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Cello Concerto in D Minor | Cello Concerto No. 1
Édouard Lalo, Camille Saint-Saëns

Maja Bogdanović | RTS Symphony Orchestra | Bojan Sudjić

Cello Concerto in D Minor | Cello Concerto No. 1

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917294927
Catnr: CC 72949
Release date: 21 April 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72949
Release date
21 April 2023

"Maja Bogdanović is a leading cellist in terms of her technical ease but above all in terms of the quality of sound and the elegance of the melodic lines. As for the Serbian Radio Orchestra, Saint-Saëns proves to be a perfect partner, through the discretion and supple delicacy of its interventions. At Lalo, it raises its voice but, unlike many orchestras, knows how to give power without brutality, maintaining a civil and balanced dialogue with the cellist. Bojan Sudjić perfectly captured the spirit of the French concerto."

Classica, 01-7-2024

About the album

Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns marked his time in a special way as one of the greats of the Romantic era in France.
In 1872, Saint-Saëns composed his first concerto for cello and orchestra, which belongs to the creative period in which the composer devoted himself to researching the limits of expression of the instrument.Known for the traditional form of his compositions, Saint-Saëns composed the concerto in three movements; however, he made it possible for the conductor to plan the performance so that they progress seamlessly as a unique whole, conceived through three separate sections.He achieved this by interweaving similar thematic materials within the sections, mostly at the level of orchestral transformation.

Saint-Saëns’ Allegro appassionato, composed for the cello and orchestra, is certainly one of the most beautiful compositions in the Romantic literature for the cello. This piece was written in 1876. It is assumed that it was composed with the idea of being performed as an “encore”.

The composer Edouard Lalo (1823-1892), a contemporary of Saint-Saëns, is another interesting figure of the French Romantic period. The Cello Concerto in D minor is today much loved by cellists around the world. Lalo composed it in 1877, in collaboration with the Belgian cellist Adolf Fischer, to whom he dedicated the work and who premiered it in the same year with great success. Although there is no explicit use of Spanish folk melody in it, the rhythmic and melodic characteristics of the musical material suggest the temperamental spirit of that country.

Met de opname van een Frans programma, de prachtige celloconcerten van Camille Saint-Saëns en Eduard Lalo, werd de droom van Maja Bogdanović werkelijkheid. Haar twee werelden komen samen: die waarin ze een kleine celliste was die opgroeide in Servië en die andere wereld waar ze van droomde: Parijs. Haar interpretatie van de Franse werken is doordrenkt van haar Slavische achtergrond en benadrukt het gepassioneerde en tragische karakter van de muziek. Dankzij de bijzondere chemie tussen haar en de Servische dirigent en het orkest, is het resultaat een schitterende en unieke uitvoering, die een gloednieuw inzicht biedt in de twee beroemde werken en, belangrijker nog, het gevoel geeft van het bijwonen van een live concert.

Maja Bogdanović groeide op in Zemun, het Boheemse deel van Belgrado aan de Donau, waar haar huis op slechts 50 meter van de rivier stond en waar honderden zwanen de voorbijgangers begroetten. Net als bij veel andere jonge cellisten, waren de twee, op dit album opgenomen, celloconcerten de eerste grote concerten die zij instudeerde en uitvoerde. Maja herinnert zich dat ze de prachtige thema’s de hele tijd zong als ze zonder cello, gewoon langs de Donau liep, op weg naar school. Op 16-jarige leeftijd werd Maja Bogdanović toegelaten tot het Conservatorium van Parijs, in de tijd dat Joegoslavië een zware periode doormaakte. Tijdens haar 20-jarig verblijf in Parijs kreeg ze de kans om zich te identificeren met de Franse cultuur.

Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns, in Frankrijk een van de groten van de Romantiek, componeerde zijn eerste concert voor cello en orkest in 1872, in de periode waarin hij de expressieve mogelijkheden van de cello onderzocht. Hij deed dat, traditioneel, in drie delen. Maar hij maakte het voor de dirigent wel mogelijk om de delen zo uit te voeren dat ze naadloos in elkaar overlopen.

Een ander juweeltje van Camille Saint-Saëns op dit album en tegelijkertijd een mooie herinnering aan Maja’s jeugd, is één van de mooiste thema's van de klassieke muziek: het beroemde deel ‘de zwaan’ uit het ‘Carnaval des Animaux’ van Camille Saint-Saëns.
Saint-Saëns' Allegro appassionato, voor cello en orkest uit 1876, is zeker een van de mooiste composities in de romantische literatuur voor de cello. Aangenomen wordt dat Saint-Saëns het componeerde als een ‘toegift’.

In 2023 is het 200 jaar geleden dat Édouard Lalo, tijdgenoot van Saint-Saëns werd geboren. Een mooie gelegenheid voor de opname van zijn celloconcert, dat inmiddels wereldwijd erg populair is bij cellisten. Lalo componeerde het in 1877 in samenwerking met de Belgische cellist Adolf Fischer, aan wie hij het werk opdroeg en die het in datzelfde jaar met groot succes in première bracht. Hoewel zonder expliciet gebruik van Spaanse volksmelodieën, zorgen de ritmische en melodische kenmerken voor temperamentvolle muziek die past bij dat land. Het Lalo-concert werd Maja’s lijfstuk omdat het vaak de keuze was in finales van grote concoursen, sindsdien is het stuk haar metgezel.

Het Servische RTS Symphony Orchestra was het eerste orkest waarmee Maja Bogdanović speelde toen zij op de middelbare school in Belgrado zat. De opnamesessies in de Kolarac-zaal, het hart en de ziel van Belgrado's muziekleven, ademden de energie en sfeer van een live concert. “It was important for me to keep the feeling of a live concert, with a touch of Balkan temperament, to spice up the “French flavour”, but at the same time to give ourselves wings and the freedom to fly.” - Maja Bogdanović
Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns hat seine Zeit als einer der Großen der französischen Romantik in besonderer Weise geprägt.
Im Jahr 1872 komponierte Saint-Saëns sein erstes Konzert für Violoncello und Orchester, das in die Schaffensperiode fällt, in der sich der Komponist der Erforschung der Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten des Instruments widmete. Saint-Saëns, der für die traditionelle Form seiner Kompositionen bekannt ist, komponierte das Konzert in drei Sätzen, ermöglichte es dem Dirigenten jedoch, die Aufführung so zu planen, dass sie nahtlos als ein einziges, durch drei getrennte Abschnitte konzipiertes Ganzes fortschreiten, was er durch die Verflechtung ähnlicher thematischer Materialien innerhalb der Abschnitte, meist auf der Ebene der orchestralen Transformation, erreichte.

Saint-Saëns' Allegro appassionato, komponiert für Cello und Orchester, ist sicherlich eine der schönsten Kompositionen der romantischen Celloliteratur. Dieses Stück wurde 1876 geschrieben. Es wird angenommen, dass es mit der Absicht komponiert wurde, als "Zugabe" aufgeführt zu werden.

Der Komponist Edouard Lalo (1823-1892), ein Zeitgenosse von Saint-Saëns, ist eine weitere interessante Figur der französischen Romantik. Das Cellokonzert in d-Moll ist heute bei Cellisten in aller Welt sehr beliebt. Lalo komponierte es 1877 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem belgischen Cellisten Adolf Fischer, dem er das Werk widmete und der es noch im selben Jahr mit großem Erfolg uraufführte. Obwohl es keine ausdrückliche Verwendung spanischer Volksmelodien enthält, lassen die rhythmischen und melodischen Merkmale des musikalischen Materials auf den temperamentvollen Geist dieses Landes schließen.


Maja Bogdanovic

“Cellist Maja Bogdanović is the real thing; a true, soulful artist with a brazenly expressive sound who has a lot to show off, but who is never pretentious.” - New York Concert Review Following her stunning recital debut at Carnegie’s Weill Hall, the Strad hailed Maja Bogdanović for “an outstanding performance of exceptional tonal beauty and great maturity of interpretation.” Since then, she has taken her place among today’s foremost cellists. Concert engagements have included the Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, Tokyo Philharmonic, Minas Gerais Symphony, Munich Chamber Orchestra, Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, RTS Serbian Symphony orchestra, Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Symphony, Brasov Philharmonic, Timisoara Philharmonic, Guanajuato Symphony Orchestra, Morelia Philharmonic Orchestra, Salta Sinfonica, Cape Town Philharmonic, Johannesburg Philharmonic and KwaZulu Natal Philharmonic Orchestra in...
“Cellist Maja Bogdanović is the real thing; a true, soulful artist with a brazenly expressive sound who has a lot to show off, but who is never pretentious.” - New York Concert Review Following her stunning recital debut at Carnegie’s Weill Hall, the Strad hailed Maja Bogdanović for “an outstanding performance of exceptional tonal beauty and great maturity of interpretation.” Since then, she has taken her place among today’s foremost cellists.
Concert engagements have included the Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, Tokyo Philharmonic, Minas Gerais Symphony, Munich Chamber Orchestra, Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, RTS Serbian Symphony orchestra, Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Symphony, Brasov Philharmonic, Timisoara Philharmonic, Guanajuato Symphony Orchestra, Morelia Philharmonic Orchestra, Salta Sinfonica, Cape Town Philharmonic, Johannesburg Philharmonic and KwaZulu Natal Philharmonic Orchestra in Durban. In the USA, Ms. Bogdanović made her debut at the 2017 Grand Teton Music Festival under the baton of Cristian Macelaru. She has also performed with the Fort Worth Symphony, Spokane Symphony, Lubbock Symphony and Bakersfield Symphony.
An avid chamber musician, Maja Bogdanović is a frequent guest at leading chamber music festivals and the world’s leading venues, such as Kuhmo Festival in Finland, Amsterdamse Cello Biënnale, Festival de Radio France et Montpellier, Folle Journée/Nantes, Storioni Festival, the Stift International Chamber Music Festival in The Netherlands, and the Seoul International Chamber Music Festival, performing with artists such as Martha Argerich, Yuri Bashmet, Julian Rachlin, Nino Gvetadze, Daniel Rowland, Nemanja Radulović, Frederieke Saeijs, Vladimir Mendelssohn, Marianna Shirinyan and Anna Fedorova. Maja has produced several internationally-released CDs for the Lyrinx and Nimbus labels and her recital disc ‘Eastern wind’ (Orchid Classics) with pianist Maria Belooussova, dedicated to Glière and Rachmaninoff, received rave reviews. Maja’s latest CD release (Challenge Records) with violinist Daniel Rowland, ‘Pas de deux’, includes world premiere recordings of works by Penderecki, Vasks, Sollima and Nisinman, and was described as ‘a magical meeting of cello and violin’ by leading Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad.
Within her wide repertoire, Maja Bogdanović devotes a special place to contemporary music. She has premiered works of Nicolas Bacri, Sofia Gubaidulina, Krzysztof Penderecki, Philip Sawyers, Eric Tanguy, Benjamin Yusupov, Natasha Bogojević, Isidora Žebeljan and others.
Her collaboration with Krzysztof Penderecki began with the Belgrade Philharmonic in 2008, and with the Slovenian Philharmonic in Ljubljana, where she performed his Cello Concerto No. 2 under the baton of the composer. This led to several further collaborations, such as with the Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, the Orchestra National des Pays de la Loire and the Krakow Philharmonic.


Bojan Sudjić (conductor)


Camille Saint-Saëns

Camille Saint-Saëns was a French composer, conductor, pianist and organist. He was a musical prodigy, writing his first pieces of music at the age of four and making his concert debut at the age of ten. During this concert he astonished the audience by playing one of the 32 piano sonatas of Beethoven at its request. After his studying at the Conservatory of Paris he followed a career as a church organist at Saint-Merri and later La Madeleine in Paris. He was also a successful freelance composer and pianist in France and abroad. Saint-Saëns initially helped to introduce German composers such as Robert Schumann and Richard Wagner in France. However, from 1870 onwards anti-German sentiments began to arise in France as...
Camille Saint-Saëns was a French composer, conductor, pianist and organist. He was a musical prodigy, writing his first pieces of music at the age of four and making his concert debut at the age of ten. During this concert he astonished the audience by playing one of the 32 piano sonatas of Beethoven at its request. After his studying at the Conservatory of Paris he followed a career as a church organist at Saint-Merri and later La Madeleine in Paris. He was also a successful freelance composer and pianist in France and abroad.
Saint-Saëns initially helped to introduce German composers such as Robert Schumann and Richard Wagner in France. However, from 1870 onwards anti-German sentiments began to arise in France as a result of the Franco-Prussian War, which enhanced support for the idea of a pro-French musical society. In 1871 Saint-Saëns consequently founded the Société Nationale de Musique together with Romain Bussine, that was devoted to the promotion of French music and organised concerts on which young composers could perform their works.
Saint-Saëns was a keen traveler, and made 179 trips to 27 different countries during his life. He favoured Algeria and Egypt, were he gained inspiration for compositions such as the Suite Algérienne and the Fifth Piano Concerto, also known as The Egyptian.
Saint-Saëns' best-known works include the First Cello Concerto, Third Symphony, the opera Samson et Dalila, Danse Macabre and Le carnaval des animaux, a humorous suite in which various animals are musically portrayed. However, he never wanted the last work to be performed, since it was contrary to his image as a serious composer.


Maja Bogdanović is a leading cellist in terms of her technical ease but above all in terms of the quality of sound and the elegance of the melodic lines. As for the Serbian Radio Orchestra, Saint-Saëns proves to be a perfect partner, through the discretion and supple delicacy of its interventions. At Lalo, it raises its voice but, unlike many orchestras, knows how to give power without brutality, maintaining a civil and balanced dialogue with the cellist. Bojan Sudjić perfectly captured the spirit of the French concerto.
Classica, 01-7-2024

Cellist Maja Bogdanović performs the works of Camille Saint-Saëns and Edouard Lalo, two great composers of the Romantic period, alongside the RTS Symphony Orchestra conducted by Bojan Sudjić.
France Musique, 27-2-2024

How does Maja stay on top of things? She and fellow cellist Davina Shum chatted about strategies for keeping an ideal mindset when you’ve got a busy career, including looking after your mental and physical health, as well as having a caring community around you, to avoid burnout and stress.  
The Strad, 15-2-2024

"The strongest quality of the passionate Serbian cellist Maja Bogdanovic is that she plays straight into your heart." - Wenneke Savenije
Luister, 01-1-2024

Bogdanović is a born musical storyteller. In smooth interaction with the RTS Symphony Orchestra, she tries to get the most out of the music and share it with the listener with conviction. Thanks to the cellist, Saint-Saëns changes from a somewhat distant intellectual into an emotional playwright, Lalo sounds temperamental and seductive.
Luister, 01-1-2024

This magnificent French program confirms that Maja Bogdanovic is one of the most interesting performers today. - Thomas Herreng
Diapason, 01-11-2023

With her cello, built by Frank Ravatin, Bogdanovic knows how to touch the soul of the listener. From the deepest regions to the highest played tones, she brings the strings of her instrument to life.
Nederlands Dagblad, 11-8-2023

In addition, the Serbian-born Maja Bogdanovic has an impeccable technique. With her virtuosity she underlines the tension and drama, while she also taps into the deeper musical layers.
De Gelderlander, 24-6-2023

"The Saint-Saëns is a gorgeous, compact cello concerto and I always have lots of fun playing it. It has everything, from the stormy beginning to beautiful lyric themes, a balletic middle movement, and the melancholic and fiery finale. This year, we are also celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Edouard Lalo. It is quite exciting to present his cello concerto which is somewhat forgotten, not often played, extremely beautiful, dramatic, with beautiful melodies with a Spanish touch… and a piece that is very dear to me." Maja Bogdanović
The Strad, 31-5-2023

The Saint-Saëns concerto shines in new colors in a vital and particularly flexible interpretation. Bogdanovic’s enchantingly lyrical but always excitedly communicative playing is in constant dialogue with the orchestra. Even in the Lalo concerto, this results in a fine performance full of style and substance – a masterstroke, considering how many great interpreters have already shipwrecked in this work.
Pizzicato, 22-4-2023

Cellist Maja Bogdanovic let’s Saint-Saëns hear what he was searching for (...) Bogdanovic lets us hear how much lyricism and expressivity his concerto contains. Stormy but playfully she makes Saint-Saëns completely her own in his first Cello concerto. (...)  The Lalo Cello concerto, written three years after the Saint-Saëns’ is with all it’s different moods/atmospheres and emotions also a wonderful vehicle for Bogdanovic’s expressive nature.
NRC, 14-4-2023

It is a live recording, in which the bronze cello is balanced against the silver-white sounding orchestra. With the first bars of Saint-Saëns' concerto, Bogdanović already has you captivated: after the chord like a stab through the orchestra, she takes the floor with her deep, shimmering tone and then in the yearning middle section and the smoldering finale she will keep you enthralled.
De Volkskrant, 13-4-2023

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