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Thesauri inventio 1 & 2

Antoinette Lohmann

Thesauri inventio 1 & 2

Price: € 25.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525527904
Catnr: GLO 5279
Release date: 10 September 2021
2 CD
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€ 25.95
Catalogue number
GLO 5279
Release date
10 September 2021

"Wonderfully rhetorical, imaginative play. It is all beautifully edited with excellent accompanying texts."

De Volkskrant, 07-10-2021

About the album

Thesauri inventio 1 & 2 is in fact two albums in one 2CD digipack, one featuring music from the Di Martinelli Music Collection and other from the Kroměříž Music Collection. In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, numerous music compilations appeared that gather together handwritten copies of all sorts of repertoire. This was cheaper than printing music or purchasing printed editions. Many compilations were intended for internal or local use and often included works of composers who were locally active. Today, they also give us insight into the popularity and distribution of composers and their oeuvres during a specific period.

Both the Di Martinelli and Kroměříž archives contain a surprisingly large amount of repertoire for violin and continuo, some of which remains unexplored up to the present day.

This double album was made during the coronavirus lockdowns in 2020 and 2021, that presented the musicians with a rare opportunity: they now had the time to uninterruptedly devote themselves to investigating a number of exciting finds from the Kroměříž and Di Martinelli Archives and even record them. The undertaking would otherwise have taken them years to achieve. One musical discovery led to another and each successive lockdown provided them with the gift of more time to dedicate to the project. What initially began as a plan to record a single CD ultimately resulted in the creation of this double album. Thus, both the repertoire and the time proved to be a treasure trove, a Thesauri inventio.

Antoinette Lohmann en het ensemble Furor Musicus presenteren Thesauri inventio 1 & 2, met muziek uit de Di Martinelli en de Kroměříž muziekcollecties. Aan het einde van de 17e en het begin van de 18e eeuw ontstonden er talloze muziekverzamelingen die handgeschreven kopieën van allerlei repertoire bevatten. Dit was destijds goedkoper dan het drukken van muziek of het aanschaffen van gedrukte edities. Veel van deze compilaties waren bedoeld voor intern of lokaal gebruik en bevatten vaak werken van lokale componisten. Tegenwoordig gevende verzamelingen ons ook inzicht in de populariteit en verspreiding van componisten en hun oeuvre gedurende een bepaalde periode. Zowel de Di Martinelli als Kroměříž archieven bevatten een verrassend grote hoeveelheid repertoire voor viool en continuo, waarvan een deel tot op de dag van vandaag onontgonnen is.

Dit dubbel-cd-album werd gemaakt tijdens de corona-lockdowns in 2020 en 2021, die de musici een zeldzame kans bood: ze hadden de tijd om zich ononderbroken te wijden aan het onderzoeken van een aantal interessante vondsten uit de Kromeriz- en Di Martinelli-archieven en deze zelfs op te nemen. Onder normale omstandigheden zou dit jaren hebben gekost. De ene muzikale ontdekking leidde tot de andere en elke opeenvolgende lockdown gaf hen meer tijd om zich aan het project te wijden. Wat aanvankelijk begon als een plan om één ​​enkele cd op te nemen, resulteerde uiteindelijk in dit dubbelalbum. Zo bleken zowel het repertoire als de tijd de ontdekking van een schat te zijn, een Thesauri inventio.

Antoinette Lohmann is altijd actief geweest op uiteenlopende muzikale terreinen, van salonmuziek tot Argentijnse tango, van muziektheater tot hedendaagse muziek en van barok- tot volksmuziek. Als freelancer heeft Antoinette met talloze ensembles en orkesten gewerkt. Thans is zij vooral actief op het terrein van de historisch geïnformeerde uitvoeringspraktijk op viool en altviool en legt zij daarnaast een grote interesse voor de minder gangbare instrumenten, zoals de viola d’amore, de viola pomposa, de violino piccolo, de tenorviool en de klompviool aan de dag. Antoinette heeft een voorliefde voor onbekend repertoire, met een speciale voorkeur voor Nederlands repertoire. Ze is ook geïnteresseerd in de verschillen in de manier waarop de viool werd gespeeld door de verschillende sociale klassen in de 17e en 18e eeuw, getuige haar recente cd met werken van Johann Fischer met muzikale vergelijkingen van boerenfiedelaars met geschoolde violisten. Naast cd’s met o.a. werk van Joseph Martin Kraus, Margarethe Danzi en Belle van Zuylen verschenen op Globe de bejubelde albums Phantasia Musica (GLO 5265), Vioolsonates van Hellendaal (GLO 5271) en het hierboven genoemde album met muziek van Johann Fischer (GLO 5274). Antoinette is als hoofdvakdocent verbonden aan de conservatoria van Amsterdam en Utrecht. Ook geeft zij regelmatig cursussen en speelt zij met de meest uiteenlopende ensembles over de hele wereld.

Thesauri inventio 1 & 2 sind eigentlich zwei Alben in einem 2CD-Digipack, eines mit Musik aus der Di Martinelli Music Collection und das andere aus der Kroměříž Music Collection. Im späten 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhundert erschienen zahlreiche Musikkompilationen, die handschriftliche Kopien aller Arten von Repertoire zusammenstellten. Dies war billiger als der Druck von Noten oder der Kauf von gedruckten Ausgaben. Viele Kompilationen waren für den internen oder lokalen Gebrauch bestimmt und enthielten oft Werke von Komponisten, die lokal tätig waren. Heute geben sie uns auch einen Einblick in die Popularität und Verbreitung von Komponisten und ihren Werken in einer bestimmten Zeit.

Sowohl das Di Martinelli- als auch das Kroměříž-Archiv enthalten eine überraschend große Menge an Repertoire für Violine und Generalbass, von dem ein Teil bis heute unerforscht geblieben ist.

Dieses Doppelalbum entstand während des Corona Lockdowns in den Jahren 2020 und 2021, die den Musikern eine seltene Gelegenheit bot: Sie hatten nun die Zeit, sich ununterbrochen der Erforschung einer Reihe von spannenden Funden aus den Archiven von Kroměříž und Di Martinelli zu widmen und diese sogar aufzunehmen. Für dieses Unterfangen hätten sie sonst Jahre gebraucht. Eine musikalische Entdeckung führte zur nächsten und jede weitere Sperre bescherte ihnen mehr Zeit, die sie dem Projekt widmen konnten. Was zunächst als Plan begann, eine einzelne CD aufzunehmen, führte schließlich zur Entstehung dieses Doppelalbums. So erwiesen sich sowohl das Repertoire als auch die Zeit als eine Schatztruhe, eine Thesauri inventio.


Antoinette Lohmann (violin)

ANTOINETTE LOHMANN (AMSTERDAM, 1969) studied violin, viola and historical violin at the Amsterdam Conservatory. Antoinette has been active in a variety of musical areas, including Argentinian tango, salon music, folk music and contemporary music. She has performed and recorded with many orchestras and ensembles over the years. Currently her repertoire extends from the early 17th to the 21st century, always performed from a historically informed perspective. She has a special interest in unusual instruments such as the viola d’amore, the tenor violin, the violino piccolo and the viola pomposa. She is also a keen performer of contemporary compositions for historical instruments. Her main focus is on reviving forgotten chamber music, with special emphasis on Dutch repertoire. She has recorded chamber...
ANTOINETTE LOHMANN (AMSTERDAM, 1969) studied violin, viola and historical violin at the Amsterdam Conservatory. Antoinette has been active in a variety of musical areas, including Argentinian tango, salon music, folk music and contemporary music. She has performed and recorded with many orchestras and ensembles over the years. Currently her repertoire extends from the early 17th to the 21st century, always performed from a historically informed perspective. She has a special interest in unusual instruments such as the viola d’amore, the tenor violin, the violino piccolo and the viola pomposa. She is also a keen performer of contemporary compositions for historical instruments. Her main focus is on reviving forgotten chamber music, with special emphasis on Dutch repertoire. She has recorded chamber music by Joseph Martin Kraus, Margarethe Danzi, Franz Danzi, Franz Krommer, Belle van Zuylen and Dutch and German music of the early baroque. Antoinette teaches historical violin and viola as a principal study at the HKU Utrecht Conservatorium and the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. She is also the principal teacher of the Historical Performance department in Utrecht. Antoinette recorded these works on a late 17th-century violin by Egidius Snoeck (Brussels), which is still in its original baroque set-up, using four pure gut strings.


Furor Musicus

FUROR MUSICUS was founded by Antoinette in 2008. The group has released several recordings: transcriptions of works by J.S. Bach, among them Antoinette’s reconstruction of a J.S. Bach viola concerto; the violin sonatas opus 1 & 2 by the Dutch baroque composer Jacob Nozeman; and the critically acclaimed Phantasia Musica album (2017), featuring previously unknown 17th-century repertoire. Phantasia Musica scored a 10 with distinction in the Dutch classical music magazine Luister, 5 stars in the Dutch daily de Volkskrant and an A in the Italian magazine Amadeus. The ensemble is primarily devoted to performing and recording little-known 17th- and 18th-century repertoire on period instruments and carrying out the necessary historical research. The performers wish to guard against simply going with...
FUROR MUSICUS was founded by Antoinette in 2008. The group has released several recordings: transcriptions of works by J.S. Bach, among them Antoinette’s reconstruction of a J.S. Bach viola concerto; the violin sonatas opus 1 & 2 by the Dutch baroque composer Jacob Nozeman; and the critically acclaimed Phantasia Musica album (2017), featuring previously unknown 17th-century repertoire. Phantasia Musica scored a 10 with distinction in the Dutch classical music magazine Luister, 5 stars in the Dutch daily de Volkskrant and an A in the Italian magazine Amadeus. The ensemble is primarily devoted to performing and recording little-known 17th- and 18th-century repertoire on period instruments and carrying out the necessary historical research. The performers wish to guard against simply going with the flow of traditions that have developed over the past decades within the historically informed performance movement. There is still so much fantastic repertoire that has been unjustly neglected and never performed, and they view it as an important challenge to immerse themselves in previously unheard repertoire and to avoid being influenced by other performances. The name Furor Musicus derives from the term Furor Poeticus, a Latin expression often used to refer to poetic inspiration in ancient Greek and Roman literature. The word ‘furor’ refers to a state of intense excitement, in some cases even bordering on madness. The term Furor Poeticus refers to the capacity to be inspired and inspire others. Poetic inspiration is often described as a state in which the poet is the passive and unconscious mouthpiece of a higher power, but in fact, there was an equal emphasis on craft and inspiration throughout antiquity. It was the same with music of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Jörn Boysen (harpsichord)

Harpsichordist Jörn Boysen was born in Lübeck, Germany, in 1976. Initially he studied at the Musikhochschule Lübeck and later at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague with Tini Mathot and Ton Koopman. As a conductor, soloist or continuo player he works and plays regularly with ensembles and choirs in Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and France. He gives workshops for historical performance practice and basso continuo. Since 2006 Boysen is director of the Hollands Vocaal Ensemble with which he successfully performed programs as the ‘Messe des Morts’ by Jean Gilles, music from the “Altbachisches Archiv” and a program with the Requiem by Mozart and the Libera me by Neukomm. He conducted a production at the O.T. Opera Rotterdam in 2005. In 2009 he...
Harpsichordist Jörn Boysen was born in Lübeck, Germany, in 1976. Initially he studied at the Musikhochschule Lübeck and later at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague with Tini Mathot and Ton Koopman.
As a conductor, soloist or continuo player he works and plays regularly with ensembles and choirs in Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and France. He gives workshops for historical performance practice and basso continuo.
Since 2006 Boysen is director of the Hollands Vocaal Ensemble with which he successfully performed programs as the ‘Messe des Morts’ by Jean Gilles, music from the “Altbachisches Archiv” and a program with the Requiem by Mozart and the Libera me by Neukomm. He conducted a production at the O.T. Opera Rotterdam in 2005. In 2009 he will be musical director of the production of Molière’s/Charpentier’s ‘Le Malada Imaginaire’ at ‘De Utrechtse Spelen’.
As a composer Boysen wrote orchestral and vocal music and a string quartet. Currently he is composing the music for the poems by German painter and writer Rainer Erhard Teubert.




Wonderfully rhetorical, imaginative play. It is all beautifully edited with excellent accompanying texts.
De Volkskrant, 07-10-2021

With her eloquent and colorful playing Antoinette Lohmann is able to draw a musical story from each of the compositions.  
Pizzicato, 14-9-2021

two CDs with beautiful violin sonatas and dance forms
Luister, 01-11-2021

Play album Play album
Disc #1
Sonata Septima, Peper Stooter (59.7, 59.7.1)
(Sign. N. Goor) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
Sonata decima (59.10)
(Sign. N. Goor) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
Sonata 11ma
(Sign. N. Goor) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
Sonata 13a
(Sign. N. Goor) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
Allemande prima (14a)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
Allemande 2da (15a)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
Allemande 3tia (16a)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
Allemande 5ta (20)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus

Disc #2
Sonata 2 (A 637/IV:216)
(Heinrich Döbel) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
(A 572/IV:136)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
(A 572/IV:136)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, María Sánchez Ramírez, Jörn Boysen, Furor Musicus
Sonata tertia from Sonatae Unarum Fidium, seu a violino solo
(Johann Heinrich Schmelzer) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
(A 572/IV:136)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
(A 572/IV:136)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
Sonatina â Viola da Gamba aut Violino Solo (A 891/XIV: 190)
(Anonymous) Antoinette Lohmann, Jörn Boysen, María Sánchez Ramírez, Furor Musicus
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