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Der du von dem Himmel bist
Franz Liszt

Konstantin Krimmel & Daniel Heide

Der du von dem Himmel bist

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: CAvi
UPC: 4260085534951
Catnr: AVI 8553495
Release date: 22 April 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
AVI 8553495
Release date
22 April 2022

About the album

Goethe and Heine settings; late songs

Compared with the catalogues of, say, Schubert, Loewe, or Schumann, the song output of Franz Liszt seems quite modest in terms of sheer quantity. Unexpected obstacles make it difficult, however, to obtain an overview of all the Lieder the Weimar virtuoso ever wrote.

Not all of Liszt’s songs are published as sheet music, and this has always been the case; the only currently available collection is a meager anthology of ca. 40 Lieder. One is soon obliged to resort to out-of-print material. The old, 3-volume Leipzig collection edited by C. F. Kahnt contains 57 songs, whereas the most complete edition is the one from 1919-1920 by Carl Alexander, Archduke of Weimar, which is hard to come by. In the meantime, Internet platforms such as Petrucci ( have become well-stocked archives where one can find older sheet music that would otherwise be unavailable.

According to my research in the past ten years, Franz Liszt had an output of ca. 85 Lieder, or, shall we say, “titles”. If we also count his revisions or completely new versions of songs, we can speak of a total of 135 to 140 songs.

Curiously enough, brief songs by Liszt continue to turn up in estates and auctions all over Europe. As a travelling virtuoso, Liszt occasionally wrote down entire songs in guest books when he was invited to the homes of nobility, or to perform in evening soirées. One can also find a few songs he wrote as “arrangements” of melodies or poems of his patrons or benefactors. Several Lieder gems by Liszt are still slumbering in the Goethe-Schiller Archive in Weimar. for instance. (Excerpt of the booklet notes by Daniel Heide)

Diskgraphie: Franz Liszt, Lieder Vol. I - Andrè Schuen, Daniel Heide (CAvi8553472; DIG 8553951D)
Goethe- und Heine-Vertonungen; späte Lieder

Verglichen mit den Katalogen von z.B. Schubert, Loewe oder Schumann erscheint das Liedschaffen von Franz Liszt in seiner schieren Menge recht bescheiden. Unerwartete Hindernisse erschweren es jedoch, sich einen Überblick über alle Lieder zu verschaffen, die der Weimarer Virtuose je geschrieben hat.

Nicht alle Lieder Liszts sind als Noten veröffentlicht, und das war schon immer so; die einzige derzeit verfügbare Sammlung ist eine magere Anthologie von ca. 40 Liedern. Schnell ist man gezwungen, auf vergriffenes Material zurückzugreifen. Die alte, dreibändige Leipziger Sammlung, herausgegeben von C. F. Kahnt, enthält 57 Lieder, während die vollständigste Ausgabe die von Carl Alexander, Erzherzog von Weimar, aus den Jahren 1919-1920 ist, die schwer zu bekommen ist. Inzwischen haben sich Internetplattformen wie Petrucci ( zu gut gefüllten Archiven entwickelt, in denen man ältere Noten finden kann, die sonst nicht erhältlich sind.

Nach meinen Recherchen der letzten zehn Jahre hat Franz Liszt ca. 85 Lieder, oder sagen wir "Titel", komponiert. Zählt man seine Bearbeitungen oder völligen Neufassungen von Liedern hinzu, kann man von insgesamt 135 bis 140 Liedern sprechen.

Kurioserweise tauchen immer wieder kurze Lieder von Liszt in Nachlässen und auf Auktionen in ganz Europa auf. Als reisender Virtuose schrieb Liszt gelegentlich ganze Lieder in Gästebücher, wenn er in die Häuser von Adeligen eingeladen wurde oder bei abendlichen Soireen auftrat. Man kann auch einige Lieder finden, die er als "Bearbeitungen" von Melodien oder Gedichten seiner Gönner oder Wohltäter schrieb. Im Goethe-Schiller-Archiv in Weimar schlummern zum Beispiel noch einige Liederperlen von Liszt. (Auszug aus den Booklet-Notizen von Daniel Heide)

Diskgraphie: Franz Liszt, Lieder Vol. I - Andrè Schuen, Daniel Heide (CAvi8553472; DIG 8553951D)


Daniel Heide (piano)

Born in Weimar, pianist Daniel Heide is one of the most sought-after vocal accompanists and chamber musicians of his generation. He performs in recital series and festivals all over Europe as well as in Asia: for instance, in the Konzerthäuser in Vienna, Berlin and Dortmund, the London Wigmore Hall, the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg and Hohenems (Austria), the Heidelberg Spring Festival, and the Oxford Lieder Festival. In addition to his ongoing collaboration with vocalists including Andrè Schuen, Christoph Prégardien, Simone Kermes, Ingeborg Danz, Britta Schwarz, Roman Trekel, and Tobias Berndt, he has also accompanied lieder recitals with renowned singers such as Regula Mühlemann, Fatma Said, Benjamin Appl, Sheva Tehoval, Dietrich Henschel, Dorottya Lang, Patrick Grahl, Katharina Konradi, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Luca Pisaroni, Konstantin Krimmel and Johannes Weisser. He also loves sharing...
Born in Weimar, pianist Daniel Heide is one of the most sought-after vocal accompanists and chamber musicians of his generation. He performs in recital series and festivals all over Europe as well as in Asia: for instance, in the Konzerthäuser in Vienna, Berlin and Dortmund, the London Wigmore Hall, the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg and Hohenems (Austria), the Heidelberg Spring Festival, and the Oxford Lieder Festival.
In addition to his ongoing collaboration with vocalists including Andrè Schuen, Christoph Prégardien, Simone Kermes, Ingeborg Danz, Britta Schwarz, Roman Trekel, and Tobias Berndt, he has also accompanied lieder recitals with renowned singers such as Regula Mühlemann, Fatma Said, Benjamin Appl, Sheva Tehoval, Dietrich Henschel, Dorottya Lang, Patrick Grahl, Katharina Konradi, Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Luca Pisaroni, Konstantin Krimmel and Johannes Weisser.
He also loves sharing the stage with actors and narrators including Christian Brückner, Udo Samel, Thomas Thieme, and Hanns Zischler in the genre of melodrama. Daniel Heide had a close collaboration with the late German-Greek mezzo-soprano Stella Doufexis. Their CD Poèmes with songs by Claude Debussy was awarded the German Record Critics’ Prize. As a chamber music partner in duo sonata recitals he has concertized with outstanding soloists including Sabine Meyer, Tabea Zimmermann, Antje Weithaas, Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, Jens Peter Maintz, and Danjulo Ishizaka.
Daniel Heide is the founder and artistic director of the vocal recital series Der lyrische Salon. Held in Ettersburg Castle near Weimar, the series has existed since 2011 and is one of the few – anywhere in the world – that is devoted exclusively to artsong. In that context he has collaborated with a great number of celebrated soloists of the lied genre in roughly 100 recitals.
On CAvi-music he recorded with baritone Andrè Schuen songs by Robert Schumann, Hugo Wolf, Frank Martin and a Schubert album Wanderer; with Roman Trekel most famous Loewe Ballades, with Stella Doufexis Hamlet Echoes, with Konstantin Krimmel Liszt Songs and the album Liebe with the soprano Katharina Konradi, and released three solo albums with Beethoven sonatas.


Konstantin Krimmel (baritone)

Konstantin Krimmel, of German-Romanian origin, received his first musical training with the St. George‘s Choir Boys in Ulm. At the age of 21, he began his vocal studies with Prof. Teru Yoshihara, which the singer completed with distinction in 2020. Since then, he has been coached by Tobias Truniger in Munich. During his studies Konstantin Krimmel developed a special love for the concert and lied repertoire, which he quickly expanded. He has since won numerous competitions, including the 2019 German Music Competition as well as 1st prize at the International Helmut Deutsch Lied Competition, 2nd prize at the International Singing Competition ‚Das Lied‘ in Heidelberg and the Gian Battista Viotti International Music Competition. Consequently, the artist has already appeared nationally and internationally, including recitals at the Kölner Philharmonie, at the...
Konstantin Krimmel, of German-Romanian origin, received his first musical training with the St.
George‘s Choir Boys in Ulm. At the age of 21, he began his vocal studies with Prof. Teru Yoshihara, which the singer completed with distinction in 2020. Since then, he has been coached by Tobias Truniger in Munich.
During his studies Konstantin Krimmel developed a special love for the concert and lied repertoire, which he quickly expanded. He has since won numerous competitions, including the 2019 German Music Competition as well as 1st prize at the International Helmut Deutsch Lied Competition, 2nd prize at the International Singing Competition ‚Das Lied‘ in Heidelberg and the Gian Battista Viotti International Music Competition.
Consequently, the artist has already appeared nationally and internationally, including recitals at the Kölner Philharmonie, at the Deutsche Oper Berlin as well as at the Konzerthaus Berlin, at the Oper Frankfurt, at the Heidelberger Frühling, at the Schubertíada de Vilabertran as well as the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg (A), in Madrid, London (Wigmore Hall) and at the Oxford Lieder Festival.
In summer 2021, he sung the Brahms Requiem under Raphael Pichon (Bordeaux), Bach’s Christmas Oratorio with the Nederlands Kamerkoor ( P. Dijkstra); planned are also concerts Ph. Herreweghe (2022).
Since autumn 2021, he is member of the Bavarian State Opera. Roles planned are in Strauss‘ Ariadne auf Naxos (Harlequin), in Britten‘s Peter Grimes (Ned Keene) and in Thomas (Matthias) by Georg Friedrich Haas.
He recorded Handel‘s Brockes Passion (together with the Ensemble Arcangelo under Jonathan Cohen) and his first Lied CD entitled Saga (songs and ballads by Loewe, Schumann, Schubert, Adolf Jensen).



Franz Liszt

If you would open any biography of Franz Liszt, you would probably mostly read about his disquiet life as a piano virtuoso, his passionate love life, and the return to his catholic roots at the end of his life. Although all of this might be true, it only scratches the surface of his comprehensive musical personality. Liszt was a pianist, conductor, teacher and organiser, but above all he was a composer of a voluminous, capricious body of work. Even though his piano works formed his core business, he gave rise to the symphonic poem, got rid of the organ's stuffy appearance, and reinvigorated the oratorio. Moreover, with his piano transciptions of Bach's organ works and Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique, he was an...

If you would open any biography of Franz Liszt, you would probably mostly read about his disquiet life as a piano virtuoso, his passionate love life, and the return to his catholic roots at the end of his life. Although all of this might be true, it only scratches the surface of his comprehensive musical personality. Liszt was a pianist, conductor, teacher and organiser, but above all he was a composer of a voluminous, capricious body of work. Even though his piano works formed his core business, he gave rise to the symphonic poem, got rid of the organ's stuffy appearance, and reinvigorated the oratorio. Moreover, with his piano transciptions of Bach's organ works and Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique, he was an advocate of both old and new music.
Together with his son-in-law Richard Wagner, he was in the forefront of the Romantic movement and anticipated the musical revolutions of the early 20th century with his new composition techniques.



Play album Play album
Five Songs (T: Johann Wolfgang Goethe) (Late versions - 1849-1862): Es war ein König von Thule, S. 278b
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Five Songs (T: Johann Wolfgang Goethe) (Late versions - 1849-1862): Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen aß, S. 297b
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Five Songs (T: Johann Wolfgang Goethe) (Late versions - 1849-1862): Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh’, S. 306b
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Five Songs (T: Johann Wolfgang Goethe) (Late versions - 1849-1862): Der du vom Himmel bist, S. 279c
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Five Songs (T: Johann Wolfgang Goethe) (Late versions - 1849-1862): Freudvoll und leidvoll, S. 280c
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Four late Songs T: Friedrich von Bodenstedt (1878/79): Gebet, S. 331
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Four late Songs T: Friedrich von Bodenstedt (1878/79): Einst, S. 332
(Franz Liszt) Daniel Heide, Konstantin Krimmel
Four late Songs T: Friedrich von Bodenstedt (1878/79): An Edlitam (Mathilde), S. 333
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Four late Songs T: Friedrich von Bodenstedt (1878/79): Der Glückliche, S. 334 (T: Adolf Wilbrand]
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Seven Songs (T: Heinrich Heine) (Late versions, published 1849-60): Du bist wie eine Blume, S. 287b
(Franz Liszt) Daniel Heide, Konstantin Krimmel
Seven Songs (T: Heinrich Heine) (Late versions, published 1849-60): Im Rhein im schönen Strome, S. 272b
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Seven Songs (T: Heinrich Heine) (Late versions, published 1849-60): Morgens steh’ ich auf und frage, S. 290b
(Franz Liszt) Daniel Heide, Konstantin Krimmel
Seven Songs (T: Heinrich Heine) (Late versions, published 1849-60): Anfangs woll’ ich fast verzagen, S. 311b
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Seven Songs (T: Heinrich Heine) (Late versions, published 1849-60): Vergiftet sind meine Lieder, S. 289b
(Franz Liszt) Konstantin Krimmel, Daniel Heide
Seven Songs (T: Heinrich Heine) (Late versions, published 1849-60): Der Fichtenbaum steht einsam, S. 309b
(Franz Liszt) Daniel Heide, Konstantin Krimmel
Seven Songs (T: Heinrich Heine) (Late versions, published 1849-60): Die Loreley, S. 273b
(Franz Liszt) Daniel Heide, Konstantin Krimmel
Three late Songs: Des Tages laute Stimmen schweigen, S. 337 (1880) (T: Ferdinand von Saar)
(Franz Liszt) Daniel Heide, Konstantin Krimmel
Three late Songs: Verlassen, S. 336 (1880) (T: Gustav Michel)
(Franz Liszt) Daniel Heide, Konstantin Krimmel
Three late Songs: Und wir dachten der Toten, S. 338 (1871?) (T: Ferdinand Freiligrath)
(Franz Liszt) Daniel Heide, Konstantin Krimmel
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