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Various composers

Zefiro Torna


Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Antarctica
UPC: 0608917731026
Catnr: AR 010
Release date: 30 November 2018
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Catalogue number
AR 010
Release date
30 November 2018

"This is kind of psychedelic music, ravishingly played by Belgian ensemble Zefiro Torna."

Pizzicato, 21-12-2018

About the album

This recording is a synesthetic homage to music which explores the passion, lust, love, hallucination, and healing induced by herbs and flowers. It is a sensuous quest for the melting point at which very different repertoires and literatures dissolve into an unctuous and euphonious balsam for the mind and the soul. In its own inimitable interdisciplinarity, the Belgian ensemble Zefiro Torna takes us from Norway to Greece, from Virgil to Emile Verhaeren, and from Hildegard von Bingen and Guillaume du Fay to music newly composed in honor of the power of plants. A truly intoxicating experience.
Het Vlaamse ensemble Zefiro Torna brengt met Balsam een harmonische hommage aan muziek die probeert te doorgronden hoe kruiden en bloemen, hartstocht, lust, liefde, hallucinatie en heling teweegbrengen. Het is een sensuele zoektocht naar het smeltpunt, waarin verschillende soorten repertoire en literatuur oplossen in een zalvende en welluidende balsem voor lichaam en geest.

Bedwelmende ervaring

Op zijn eigen onnavolgbare wijze voert het ensemble ons van Noorwegen naar Griekenland, van teksten van Vergilius naar poëzie van Emile Verhaeren en van traditionele muziek van Hildegard von Bingen en Guillaume du Fay, naar nieuwe composities ter ere van de kracht van planten. Met recht een bedwelmende ervaring.

Vernieuwend en origineel

Het internationaal gerenommeerde muziekensemble Zefiro Torna staat sinds de oprichting in 1996 bekend om vernieuwende en originele concepten. Het ensemble werkt met uitstekende musici overal uit Europa en brengt het muzikale erfgoed van middeleeuwen tot barok op een unieke manier tot leven voor een breed publiek. Door een historische uitvoeringspraktijk te koppelen aan andere muziekgenres, literatuur, filosofie, theater, dans, wetenschap of hedendaagse visuele kunsten, realiseert Zefiro Torna beklijvende totaalconcepten rond een variatie aan symbolische thema's.
Diese Aufnahme ist eine harmonische Hommage an die Musik, die die Leidenschaft, Lust, Liebe, Halluzination und Heilung durch Kräuter und Blumen untersucht. Es ist eine sinnliche Suche nach dem Schmelzpunkt, an dem sich sehr unterschiedliche Repertoires und Literaturen in einem reizvollen und wohlklingenden Balsam für Geist und Seele auflösen. Das belgische Ensemble Zefiro Torna führt uns von Norwegen bis Griechenland, von Virgil bis Emile Verhaeren, von Hildegard von Bingen und Guillaume du Fay zu neu komponierter Musik zu Ehren der Kraft der Pflanzen. Eine wirklich berauschende Erfahrung.


Zefiro Torna

The vocal-instrumental ensemble Zefiro Torna brings to life the cultural heritage from the middle ages, renaissance and baroque in a unique way. The ensemble does not limit itself to a merely historical approach but combines it with other musical traditions, as well as literature, science, philosophy and current art expressions in the field of fine arts, theatre and dance. This results in fascinating pieces of ‘Gesamtkunst’ around a variety of symbolic or allegorical themes. Therefore, the ensemble entered into dialogue with individual artists, directors, choreographers, composers and performers as Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Bram Bosteels, Brody Neuenschwander, Dick van der Harst, Ghalia Benali, Ief Spincemaille, Jeroen d’Hoe, Martin Valcke, Mauro Pawlowski, Sigrid T’Hooft, Stefaan Degand, Stevie Wishart, Timo Van Luijk, Tom Hannes...

The vocal-instrumental ensemble Zefiro Torna brings to life the cultural heritage from the middle ages, renaissance and baroque in a unique way. The ensemble does not limit itself to a merely historical approach but combines it with other musical traditions, as well as literature, science, philosophy and current art expressions in the field of fine arts, theatre and dance. This results in fascinating pieces of ‘Gesamtkunst’ around a variety of symbolic or allegorical themes.
Therefore, the ensemble entered into dialogue with individual artists, directors, choreographers, composers and performers as Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Bram Bosteels, Brody Neuenschwander, Dick van der Harst, Ghalia Benali, Ief Spincemaille, Jeroen d’Hoe, Martin Valcke, Mauro Pawlowski, Sigrid T’Hooft, Stefaan Degand, Stevie Wishart, Timo Van Luijk, Tom Hannes and with ensembles as Abattoir Fermé, ARSENAAL/LAZARUS, Antwerps Kathedraalkoor, Figurentheater De Maan, Frank Vaganée Trio, Ialma, LOD, Pantalone, Psallentes, Ultima Thule, Vlaams Radiokoor/Hervé Niquet, Vocalconsort Berlin, ZOO/Thomas Hauert.

Through this approach, Zefiro Torna has gained international renown. The ensemble is a welcomed guest in prestigious (inter)national concert venues as Amuz, Bozar, Concertgebouw Brugge, De Bijloke, De Singel, Flagey, Handelsbeurs, Kaaitheater, Muziekgebouw aan ‘tIJ Amsterdam, Philharmonie Haarlem, Radialsystem V/Berlin, Vredenburg Utrecht, Wilminktheater Enschede and art and music festivals as Brosella, Charleroi Danses, Festival de Wallonie, Festival van Vlaanderen-Mechelen, Klarafestival, Laus Polyphoniae, MAfestival Brugge, Zomer van Antwerpen, Banchetto Musicale/Vilnius, Biennale Alter Musik/Konzerthaus Berlin, Concentus Moraviae, Festival de Musica Antigua de Sevilla, Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht, Festival Seviqc-Brezice Slovenië, Frysk Festival, Gergiev Festival Rotterdam, Internationale Orgelwoche Nürnberg, Landshuter Hofmusiktage, Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci, Operadagen Rotterdam, Theaterfestival Boulevard ’s-Hertogenbosch en Zeeland Nazomer Festival.



Hildegard von Bingen

No other woman in the Middle Ages has been so influential and versatile as Hildegard von Bingen, who was an abbess at the monastery of Bingen in Germany. In a patriarchal men-driven society, it is quite exceptional that popes, emperors, kings, bishops and abbots asked Hildegard for advice, for which she didn't mince her words. Hildegard was a theologian, medical doctor, prophetess, poet and composer. Her books Physica and Cause Et Cure are about natural medicine, her book Ordo Virtutum is a mystery play. In Scivias, she dscribers het visions and Symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelationum is a collection of Hildegard's music and poetry.
No other woman in the Middle Ages has been so influential and versatile as Hildegard von Bingen, who was an abbess at the monastery of Bingen in Germany. In a patriarchal men-driven society, it is quite exceptional that popes, emperors, kings, bishops and abbots asked Hildegard for advice, for which she didn't mince her words. Hildegard was a theologian, medical doctor, prophetess, poet and composer. Her books Physica and Cause Et Cure are about natural medicine, her book Ordo Virtutum is a mystery play. In Scivias, she dscribers het visions and Symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelationum is a collection of Hildegard's music and poetry.


Guillaume Dufay

Ever since his death, Dufay has been considered as one of the greatest composers of the 15th century. In his life as a composer and singer Dufay, like many others, traveled throughout Europe, yet he stayed most of his years in Cambrai, France. At an early age, Dufay already showed remarkable talent and on his fourteenth he received the necessary support, and expensive presents, from the local cathedral. He would never pursue an academic education, but he knew how to obtain good positions within the Church.  Dufay composed in all the important genres of his age, from grandiose motets and intimate chansons to sacred, liturgical music. Dufay's style is surprisingly consistent and there is little development within his body of works....
Ever since his death, Dufay has been considered as one of the greatest composers of the 15th century. In his life as a composer and singer Dufay, like many others, traveled throughout Europe, yet he stayed most of his years in Cambrai, France. At an early age, Dufay already showed remarkable talent and on his fourteenth he received the necessary support, and expensive presents, from the local cathedral. He would never pursue an academic education, but he knew how to obtain good positions within the Church. Dufay composed in all the important genres of his age, from grandiose motets and intimate chansons to sacred, liturgical music. Dufay's style is surprisingly consistent and there is little development within his body of works. The only development which can be discovered from his works, is the fact that at an early age he composed rhythmically striking melodies and later composed more fluent, milder musical lines. His motets and his Missa Se la face ay pale became the most famous - and are still absolutely worth listening to!


This is kind of psychedelic music, ravishingly played by Belgian ensemble Zefiro Torna.
Pizzicato, 21-12-2018

... that this album makes you dream is a fact, and that you want to experience it live as well.
De Standaard, 12-12-2018

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