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Song Cycles - Die schöne Müllerin / Schwanengesang / Winterreise
Franz Schubert

Christoph Prégardien / Andreas Staier / Michael Gees

Song Cycles - Die schöne Müllerin / Schwanengesang / Winterreise

Price: € 29.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917266528
Catnr: CC 72665
Release date: 06 May 2021
CD (3 items)
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€ 29.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72665
Release date
06 May 2021

"Prégardien provides a notably fine and sensitive performance throughout; he carefully judges exactly how much emphasis to give every syllable, with often tiny inflections in his voice on a single note."

Music Web International, 13-1-2022

About the album

Is this an hommage to Schubert? Or just to a leading Lieder tenor of our time? Probably this box is both and it represents a clear reference for anyone who is a seasoned Lieder lover or a neophyte wanting to approach this genre.

I don’t say anything new when I state that the three Schubert’s Lieder cycles are the the pinnacle in the history of the art song. Not by chance any serious male singer wants to record at least one of these masterpieces.

Christoph Prégardien has been through the last two decades one of the most important and interesting voices confronting this engaging repertoire. He has taken an innovative approach in the hystory of interpretation, a way of singing that is linked to his consolidated experience as a Baroque tenor.

The three discs originally issued met with the unanimous acclaim from critics and consumers. They immediately turned up to be reference versions of each cycle.

So, this box comes as the discographic crowning achievement of Prégardien’s career and it is easy to predict it will be the reference version of one of human history highest musical moments: Schubert’s most complex and most beloved output in the Lieder medium.

About ‘Die Schöne Müllerin’: Prégardien, 2008 vintage, definitely joins the tenor Schöne Müllerin shortlist. (Gramophone)

About ‘Die Schwanengesang’: ‘While it is absurd to speak of an outright “winner” in such a crowded field, Prégardien and the ever-illuminating Staier join Schreier, Fischer-Dieskau and Brigitte Fassbneder on my roster of indispensable Schwanengesang recordings.’ (Gramophone)

About ‘Die Winterreise’: The Voice is in superb form, sensing out the underlying pulse and the minutest inflections of longing, delight, determination and soul-weariness within each lithe, live line of melody. (BBC Music Magazine). This is beautiful singing by a master of his craft, and Prégardien brings to the cycle his early-music-specialisation qualities of precise diction, tuning and articulation. (Early Music Review)
In deze box zijn juwelen van liederencycli van Franz Schubert verzameld. Gezongen door de Duitse tenor Christoph Prégardien, de absolute meester van het kunstlied. Hij wordt begeleid door Michael Gees op piano en Andreas Staier op fortepiano. De drie, eerder opgenomen, liederencycli kregen unaniem veel lof van critici en publiek. De verzameling is een hommage aan Schubert en Prégardien en een cadeau voor de doorgewinterde liefhebber van het kunstlied, maar ook voor diegene die het genre nog maar net ontdekt heeft.

De liederencycli van deze box, ‘Die schöne Müllerin', 'Schwanengesang' en ‘Winterreise’, behoren tot de hoogtepunten uit de geschiedenis van het kunstlied. Het is niet voor niets dat elke gerenommeerde zanger minstens een van deze meesterwerken wil opnemen. Lyrisch tenor Christoph Prégardien is in de afgelopen twee decennia een van de belangrijkste en interessantste stemmen geweest die zich met dit boeiende repertoire heeft bezig gehouden. Met zijn gedegen ervaring als baroktenor koos hij voor een vernieuwende benadering van de interpretatie.

Christoph Prégardien en pianist Michael Gees werken al jaren samen. Dat vertaalt zich op wonderbaarlijke wijze in deze warme en heldere uitvoering van 'Die schöne Müllerin'. Een verzameling eenvoudige liederen in een meestal luchtige toonzetting. Franz Schubert componeerde de liederencyclus op basis van de teksten uit een dichtbundel van Wilhelm Müller. Gedichten, die het verhaal vertellen van een rondtrekkend gezel, die op een molen gaat werken. Daar wordt hij verliefd op de molenaarsdochter. Zij beantwoordt zijn liefde echter niet en valt voor de charme van een jager, waarna de molenaarsgezel zich in de molenbeek verdrinkt.

De uitvoeringen van Schuberts liederencycli door Christoph Prégardien en Andreas Staier zijn legendarisch en worden alom geroemd. Dat geldt ook voor deze opname van ‘Schwanengesang’. Schubert schreef de liederencyclus kort voor zijn dood. De Weense muziekuitgever Tobias Haslinger, met wie Schubert nauw samenwerkte, gaf de liederen op tekst van Ludwig Rellstab en Heinrich Heine na zijn dood uit. Aangevuld met een lied van Johann Gabriel Seidl staat de verzameling liederen tegenwoordig bekend onder de naam 'Schwanengesang'. Naast 'Schwanengesang' bevat de opname zeven met zorg uitgekozen liederen op tekst van Seidl. Deze Weense archeoloog (1804) schreef ook gedichten, waarvan sommige op muziek werden gezet.

De ‘Winterreise’ van Franz Schubert is een van de bekendste liederencycli in de klassieke muziek. De muziek is gecomponeerd op tekst van de gedichten van Wilhelm Müller en is geschreven voor piano en zang. In 24 liederen wordt het verhaal verteld van een jonge man die wordt afgewezen door zijn geliefde en daarop besluit op reis te gaan. De liederen beschrijven zijn reis door een kaal en verlaten winterlandschap, dat de eenzaamheid van de reiziger reflecteert. Het werk gaat echter verder dan enkel het verhaal van een verloren jongeman: het stuk zit vol met maatschappelijke kritiek en door velen wordt de reis gezien als een zoektocht naar de mens en het leven zelf. Zowel tenor Christoph Prégardien als pianist Michael Gees hebben hun eigen, unieke kijk op de cyclus. Wanneer ze samen spelen ontstaat een nieuwe, derde kijk die hun twee visies combineert tot een unieke interpretatie van de ‘Winterreise’.
Ist dies eine Hommage an Schubert? Oder einfach nur an einen führenden Liedertenor unserer Zeit? Wahrscheinlich ist diese Box beides und sie stellt eine klare Referenz für jeden dar, der ein erfahrener Liederliebhaber ist oder ein Neuling, der sich diesem Genre nähern möchte.
Ich sage nichts Neues, wenn ich behaupte, dass die drei Schubert'schen Liederzyklen die Höhepunkte in der Geschichte des Kunstliedes sind. Nicht umsonst will jeder ernsthafte Sänger mindestens eines dieser Meisterwerke aufnehmen.
Christoph Prégardien ist in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten eine der wichtigsten und interessantesten Stimmen gewesen, die sich mit diesem anspruchsvollen Repertoire auseinandergesetzt haben. Er hat einen innovativen Ansatz in der Interpretationsgeschichte gewählt, eine Art zu singen, die mit seiner fundierten Erfahrung als Barocktenor verbunden ist.

Die drei ursprünglich erschienenen Discs wurden von Kritikern und Konsumenten einhellig gelobt. Sie erwiesen sich sofort als Referenzversionen der einzelnen Zyklen.

So kommt diese Box als diskographische Krönung von Prégardiens Karriere und es ist leicht vorherzusagen, dass sie die Referenzversion eines der höchsten musikalischen Momente der Menschheitsgeschichte sein wird: Schuberts komplexestes und meistgeliebtes Werk im Medium des Liedes.

Über 'Die Schöne Müllerin': Prégardien, Jahrgang 2008, reiht sich definitiv in die Tenor-Schöne-Müllerin-Shortlist ein. (Gramophone)

Über 'Der Schwanengesang': 'Obwohl es absurd ist, in einem so überfüllten Feld von einem eindeutigen "Gewinner" zu sprechen, gesellen sich Prégardien und die immer leuchtende Staier zu Schreier, Fischer-Dieskau und Brigitte Fassbneder auf meiner Liste der unverzichtbaren Schwanengesang-Aufnahmen.' (Gramophone)
Über 'Die Winterreise': Die Stimme ist in hervorragender Form, sie spürt den unterschwelligen Puls und die kleinsten Andeutungen von Sehnsucht, Freude, Entschlossenheit und Seelenschmerz in jeder einzelnen flüssigen, lebendigen Melodielinie heraus. (BBC Music Magazine). Dies ist schöner Gesang von einem Meister seines Fachs, und Prégardien bringt seine auf Alte Musik spezialisierten Qualitäten der präzisen Diktion, Stimmung und Artikulation in den Zyklus ein. (Early Music Review)


Christoph Prégardien (tenor)

Born 1956 in Limburg, Germany, Christoph Prégardien began his musical education as a choirboy. He then studied singing with Martin Gründler and Karlheinz Jarius in Frankfurt, Carla Castellani in Milan, Alois Treml in Stuttgart and attended Hartmut Höll’s lieder-class. Widely regarded as among the foremost lyric tenors, Christoph Prégardien frequently collaborates with conductors such as Barenboim, Chailly, Gardiner, Harnoncourt, Herreweghe, Luisi, Metzmacher, Nagano, Sawallisch and Thielemann. His repertory spans a wide range from the great Baroque, Classical and Romantic Oratorios to 20th century works by Britten, Killmayer, Rihm, Stravinsky. Recognized as an eminent recitalist, Christoph Prégardien is regularly welcomed at the major recital venues of Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Salzburg, Zurich, Vienna, Barcelona and Geneva, as well as during his...
Born 1956 in Limburg, Germany, Christoph Prégardien began his musical education as a choirboy. He then studied singing with Martin Gründler and Karlheinz Jarius in Frankfurt, Carla Castellani in Milan, Alois Treml in Stuttgart and attended Hartmut Höll’s lieder-class.
Widely regarded as among the foremost lyric tenors, Christoph Prégardien frequently collaborates with conductors such as Barenboim, Chailly, Gardiner, Harnoncourt, Herreweghe, Luisi, Metzmacher, Nagano, Sawallisch and Thielemann. His repertory spans a wide range from the great Baroque, Classical and Romantic Oratorios to 20th century works by Britten, Killmayer, Rihm, Stravinsky.
Recognized as an eminent recitalist, Christoph Prégardien is regularly welcomed at the major recital venues of Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Salzburg, Zurich, Vienna, Barcelona and Geneva, as well as during his concert tours throughout Italy, Japan and North America.
A longstanding collaboration unites him with his favourite piano partners Michael Gees and Andreas Staier. Soloist of choice for renowned orchestras, he performed with the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic, Bavarian Radio Symphony, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam, Gewand-hausorchester Leipzig, London Philharmonia, Staatskapelle Dresden, Philharmonie de Radio France, the Montreal, Boston, St. Louis and San Francisco Symphony Orchestras.
An important part of his repertory has been recorded by labels such as BMG, EMI, Deutsche Grammophon, Philips, Sony, Erato, Challenge Classics and Teldec. He is represented on more than a hundred and twenty titles, including nearly all of his active repertoire. His recordings of German Romantic Lied repertory have been highly acclaimed by the public and press and have received international awards including the prestigious Orphée d’Or of the Académie du Disque Lyrique-Prix Georg Solti, Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik, Edison Award, Cannes Classical Award and Diapason d’Or.
As an opera singer, Christoph Prégardien has made stage appearences in major European houses, performing leading roles as Tamino (Zauberflöte), Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni), Almaviva (Il Barbiere di Seviglia), Fenton (Falstaff) and Monteverdi’s Ulisse. In Spring 2005, Christoph Prégardien sang the leading part in Mozart’s “La Clemenza di Tito” at the Paris National Opera conducted by Sylvain Cambreling.
An important aspect in the musical life of Christoph Prégardien is his intensive and varied educational work. From 2000 to 2005 Christoph Prégardien was in charge of a vocal class at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Zurich. Since the autumn of 2004, he is a professor at the Musikhochschule Köln. In a new combination of DVD and book, released in the serie “Schott Master Class”, he presents for the first time questions of singing technique and interpretation in word and picture. Film examples accompagny him during his lessons with masterclass students.
Christoph Prégardien now has a long-term cooperation with Challenge Classics. The first production on our label, released in February 2008, was Schubert’s “Die schöne Müllerin” with pianist Michael Gees. In the fall of 2008 “Schwanengesang” with pianist Andreas Staier followed and “Die schöne Müllerin” was awarded the Midem ‘Record of the Year’ 2009 at MIDEM, the world’s largest music industry trade fair. The duo Christoph Prégardien/Michael Gees also received the MIDEM ‘Vocal Recitals’ Award 2009. Throughout 2008 the recording received critical acclaim from many national and international magazines (Gramophone, Editor’s Choice & „Best of 2008“ among others).


Michael Gees (piano)

'Throughout the evening Gees played as if he had composed the pieces himself and was therefore extremely vigilant to make sure the performance was carried out according to his inner ear. His eyes were not those of an artist intent on reproduction, but  shone rather a lambent look of passion, just as one might imagine the composer as the creator.“ N. Campogrande Michael Gees’ biography certainly justifies the term: exceptional. Few others can claim to have a career already behind them at the tender age of fifteen: Born in 1953 into a world of sound and music, both parents are singers, the piano is his favourite toy at age three. Formal piano lessons follow at age five, and the young musician subsequently goes...
"Throughout the evening Gees played as if he had composed the pieces himself and was therefore extremely vigilant to make sure the performance was carried out according to his inner ear. His eyes were not those of an artist intent on reproduction, but shone rather a lambent look of passion, just as one might imagine the composer as the creator.“ N. Campogrande Michael Gees’ biography certainly justifies the term: exceptional. Few others can claim to have a career already behind them at the tender age of fifteen: Born in 1953 into a world of sound and music, both parents are singers, the piano is his favourite toy at age three. Formal piano lessons follow at age five, and the young musician subsequently goes on to win the Steinway Competition at age eight and receives a scholarship at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.
The child prodigy is hailed as “Westphalian Mozart“, takes up studies at the conservatories in Detmold and Vienna and it seems as if he is fast on his way to become an internationally acclaimed pianist. Were it not for the gifted child’s longing to explore the world of sound on his own terms, to playfully experience his self like the great masters’ music, to invent their music all over again, note for note instead of limiting himself to a technical practice regimen. Michael Gees flees the pressure of a predetermined competitional career at the age of fifteen, leaves school, conservatory and home behind, supports himself through odd jobs, works as archeological assistant and, in the process, for the duration of two full years, becomes a sailor.
Chance leads him back to the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover, where he resumes his compositional studies and eventually graduates. He now develops first rate pianistic chops on his own, composes a number of works, gains international renown as lied accompanist of extraordinary proportions with Christoph Prégardien and also appears in concerts globally; in Paris, London, New York and Tokio. All the while, he nurses and feeds his preference for combining the performance of music of past masters with living inspiration, thereby creating remarkable performances with his instrument.
In 1989, Gees founds “forum kunstvereint“ in his adopted hometown of Gelsenkirchen; the Consol Theater, also installed by him, opens its doors in 2001 on the confines of the former mining area Consolidation. There, music, dance and theatre projects take shape, where children, youths and adults alike are incited and encouraged to discover and realize their own artistic impulses. A steady number of CDs have been released from 1996 onward on forum kunstvereint, CPO and EMI, showcasing Michael Gees’ range.
Since 2008 Michael Gees is associated to the Netherlands label Challenge Classics. The 2009 release of the Schöne Müllerin with Christoph Prégardien won the MIDEM Classical Award and became Recording of the Year. Michael Gees works on solo-recitals which enjoy breaking with tradition, on modernized lied-renditions, melodramas and stage music.


Andreas Staier (piano)

Andreas Staier (Göttingen,D) studied modern piano and harpsichord in Hannover and Amsterdam. For three years, he was the harpsichordist of Musica Antiqua Köln with whom he toured and recorded extensively. Undoubtedly one of the most prominent harpsichord and forte piano performers in the world, Andreas embarked upon a solo career in 1986 and, since then, his indisputable musical mastery has made its mark on the interpretation of baroque, classical and romantic repertoire. As a soloist, Andreas Staier performs throughout Europe, the United States and Japan with orchestras such as Concerto Köln, Freiburger Barockorchester, the Akademie für alte Musik Berlin and the Orchestre des Champs-Elysées Paris. Naturally he is invited regularly at all the major festivals and concert halls all over...
Andreas Staier (Göttingen,D) studied modern piano and harpsichord in Hannover and Amsterdam. For three years, he was the harpsichordist of Musica Antiqua Köln with whom he toured and recorded extensively. Undoubtedly one of the most prominent harpsichord and forte piano performers in the world, Andreas embarked upon a solo career in 1986 and, since then, his indisputable musical mastery has made its mark on the interpretation of baroque, classical and romantic repertoire. As a soloist, Andreas Staier performs throughout Europe, the United States and Japan with orchestras such as Concerto Köln, Freiburger Barockorchester, the Akademie für alte Musik Berlin and the Orchestre des Champs-Elysées Paris. Naturally he is invited regularly at all the major festivals and concert halls all over the world.

He has formed a highly successful trio with violinist Daniel Sepec and cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras; In 2001, Andreas gave the world premiere of ‘Contra-Sonata’, a work for fortepiano by the French composer Brice Pauset.



Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the...
Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the most frequently performed composers of the early nineteenth century.
It was in the genre of the Lied that Schubert made his most indelible mark. Prior to Schubert's influence, Lieder tended toward a strophic, syllabic treatment of text, evoking the folksong qualities engendered by the stirrings of Romantic nationalism. Schubert expanded the potentialities of the genre like no other composer before.



Prégardien provides a notably fine and sensitive performance throughout; he carefully judges exactly how much emphasis to give every syllable, with often tiny inflections in his voice on a single note.
Music Web International, 13-1-2022

There are many beautiful recordings of these three great cycles, but there shall always be a place on our shelves for a more beautiful recording.
Ritmo, 01-11-2021

The whole set is a triumph for Christoph Prégardien's refined interpretations, and I urge readers to sample it. I wouldn't be surprised if more than one were to place their orders at once.
Musicweb International, 26-8-2021

Play album Play album
Disc #1
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Das Wandern
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Wohin?
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Halt!
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Dansagung an den Bach
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Am Feierabend
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Der Neugierige
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Ungeduld
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Morgengruß
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Des Müllers Blumen
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Tränenregen
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Mein!
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Pause
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Mit dem grünen Lautenbande
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Der Jäger
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Eifersucht und Stolz
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Die liebe Farbe
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Die böse Farbe
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Trockne Blumen
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Der Müller und der Bach
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien
Die schöne Müllerin D 795, Op. 25: Des Baches Wiegenlied
(Franz Schubert) Michael Gees, Christoph Prégardien

Disc #2
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. I-VII, D 957: Liebesbotschaft
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. I-VII, D 957: Kriegers Ahnung
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. I-VII, D 957: Frühlingssehnsucht
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. I-VII, D 957: Städchen
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. I-VII, D 957: Aufenthalt
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. I-VII, D 957: In der Ferne
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. I-VII, D 957: Abschied
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. VIII - XIII D 957: Der Atlas
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. VIII - XIII D 957: Ihr Bild
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. VIII - XIII D 957: Das Fischermädchen
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. VIII - XIII D 957: Die Stadt
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. VIII - XIII D 957: Am Meer
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Schwanengesang Nr. VIII - XIII D 957: Der Doppelgänger
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Songs after Seidl : Die Taubenpost, D 965 A
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Songs after Seidl : Sehnsucht, D 879
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Songs after Seidl : Am Fenster, D 878
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Songs after Seidl : Bei dir allein, D 866
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Songs after Seidl : Der Wanderer an der Mond, D 870
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Songs after Seidl : Das Zugenglöcklein, D 871
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier
Songs after Seidl : Im Freien, D 880
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Andreas Staier

Disc #3
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Gute Nacht
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Die Wetterfahne
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Gefrorne Tränen
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Erstarrung
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Der Lindenbaum
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Wasserflut
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Auf dem Flusse
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Rückblick
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Irrlicht
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Rast
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Frühlingstraum
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Einsamkeit
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Die Post
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Der greise Kopf
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Die Krähe
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Letzte Hoffnung
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Im Dorfe
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Der stürmische Morgen
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Täuschung
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Der Wegweiser
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Das Wirtshaus
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Mut
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Die Nebensonnen
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
Winterreise op. 89, D. 911: Der Leiermann
(Franz Schubert) Christoph Prégardien, Michael Gees
show all tracks

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Robert Schumann, Richard Wagner
Dichterliebe Op. 48 / Lenau-Lieder und Requiem Op. 90 / Wesendonck Lieder
Christoph Prégardien / Michael Gees
Various composers
Auf Flügeln des Gesanges - Romantic songs and transcriptions
Cyprien Katsaris | Christoph Prégardien
Various composers
A Matter of Heart
Olivier Darbellay / Christoph Prégardien / Michael Gees
Felix Mendelssohn, Johann Sebastian Bach
Bach - Mendelssohn - Metamorphosis
Michael Gees
Franz Schubert
Poetisches Tagebuch
Christoph Prégardien / Julius Drake