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L'Eleganza Capricciosa
Antonio Vivaldi

Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà

L'Eleganza Capricciosa

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Ëvoe Music
UPC: 5905279916074
Catnr: EVOE 007
Release date: 08 November 2019
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Ëvoe Music
Catalogue number
EVOE 007
Release date
08 November 2019

"“L’Eleganza Capricciosa”, Vivaldi Violin Concerts by Stefan Plewniak and Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà on the label Ëvoe Music. Masterful!"

Stretto, 03-11-2019

About the album

It is like rock and roll for a violinist to discover his music. So many different patterns within a definite form. So much passion in Vivaldi to push our instrument to its limits, as far as he could.

For me, this music expresses the joy, sun, excitement, vitality, passion, and all the feelings and experiences you encounter in Venice, including the light, different smells, colours of the sky and buildings, the sounds of the crowd, the special energy of the people.

Vivaldi’s music is strongly connected to the Carnival. Even if mainly operas were written for that period, the music business was strongly focussed on this, the most festive time of the year. I feel that instrumental music was no less affected by this Carnival energy than opera.
Op dit album nemen de Poolse violist en dirigent Stefan Plewniak en zijn orkest Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà ons mee op een opwindende reis langs vioolconcerten van Antonio Vivaldi. Het is een meesterlijke opname waar de energie van afspat, technisch virtuoos en met een nieuw gezichtspunt op Barok.

Interessante bloemlezing

Bij de keuze voor het programma zocht Plewniak naar het divers karakter van elk concerto, de virtuositeit, persoonlijkheid en sterke expressie, in de overtuiging dat het een interessante uitsnede zou zijn van de vioolconcerten van Antonio Vivaldi. Voor een violist is het ontdekken van deze muziek zoiets als rock and roll, vertelt Plewniak. “Zoveel verschillende patronen binnen een bepaalde vorm. Zoveel passie in Vivaldi om ons instrument tot het uiterste te brengen, zo ver als maar mogelijk is. Voor mij weerspiegelt deze muziek de vreugde, zon, opwinding, vitaliteit, hartstocht en alle gevoelens en ervaringen uit Venetië, inclusief het licht, geuren, kleuren en gebouwen, de geluiden van de menigte, de speciale energie van de mensen."


De muziek van Vivaldi is sterk verbonden met het carnaval. Hoewel er voornamelijk opera’s werden geschreven in die periode, was de muziekindustrie tijdens de meest feestelijke tijd van het jaar, hier sterk op gefocust. Plewniak gelooft dat de instrumentale muziek niet minder werd beïnvloed door deze carnavalsenergie dan de opera.

Ga voor meer informatie over dit album naar de recensie van Michel Dutrieue van Stretto
Es ist wie Rock and Roll für einen Geiger, auf seine Musik zu stoßen. So viele verschiedene Muster innerhalb einer bestimmten Form. So viel Leidenschaft in Vivaldi, das Instrument an seine Grenzen zu bringen, so weit er konnte.

Für mich drückt diese Musik die Freude, die Sonne, die Aufregung, die Vitalität, die Leidenschaft und all die Gefühle und Erfahrungen aus, denen man in Venedig begegnet, einschließlich des Lichts, der verschiedenen Gerüche, der Farben von Himmel und Gebäuden, der Geräusche der Menge, der besonderen Energie der Menschen.

Vivaldis Musik ist stark mit dem Karneval verbunden. Auch wenn für diesen Zeitraum hauptsächlich Opern geschrieben wurden, konzentrierte sich das Musikthema stark auf diese, die festlichste Zeit des Jahres. Ich glaube, dass die Instrumentalmusik nicht weniger von dieser Karnevals-Energie beeinflusst wurde als die Oper.


Stefan Plewniak (conductor)

Stefan Plewniak - violinist and conductor, received his training in is hometown, Krakow, where he studied with prof. B. Śliwicka-Wysocka at the Krakow Academy of Music. He continued his studies with prof. I.Strauss in Prague Music Academy, prof. R. Szreder at Maastricht Conservatory and prof F. Fernandez at Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris. His interest in baroque music was sparked during collaboration with Les Gôuts Reunis ensemble in the Netherlands. Subsequently, he has performed with many significant ensembles and orchestras, such as Kammeroper Köln, Warsaw Polish Radio Orchestra and Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra. He collaborated with many renowned ensembles as a concertmaster in den Hague, Paris and Salzburg. He also cooperated with leading orchestras in Europe such as...

Stefan Plewniak - violinist and conductor, received his training in is hometown, Krakow, where he studied with prof. B. Śliwicka-Wysocka at the Krakow Academy of Music. He continued his studies with prof. I.Strauss in Prague Music Academy, prof. R. Szreder at Maastricht Conservatory and prof F. Fernandez at Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris.

His interest in baroque music was sparked during collaboration with Les Gôuts Reunis ensemble in the Netherlands. Subsequently, he has performed with many significant ensembles and orchestras, such as Kammeroper Köln, Warsaw Polish Radio Orchestra and Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra.

He collaborated with many renowned ensembles as a concertmaster in den Hague, Paris and Salzburg. He also cooperated with leading orchestras in Europe such as William Christie's Les Arts Florissants in Paris and Jordi Savall's Le Concert des Nations in Barcelona.

He is the founder of Il Giardino d'Amore orchestra in Vienna/ Cracow and Capella dell’ Ospedale della Pietà in Venice. In 2016 he founded new symphony orchestra The FeelHarmony.

He appeared as a soloist and leader at many important festivals in Europe, USA and China, among others Oude Muzik Festival Utrecht, Bach Festival Vienna, Tartini Festival Pirano, Styriarte Festival Graz, Early Music Celebration New York. He made his debut as a soloist in Mozarteum Salzburg and New York Carnegie Hall in 2014. Stefan Plewniak regularly presents masterclasses in Oslo, Norway as well as at the University of South California in L.A. and San Diego.

He is specializing in the opera and ballet repertoire.


Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà

Cappella dell’ Ospedale della Pietà is a baroque orchestra based on the model of the famous Antonio Vivaldi orchestra in Venice. Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà is no ordinary orchestra, but the only orchestra in the world comprising young talented women. It is based on the model of the orchestra from the 18th century, founded at a shelter for orphaned girls in Venice. The prestigious orchestra was promoted and developed by Antonio Vivaldi - 'Maestro di Violino e di Coro' himself. Vivaldi's extraordinary compositions as well as the exceptional artistic level contributed to Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà fame throughout Europe as well as being recognized as one of the best orchestras worldwide. Stefan Plewniak a graduate from Conservatories in Krakow, Maastricht...

Cappella dell’ Ospedale della Pietà is a baroque orchestra based on the model of the famous Antonio Vivaldi orchestra in Venice. Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà is no ordinary orchestra, but the only orchestra in the world comprising young talented women. It is based on the model of the orchestra from the 18th century, founded at a shelter for orphaned girls in Venice. The prestigious orchestra was promoted and developed by Antonio Vivaldi - "Maestro di Violino e di Coro" himself. Vivaldi's extraordinary compositions as well as the exceptional artistic level contributed to Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà fame throughout Europe as well as being recognized as one of the best orchestras worldwide. Stefan Plewniak a graduate from Conservatories in Krakow, Maastricht and Paris initiated the revival of Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà in 2013. Capella dell’Ospedale della Pietà comprises young, passionate, international musicians from Italy, Poland, Austria, France and Belarus, specialized in playing on period instruments. Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà's goal is to perform music by Antonio Vivaldi and Venetian masters. During the past two years the orchestra has been invited to perform in Germany, Austria, Slovenia. In the near future performances are planned in other European countries as well as the USA. Concerts by Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà are characterized by an unique atmosphere, high artistic level, a particular sound idiom and an incredible energy.



Antonio Vivaldi

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was an Italian Baroque composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher and cleric. Born in Venice, he is recognised as one of the greatest Baroque composers, and his influence during his lifetime was widespread across Europe. He composed many instrumental concertos, for the violin and a variety of other instruments, as well as sacred choral works and more than forty operas. His best-known work is a series of violin concertos known as The Four Seasons. Many of his compositions were written for the female music ensemble of the Ospedale della Pietà, a home for abandoned children where Vivaldi (who had been ordained as a Catholic priest) was employed from 1703 to 1715 and from 1723 to 1740. Vivaldi also had some...
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was an Italian Baroque composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher and cleric. Born in Venice, he is recognised as one of the greatest Baroque composers, and his influence during his lifetime was widespread across Europe. He composed many instrumental concertos, for the violin and a variety of other instruments, as well as sacred choral works and more than forty operas. His best-known work is a series of violin concertos known as The Four Seasons.
Many of his compositions were written for the female music ensemble of the Ospedale della Pietà, a home for abandoned children where Vivaldi (who had been ordained as a Catholic priest) was employed from 1703 to 1715 and from 1723 to 1740. Vivaldi also had some success with expensive stagings of his operas in Venice, Mantua and Vienna. After meeting the Emperor Charles VI, Vivaldi moved to Vienna, hoping for preferment. However, the Emperor died soon after Vivaldi's arrival, and Vivaldi himself died less than a year later in poverty.



“L’Eleganza Capricciosa”, Vivaldi Violin Concerts by Stefan Plewniak and Cappella dell’Ospedale della Pietà on the label Ëvoe Music. Masterful!
Stretto, 03-11-2019

Play album Play album
Violin Concerto RV 273 in Mi minore: Allegro non molto
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 273 in Mi minore: Largo
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 273 in Mi minore: Allegro
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 237 in Re minore: Allegro
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 237 in Re minore: Adagio
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 237 in Re minore: Allegro
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 177 in Do maggiore: Allegro ma poco
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 177 in Do maggiore: Largo
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 177 in Do maggiore: Allegro
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 242 Per Pisendel in Re minore: Allegro
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 242 Per Pisendel in Re minore: Largo
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV 242 Per Pisendel in Re minore: Allegro
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV208 Il Grosso Mogul in Re maggiore: Allegro
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV208 Il Grosso Mogul in Re maggiore: Grave - Recitativo
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Violin Concerto RV208 Il Grosso Mogul in Re maggiore: Allegro
(Antonio Vivaldi) Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
show all tracks

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