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The Complete Works for Violin and Piano
Grigory Frid

Isabelle van Keulen | Oliver Triendl

The Complete Works for Violin and Piano

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917295320
Catnr: CC 72953
Release date: 05 May 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72953
Release date
05 May 2023

"As in the rest of his production, traces of Prokofiev, Shostakovich or a certain taste for desolate atmospheres so often present in Weinberg can be traced in these attractive compositions defended with absolute passion and dedication by Van Keulen and Triendl (...)"

Scherzo, 01-3-2025

About the album

Oliver Triendl: My first encounter with the instrumental music of Grigory Samuilovich Frid (1915-2012) occurred around fifteen years ago. It was at this time that Hans-Ulrich Duffek, the former director of the Sikorski music publishing company, showed me the scores of some chamber-music and orchestral works by this almost entirely unknown composer. My enthusiasm for Frid’s music came to the attention of Stefan Lang – the editor at the culture-oriented German radio station Deutschlandfunk Kultur to whom the musical world owes many important discoveries – so that the two of us were able to set up plans also for the recording of certain of the works of this long-neglected composer.

Frid’s works for violin and piano allow us to trace the composer’s stylistic development over a period of some twenty-five years. Thus, whereas his earlier work is to be situated in the tradition of Shostakovich, his later compositions are stylistically much closer to the work of Edison Denisov, Sofia Gubaidulina and Alfred Schnittke. “Dark”, “autumnal”, “ruminative”, “sarcastic” – it is such notions as these that first occur to me as I listen to Frid’s music.

Isabelle van Keulen: In summer 2019, Oliver had managed to get together quite a few scores of Frid’s music for violin and piano and we organised a “read-through” session, in which we both were reduced to tears several times by the sheer strength and diversity of this incredible music…. Both the violin sonatas and pieces but also the viola pieces – that will be released in an upcoming disc - bear witness to a deeply sensitive, profoundly sad composer; music with sometimes unbearably long lines and huge tension, only to then lighten up again
Met het uitbrengen van dit eerste deel van The Complete Works for Violin and Piano brengen topvioliste Isabelle van Keulen en toegewijd pianist Oliver Triendl een ode aan de nagenoeg onbekende Russische componist: Grigory Frid. De sfeer van de muziek van deze opname is gevarieerd, altijd diepzinnig en emotioneel, zowel muzikaal als gevoelsmatig, een genot om naar te luisteren.

De eerste kennismaking van Oliver Triendl met de instrumentale muziek van Grigory Samuilovich Frid (1915-2012) was zo'n vijftien jaar geleden. Enthousiast over Frids muziek boog Triendl zich, samen met Stefan Lang redacteur van de Duitse radiozender Deutschlandfunk, over Frids werken voor viool en piano met de gedachte ze op te nemen. Aan de hand van deze werken konden Triendl en Lang de stilistische ontwikkeling van de al zo lang verwaarloosde componist over zo’n vijfentwintig jaar volgen.Terwijl het vroege werk van Frid is gecomponeerd in de traditie van Sjostakovitsj, staan zijn latere composities stilistisch gezien veel dichter bij de muziek van Edison Denisov, Sofia Goebaidoelina en Alfred Schnittke.

Na hun samenwerking in 2018, toen zij samen het dubbelconcert voor altviool en piano van Grigory Frid uitvoerden, besloten Isabelle van Keulen en Oliver Triendl om de complete werken van Frid voor viool/altviool en piano op te nemen. Hoewel in eerste instantie terughoudend, vanwege de technisch veeleisende muziek: extreem hoog voor een altviool en met veel snelle passages, ging Isabelle naarmate ze de werken langer bestudeerde, de stukken begrijpen en fascineerden ze haar. Bij een sessie een jaar later, waarin zij en Triendl alle composities doornamen, werden beiden geraakt door de pure kracht van Frids muziek.

‘Donker’, ‘herfstig’, ‘bezinnend’, ‘sarcastisch’, dit soort begrippen kwamen als eerste bij Triendl op toen hij naar Frids muziek luisterde.
De vioolstukken en -sonates, maar ook de altvioolstukken die op het volgende album opgenomen zullen worden, getuigen van een heel gevoelige, diep droevige componist. Het is muziek met soms ondraaglijk lange lijnen, zowel licht als enorm intens, zoals in de compositie Calendar of Nature’. Grigory Frid boeit de luisteraar met zijn betoverende eenvoud. Dat is het geval in zijn muzikale 'miniaturen' en ook in zijn grotere composities, als de ontroerende ‘Violin Sonata No. 3 Op. 57' (1968).

Grigory Frids muziek weerspiegelt de tragische omstandigheden van zijn leven. Zijn werken voor viool en voor altviool getuigen van een diep gevoelig mens. Frid werd in 1915 geboren in St. Petersburg. Vanwege de Joodse afkomst werd de familie onder meerdere regimes politiek vervolgd en kwamen veel familieleden om het leven tijdens de periode van Stalins bewind. In het post-Stalin-tijdperk promootte Frid de avant-garde muziek en richtte hij de ‘Youth Music Club’ in Moskou op, waar hij hedendaagse Russische composities aan het publiek presenteerde. Grigory Frid stierf in 2012 op zijn 97e verjaardag, een kunstenaar die een diepe erkenning en waardering meer dan verdient, zij het postuum.

Isabelle van Keulen kan sinds haar doorbraak in 1984 als winnaar van het Eurovision Young Musician of the Year, een concours dat in heel Europa werd uitgezonden en door miljoenen mensen live op televisie werd bekeken, terugkijken op vele jaren muzikale diversiteit. In de loop van haar carrière speelde zij veel werken van hedendaagse componisten en zijn er veel stukken speciaal voor haar geschreven.

Oliver Triendl: Meine erste Begegnung mit der Instrumentalmusik von Grigorij Samuilowitsch Frid (1915-2012) fand vor etwa fünfzehn Jahren statt. Damals zeigte mir Hans-Ulrich Duffek, der ehemalige Leiter des Sikorski-Musikverlages, die Partituren einiger Kammermusik- und Orchesterwerke dieses fast völlig unbekannten Komponisten. Stefan Lang, der Redakteur des Deutschlandfunks Kultur, dem die Musikwelt viele wichtige Entdeckungen verdankt, wurde auf meine Begeisterung für die Musik Frids aufmerksam, so dass wir beide auch die Einspielung einiger Werke dieses lange vernachlässigten Komponisten planen konnten.
Anhand von Frids Werken für Violine und Klavier lässt sich die stilistische Entwicklung des Komponisten über einen Zeitraum von etwa fünfundzwanzig Jahren verfolgen. Während sein Frühwerk in der Tradition von Schostakowitsch zu verorten ist, stehen seine späteren Kompositionen stilistisch den Werken von Edison Denisov, Sofia Gubaidulina und Alfred Schnittke wesentlich näher. "Düster", "herbstlich", "nachdenklich", "sarkastisch" - es sind solche Begriffe, die mir als erstes in den Sinn kommen, wenn ich die Musik von Frid höre.
Isabelle van Keulen: Im Sommer 2019 hatte Oliver es geschafft, einige Partituren von Frids Musik für Violine und Klavier zusammenzutragen, und wir organisierten eine "Leseprobe", bei der wir beide mehrmals zu Tränen gerührt waren von der schieren Kraft und Vielfalt dieser unglaublichen Musik.... Sowohl die Violinsonaten und -stücke als auch die Bratschenstücke - die auf einer kommenden CD erscheinen werden - zeugen von einem zutiefst empfindsamen, tieftraurigen Komponisten; Musik mit manchmal unerträglich langen Linien und enormer Spannung, um sich dann wieder aufzulockern


Isabelle van Keulen (violin)

”Her taut musical intelligence and vivid sound combined with a fine instinct for the tender, searching quality of this music … absolutely magical.” The Guardian Since her breakthrough in 1984 winning the BBC Young Musician of the Year, a competition that was broadcast all over Europe and watched live on television by millions, Isabelle van Keulen can now look back on many years of musical diversity. Not only is it always vital for her to approach the musical score with honesty and with an extremely consious approach to interpretation, she also strives to communicate with her audiences and musical partners, allowing her to perform in an inspirational, lively and enthusiastic manner. Her versatility lies in the fact that she not only plays...
”Her taut musical intelligence and vivid sound combined with a fine instinct for the tender, searching quality of this music … absolutely magical.” The Guardian Since her breakthrough in 1984 winning the BBC Young Musician of the Year, a competition that was broadcast all over Europe and watched live on television by millions, Isabelle van Keulen can now look back on many years of musical diversity. Not only is it always vital for her to approach the musical score with honesty and with an extremely consious approach to interpretation, she also strives to communicate with her audiences and musical partners, allowing her to perform in an inspirational, lively and enthusiastic manner.
Her versatility lies in the fact that she not only plays the violin, but as well viola with the same energy, performing chamber music in any thinkable combination and directing chamber orchestra performances. Whether in the over 20 year intense collaboration with the Dutch pianist Ronald Brautigam, concerts with mezzo soprano Christianne Stotijn, performing/directing the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, combining violin and viola in one appearance, or being a soloist with orchestras such as the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic or NHK Tokyo. Above all, being faithful to the music is her highest priority.
She has over the course of her career engaged works written by contemporary composers. She had many concertos written especially for her (Theo Loevendie, Erkki-Sven Tüür) and has many other 20th and 21st century works in her repertoire: Concertos by Henri Dutilleux, John Adams and Lera Auerbach. She also likes to perform less known works by Colin Matthews and Concertos by Krenek, Pettersson and Busoni.


Oliver Triendl (piano)

One can hardly imagine a more devoted champion of neglected and rarely played composers than pianist Oliver Triendl. His tireless commitment – primarily to romantic and contemporary music – is reflected in more than 100 CD recordings. The scope of his repertoire is surely unique, comprising some 90 piano concertos and hundreds of chamber music pieces. In many cases, he was the first to present these works on stage or to commit them to disc. As a soloist Triendl has performed together with many renowned orchestras. The list includes the Bamberg and Munich Symphonies, Munich Radio Orchestra, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, NDR Radio Philharmonic, Gürzenich Orchestra, Munich Philharmonic, Staatskapelle Weimar, German Radio Philharmonic, German State Philharmonic of Rhineland-Palatinate, Munich, Southwest German,...
One can hardly imagine a more devoted champion of neglected and rarely played composers than pianist Oliver Triendl. His tireless commitment – primarily to romantic and contemporary music – is reflected in more than 100 CD recordings. The scope of his repertoire is surely unique, comprising some 90 piano concertos and hundreds of chamber music pieces. In many cases, he was the first to present these works on stage or to commit them to disc.
As a soloist Triendl has performed together with many renowned orchestras. The list includes the Bamberg and Munich Symphonies, Munich Radio Orchestra, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, NDR Radio Philharmonic, Gürzenich Orchestra, Munich Philharmonic, Staatskapelle Weimar, German Radio Philharmonic, German State Philharmonic of Rhineland-Palatinate, Munich, Southwest German, Stuttgart, Württemberg and Bavarian Radio Chamber Orchestras, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Orchestre Symphonique de Bretagne, Mozarteum Orchestra of Salzburg, Tonkunstler Orchestra Vienna, Netherlands Symphony Orchestra, Czech State Philharmonic, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonia Varsovia, Polish Chamber Philharmonic, Georgian Chamber Orchestra, St. Petersburg Camerata, Zagreb Soloists and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra.
The avid chamber musician has concertized with fellow musicians such as Christian Alterburger, David Geringas, Clemens Hagen, Isabelle van Keulen, Sabine und Wolfgang Meyer, Benjamin Schmid, Christian Tetzlaff, Antje Weithaas and many more. He performed with Apollon musagète, Artis, Auryn, Leipzig, Mandelring, Schumann und Minguet String Quartets as well es with excellent artists of the younger generation.
Triendl, a native of Mallersdorf, Bavaria, where he was born in 1970, and a prizewinner at many national and international competitions, studied under Rainer Fuchs, Karl-Heinz Diehl, Eckart Besch, Gerhard Oppitz and Oleg Maisenberg.
He has concertized with success at festivals and in many of Europe’s major music centers as well as in North and South America, South Africa, Russia and Asia.



Grigory Frid

Grigori Fird was a prolific Russian composer, best known for his chamber operas The Diary of Anne Frank and the Letters of Van Gogh. The remaining enormous oeuvre consists mainly of instrumental works, songs, radio and film music. Frid’s early works were written in a conventional style, in the tradition of the socialist realism. When he was 55, he changed his style radically, turning to the twelve-tone and other more contemporary techniques. In 1965 Frid founded the Moscow House of Composers, which organized lecture-concerts for young people, at which works by Sofia Gubaidulina, Edison Denisov and Alfred Schnittke were often presented.
Grigori Fird was a prolific Russian composer, best known for his chamber operas The Diary of Anne Frank and the Letters of Van Gogh. The remaining enormous oeuvre consists mainly of instrumental works, songs, radio and film music.
Frid’s early works were written in a conventional style, in the tradition of the socialist realism. When he was 55, he changed his style radically, turning to the twelve-tone and other more contemporary techniques.
In 1965 Frid founded the Moscow House of Composers, which organized lecture-concerts for young people, at which works by Sofia Gubaidulina, Edison Denisov and Alfred Schnittke were often presented.



As in the rest of his production, traces of Prokofiev, Shostakovich or a certain taste for desolate atmospheres so often present in Weinberg can be traced in these attractive compositions defended with absolute passion and dedication by Van Keulen and Triendl (...)
Scherzo, 01-3-2025

Although the other pieces are also worth listening to, the three violin sonatas by Grigory Frid are particularly convincing in this interpretation by the van Keulen/Triendl duo.   Van Keulen's very lyrical tone, which is never exaggeratedly forced, adapts beautifully to these gems, Triendl complements it with confident pianism..., 01-3-2024

This is an important release, absolutely required listening for lovers of the violin, twentieth century Russian music, and inquisitive music lovers of all types.
Fanfare Magazine, 01-1-2024

Sincerely determined to exhume these forgotten pages, the two interpreters demonstrate here complicity and charm, through an energy that searches the soul of the composer with touching sensitivity (Sonatas Nos. 1 and 2). Great opportunity to get off the beaten track.
Classica, 01-11-2023

Isabelle van Keulen is one of the few who has enjoyed an international reputation on both the violin and the viola for almost four decades. Oliver Triendl proves once again with his meticulous playing that he possesses an exquisite instinct for neglected repertoire that really matters. The sequel with the complete works for viola and piano cannot release soon enough.
Opus Klassiek, 01-5-2023

Play album Play album
Divertimento Op. 45, No. 1: I. [Prelude] Moderato energico - Cantabile - Tempo I - L’istesso tempo
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Divertimento Op. 45, No. 1: II. [Stroll and Storm] Allegretto - Poco sostenuto
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Divertimento Op. 45, No. 1: III. Andante sostenuto
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Sonatina Op. 32: I. Allegretto
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Sonatina Op. 32: II. Andante
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Sonatina Op. 32: III. [Theme with variations]. Allegro
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: I. [Spring is Arriving] Andantino
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: II. [The Little Bird] Allegretto
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: III. [Spouts] Marciale
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: IV. [Autumn] Andante doloroso
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: V. [The Rivulet] Leggiero. Poco meno mosso
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: VI. [Sunset] Moderato
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: VII. [A Sparkling Drop] Moderato cantabile
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: VIII. [Bunny] Moderato sostenuto
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: IX. [The Wasps Feel Cold] Andante cantabile
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
The Calendar of Nature Op. 17, No. 2: X. [Fox Hunting] Allegro molto. Poco meno moso
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Violin Sonata No. 1 Op. 27: I. Allegro
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Violin Sonata No. 1 Op. 27: II. Andante sostenuto
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Violin Sonata No. 1 Op. 27: III. Allegro moderato
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Violin Sonata No. 2 Op. 51: I. Allegro
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Violin Sonata No. 2 Op. 51: II. Lento
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Violin Sonata No. 2 Op. 51: III. Allegro
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
Violin Sonata No. 3 Op. 57: Sostenuto - Poco più mosso - Tempo I - Poco più mosso - Molto risoluto - Con moto - Meno mosso - Poco meno mosso - Tempo I - Sostenuto
(Grigory Frid) Isabelle van Keulen, Oliver Triendl
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