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Head to the Sky

Jan Prax & Gene Lake

Head to the Sky

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917139525
Catnr: DMCHR 71395
Release date: 22 October 2021
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71395
Release date
22 October 2021

"A groovy fusion funk jazz disc has been recorded here by German saxophonist Jan Prax and American drummer Gene Lake..."

Inmusic, 05-4-2022

About the album

If you write "Swagg" with double-G, you have to be quite funky in your endeavors. This is the case in the meeting of the German exceptional saxophonist Jan Prax with the American drummer Gene Lake. The contact was made by a famous co-musician of Prax. “At the Leverkusen Jazz Days, I caught the attention of David Sanborn and he asked me repeatedly to play alongside him,” he recalled. "At some point, he recommended me to Gene Lake and that's how we met."

Sanborn is reputed to have said “You are so young, I hate you;” about his young German co-musician, which was clearly meant as a compliment. After that, Prax released two CDs with his own band, “Keepin’ A Style Alive” on ACT and “Ascending” on Challenge, which were very well received by both the press and audiences. But “Head To The Sky” doesn't have much to do with this hardbop music anymore. "In 2018 I flew to New York and – in Gene’s home studio – we tried out which pieces could work," Prax said. “We worked out ideas and composed songs.”

And they are clearly groove-oriented. Gene Lake is a drummer who authentically embodies this tradition. However, the son of the avant-garde saxophonist Oliver Lake has already played in many different kinds of projects. The drummer played for fusion giants like Joe Zawinul and Marcus Miller, but also with avant-garde artists like Steve Coleman and Henry Threadgill and soul and R&B musicians such as Maxwell and Boz Scaggs. And that is exactly what Jan Prax wanted to build on.

"In recent years, I've been working on finding an authentic way to play groove music, because I honestly think it's just great," he said. "I really had to try a lot of things out, so that it doesn't just sound like you're playing over such music as a jazz musician." The result sounds pretty exciting. The way Prax moves in this cosmos of dry beats, nasty keyboard sounds and juicy guitar licks is impressive. “Timing plays a big role,” he stated. “You have to be able to play more with the beat. You can't just play over it, you really have to log in and play with the beat. If you don't have really strong timing, it doesn't sound right and convincing. It's a completely different way of doing things.”

The eight tracks of the album are mainly carried by an enormous amount of force, which Lake always cleverly designed and into which Prax can fully link. "I was familiar with Gene Lake from many records,” the saxophonist stated. “On the records of Meshell Ndegeocello and Maxwell, for example, he plays a decisive role. Of course, he's an incredible drummer, but what shocked me even more is that he plays e-bass at exactly the same level. He also produces at an incredible level. It was great to work with someone who incorporates so much of the tradition.” Therefore, the two did not need a bass player, but five guest musicians contribute to the diversity and variety of the music. They are the keyboarders Ricky Peterson and Frederico Gonzales Peña as well as three guitarists Mark Bowers, Nicky Moroch and Paul Pesco. “We recorded in two phases in New York,” Jan recounted. “Then I recorded the last tracks in Karlsruhe. The other guys recorded in their respective home studios in the USA.”
Between the groovy songs, Prax and Lake have also incorporated a few moments of relaxation, the most beautiful of which is probably the title song, which the two protagonists composed together. "I particularly like 'Head to the Sky‘ because it creates such a super mood," Prax stated. “It sounds particularly good with the acoustic guitars.”

Wer „Swagg“ mit Doppel-G schreibt, der muss ganz schön funky unterwegs sein. So ist es jedenfalls beim Zusammentreffen des deutschen Ausnahme-Saxofonisten Jan Prax mit dem amerikanischen Schlagzeuger Gene Lake. Den Kontakt hergestellt hat ein berühmter Kollege von Prax.

„Bei den Leverkusener Jazztagen ist David Sanborn auf mich aufmerksam geworden und hat mich immer mal wieder gefragt, bei ihm einzusteigen“, erinnert er sich. „Irgendwann hat er mich dann Gene Lake empfohlen und so haben wir uns kennen gelernt.“

Über seinen jungen deutschen Kollegen soll Sanborn damals „Du bist so jung, ich hasse Dich“ gesagt haben, was eindeutig als Kompliment gemeint war. Danach veröffentlichte Prax zwei CDs mit seiner eigenen Band - „Keepin’ A Style Alive“ auf ACT und „Ascending“ bei Challenge -, die bei Presse und Publikum ziemlich einschlugen. Doch mit dieser eher dem Hardbop zugehörigen Musik hat „Head To The Sky“ nicht mehr viel zu tun.

„2018 bin ich nach New York geflogen und in Genes Heimstudio haben wir ausprobiert, welche Stücke funktionieren könnten“, erzählt Prax. „Wir haben Ideen ausgearbeitet und Songs geschrieben.“

Und die sind eindeutig groove-orientiert. Gene Lake ist ein Schlagzeuger, der diese Tradition authentisch verkörpert. Der Sohn des Avantgarde-Saxofonisten Oliver Lake hat aber schon auf ziemlich vielen verschiedenen Baustellen gearbeitet. Der Drummer hat sowohl für Fusion-Giganten wie Joe Zawinul oder Marcus Miller gespielt, aber auch mit Avantgardisten wie Steve Coleman oder Henry Threadgill und mit Soul- und R&B-Musikern wie Maxwell oder Boz Scaggs. Und genau da ist der Punkt zu finden, an den Jan Prax gerne anknüpfen wollte.

„In den letzten Jahren habe ich mich damit beschäftigt, eine authentische Spielweise für Groovemusik zu finden, weil ich es ehrlich gesagt einfach geil finde“, sagt er. „Da musste ich wirklich viel suchen, damit es nicht einfach so klingt, als ob man als Jazzmusiker da drüber spielt.“

Das Ergebnis klingt ziemlich aufregend. Wie Prax sich in diesem Kosmos aus trockenen Beats, fiesen Keyboard-Klängen und saftigen Gitarren-Licks bewegt, ist beeindruckend.

„Das Timing spielt eine große Rolle“, hat er festgestellt. „Man muss mehr mit dem Beat spielen können. Man kann nicht einfach drüber spielen, man muss wirklich einloggen und mit dem Beat spielen. Wenn man keine wirklich starke Time hat, klingt es nicht richtig und überzeugend. Es ist eine komplett andere Baustelle.“

Die acht Tracks des Albums sind vornehmlich von einem enormen Wumms getragen, den Lake stets raffiniert gestaltet und in den Prax sich komplett einklinken kann. „Gene Lake war mir von vielen Platten ein Begriff“, erzählt der Saxofonist. „Auf den Platten von Meshell Ndegeocello oder Maxwell spielt er zum Beispiel eine entscheidende Rolle. Natürlich ist er ein unglaublicher Drummer, aber was mich noch mehr schockiert hat, ist, dass er auf genau dem gleichen Level auch E-Bass spielt. Außerdem produziert er auch auf einem unglaublichen Niveau. Es war toll, mit jemandem zu arbeiten, der so viel von der Tradition in sich trägt.“

Einen Bassisten brauchten die beiden deshalb nicht, aber fünf Gastmusiker tragen zur Vielfalt und zum Variantenreichtum der Musik bei. Es sind die beiden Keyboarder Ricky Peterson und Frederico Gonzales Peña sowie drei Gitarristen Mark Bowers, Nicky Moroch und Paul Pesco. „Wir haben in zwei Phasen in New York aufgenommen“, berichtet Jan Prax, „die letzten Spuren habe ich dann bei mir in Karlsruhe aufgenommen. Die anderen Jungs haben in den USA in ihren jeweiligen Heimstudiios aufgenommen.“

Zwischen die groovy Songs haben Prax und Lake auch ein paar Erholungsmomente eingebaut, deren schönster wohl der Titelsong ist, den die beiden Protagonisten gemeinsam komponiert haben.

„‚Head to the Sky‘ gefällt mir besonders gut, weil es so eine Superstimmung erzeugt“, findet Prax. „Mit den akustischen Gitarren klingt es besonders schön.“


Jan Prax (saxophone)

Jan Prax is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, pianist and band leader. Born in Karlsruhe in 1992 he began his musical education at the age of three at the piano, winning numerous prizes as a classical pianist. During his youth his interest in jazz saxophone grew rapidly. Soon he was awarded the grant for highly talented students of the Badisches Konservatorium. He studied under Laszlo Wolpert, Peter Lehel and gained his bachelor’s degree with honours under professor Klaus Graf. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Munich.
Jan Prax is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, pianist and band leader. Born in Karlsruhe in 1992 he began his musical education at the age of three at the piano, winning numerous prizes as a classical pianist. During his youth his interest in jazz saxophone grew rapidly. Soon he was awarded the grant for highly talented students of the Badisches Konservatorium. He studied under Laszlo Wolpert, Peter Lehel and gained his bachelor’s degree with honours under professor Klaus Graf. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Munich.


Gene Lake (drums)

Gene Lake was born in St. Louis, Missouri (USA) and comes from a very eclectic background. Being the son of Jazz saxophonist Oliver Lake, this is reflected in his constant desire to actively search for innovation and musically adventurous forms of music. Over more than 20 years, he has been playing with a stunningly diverse range of artists: Joe Zawinul, Marcus Miller, Steve Coleman, Henry Threadgill, Me’shell NdegeOcello, Maxwell, Boz Scaggs, David Sanborn, diverse R&B groups and the wildly original Rock/Funk/Jazz fusion group Screaming Headless Torsos. Gene is an all around drummer who embodies the contradictions of modern music while his musical vision stays grounded in the rich Black American Experience.
Gene Lake was born in St. Louis, Missouri (USA) and comes from a very eclectic background. Being the son of Jazz saxophonist Oliver Lake, this is reflected in his constant desire to actively search for innovation and musically adventurous forms of music.
Over more than 20 years, he has been playing with a stunningly diverse range of artists: Joe Zawinul, Marcus Miller, Steve Coleman, Henry Threadgill, Me’shell NdegeOcello, Maxwell, Boz Scaggs, David Sanborn, diverse R&B groups and the wildly original Rock/Funk/Jazz fusion group Screaming Headless Torsos.
Gene is an all around drummer who embodies the contradictions of modern music while his musical vision stays grounded in the rich Black American Experience.


Mark Bowers (guitar)

Nicky Moroch (guitar)

Paul Pesco (guitar)


Jan Prax (saxophone)

Jan Prax is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, pianist and band leader. Born in Karlsruhe in 1992 he began his musical education at the age of three at the piano, winning numerous prizes as a classical pianist. During his youth his interest in jazz saxophone grew rapidly. Soon he was awarded the grant for highly talented students of the Badisches Konservatorium. He studied under Laszlo Wolpert, Peter Lehel and gained his bachelor’s degree with honours under professor Klaus Graf. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Munich.
Jan Prax is an award-winning saxophonist, composer, pianist and band leader. Born in Karlsruhe in 1992 he began his musical education at the age of three at the piano, winning numerous prizes as a classical pianist. During his youth his interest in jazz saxophone grew rapidly. Soon he was awarded the grant for highly talented students of the Badisches Konservatorium. He studied under Laszlo Wolpert, Peter Lehel and gained his bachelor’s degree with honours under professor Klaus Graf. He is now studying for his master’s degree in Munich.


Gene Lake (drums)

Gene Lake was born in St. Louis, Missouri (USA) and comes from a very eclectic background. Being the son of Jazz saxophonist Oliver Lake, this is reflected in his constant desire to actively search for innovation and musically adventurous forms of music. Over more than 20 years, he has been playing with a stunningly diverse range of artists: Joe Zawinul, Marcus Miller, Steve Coleman, Henry Threadgill, Me’shell NdegeOcello, Maxwell, Boz Scaggs, David Sanborn, diverse R&B groups and the wildly original Rock/Funk/Jazz fusion group Screaming Headless Torsos. Gene is an all around drummer who embodies the contradictions of modern music while his musical vision stays grounded in the rich Black American Experience.
Gene Lake was born in St. Louis, Missouri (USA) and comes from a very eclectic background. Being the son of Jazz saxophonist Oliver Lake, this is reflected in his constant desire to actively search for innovation and musically adventurous forms of music.
Over more than 20 years, he has been playing with a stunningly diverse range of artists: Joe Zawinul, Marcus Miller, Steve Coleman, Henry Threadgill, Me’shell NdegeOcello, Maxwell, Boz Scaggs, David Sanborn, diverse R&B groups and the wildly original Rock/Funk/Jazz fusion group Screaming Headless Torsos.
Gene is an all around drummer who embodies the contradictions of modern music while his musical vision stays grounded in the rich Black American Experience.



A groovy fusion funk jazz disc has been recorded here by German saxophonist Jan Prax and American drummer Gene Lake...
Inmusic, 05-4-2022

JAN PRAX & GENE LAKE set off jazz funk fireworks reminiscent of the best times of Clarke and Duke...
Na Dann, 23-12-2021

This album is characterized by a great sound and multilayered compositions without obvious harmonic-melodic solutions, often surprising with climatic changes.
jazzfun, 12-11-2021

... Definitely another highlight in the amazing career of Jan Prax.
Jazzthing, 27-10-2021

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