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Always About Love
Various composers

Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam

Always About Love

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525527508
Catnr: GLO 5275
Release date: 07 February 2020
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
GLO 5275
Release date
07 February 2020

"8/10 His Vision XII of mystic Hadewijch allows the flute and voice to perfectly represent both the sublime and erotic atmosphere of the text."

Luister, 15-10-2021

About the album

Always About Love's opening track J’ay pris amours a ma devise (I have chosen love as my device) is the motto for the album with songs about longing and happiness, sadness and saying farewell. BRISK and Amaryllis Dieltiens have created a programme with music from various different styles and periods on these timeless themes. The poetry is the starting point for the various sections. The instrumental pieces are also all connected to this content, and could be listened to as instrumental poetry, as songs without words.

Alongside 16th and 17th century music from England, France and Germany, the sound of more recent times should not be lacking on this album. The quartet has arranged versions by Cecil Sharp and Benjamin Britten of the English folksong O Waly Waly. “Love is handsome, love is kind”, but love may fade away like the morning dew. Dawn is also used as a metaphor for the beloved in Max Knigge’s Ochtendbede, based on a sonnet by Jacques Perk. Hans Koolmees has written two songs about earthly and heavenly love, based on texts by the medieval mystic Hadewijch and the modern Flemish poet Eva Cox, and finally Walther Stuhlmacher has composed a wordless farewell.
However different these worlds may seem, it is always all about love!
Het Nederlandse blokfluitkwartet BRISK bracht samen met de Belgische stersopraan Amaryllis Dieltiens een beperkte oplage van 600 cd's uit met de titel 'Altijd over de liefde'. Het zal geen verrassing zijn dat de liefde centraal staat. Met de prachtige stem van Amaryllis en het subtiele en virtuoze spel van BRISK worden verlangen, verdriet, geluk en afscheid bezongen.

Zo klinken er 16e- en 17e-eeuwse composities uit heel Europa: Engelse consort songs van Bennet en Nicholson, een Italiaanse frottola van Tromboncino, Franse chansons van Claudin de Sermisy en Clemens non Papa en een Duits lied van Hassler. Maar ook instrumentale werken van onder meer Byrd, Gabrieli, Simpson en Lassus hebben de liefde als thema.

Ook de stem uit recentere tijden ontbreekt niet. BRISK bewerkte de folksong O Waly Waly die Benjamin Britten arrangeerde. “Love is handsome, love is kind”, maar liefde kan verdampen als de ochtenddauw. De dageraad is ook een beeld voor de geliefde in Ochtendbede van Max Knigge, geïnspireerd op een sonnet van Jacques Perk. Hans Koolmees schreef speciaal voor dit programma liederen op teksten van de middeleeuwse mystica Hadewijch en van de moderne Vlaamse dichter Eva Cox over hemelse en aardse liefde. Verlangen, geluk, verdriet, jaloezie en afscheid komen allemaal voorbij. Teksten uit verschillende tijden over een tijdloos thema. Want hoe verschillend al deze werelden ook lijken, het gaat altijd weer over de liefde.

BRISK is het enige blokfluitkwartet in de Benelux en heeft een enorme verzameling blokfluiten die door bouwers uit de hele wereld speciaal voor hen gemaakt zijn. Een concert van BRISK is dan ook bijzonder om naar te kijken. Alle mogelijkheden van het blokfluitkwartet worden voortdurend verkend en uitgebreid. Het aanbod van BRISK is opmerkelijk divers. Door de jaren heen zijn composities bewerkt voor verschillende instrumenten, versierd of gebruikt als inspiratiebron voor compleet nieuwe werken. Oude muziek in nieuwe opzet presenteren is een wezenlijk onderdeel van BRISK’s identiteit. Het kwartet maakt bewerkingen van onbekend oud repertoire en speelt ook erg veel nieuw speciaal voor hen gecomponeerd werk. Onverwachte muzikale combinaties en een vleugje humor creëren nieuwe luisterervaringen.
Always About Love's Eröffnungstitel J'ay pris amours a ma devise (Ich habe Liebe als mein Mittel gewählt) ist das Motto des Albums mit Liedern über Sehnsucht und Glück, Traurigkeit und Abschied. BRISK und Amaryllis Dieltiens haben zu diesen zeitlosen Themen ein Programm mit Musik aus verschiedenen Stilen und Epochen zusammengestellt. Die Poesie ist der Ausgangspunkt für die verschiedenen Abschnitte. Auch die Instrumentalstücke sind alle mit diesem Inhalt verbunden und könnten als Instrumentalpoesie, als Lieder ohne Worte, gehört werden.

Neben der Musik des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts aus England, Frankreich und Deutschland darf der Klang der neueren Zeit auf diesem Album nicht fehlen. Das Quartett hat Versionen des englischen Volksliedes O Waly Waly von Cecil Sharp und Benjamin Britten arrangiert. "Liebe ist schön, Liebe ist gütig", aber die Liebe kann vergehen wie der Morgentau. Die Morgendämmerung wird auch als Metapher für die Geliebte in Max Knigges Ochtendbede verwendet, das auf einem Sonett von Jacques Perk basiert. Hans Koolmees hat zwei Lieder über irdische und himmlische Liebe geschrieben, basierend auf Texten des mittelalterlichen Mystikers Hadewijch und der modernen flämischen Dichterin Eva Cox, und schließlich hat Walther Stuhlmacher einen wortlosen Abschied komponiert.
So unterschiedlich diese Welten auch erscheinen mögen, es geht immer um die Liebe!


Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam

BRISK, the ensemble’s name, is intended to convey an idea of liveliness and wakefulness. A critic once described the ensemble as providing “a coup de grâce for the recorder’s respectable image”. BRISK’s concerts exhibit variation of style and mood, virtuosity and light-heartedness in equal measure. The quartet always appear on stage with an enormous assembly of recorders. Since their founding in 1986, BRISK has given many concerts in important concert halls and festivals throughout Europe, in Bolivia, Canada and the USA. BRISK has recorded for radio and television both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as recording over ten CDs that have been well received by both press and public. Its daring programming of early music in combination with contemporary...

BRISK, the ensemble’s name, is intended to convey an idea of liveliness and wakefulness. A critic once described the ensemble as providing “a coup de grâce for the recorder’s respectable image”. BRISK’s concerts exhibit variation of style and mood, virtuosity and light-heartedness in equal measure. The quartet always appear on stage with an enormous assembly of recorders. Since their founding in 1986, BRISK has given many concerts in important concert halls and festivals throughout Europe, in Bolivia, Canada and the USA. BRISK has recorded for radio and television both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as recording over ten CDs that have been well received by both press and public.

Its daring programming of early music in combination with contemporary music is designed to expand the borders of the ensemble’s repertoire. Many composers have dedicated works to the quartet. BRISK works regularly with fellow musicians as well as with artists from other related disciplines such as actors, directors, librettists and film-makers.

BRISK made its name through lively performances of early music, the search for little-known repertoire, and for the many arrangements that the ensemble has made, which suit the style and tradition of the instrument. BRISK has collaborated with Amaryllis Dieltiens, Michael Chance, Marcel Beekman, Johannette Zomer, Maarten Koningsberger, the Egidius Kwartet, the Gesualdo Consort, Bernard Winsemius, Leo van Doeselaar, Rainer Zipperling, Mike Fentross and Camerata Trajectina amongst others.

The long list of composers that have written music for the quartet includes Martijn Padding, Kate Moore, Calliope Tsoupaki, Bart Visman, Klaas de Vries, Roderik de Man and many others.

New works are presented as a comment on or as a contrast to older works in BRISK’s programmes. There is also a large quantity of new music in BRISK’s programmes for younger audiences. BRISK regularly gives concerts in collaboration with specialists in contemporary music such as pianist Tomoko Mukaiyama, composer and improviser Guus Janssen, vocalist Greetje Bijma and percussionist Ramon Lormans.

BRISK has created a number of highly successful productions for children with directors David Prins, Jetse Batelaan, Marc Krone, Gienke Deuten and actors Porgy Franssen, Bart Kiene and Hans Thissen.

The quartet possesses a great variety of instruments; its extensive contacts with recorder makers throughout the world ensure that its collection is in a state of continual development. This variety of instruments enables the ensemble to perform works from the Renaissance and the Baroque as well as the 20th and 21st centuries in their correct tuning and with the correct timbre.


Amaryllis Dieltiens (soprano)

Amaryllis Dieltiens studied piano and cello as a child but she was particularly immersed in sports as a dancer and gymnast. At age 17 she decided to follow her heart in music and she started her musical education at Lemmensinstituut Leuven where she studied voice with Lieve Vanhaverbeke. She continued her studies at the Conservatory of Amsterdam with Margreet Honig.  She specialised in opera for two years at the Dutch National Opera Academy where she performed several roles to great acclaim, including Morgana in Handel ’s Alcina, Tytania in Britten ’ s A Midsummer Night’ s Dream, Nella in Puccini ’s Gianni Schicchi and Belinda in Purcell’ s Dido and Aeneas. She graduated cum laude in 2006. On the professional stage Amaryllis has performed roles including Belinda and Second Woman (Dido & Aeneas – H....

Amaryllis Dieltiens studied piano and cello as a child but she was particularly immersed in sports as a dancer and gymnast. At age 17 she decided to follow her heart in music and she started her musical education at Lemmensinstituut Leuven where she studied voice with Lieve Vanhaverbeke. She continued her studies at the Conservatory of Amsterdam with Margreet Honig.

She specialised in opera for two years at the Dutch National Opera Academy where she performed several roles to great acclaim, including Morgana in Handel ’s Alcina, Tytania in Britten ’ s A Midsummer Night’ s Dream, Nella in Puccini ’s Gianni Schicchi and Belinda in Purcell’ s Dido and Aeneas. She graduated cum laude in 2006.

On the professional stage Amaryllis has performed roles including Belinda and Second Woman (Dido & Aeneas – H. Purcell), Zaïde (W.A. Mozart), Venus (Venus & Adonis – J. Blow), Diana (Siren Song – J. Dove), and Giulia (Arminio – H.I. Biber). In 2009 she made her debut at ‘Nationale Reisopera’ in Hippolyte & Aricie (J. Ph. Rameau) as both Prêtresseand Chasseresse. In 2011 she performed Angelica in Orlando by G.F. Handel with conductor Jan Willem de Vriend.

Amaryllis has sung with conductors Juanjo Mena, Henrik Schaefer, Richard Egarr, Alexander Rodin, Jos Van Veldhoven, Johannes Leerthouwer, Drik Vermeulen, Jed Wentz, Michel Tilkin, Jeremy Carnall, Erik Van Nevel, and worked with directors such as Eva Buchmann, Stephen Langridge, Elsina Janssen, Porgy Franssen, Wouter Van Looy, Jim Luccassen, Javier Lopez Pinon and Alexander Oliver.

In concert she has performed with renowned orchestras such as Residentie Orkest, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest, De Nederlandse Bachvereniging, Musica Ad Rhenum, B’ Rock, Noord Nederlands Orkest, Prima la Musica and with ensembles such as Combattimento Consort Amsterdam, Apollo Ensemble and Musica Amphion.

Her repertoire ranges from the early baroque to the modern era in both opera and oratorio. Amaryllis has performed at several well known festivals and concert halls over the last few years such as Festival Van Vlaanderen, Festival Oude Muziek, Grachtenfestival, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, BOZAR, De Doelen – Rotterdam, Theater Bonn, Theaterhaus Gesnerallee Zürich, and Festival de Otono Madrid.

Together with Bart Naessens she founded the ensemble ‘Capriola Di Gioia’. They share a passion for the 17th century and baroque repertoire and they rise to the challenge of performing this moving music in their own personal and expressive way.




8/10 His Vision XII of mystic Hadewijch allows the flute and voice to perfectly represent both the sublime and erotic atmosphere of the text.
Luister, 15-10-2021

Recorder Quartet Brisk Exemplary ensemble playing and lovely singing.
De Volkskrant, 05-3-2020

A stimulating selection of five centuries songs of lust and devotion.
De Standaard, 04-3-2020

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