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Chamber Music with Clarinet
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Eddy Vanoosthuyse

Chamber Music with Clarinet

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Antarctica
UPC: 0608917733426
Catnr: AR 034
Release date: 02 September 2022
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Catalogue number
AR 034
Release date
02 September 2022

"The quality of the performance, the richness of the sound and the recording quality are of the highest order."

Luister, 01-12-2023

About the album

All things Mozart have been said and done, you’d think. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. On a daily basis new findings are added to the research portfolio, not only with regards to the famous Salzburgian’s life – hasn’t that been dissected to death? – but also about each and every one of his compositions, continuously getting reframed, analyzed and compared. The exegesis of the Mozartverse is a full-time job to many. The works on this recording alone raise a bunch of questions of which several remain unanswered.

Eddy Vanoosthuyse, joined on this album by the Zemlinsky Quartet, presents a selection of pieces that might add more substance to the debate. On the one hand, he’s taking on scores that belong to Mozart’s most lavishly documented compositions, on the other pages that have left experts groping in the dark. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s story for clarinet and string ensemble hasn’t been fully written yet. Part of it is voiced through some of the most often performed works in the repertoire. Still, every clarinetist is left with the challenge to get hands-on with the music and put a personal, original spin on it. To accomplish this, one has to be willing to do the necessary homework, returning to the source - and to go about it diligently.

Eddy Vanoosthuyse’s experience with Mozart’s clarinet music spans many years. His knowledge of the works is deep and thorough, yet after dozens of performances and recordings of the illustrious quintet KV 581 – just to name an example – he still manages to bring something new to the table. On this specific occasion, playing with the world-renowned, Prague-based Zemlinsky Quartet, he considered it no more than logical to start from scratch once again and re-form his interpretation. Or, to put things differently, to start with a clean plate and look at the score as if it were the very first time. Because of this agile approach, this recording is a must for every melomaniac. Vanoosthuyse and the Zemlinsky Quartet offer a genuinely refreshing version of these pieces, considered by some as performed to shreds. What these musicians fully understand, is that presenting a novel point of view is a necessary precondition for producing a new recording in the present day and age. Once again, Vanoosthuyse is dotting the i’s.

Wie denkt dat ondertussen alles over Mozart is gezegd en geschreven vergist zich danig. Dagelijks wordt er nog nieuw materiaal toegevoegd aan het onderzoek. Niet alleen over het leven van de Salzburger, waarvan je denkt dat het tot op het bot is verkend, ook elke compositie wordt in perspectief geplaatst, uitgepluisd en vergeleken. De exegese van Mozarts universum is voor velen een dagtaak. Alleen al de werken die op deze CD zijn samengebracht zorgen voor een reeks vragen die zeker nog niet allemaal zijn verduidelijkt.

Eddy Vanoosthuyse brengt samen met het Zemlinsky Quartet een combinatie van werken die de discussie kunnen stofferen. Enerzijds zijn er pagina’s bij die tot de best gedocumenteerde behoren en daarnaast werken waarvan men nog op veel vlakken in het duister tast. Het verhaal dat Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart componeerde voor klarinet en strijkersensembles is nog niet volledig geschreven. Sommige delen behoren tot de meest gespeelde stukken uit het repertoire. En toch is het voor elke klarinettist telkens weer een uitdaging om ermee aan de slag te gaan en er een eigen, originele invulling aan te geven. Om dit tot een goed einde te brengen is het belangrijk om het huiswerk, het onderzoek naar de bronnen, grondig te doen.

Eddy Vanoosthuyse heeft een jarenlange ervaring met Mozarts klarinetwerken, hij kent de partituren tot in de kleinste finesses en toch, na vele tientallen uitvoeringen en opnames van bijvoorbeeld het fameuze kwintet KV 581, weet hij elke keer nog nieuwe accenten aan te brengen. Als hij in deze opname de werken vertolkt met een wereldvermaard ensemble als het Praagse Zemlinsky Quartet vindt hij het vanzelfsprekend om helemaal from scratch aan de interpretatie te beginnen. Om, met andere woorden, blank en onbevangen het werk aan te vatten alsof hij de partituur nu pas voor het eerst onder ogen ziet. Die souplesse maakt van de opname een must voor elke melomaan. Vanoosthuyse en het Zemlinsky Quartet brengen een frisse uitvoering van werken die volgens sommigen ‘kapot gespeeld’ zijn. Alleen een heldere insteek zorgt voor de noodzakelijkheid van een opname en deze muzikanten begrijpen deze premisse ten gronde. Vanoosthuyse zet nog maar eens de puntjes op de i.

Alles, was mit Mozart zu tun hat, ist gesagt und getan, könnte man meinen. Doch weit gefehlt. Täglich kommen neue Erkenntnisse hinzu, nicht nur über das Leben des berühmten Salzburgers - ist das nicht schon zu Tode seziert worden? - sondern auch zu jeder einzelnen seiner Kompositionen, die immer wieder neu interpretiert, analysiert und verglichen werden. Die Exegese des Mozartversums ist für viele ein Fulltime-Job. Allein die Werke auf dieser Aufnahme werfen eine Menge Fragen auf, von denen einige unbeantwortet bleiben.

Eddy Vanoosthuyse, der auf diesem Album vom Zemlinsky Quartett begleitet wird, präsentiert eine Auswahl von Stücken, die der Debatte mehr Substanz verleihen könnten. Auf der einen Seite nimmt er sich Partituren vor, die zu den am besten dokumentierten Kompositionen Mozarts gehören, auf der anderen Seite Seiten, die die Experten im Dunkeln tappen lassen. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts Geschichte für Klarinette und Streichensemble ist noch nicht vollständig geschrieben. Ein Teil davon wird durch einige der meistgespielten Werke des Repertoires zum Ausdruck gebracht. Dennoch steht jeder Klarinettist vor der Herausforderung, sich mit der Musik auseinander zu setzen und ihr eine persönliche, originelle Note zu geben. Um dies zu erreichen, muss man bereit sein, die notwendigen Hausaufgaben zu machen und zu den Quellen zurückzukehren - und dies mit Sorgfalt.

Eddy Vanoosthuyses Erfahrung mit Mozarts Klarinettenmusik erstreckt sich über viele Jahre. Seine Kenntnis der Werke ist tief und gründlich, und nach Dutzenden von Aufführungen und Aufnahmen des berühmten Quintetts KV 581 - um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen - gelingt es ihm immer noch, etwas Neues auf den Tisch zu bringen. Bei diesem speziellen Anlass, bei dem er mit dem weltberühmten Prager Zemlinsky-Quartett spielte, hielt er es für nur logisch, noch einmal bei Null anzufangen und seine Interpretation neu zu gestalten. Oder, anders ausgedrückt, mit einer sauberen Platte zu beginnen und die Partitur so zu betrachten, als wäre es das allererste Mal. Aufgrund dieses agilen Ansatzes ist diese Aufnahme ein Muss für jeden Melomanen. Vanoosthuyse und das Zemlinsky-Quartett bieten eine wirklich erfrischende Version dieser Stücke, die von manchen als zerfleddert angesehen werden. Diese Musiker verstehen sehr gut, dass die Präsentation eines neuen Blickwinkels eine notwendige Voraussetzung für die Produktion einer neuen Aufnahme in der heutigen Zeit ist. Einmal mehr setzt Vanoosthuyse das i-Tüpfelchen.


Eddy Vanoosthuyse (clarinet)

Eddy Vanoosthuyse received his first lessons from his father. He furthered his studies with Hendrik Six (Municipal Music Conservatory Kortrijk), Freddy Coppé (Kunsthumaniora for Music Ghent) and Freddy Arteel (Royal Music Conservatory Ghent). He started his artistic career very young as clarinet soloist at the ‘Opera voor Vlaanderen’, later he became the principal clarinet of the new orchestra of the Flemish Opera, a position he exchanged for that at the Brussels Philharmonic (formerly BRT Philharmonic Orchestra). He also teaches clarinet at the Royal Conservatory of Music Ghent (Hogeschool Gent/School of Arts) and at the Fontys Academy for Music and Performing Arts Tilburg. He has made solo recordings with SONY, Decca, EMI, Naxos, Briljant Classic, Aeon, Talent, Gobelin and Phaedra as well as...

Eddy Vanoosthuyse received his first lessons from his father. He furthered his studies with Hendrik Six (Municipal Music Conservatory Kortrijk), Freddy Coppé (Kunsthumaniora for Music Ghent) and Freddy Arteel (Royal Music Conservatory Ghent).

He started his artistic career very young as clarinet soloist at the ‘Opera voor Vlaanderen’, later he became the principal clarinet of the new orchestra of the Flemish Opera, a position he exchanged for that at the Brussels Philharmonic (formerly BRT Philharmonic Orchestra). He also teaches clarinet at the Royal Conservatory of Music Ghent (Hogeschool Gent/School of Arts) and at the Fontys Academy for Music and Performing Arts Tilburg.

He has made solo recordings with SONY, Decca, EMI, Naxos, Briljant Classic, Aeon, Talent, Gobelin and Phaedra as well as radio and TV recordings for BRTN/VRT, RTBF, VARA, Radio Suisse Romande, Magyar Radio, Czech Radio, Slovanian Radio, Danish Radio, Lietuvos Radio, Chili Radio and Exqui.
Vanoosthuyse has worked with some of the most prominent composers of his time such as Olivier Messiaen, John Corigliano, Alfred Reed, Hans Zimmer. He has created about 50 such works dedicated to him, including works by Arturo Marquez, Oscar winner Nicola Piovani, Dirk Brossé, Johan Duijck, Jan Van der Roost, Scott McAllister, Wilfried Westerlinck, Roland Coryn, Oscar Navarro, Eric Desimpelaere, Norbert Goddaer, Alfred Prinz, Piet Swerts, Wim Henderickx, André Laporte, Jean Louel, Raymond Decancq, Alain Crepin, David Loeb, Marc Matthys, Frits Celis, etc.

He has performed as soloist with numerous orchestras including the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Simon Bolivar Orchestra / Caracas, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, Vancouver Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Stanislavsky Theater Moscow, Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, I Pommerigi Musicale Milano, Symphony Orchestra Flanders, Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra, Brussels Philharmonic, Slovak Sinfonietta, ChengDu Symphony (China), Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra (Japan), Free State Symphony (South Africa), Beethoven Academy / Krakow, BRT Philharmonic Orchestra, Kansas Sinfonietta, Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra (Czech Symphony Orchestra), Sofia Soloists, and many others with conductors such asFernand Terby, Silveer Vandenbroeck, Georges Octors, Yoel Levi, Michel Tabachnic, Peter Oundjian, Saulius Sondeckis, Paul Meyer, Jan Lathem-Koenig, Dirk Brossé, Jan Stulen etc.

Because of his love for the concert band, he has performed with the Royal Symphonic Windbands of the Belgian Guides, Navy and Air Force, the Royal Military Band of the Netherlands, the Symphonic Windband of the Honor Guard Lithuania (of which he was the permanent guest conductor for 4 years), the US Army Band, Simon Bolivar Symphonic Windorchestra / Caracas (which he also conducted) and other orchestras in France, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and Italy.

In addition, Vanoosthuyse has performed Mozart’s quintet more than 150 times (as well as other quintets) with various international string quartets such as the Ysaÿe Quartet and Ensemble, Ciurlionis Quartet, Vilnius Quartet, Simon Bolivar Quartet, Daniel Quartet, Arriaga Quartet, Roman Quartet, Bangkok Quartet, Beijing String Quartet, Odeion String Quartet and his own ensemble.

He performed at the Festival of Flanders, Klara Festival, Festival of Wallonia, Festival of Contemporary Music ARS MUSICA, November Festival, Festival de Bourgogne, Mozart Festival, Ljubljana Festival, Vilnius Festival, Janáček Festival, Extravaganza Festival, Beijing Festival, Festival Domaine Forget Charlevoix-Québec, Holland Festival, Caracas Festival, etc. in almost all European countries, China, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, USA, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and South Africa.

Vanoosthuyse is the artistic manager of International Music Promotion, the prestigious International Clarinet Competition Ghent and Clarinets on Stage. He sits on the jury of various international competitions and teaches at universities and conservatories in 5 continents. Since 2017 he is chairman of the "International Art Competition Singapore".
In 2010, he was the co-founder of the European Clarinet Association that was officialized in the Townhall of his hometown Kortrijk.
In April 2020, he was elected by his colleagues as the Vice President of the prestigious International Clarinet Association, the world organization of the clarinet.

Eddy Vanoosthuyse was selected for the World Philharmonic Orchestra (Georges Prêtres) and invited to the Symphonicum Europea (Lincoln Center Fisher Hall, New York).

Vanoosthuyse exclusively plays the Buffet Crampon ‘TOSCA’ Clarinets, the Vandoren mouthpieces and reeds and Silverstein Ligatures.


Zemlinsky Quartet

Founded in 1994 while the members were still students, the ZEMLINSKY QUARTET has become a much lauded example of the Czech string quartet tradition. The Zemlinsky Quartet won the First Grand Prize at the Bordeaux International String Quartet Competition in 2010. They have also been awarded top prizes at the Banff International String Quartet Competition (2007), Prague Spring International Music Competition (2005) and London International String Quartet Competition (2006), where they also received the Audience Prize. The Quartet was recipient of the Alexander Zemlinsky Advancement Award in 2008. Other notable prizes include Beethoven International Competition (1999), New Talent Bratislava (2003), Martinů Foundation String Quartet Competition (2004), and the Prize of Czech Chamber Music Society (2005). In the season 2016/17, Zemlinsky...

Founded in 1994 while the members were still students, the ZEMLINSKY QUARTET has become a much lauded example of the Czech string quartet tradition. The Zemlinsky Quartet won the First Grand Prize at the Bordeaux International String Quartet Competition in 2010. They have also been awarded top prizes at the Banff International String Quartet Competition (2007), Prague Spring International Music Competition (2005) and London International String Quartet Competition (2006), where they also received the Audience Prize. The Quartet was recipient of the Alexander Zemlinsky Advancement Award in 2008. Other notable prizes include Beethoven International Competition (1999), New Talent Bratislava (2003), Martinů Foundation String Quartet Competition (2004), and the Prize of Czech Chamber Music Society (2005). In the season 2016/17, Zemlinsky Quartet was appointed as the residential ensemble of the Czech Chamber Music Society.
The Zemlinsky Quartet performs regularly in the Czech Republic and abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Monaco, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Canada, USA, Brazil, Japan, South Korea). Recent major appearances of the Zemlinsky Quartet include London’s Wigmore Hall, Cité de la Musique in Paris, Library of Congress, Place des Arts in Montreal, Prague Spring Festival, and their New York debut on Schneider/New School Concerts Series. Their vast repertoire contains more than 200 works ranging from Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, and Dvorak to works by contemporary composers. The members of the ensemble also perform as soloists and are individual prize-winners of several competitions (Concertino Praga, Spohr International Competition Weimar, Tribune of Young Artists UNESCO, Rotary Music Competition Nürnberg, Beethoven International Competition, Kocian International Competition).
Since 2007, the Zemlinsky Quartet has recorded exclusively for the French record label Praga Digitals. Their first 4-CD set of Dvořák’s early works for string quartet received the coveted French award, “Diapason d ́Or“ prize in March 2007. In 2014, the Zemlinsky Quartet became only the fourth quartet in the history to record the complete string quartets by Antonín Dvořák (four CDs, with all the middle and late quartets, recorded and released between 2012-14). In 2009, with cooperation of the Kocian Quartet, the quartet has recorded the complete works of Czech composer Viktor Kalabis (1923-2006), arguably the most influential Czech composer of the last half of the twentieth century. Other Praga Digitals releases include all the string quartets and early chamber music of Alexander Zemlinsky (2006, 2011), a 4-CD set of Schubert’s early quartets (2008), a rare disc of Spanish music for strings (2012), two discs of Mendelssohn quartets (2010), works by Alexander Glazunov (2010), the famous quartets by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven (2011), unknown but excellent piano quintet by M. Weinberg (in cooperation with the young Russian pianist Nikita Mndoyants, 2015), and two CDs in cooperation with Pražák Quartet of Mendelssohn‘s Viola Quintet Op. 18 and Martinů Quartet No. 1. Their first CD, released in 2003, contains works by famous Czech composers Dvořák, Janáček, Suk and Richter. Their CD of the complete string quartets of Josef Suk (released in 2004), resulted in an invitation to perform at the 2005 Prague Spring Festival where they have returned several times since. Their many recordings have received universal critical acclaim in such publications as The Strad, Gramophone, Diapason, and Fanfare magazines.
While students at the Prague Conservatory and the Academy of Performing Arts Prague, the ensemble was coached by members of renowned Czech string quartets including the Talich, Prague, Kocian and Pražák Quartets. The ensemble also took part in several master classes including ProQuartet, in France and Sommerakademie in Reichenau, Austria where they were awarded First Prize for the best interpretation of a work by Janáček. From 2005 to 2008, the quartet studied with Walter Levin, the first violinist of LaSalle Quartet. Their recent mentor has been Josef Klusoň, the violist of the Pražák Quartet.
Between 2006-2011, the Zemlinsky Quartet were Assistant Quartet-in-Residence at Musikakademie Basel in Switzerland. Music education is an important part of their professional life and during their tours, the quartet is often invited to give master classes to students of any age. They also perform educational concerts for students. Recently, František Souček and Petr Holman have been appointed Professors at the Prague Conservatory.
Zemlinsky Quartet is named after the Austrian composer, conductor and teacher Alexander Zemlinsky (1871- 1942), whose enormous contribution to Czech, German and Jewish culture during his 16-year residence in Prague had been underrated until recently. His four string quartets (the second one being dedicated to his student and brother-in-law Arnold Schönberg) belong to the basic repertoire of the ensemble. Since 2005, the quartet has maintained a special relationship with the Alexander Zemlinsky Foundation in Vienna.



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose actual name is Joannes Chrysotomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a composer, pianist, violinist and conductor from the classical period, born in Salzburg. Mozart was a child prodigy. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. Along with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven, Mozart is considered to be one of the most influential composers of all of music's history. Within the classical tradition, he was able to develop new musical concepts which left an everlasting impression on all the composers that came after him. Together with Joseph Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven he is part of the First Viennese School.  At 17, Mozart was engaged as...

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose actual name is Joannes Chrysotomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a composer, pianist, violinist and conductor from the classical period, born in Salzburg. Mozart was a child prodigy. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. Along with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven, Mozart is considered to be one of the most influential composers of all of music's history. Within the classical tradition, he was able to develop new musical concepts which left an everlasting impression on all the composers that came after him. Together with Joseph Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven he is part of the First Viennese School. At 17, Mozart was engaged as a musician at the Salzburg court, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position. From 1763 he traveled with his family through all of Europe for three years and from 1769 he traveled to Italy and France with his father Leopold after which he took residence in Paris. On July 3rd, 1778, his mother passed away and after a short stay in Munich with the Weber family, his father urged him to return to Salzburg, where he was once again hired by the Bishop. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and portions of the Requiem, which was largely unfinished at the time of his death.



The quality of the performance, the richness of the sound and the recording quality are of the highest order.
Luister, 01-12-2023

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