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Two For The Road

Eric Vloeimans | Will Holshouser

Two For The Road

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: V-Flow
UPC: 7432231892810
Catnr: VF 05
Release date: 02 September 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
VF 05
Release date
02 September 2022

"What is captivating here is the restraint, the nobility and the respect for every note and sound ..."

Jazzfun, 09-9-2022

About the album

Cooking up a musical storm !

Accordion and trumpet - instruments that complement and compliment each other - while reflecting the charm and quirks of their players : Will Holshouser from the USA, steeped in folkmusic, jazz and avant-garde; Eric Vloeimans from the Netherlands, evoking the brass band sound as well as the serene melody of a classical instrument. Mix in some Middle Eastern spices and the Muppets and what do you have ? A recipe for great fun on a road trip.

After their first get together on a whim in 2017, Eric and Will hit it off immediately, performed a few concerts for the fun of it and recorded their first album "Eric and Will" more or less on the spot :

Vloeimans' "expressive, astonishingly nuanced playing is present and accounted for here, so if you have not made his acquaintance, this s as good a place as any to start...In Holshouser's hands, the accordion functions almost lke a portable B3...he gets so much sound and rhythm simultaneously." - Mel Minter, Musically Speaking.

Of course Eric and Will wanted to carry on with this collaboration, but The Pandemic put the brakes on the planned US tour in 2020. They did manage to play thirty gigs in the autumn 2021 in the Netherlands. This album, titled "Two for the Road" is culled from live recordings on that journey.

Now they are getting in gear for the twice postponed and much anticipated US leg of their musical ride, starting on September 11th in Asheville, NC and ending on October 2nd in Seattle, Washington - a cross country and cross musical adventure
which will leave no one cross at all.

Two for the Road, het opvallende nieuwe album van de Nederlandse trompettist Eric Vloeimans en de Amerikaanse accordeonist Will Holshouser, werd live opgenomen tijdens een Nederlandse concerttournee in 2021, tussen twee lockdowns in, toen muzikanten en publiek eindelijk weer eens konden samenkomen. Het is het tweede album van dit duo, en het laat horen hoe expressief hun composities zijn, hoe speels en virtuoos hun improvisaties en hoe breed het spectrum aan invloeden, die het duoformaat oprekken met een palet aan klankkleuren die hun eclectische muzikale achtergrond verraadt.

Op het menu staan Erics beeldschone "Innermission"-serie, gecomponeerd tijdens de lockdown: een aantal stukken die variëren van introspectieve, haast Schubert-achtige meditaties tot vrolijke, ritmische stoeipartijen. Wills uitgebreide compositie "Redbud Winter," geschreven in opdracht van de American Accordionists' Association, is een jazz/folk kamermuzieksuite die zowel de klaaglijke als de energieke kanten van de beide instrumenten verkent. Het duo brengt ook hommages aan een aantal van hun muzikale helden met nummers die zijn opgedragen aan Louis Armstrong en Doc Watson (“To Louis” en “Deep Gap”), maar ook een cover van de jaren ’70-klassieker "The Rainbow Connection."

Eric Vloeimans (trompet) is een van de bekendste musici van Nederland. In de loop der jaren heeft hij diverse ensembles geleid en is regelmatig te horen als gastsolist bij allerlei bands en orkesten. Hij heeft vier Edisons gewonnen voor zijn plaatopnamen en heeft door heel Europa, Azië en de VS getoerd met zijn eigen groepen en met artiesten als Mercer Ellington, John Taylor, Peter Erskine, het Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest Orchestra, Wayne Horvitz, het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest en vele anderen.

Will Holshouser (accordeon) is een ervaren muzikant uit de New Yorkse muziekscene, die overal ter wereld heeft gespeeld met onder meer violiste Regina Carter, klarinettist David Krakauer, en improvisatoren als Han Bennink en Michael Moore, maar ook met zijn eigen projecten. Verder heeft hij opgetreden met Antony & the Johnsons, Kiran Ahluwalia, Uri Caine, Guy Klucevsek, het New York City Ballet, de New York City Opera, Martha Wainwright, Loudon Wainwright, Suzanne Vega en anderen.

Ein musikalischer Sturm wird entfesselt!

Akkordeon und Trompete - Instrumente, die sich gegenseitig ergänzen und den Charme und die Eigenheiten ihrer Spieler widerspiegeln: Will Holshouser aus den USA, durchdrungen von Folk, Jazz und Avantgarde; Eric Vloeimans aus den Niederlanden, der den Klang einer Blaskapelle ebenso heraufbeschwört wie die heitere Melodie eines klassischen Instruments. Man mische ein paar nahöstliche Gewürze und die Muppets dazu und was hat man? Ein Rezept für viel Spaß auf einem Roadtrip.

Nachdem sie sich 2017 aus einer Laune heraus kennengelernt hatten, verstanden sich Eric und Will auf Anhieb, spielten zum Spaß ein paar Konzerte und nahmen ihr erstes Album "Eric and Will" mehr oder weniger auf der Stelle auf:

Vloeimans "ausdrucksstarkes, erstaunlich nuanciertes Spiel ist hier präsent und berücksichtigt, also wenn Sie seine Bekanntschaft noch nicht gemacht haben, ist dies so gut wie jeder andere Ort, um damit anzufangen... In Holshousers Händen funktioniert das Akkordeon fast wie eine tragbare bekommt so viel Klang und Rhythmus gleichzeitig." - Mel Minter, Musically Speaking.

Natürlich wollten Eric und Will diese Zusammenarbeit fortsetzen, aber The Pandemic bremste die geplante US-Tournee im Jahr 2020 aus. Es gelang ihnen jedoch, im Herbst 2021 dreißig Konzerte in den Niederlanden zu spielen. Dieses Album mit dem Titel "Two for the Road" ist ein Auszug aus den Live-Aufnahmen von dieser Reise.

Jetzt bereiten sie sich auf die zweimal verschobene und mit Spannung erwartete US-Etappe ihrer musikalischen Reise vor, die am 11. September in Asheville, NC beginnt und am 2. Oktober in Seattle, Washington endet - ein landesweites und musikalisches Abenteuer
das niemanden unberührt lassen wird.


Eric Vloeimans (trumpet)

Eric Vloeimans (Huizen, 1963) is an improvising trumpeter and composer who regards the term ‘jazz’ as too limiting to describe his music. His work is characterized by melodic and lyrical power, and a distinctive, individual sound that is called velvety or whispering in the more subdued pieces. From 2006/2007 Eric Vloeimans has been active with two much-praised formations: the chamber jazz trio Fugimundi (Anton Goudsmit guitar, Harmen Fraanje piano) and the electric band Gatecrash, in which rock and funk elements can be traced (Jeroen van Vliet keyboards, Gulli Gudmundsson bass, Jasper van Hulten drums). With the latter group, he employs electronic effects in his trumpet playing for the first time. In addition, he continues to develop other projects, such as the band...
Eric Vloeimans (Huizen, 1963) is an improvising trumpeter and composer who regards the term ‘jazz’ as too limiting to describe his music. His work is characterized by melodic and lyrical power, and a distinctive, individual sound that is called velvety or whispering in the more subdued pieces.
From 2006/2007 Eric Vloeimans has been active with two much-praised formations: the chamber jazz trio Fugimundi (Anton Goudsmit guitar, Harmen Fraanje piano) and the electric band Gatecrash, in which rock and funk elements can be traced (Jeroen van Vliet keyboards, Gulli Gudmundsson bass, Jasper van Hulten drums). With the latter group, he employs electronic effects in his trumpet playing for the first time.
In addition, he continues to develop other projects, such as the band Oliver’s Cinema with accordion player Tuur Florizoone and cellist Jörg Brinkmann (CD available from August 2013, and a US tour in October 2014)) , and a duo with pianist Florian Weber, with a CD release : Live at the Concertgebouw in 2011.
His broad range of interests has led Vloeimans to collaborate with artists from other musical worlds. In the pop music area, these include Fay Lovsky, Doe Maar, Spinvis, Jan Akkerman and trumpeter Kyteman (Colin Benders). Where world music is concerned, Vloeimans was involved in projects with flamenco guitarist Eric Vaarzon Morel, Latin pianist Ramon Valle, and the fado-inspired Pessoa of Fernando Lameirinhas.
Vloeimans has performed as a soloist with classical ensembles such as the Matangi Quartet, the Calefax Reed Quintet, the Metropole Orchestra, the Gelderland Orchestra, the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, the Holland Baroque Society, the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
2011 saw the premiere of his first trumpet concerto, Evensong, with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, orchestrated by Martin Fondse, and recorded for CD with the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra.

Will Holshouser (accordion)

Will Holshouser (accordion) is a veteran of the New York music scene who has performed all over the world with artists including violinist Regina Carter, clarinetist David Krakauer, and improvisers Han Bennink & Michael Moore as well as with his own projects. He has also performed with Antony & the Johnsons, Kiran Ahluwalia, Uri Caine, Guy Klucevsek, New York City Ballet, New York City Opera, Martha Wainwright, Loudon Wainwright, Suzanne Vega, and others.
Will Holshouser (accordion) is a veteran of the New York music scene who has performed all over the world with artists including violinist Regina Carter, clarinetist David Krakauer, and improvisers Han Bennink & Michael Moore as well as with his own projects. He has also performed with Antony & the Johnsons, Kiran Ahluwalia, Uri Caine, Guy Klucevsek, New York City Ballet, New York City Opera, Martha Wainwright, Loudon Wainwright, Suzanne Vega, and others.



Eric Vloeimans (trumpet)

Eric Vloeimans (Huizen, 1963) is an improvising trumpeter and composer who regards the term ‘jazz’ as too limiting to describe his music. His work is characterized by melodic and lyrical power, and a distinctive, individual sound that is called velvety or whispering in the more subdued pieces. From 2006/2007 Eric Vloeimans has been active with two much-praised formations: the chamber jazz trio Fugimundi (Anton Goudsmit guitar, Harmen Fraanje piano) and the electric band Gatecrash, in which rock and funk elements can be traced (Jeroen van Vliet keyboards, Gulli Gudmundsson bass, Jasper van Hulten drums). With the latter group, he employs electronic effects in his trumpet playing for the first time. In addition, he continues to develop other projects, such as the band...
Eric Vloeimans (Huizen, 1963) is an improvising trumpeter and composer who regards the term ‘jazz’ as too limiting to describe his music. His work is characterized by melodic and lyrical power, and a distinctive, individual sound that is called velvety or whispering in the more subdued pieces.
From 2006/2007 Eric Vloeimans has been active with two much-praised formations: the chamber jazz trio Fugimundi (Anton Goudsmit guitar, Harmen Fraanje piano) and the electric band Gatecrash, in which rock and funk elements can be traced (Jeroen van Vliet keyboards, Gulli Gudmundsson bass, Jasper van Hulten drums). With the latter group, he employs electronic effects in his trumpet playing for the first time.
In addition, he continues to develop other projects, such as the band Oliver’s Cinema with accordion player Tuur Florizoone and cellist Jörg Brinkmann (CD available from August 2013, and a US tour in October 2014)) , and a duo with pianist Florian Weber, with a CD release : Live at the Concertgebouw in 2011.
His broad range of interests has led Vloeimans to collaborate with artists from other musical worlds. In the pop music area, these include Fay Lovsky, Doe Maar, Spinvis, Jan Akkerman and trumpeter Kyteman (Colin Benders). Where world music is concerned, Vloeimans was involved in projects with flamenco guitarist Eric Vaarzon Morel, Latin pianist Ramon Valle, and the fado-inspired Pessoa of Fernando Lameirinhas.
Vloeimans has performed as a soloist with classical ensembles such as the Matangi Quartet, the Calefax Reed Quintet, the Metropole Orchestra, the Gelderland Orchestra, the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, the Holland Baroque Society, the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
2011 saw the premiere of his first trumpet concerto, Evensong, with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, orchestrated by Martin Fondse, and recorded for CD with the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra.

Will Holshouser (accordion)

Will Holshouser (accordion) is a veteran of the New York music scene who has performed all over the world with artists including violinist Regina Carter, clarinetist David Krakauer, and improvisers Han Bennink & Michael Moore as well as with his own projects. He has also performed with Antony & the Johnsons, Kiran Ahluwalia, Uri Caine, Guy Klucevsek, New York City Ballet, New York City Opera, Martha Wainwright, Loudon Wainwright, Suzanne Vega, and others.
Will Holshouser (accordion) is a veteran of the New York music scene who has performed all over the world with artists including violinist Regina Carter, clarinetist David Krakauer, and improvisers Han Bennink & Michael Moore as well as with his own projects. He has also performed with Antony & the Johnsons, Kiran Ahluwalia, Uri Caine, Guy Klucevsek, New York City Ballet, New York City Opera, Martha Wainwright, Loudon Wainwright, Suzanne Vega, and others.



What is captivating here is the restraint, the nobility and the respect for every note and sound ...
Jazzfun, 09-9-2022

... "Tibi Gratias" is a rather elegiac opener: A tonal foretaste of Vloeimans' clear, bright tone and a blues, folk and country matrix as the idiomatic basis of most of the compositions...  
Concerto Austria, 01-12-2022

... For I hear a mixture, there is the improvisational note of jazz, there is the solemnity of church music, one hears folk, now and then avant-garde approaches of ecclesiastical music, one hears folk, now and then avant-garde approaches, and everything together is somehow new...
musikansich, 06-10-2022

... Recorded live, the two instruments complement each other in motifs that dock to baroque, folk tunes, as well as jazz and avant-garde. A real discovery.
NaDann, 21-9-2022

The blend that Dutch jazz trumpeter, Eric Vloeimans, and American accordionist,Will Holshouser, bring to the stage brings on such a state of awe, with its beauty and eclectic influences, that a CD release from their 2021 concert tour in the Netherlands is a “must” purchase. Their new collaboration, Two for the Road, just released, is a close second to seeing the duo in person.
Audiophile Edition, 07-9-2022

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