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Piet Jozef Swerts

Piet Jozef Swerts


Price: € 17.95
Format: CD
Label: Antarctica
UPC: 0608917731323
Catnr: AR 013
Release date: 08 March 2019
2 CD
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€ 17.95
Catalogue number
AR 013
Release date
08 March 2019

"The grand piano of which all the strings are parallel is sounding direct and expressive. A joy to listen to."

Luister, 12-4-2019

About the album

Piet Jozef Swerts (1960) is one of Belgium’s prime composers of accessible music in the postmodernist vein. On his first Antarctica release, he sets himself the considerable challenge of assembling a largescale piano texture from smaller sonatas without relying on worn-out romantic formats. Following the example of Bach’s Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, Swerts writes and plays polyphonic music with a modern twist, taking off with Scarlatti at his jazziest, but also echoing Mozart, Wagner, and Purcell. Framed in the baroque tradition, the new music of Swerts sounds scintillatingly smart, but not cerebral, and his straight strung piano embodies the old-new paradox by fusing modern Steinway comfort with the colour and register versatility of a pianoforte.
Dit is een historisch album: het is de eerste wereld opname van nieuwe Vlaamse moderne pianomuziek, geschreven voor een nieuwe Vlaamse piano, door een Vlaamse componist. We hebben het over Piet Jozef Swerts, componist, dirigent en pianist van internationale allure. En dan die fantastische titel: INSIGHTyourINSIDE, heel toepasselijk. Het gaat hier om 24 Straight Strung Piano Sonatas van de hand van Swerts.

Piet Jozef Swerts (1960) is een van Belgisch belangrijkste componisten van toegankelijke postmoderne muziek. Voor deze opname stelde hij zich voor de aanzienlijke uitdaging om een grootschalige pianotextuur samen te stellen met kleinere sonates, zonder daarbij terug te grijpen naar versleten romantische formats. Hij volgde het voorbeeld van Bachs Das Wohltemperierte Klavier. Swerts schrijft en speelt polyfone muziek met een moderne draai, te beginnen met Scarlatti op zijn jazzyst, maar ook met een vleugje Mozart, Wagner en Purcell. Omlijst door de barokke traditie, klinkt de muziek van Swerts ongelooflijk knap en briljant, maar nergens cerebraal.

De rechtsnarige piano waarop Piet Jozef Swerts speelt, belichaamt de tegenstrijdigheid tussen oud en nieuw, door de combinatie van een moderne Steinway met de kleur en het veelzijdige register van een pianoforte. Deze piano werd in 2017 gebouwd door de Vlaming Chris Maene. In dit bijzondere instrument zijn kennis en materialen van de moderne pianobouw gecombineerd met die van oudere, historische instrumenten. De soliditeit van de moderne vleugel in combinatie met het transparante klankideaal van oude instrumenten zorgt voor een bijzonder effect.
Piet Jozef Swerts (1960) zählt zu Belgiens besten Komponisten zugänglicher Musik postmoderner Manier. Auf seiner ersten Antarctica-Veröffentlichung setzte er sich selbst die beträchtliche Herausforderung, eine großangelegte Klaviertextur aus kleineren Sonaten zusammenzustellen, ohne auf abgenutzte, romantische Formate zurückzugreifen. Dem Beispiel von Bachs Wohltemperiertem Klavier folgend schreibt und spielt Swerts polyphone Musik mit modernem Twist, beginnend mit jazzigstem Scarlatti, doch auch Echos von Mozart, Wagner und Purcell finden sich. Gerahmt in barocker Tradition klingt Swerts‘ neue Musik brillant clever, aber nicht vergeistigt, und sein gerade besaitetes Klavier verkörpert das alt-neu-Paradox, indem es den Komfort eines modernen Steinway mit der Farbe und Vielseitigkeit der Register eines Pianofortes verbindet.


Piet Jozef Swerts (piano)

Swerts, Piet Jozef (b. November 14, 1960, Tongeren). Belgian composer, conductor, and pianist of international acclaim; his large catalog of more than 240 works include stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, and piano works. Dr. Swerts studied from 1974-89 at the Leuven College of Arts (LUCA) Campus Lemmens in Leuven, where he obtained ten first prizes, and, for the first time in the history of the same institute, the special Prize Lemmens Tinel for composition and piano with great distinction. Among his teachers were Alan Weiss (USA) and Robert Groslot.  Since 1982, he is Professor of Composition and Orchestration at the same institute, now Department of Drama and Music associated with the Catholic University of Leuven. He has been invited as guest professor in the Sweelinck Conservatory, Amsterdam, Netherlands, in the Department...
Swerts, Piet Jozef (b. November 14, 1960, Tongeren). Belgian composer, conductor, and pianist of international acclaim; his large catalog of more than 240 works include stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, and piano works. Dr. Swerts studied from 1974-89 at the Leuven College of Arts (LUCA) Campus Lemmens in Leuven, where he obtained ten first prizes, and, for the first time in the history of the same institute, the special Prize Lemmens Tinel for composition and piano with great distinction. Among his teachers were Alan Weiss (USA) and Robert Groslot. Since 1982, he is Professor of Composition and Orchestration at the same institute, now Department of Drama and Music associated with the Catholic University of Leuven. He has been invited as guest professor in the Sweelinck Conservatory, Amsterdam, Netherlands, in the Department of Electronic Music at the University of Huddersfield, GB, the Polytechnic Institute in Castelo Branco, Portugal, as well as in the Polytechnic Institute North Karelia, Conservatory of Joensuu, Finland, and the Conservatory of Barcelona, Spain. In November 15th, 2017, he conducted the Ukrainian Symphony Orchestra at the Gala Concert in Kiev as the closure of the Golden Saxophone Competition under surveillance of the Belgian Embassy. Future commissions generate first performances of Passions, a new Double Concerto for two pianos to be created in Belgium and Rotterdam 2019, Serenata for wind ensemble, commissioned by Il Gardelino and to be recorded on CD in 2018, a new Suite, Horta for saxophone and piano, commissioned by Arno Bornkamp, presented at the World Congress in Zagreb in 2018. Dr.Swerts currently completed 24 Straight Strung Piano Sonatas recorded in October 2018 and released on Antarctica Records 2019.



Piet Jozef Swerts (piano)

Swerts, Piet Jozef (b. November 14, 1960, Tongeren). Belgian composer, conductor, and pianist of international acclaim; his large catalog of more than 240 works include stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, and piano works. Dr. Swerts studied from 1974-89 at the Leuven College of Arts (LUCA) Campus Lemmens in Leuven, where he obtained ten first prizes, and, for the first time in the history of the same institute, the special Prize Lemmens Tinel for composition and piano with great distinction. Among his teachers were Alan Weiss (USA) and Robert Groslot.  Since 1982, he is Professor of Composition and Orchestration at the same institute, now Department of Drama and Music associated with the Catholic University of Leuven. He has been invited as guest professor in the Sweelinck Conservatory, Amsterdam, Netherlands, in the Department...
Swerts, Piet Jozef (b. November 14, 1960, Tongeren). Belgian composer, conductor, and pianist of international acclaim; his large catalog of more than 240 works include stage, orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, and piano works. Dr. Swerts studied from 1974-89 at the Leuven College of Arts (LUCA) Campus Lemmens in Leuven, where he obtained ten first prizes, and, for the first time in the history of the same institute, the special Prize Lemmens Tinel for composition and piano with great distinction. Among his teachers were Alan Weiss (USA) and Robert Groslot. Since 1982, he is Professor of Composition and Orchestration at the same institute, now Department of Drama and Music associated with the Catholic University of Leuven. He has been invited as guest professor in the Sweelinck Conservatory, Amsterdam, Netherlands, in the Department of Electronic Music at the University of Huddersfield, GB, the Polytechnic Institute in Castelo Branco, Portugal, as well as in the Polytechnic Institute North Karelia, Conservatory of Joensuu, Finland, and the Conservatory of Barcelona, Spain. In November 15th, 2017, he conducted the Ukrainian Symphony Orchestra at the Gala Concert in Kiev as the closure of the Golden Saxophone Competition under surveillance of the Belgian Embassy. Future commissions generate first performances of Passions, a new Double Concerto for two pianos to be created in Belgium and Rotterdam 2019, Serenata for wind ensemble, commissioned by Il Gardelino and to be recorded on CD in 2018, a new Suite, Horta for saxophone and piano, commissioned by Arno Bornkamp, presented at the World Congress in Zagreb in 2018. Dr.Swerts currently completed 24 Straight Strung Piano Sonatas recorded in October 2018 and released on Antarctica Records 2019.



The grand piano of which all the strings are parallel is sounding direct and expressive. A joy to listen to.
Luister, 12-4-2019

Play album Play album
Disc #1
Sonata in a: Burano
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in A: Primavera
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in d: Lacrimosa
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in D: Consolation
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in g: Ground
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in G: Pastorale
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in c: Arioso
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in C: Cascade
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in f: Cantilena
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in F: Saltarella
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in bes: Mahnmal
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in Bes: Epitome
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts

Disc #2
Sonata in es: Wohltemperiert
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in Es: Alla Turca
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in gis: Purple
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in As: Silence
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in cis: Grief
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in Des: Riff
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in fis: Schicksal
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in Ges: Facile
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in b: Sturm und Drang
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in B: Ilo
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in e: O Haupt
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
Sonata in E: Feofaniya
(Piet Jozef Swerts) Piet Jozef Swerts
show all tracks

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