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Beethoven, Sonatas Vol. 2
Ludwig van Beethoven

Daniel Heide

Beethoven, Sonatas Vol. 2

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: CAvi
UPC: 4260085534937
Catnr: AVI 8553493
Release date: 23 September 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
AVI 8553493
Release date
23 September 2022

About the album

I and the „Middle“ Ones
Result to cope with the pandemic

When I first heard Beethoven’s Sonata No. 15 in D Major, op. 28, the “Pastoral”, it immediately conquered my heart. The swaying, deeply resounding, velvety bass notes and the tender theme in the right hand continue to produce a melodious sense of well-being in me to this day. A series of slow, melodious arches alternating with incisive, characteristic insertions create the general mood in the first movement.

Then the entire second movement is pervaded by a relentless staccato figure in the left hand: these tranquil sixteenth notes, with their metronomical precision, provide a guiding framework for the right hand’s dignified theme. In the middle section, we are surprised by the onset of a harlequinesque alternation between dotted chords and whimsical triplets in the right hand, which lasts until the initial main theme and its accurately pulsating left-hand accompaniment call everyone back to order. In the last section, Beethoven accelerates the theme to thirty-second note runs – leading to a culmination before the music suddenly becomes quiet and the movement fades out in tranquil transcendence.

In the scherzo we are confronted with an accurate, reactive joy of music-making combined with an outgoing sense of humor, and the same variety of pulsating playing pleasure is likewise prolonged throughout the last movement. This is not a furious finale, but a mischievous, swaying Rundgesang (stanza-and-refrain) with an affectionate rondo theme that returns again and again. A breakneck coda in Presto time allows the soloist to conclude this grand sonata with bravura. I still well remember my admission exam for the University of Music Franz Liszt in Weimar in 1996. My programme included Beethoven’s “Pastoral” sonata; the jury allowed me to play portions of all movements, and I was admitted!
(Auszug aus dem Booklettext, des Interpreten)

Als ich Beethovens Sonate No.15, D-Dur op.28, die „Pastorale“, zum ersten Mal hörte hatte Sie sofort mein Herz erobert. Die samtig-sonor schwingenden Basstöne und das zärtliche Thema in der rechten Hand erzeugten (und erzeugen) in mir immer ein kantables Wohlgefühl. Durch den ersten Satz ziehen sich immer wieder sehr lange gesangliche Bögen die ihm im Wechsel mit den prägnanten und charakteristischen Einschüben seine Grundatmosphäre verleihen. Durch den gesamten zweiten Satz bestimmt die unerbittliche Stakkatofigur der linken Hand den Grundcharakter. 

Fast wie ein klingendes Metronom führen diese ruhigen Sechzehntel disziplinierend das erhabenes Motiv der rechten Hand. Im Mittelteil überrascht ein harlekineskes Wechselspiel punktierter Akkorde mit verspielten Triolen der rechten Hand bis das Hauptthema nebst akkurater linker Hand wieder zur Ordnung ruft. Zum Ende hin steigert Beethoven dieses Motiv in durchlaufenden 32stel zum Höhepunkt um den Satz dann plötzlich wieder still transzendierend verklingen zu lassen. 

Im Scherzo trifft man auf feinnervige Spielfreude gepaart mit ausgelassenem Humor. Diese grundsätzliche pulsierende Spielfreude zieht sich auch durch den ganzen letzten Satz. Kein rasendes Finale, sondern ein verschmitzt schwingender Rundgesang mit einem immer wiederkehrenden liebevoll ansetzenden Rondothema. Zum Ende dann doch noch eine furiose Presto-Coda in der Solist mit Bravur diese große Sonate enden lässt.

 Ich erinnere mich noch gut an meine Eignungsprüfung an der Weimarer Hochschule für Musik „Franz Liszt“ im Jahre 1996, u.a. stand auch die Pastorale auf meinem Programm, aus allen Sätzen ließ man mich spielen - am Ende ließ man mich auch zum Studium zu……  (Auszug aus dem Booklettext, 


Daniel Heide (piano)

Born in Weimar, pianist Daniel Heide is one of the most sought-after vocal accompanists and chamber musicians of his generation. He performs in recital series and festivals all over Europe as well as in Asia: for instance, in the Konzerthäuser in Vienna, Berlin and Dortmund, the London Wigmore Hall, the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg and Hohenems (Austria), the Heidelberg Spring Festival, and the Oxford Lieder Festival. In addition to his ongoing collaboration with vocalists including Andrè Schuen, Christoph Prégardien, Simone Kermes, Ingeborg Danz, Britta Schwarz, Roman Trekel, and Tobias Berndt, he has also accompanied lieder recitals with renowned singers such as Regula Mühlemann, Fatma Said, Benjamin Appl, Sheva Tehoval, Dietrich Henschel, Dorottya Lang, Patrick Grahl, Katharina Konradi, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Luca Pisaroni, Konstantin Krimmel and Johannes Weisser. He also loves sharing...
Born in Weimar, pianist Daniel Heide is one of the most sought-after vocal accompanists and chamber musicians of his generation. He performs in recital series and festivals all over Europe as well as in Asia: for instance, in the Konzerthäuser in Vienna, Berlin and Dortmund, the London Wigmore Hall, the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg and Hohenems (Austria), the Heidelberg Spring Festival, and the Oxford Lieder Festival.
In addition to his ongoing collaboration with vocalists including Andrè Schuen, Christoph Prégardien, Simone Kermes, Ingeborg Danz, Britta Schwarz, Roman Trekel, and Tobias Berndt, he has also accompanied lieder recitals with renowned singers such as Regula Mühlemann, Fatma Said, Benjamin Appl, Sheva Tehoval, Dietrich Henschel, Dorottya Lang, Patrick Grahl, Katharina Konradi, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Luca Pisaroni, Konstantin Krimmel and Johannes Weisser.
He also loves sharing the stage with actors and narrators including Christian Brückner, Udo Samel, Thomas Thieme, and Hanns Zischler in the genre of melodrama. Daniel Heide had a close collaboration with the late German-Greek mezzo-soprano Stella Doufexis. Their CD Poèmes with songs by Claude Debussy was awarded the German Record Critics’ Prize. As a chamber music partner in duo sonata recitals he has concertized with outstanding soloists including Sabine Meyer, Tabea Zimmermann, Antje Weithaas, Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, Jens Peter Maintz, and Danjulo Ishizaka.
Daniel Heide is the founder and artistic director of the vocal recital series Der lyrische Salon. Held in Ettersburg Castle near Weimar, the series has existed since 2011 and is one of the few – anywhere in the world – that is devoted exclusively to artsong. In that context he has collaborated with a great number of celebrated soloists of the lied genre in more than 100 recitals at the Castle Ettersburg.
On CAvi-music he recorded with baritone Andrè Schuen songs by Robert Schumann, Hugo Wolf, Frank Martin and a Schubert album Wanderer; with Roman Trekel most famous Loewe Ballades, with Stella Doufexis Hamlet Echoes, with Konstantin Krimmel Liszt Songs and the album Liebe with the soprano Katharina Konradi.



Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers. His best-known compositions include nine symphonies, five piano concertos, one violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, 16 string quartets, his great Mass the Missa solemnis, and one opera, Fidelio. Together with Mozart and Haydn, he was part of the First Viennese School.    Born in Bonn, then the capital of the Electorate of Cologne and part of the Holy Roman Empire, Beethoven displayed his musical talents at an early age and was taught by his father Johann van Beethoven and by composer and conductor Christian Gottlob...
Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers. His best-known compositions include nine symphonies, five piano concertos, one violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, 16 string quartets, his great Mass the Missa solemnis, and one opera, Fidelio. Together with Mozart and Haydn, he was part of the First Viennese School. Born in Bonn, then the capital of the Electorate of Cologne and part of the Holy Roman Empire, Beethoven displayed his musical talents at an early age and was taught by his father Johann van Beethoven and by composer and conductor Christian Gottlob Neefe. At the age of 21 he moved to Vienna, where he began studying composition with Joseph Haydn, and gained a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. He lived in Vienna until his death. By his late 20s his hearing began to deteriorate, and by the last decade of his life he was almost totally deaf. In 1811 he gave up conducting and performing in public but continued to compose; many of his most admired works come from these last 15 years of his life.



Play album Play album
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 15 D-Dur / in D Major, Op. 28 Pastorale (1801): I Allegro
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 15 D-Dur / in D Major, Op. 28 Pastorale (1801): II Andante
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 15 D-Dur / in D Major, Op. 28 Pastorale (1801): III Scherzo. Allergo vivace
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 15 D-Dur / in D Major, Op. 28 Pastorale (1801): IV Rondo. Allegro ma non tanto
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata Sonata quasi una Fantasia No. 14 cis-Moll / in C sharp Minor, Op. 27 No. 2 Moonlight (1801): I Adagio sostenuto
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata Sonata quasi una Fantasia No. 14 cis-Moll / in C sharp Minor, Op. 27 No. 2 Moonlight (1801): II Allegretto
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata Sonata quasi una Fantasia No. 14 cis-Moll / in C sharp Minor, Op. 27 No. 2 Moonlight (1801): III Presto agitato
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): I Andante con variazioni
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): Variation I
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): Variation II
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): Variation III
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): Variation IV
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): Variation V
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): II Scherzo. Allegro molto
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): III Maestoso andante (Marcia funebre sulla morte d’un eroe)
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
Klaviersonate / Piano Sonata No. 12 As-Dur / in A flat Major, Op. 26 (1800/1801): IV Allegro
(Ludwig van Beethoven) Daniel Heide
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