021 and was very well received; it got ranked number 1 at Music That Needs Attention and received multiple raving reviews.

The album was inspired by conversations with eight societal changemakers for causes relating to climate, anti-racism, feminism, human rights, orphans,LGBTQ youth, and homelessness. Filled with eclectic but integral arrangements, each song creates a fully realised sonic culture within the wider world of the album and, through the unique empathy of Roos’ artistic voice, comes from a place of genuine earnestness and societal duty.


Residentie Orkest The Hague

Residentie Orkest The Hague proves that even in the 21st century, symphonic music can still be meaningful to large and diverse audiences. Its reputation as one of the finest orchestras in Europe makes it an appropriate figurehead for The Hague as a cosmopolitan city of justice, peace, and culture. The orchestra performs concert series in the Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen and in addition performs at venues such as Concertgebouw Amsterdam, TivoliVredenburg Utrecht and De Doelen in Rotterdam. Special crossover and innovative productions are also provided at The Hague’s prominent pop venue Paard van Troje throughout the season. The Residentie Orkest performs regularly at various other major concert halls abroad. Tours have brought the orchestra to New York, Boston, Chicago, London and...

Residentie Orkest The Hague proves that even in the 21st century, symphonic music can still be meaningful to large and diverse audiences. Its reputation as one of the finest orchestras in Europe makes it an appropriate figurehead for The Hague as a cosmopolitan city of justice, peace, and culture. The orchestra performs concert series in the Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen and in addition performs at venues such as Concertgebouw Amsterdam, TivoliVredenburg Utrecht and De Doelen in Rotterdam. Special crossover and innovative productions are also provided at The Hague’s prominent pop venue Paard van Troje throughout the season. The Residentie Orkest performs regularly at various other major concert halls abroad. Tours have brought the orchestra to New York, Boston, Chicago, London and Vienna amongst others and the orchestra also performed in countries like Japan, China, Germany, France and South America. There are also many prolific collaborations with a wide range of partners, including the Dutch National Theatre, Gemeentemuseum and the Dutch National Opera. Recent seasons have seen a much acclaimed production of Messiaen’s rarely performed opera Saint François d’Asisse and Poulenc’s Dialogues des Carmélites.

A rich history Since its first concert in 1904, the Residentie Orkest has developed into one of the prominent symphony orchestras of The Netherlands. Founded by Dr Henri Viotta, who was also its first principal conductor, it quickly attracted composers like Richard Strauss, Igor Stravinsky, Max Reger, Maurice Ravel, Paul Hindemith and Vincent d’Indy. Guest conductors included Arturo Toscanini, Bruno Walter, Leonard Bernstein and Hans Knappertsbusch.

After World War II, Willem van Otterloo was appointed chief conductor. He led the orchestra from 1949 to 1973 and built a strong reputation by combining high-quality performances with adventurous programming. Van Otterloo was succeeded by Jean Martinon, Ferdinand Leitner, Hans Vonk, Evgenii Svetlanov, Jaap van Zweden and Neeme Järvi.

Chief conductor Starting season 2018/2019 Nicholas Collon is chief conductor and artistic advisor of the Residentie Orkest. Richard Egarr will join the orchestra as principal guest conductor in 2019. Until the summer of 2019 Jan Willem de Vriend will act as principal conductor.


Ghaeth Almaghoot (clarinet)

Remy de Boer (drums)

Robin de Geus (guitar)

Evi Bosman (vocals)


Roos Meijer (vocals)

The sincerity of Roos Meijer’s alt-folk finds a way to the heart of even the most casual listener as she lends her voice to extraordinary but unheard people from around the world. Drawing inspiration from a diversity of genres, including folk, classical, indie-rock, and Arabic music, Roos bridges many rivers of the musical landscape and leads you to new pastures. With an understated but profound sense of detail, in both song and arrangement, her music finds and navigates emotional fine lines that are seldom expressed in popular music. Roos’ debut LP, ‘Why Don’t We Give It A Try?’, was released in November 2021 and was very well received; it got ranked number 1 at Music That Needs Attention and received multiple...

The sincerity of Roos Meijer’s alt-folk finds a way to the heart of even the most casual listener as she lends her voice to extraordinary but unheard people from around the world. Drawing inspiration from a diversity of genres, including folk, classical, indie-rock, and Arabic music, Roos bridges many rivers of the musical landscape and leads you to new pastures. With an understated but profound sense of detail, in both song and arrangement, her music finds and navigates emotional fine lines that are seldom expressed in popular music.

Roos’ debut LP, ‘Why Don’t We Give It A Try?’, was released in November 2021 and was very well received; it got ranked number 1 at Music That Needs Attention and received multiple raving reviews.

The album was inspired by conversations with eight societal changemakers for causes relating to climate, anti-racism, feminism, human rights, orphans,LGBTQ youth, and homelessness. Filled with eclectic but integral arrangements, each song creates a fully realised sonic culture within the wider world of the album and, through the unique empathy of Roos’ artistic voice, comes from a place of genuine earnestness and societal duty.



Not jazz, but it is good music, with honest and sincere lyrics. Also not to be sneezed at!
Jazz & Mo', 01-12-2023

The music is beautiful, very beautiful. The voice is young, slightly veiled, superb. The arrangements are cared for with just the right amount of jazzy adventures. But what matters first are the words by Roos Meijer herself, committed, resistant, full of hope and at the same time sometimes dark.
Le Soir, 16-8-2023

The Residentie Orkest provides Roos Meijer's songs with particularly beautiful sounds, after which the musician from The Hague sings wonderfully. Stories Of Change is 45 minutes long of an almost frightening beauty and underlines the enormous talent of Roos Meijer.
De krenten uit de pop, 17-6-2023

"Now I perform with my band and an orchestra of 13 people, so my own songs have a different style. But it stayed true to the original so I'm very happy with it." - Roos Meijer
Algemeen Dagblad, 02-6-2023

Play album Play album
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
Why Don't We Give It a Try?
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
In My Name
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
Stuck in the Night
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
All That We Have
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
I Dream of a World
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
To Be Free
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
Bigger Than Me
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
Dream In The Downpour
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
Stories of Change
(Roos Meijer) Roos Meijer, Ghaeth Almaghoot, Anne Lieke Heusinkveld, Remy de Boer, Robin de Geus, Evi Bosman, Residentie Orkest The Hague
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