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Various composers

la Tempesta Basel

Ecco il momento

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Vanitas
UPC: 8436556732737
Catnr: VA 13
Release date: 06 December 2019
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Catalogue number
VA 13
Release date
06 December 2019

About the album

Exactly 10 years ago our baroque ensemble (the Berlin ORPHEUS-Opera Magazine called La Tempesta Basel “small, but delightful”) presented its first CD. We began our CD-adventure with the Spanish label Enchiriadis (Madrid), featuring the English cantatas and recorder sonatas by Händel contemporary Johann Christoph Pepusch, which not only brought us a lot of attention but also the highest international praise. This debut album was radio broadcast in many countries, with some reviews comparing the Pepusch-Sonatas with those of the many times more famous Händel. Perhaps this motivated my wife, Muriel Rochat Rienth, to record Händel’s recorder sonatas some years later, this time for the VANITAS label.

The second Tempesta CD (2014) consisted of a Hamburg programme, including Telemann’s church cantatas from the Harmonischer Gottesdienst, in German, and a selection of recorder sonatas. With the master hornist Thomas Müller and Concerto Köln-bassoonist Yves Bertin on board, this CD became a beautiful success too. In Spain it was nominated as one of the top 10 CDs of the month, and it also earned the highest accolades in the USA. And again, inspired by the master from Magdeburg, at the end of 2016 Muriel Rochat Rienth recorded Telemann’s 12 Fantasias for Solo Flute with VANITAS.

In 2019 we are presenting La Tempesta Basel’s third recording. By the way, the name of the ensemble derives from Vivaldi’s famous flute concert, La Tempesta Di Mare. The programme is in Italian, including a world-first recording of a work by Giovanni Fischietti. Our harpsichordist Norberto Broggini (an original member of La Tempesta Basel), found the facsimile some years ago in a private library. Based on his photos Muriel Rochat Rienth produced her own transcription, and in 2012 La Tempesta Basel premiered the cantata in Fribourg (Switzerland).

For this CD La Tempesta Basel is collaborating for the first time with the Spanish label VANITAS.

Es ist nun genau 10 Jahre her, dass unser Barockensemble („klein, aber fein“, so das Berliner ORPHEUS-Opern-Magazin über La Tempesta Basel) seine erste CD vorstellte: mit dem Händel-Zeitgenossen Johann Christoph Pepusch und dessen Englischen Kantaten und Blockflöten-Sonaten starteten wir das Platten-Abenteuer beim spanischen Label Enchiriadis (Madrid), das uns von Beginn an nicht nur grosse Aufmerksamkeit, sondern auch international höchstes Lob einbrachte. Diese Erstlings- Scheibe wurde in vielen Ländern am Rundfunk gesendet, einzelne Kritiken verglichen die Pepusch-Sonaten mit den ungleich berühmteren von Händel. Vielleicht dadurch angetrieben, entschied sich meine Frau, Muriel Rochat Rienth, einige Jahre später Händels Blockflöten-Sonaten einzuspielen- diesmal für VANITAS.
Die zweite Tempesta-CD (2014) umfasste ein Hamburger Programm mit Telemanns Kantaten aus dem „Harmonischen Gottesdienst“ auf Deutsch und ausgewählten Blockflöten-Sonaten. Mit dem Meister-Hornisten Thomas Müller an Bord und dem Fagottisten Yves Bertin von „Concerto Köln“ wurde auch diese CD zu einem schönen Erfolg. In Spanien zu den „10 besten CDs des Monats“ erkoren und in den USA mit höchsten Noten bedacht. Und auch hier: vom Magdeburger Meister inspiriert, nahm Muriel Rochat Rienth Ende 2016 bei VANITAS Telemanns „12 Fantasias“ für Solo-Blockflöte auf.
2019 präsentieren wir also die dritte Einspielung von La Tempesta Basel, dessen Name sich übrigens von Vivaldis bekanntem Blockflöten-Konzert „La tempesta di mare“ ableitet: ein Programm in italienischer Sprache , noch dazu mit einer Weltersteinspielung von Giovanni Fischietti. Unser Cembalist Norberto Broggini (von Beginn an bei La Tempesta Basel dabei) fand das Faksimile vor einigen Jahren in einer Privat- Bibliothek. Von seinem Photomaterial fertigte Muriel Rochat Rienth dann eine eigenhändige Notentranskiption- und La Tempesta Basel brachte die Kantate 2012 in Fribourg (Schweiz) zur Uraufführung.
La Tempesta Basel arbeitet für diese CD zum ersten Mal mit dem spanischen Label VANITAS zusammen.
Es bleiben mir nur noch Dankesworte auszusprechen: meiner geschätzten Gesangspädagogin, Sopranistin Heidi Wölnerhanssen (Basel) für ihre unermüdliche Arbeit, dem VANITAS-Team Andrés Alberto Gómez und Pascual Lorenzo, und nicht zuletzt dem ausgewiesenen spanischen Kulturkritiker und Chefredaktor der Musikzeitschrift SCHERZO (Madrid), Eduardo Torrico, der auf unseren Wunsch hin das Vorwort für dieses Booklett verfasste- wie schon vor 10 Jahren bei Pepusch. So schliesst sich ein Kreis.
Vor genau 10 Jahren präsentierte unser Barockensemble (das Berliner ORPHEUS-Opernmagazin La Tempesta Basel "klein, aber fein") seine erste CD. Unser CD-Abenteuer begann mit den englischen Kantaten und Blockflötensonaten des Händel-Zeitgenossen Johann Christoph Pepusch, was uns nicht nur viel Aufmerksamkeit, sondern auch höchstes internationales Lob einbrachte.
Die zweite Tempesta-CD (2014) bestand aus einem Hamburger Programm mit Telemanns Kirchenkantaten aus dem Harmonischen Gottesdienst auf Deutsch und einer Auswahl von Blockflötensonaten. Mit dem Meisterhornisten Thomas Müller und dem Kölner Fagottisten Concerto Köln Yves Bertin an Bord wurde auch diese CD ein schöner Erfolg.
Im Jahr 2019 präsentieren wir die dritte Aufnahme von La Tempesta Basel. Der Name des Ensembles leitet sich übrigens von Vivaldis berühmtem Flötenkonzert La Tempesta Di Mare ab. Das Programm ist auf Italienisch, darunter eine Weltpremiere eines Werkes von Giovanni Fischietti. Unser Cembalist Norberto Broggini (ein Gründungsmitglied von La Tempesta Basel), fand das Faksimile vor einigen Jahren in einer privaten Bibliothek. Basierend auf seinen Fotos produzierte Muriel Rochat Rienth ihre eigene Transkription, und 2012 uraufführte La Tempesta Basel die Kantate in Freiburg (Schweiz).
Für diese CD arbeitet La Tempesta Basel erstmals mit dem spanischen Label VANITAS zusammen.


Felix Rienth

The Swiss tenor with Spanish mother performed at major festivals, like Ambronay, Paris, Ghent, Lisbon, Granada and recorded about 20 CDs, to mention specially spanish baroque songs Tonos humanos by José Marín, considered as a 'reference recording' by german magazine 'Klassik heute'. He has sung as a soloist the grand oratorios all over Europe: Requiem by Mozart with the Mozarteum Orchestra in Salzburg, Masses by Schubert with the Suisse Romande Orchestra, Lobgesang by Mendelssohn at Kölner Philharmonie, Elias in Lisbon as well as St. John's Passion by Bach in Holland and Austria with the 'Orchestra of the 18th century', conducted by Frans Brüggen.  
The Swiss tenor with Spanish mother performed at major festivals, like Ambronay, Paris, Ghent, Lisbon, Granada and recorded about 20 CDs, to mention specially spanish baroque songs Tonos humanos by José Marín, considered as a "reference recording" by german magazine "Klassik heute". He has sung as a soloist the grand oratorios all over Europe: Requiem by Mozart with the Mozarteum Orchestra in Salzburg, Masses by Schubert with the Suisse Romande Orchestra, Lobgesang by Mendelssohn at Kölner Philharmonie, Elias in Lisbon as well as St. John's Passion by Bach in Holland and Austria with the "Orchestra of the 18th century", conducted by Frans Brüggen.


La Tempesta Basel

The baroque ensemble La Tempesta Basel, awarded with the swiss ORPHEUS-prize, realized among numerous concerts in Europe, two very succesful CDs by Pepusch and Telemann, regularly broadcasted by different Radios in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Canada and Australia (ABC Classics). This present CD ist the third disc of la Tempesta Basel in a period of 10 years. On this disc you can listen also to french celllo player Mathieu Rouquié and, as a soloist,  to regular harpsichordist  Norberto Broggini ( continuo player from „Ensemble Elyma“) with Fago’s „Toccata“.
The baroque ensemble La Tempesta Basel, awarded with the swiss ORPHEUS-prize, realized among numerous concerts in Europe, two very succesful CDs by Pepusch and Telemann, regularly broadcasted by different Radios in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Canada and Australia (ABC Classics). This present CD ist the third disc of la Tempesta Basel in a period of 10 years.
On this disc you can listen also to french celllo player Mathieu Rouquié and, as a soloist, to regular harpsichordist Norberto Broggini ( continuo player from „Ensemble Elyma“) with Fago’s „Toccata“.


Muriel Rochat Rienth (conductor)

Born in Basle (Switzerland), swiss recorder player Muriel Rochat Rienth, coming from an artistic family (her great-grandfather was the swiss renowned painter Rodolphe Théophile Bosshard), finished her studies at the famous Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (solo diploma) with Michel Piguet. She plays regularly the important recorder concertos by Vivaldi, Sammartini, Telemann with different swiss orchestras and is the director of her own baroque ensemble, La Tempesta Basel, awarded with the swiss ORPHEUS-prize. Recent concerts include performances at Zurich Tonhalle, Concerts de Saint Germain Geneva, ADMA Fribourg, Basle, Festival Sacré de Sion, Société philharmonique de Bienne, Porrentruy, Lausanne and also in Italy (Festival Magnano/Piemont), Belgium, Spain and Austria (Baroque Concerts Graz). She is also active in contemporary recorder music: austrian composer Viktor Fortin wrote and dedicated her a...

Born in Basle (Switzerland), swiss recorder player Muriel Rochat Rienth, coming from an artistic family (her great-grandfather was the swiss renowned painter Rodolphe Théophile Bosshard), finished her studies at the famous Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (solo diploma) with Michel Piguet. She plays regularly the important recorder concertos by Vivaldi, Sammartini, Telemann with different swiss orchestras and is the director of her own baroque ensemble, La Tempesta Basel, awarded with the swiss ORPHEUS-prize. Recent concerts include performances at Zurich Tonhalle, Concerts de Saint Germain Geneva, ADMA Fribourg, Basle, Festival Sacré de Sion, Société philharmonique de Bienne, Porrentruy, Lausanne and also in Italy (Festival Magnano/Piemont), Belgium, Spain and Austria (Baroque Concerts Graz). She is also active in contemporary recorder music: austrian composer Viktor Fortin wrote and dedicated her a Cantata, premiered by La Tempesta Basel in Lausanne and recorded by Radio Suisse Romande.

Muriel Rochat Rienth produced with La Tempesta Basel two CDs for spanish label Enchiriadis, both highly acclaimed by the international music press: in 2009 the Tenor Cantatas and Recorder Sonatas by J.C. Pepusch and, in 2014, the Tenor Cantatas and Recorder Sonatas by Telemann with her husband, tenor Felix Rienth, elected among the “10 best CDs of the month” by spanish magazine RITMO and described as an "excellent disc" by FANFARE (USA). German magazine "Klassik Heute" comparred Rochat Rienth's playing with the world-famous recorder player Michala Petri. Muriel Rochat Rienths CDs were broadcasted at different radio stations, such as Swiss Radio SRF 2, Radio Suisse Romande, Radio KLARA Brussels (Belgium), Concertzender Hilversum (Holland), Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, Radio Bremen, NDR Hamburg, Radio SWR Stuttgart, Radio Nacional de España or Radio CKRL (Québec-City) of Canada and ABC Classics (Australia).

In 2015 Muriel Rochat Rienth is presenting her recording of Händel's Complete Recorder Sonatas with harpsichord player Andrés Alberto Gómez, published by spanish label VANITAS, again elected among the "10 best CDs of the month" by magazine RITMO, the most important award of spanish magazine. Spanish National Radio RNE invited her to the official CD-presentation to Madrid. Her Händel-CD was also enthusiastically reviewed by different spanish, german, dutch, italian, swiss and US magazines (FANFARE). Next CD for VANITAS RECORDS include Telemann’s “12 fantasias” for recorder solo, published in 2018, again with enormous critical acclamation. In 2017 she realized her third album with baroque ensemble LA TEMPESTA BASEL and swiss tenor Felix Rienth, featuring an italian baroque programme. For swiss label VDE-GALLO will be published a CD with music of austrian contemporary composer Viktor Fortin. In 2019 Muriel Rochat Rienth will begin the recording of Veracini's Complete Recorder Sonatas for VANITAS.

Muriel Rochat Rienth teaches the recorder at the Conservatoire de Fribourg (Switzerland) and lives in Basle. She plays exclusively recorder instruments made by swiss Ernst Meyer ( † 2016).




Play album Play album
Cantata 'Se pur fosse il cor capace' para tenor, flauta dulce & bajo continuo: I. Aria: aria
Cantata 'Se pur fosse il cor capace' para tenor, flauta dulce & bajo continuo: II. Recitativo: recitativo
Muriel Rochat Rienth, Felix Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata 'Se pur fosse il cor capace' para tenor, flauta dulce & bajo continuo: III. Aria: aria
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata II en mi menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: I. Andante: andante
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata II en mi menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: II. Allegro: allegro
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata II en mi menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: III. Largo: largo
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata II en mi menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: IV. Allegro: allegro
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata 'Ecco l'ora fatal' para tenor y cembalo obligado: I. Recitativo: recitativo
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata 'Ecco l'ora fatal' para tenor y cembalo obligado: II. Aria : aria
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata 'Ecco l'ora fatal' para tenor y cembalo obligado: III. Recitativo: recitativo
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata 'Ecco l'ora fatal' para tenor y cembalo obligado: IV. Aria: aria
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata IV en la menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: I. Spiritoso: spiritoro
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata IV en la menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: II. Largo: largo
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata IV en la menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: III. Allegro: allegro
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata IV en la menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: IV. Largo: largo
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Sonata IV en la menor para flauta dulce y bajo continuo: V. Allegro: allegro
Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata “Da sventura a sventura” para tenor y cembalo obligado: Aria: aria
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Toccata en mi mayor para cembalo: toccata
Norberto Broggini
Cantata “Ardo è ver per te d’Amore” para tenor, flauta dulce y bajo continuo: I. Aria: aria
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata “Ardo è ver per te d’Amore” para tenor, flauta dulce y bajo continuo: II. Recitativo: recitativo
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata “Ardo è ver per te d’Amore” para tenor, flauta dulce y bajo continuo: III. Aria: aria
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata “Pur nel sonno' para tenor, flauta dulce y bajo continuo: I. Aria: aria
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata “Pur nel sonno” para tenor, flauta dulce y bajo continuo: II. Recitativo: recitativo
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
Cantata “Pur nel sonno” para tenor, flauta dulce y bajo continuo: III. Aria: aria
Felix Rienth, Muriel Rochat Rienth, La Tempesta Basel
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