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A Sentimental Moment
Franz Schubert

Duo Morat-Fergo

A Sentimental Moment

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917279122
Catnr: CC 72791
Release date: 02 November 2018
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72791
Release date
02 November 2018

"This is a very enjoyable recording that presents some of Schubert’s nicest piano music in an effective and authentic-sounding setting. Intonation isn’t always perfect, though this may be a side-effect of some of the keys to which the composer sends the musicians."

Music Web, 18-9-2019

About the album

“We had always felt the guitar unconsciously lingering in Schubert's musical language. That, combined with our love for Schubert's music, sparked the desire to musically arrange and finally discover Schubert's world, not only as listeners, but as performers. We started out by arranging Moments Musicaux. It was with delight that we realized how well these pieces work for guitar: the intimacy, serenity and folklore in Schubert's piano music, so to speak, lived within the character of the guitar – and in order to move even closer into his world, we decided to play copies of guitars from Schubert's time, with the very sound quality Schubert would have heard in the Viennese musical circles”.

Elisabeth Leonskaja commented after hearing the duo: “Recently I experienced a magical moment of music: two fine musicians – Christian Fergo and Raoul Morat – playing Schubert on two guitars. I felt transported back to the time of Schubert and thought I was hearing pianos from his epoch. A moment full of magical sounds.”
Een sentimenteel moment, magische klanken uit vervlogen tijden, daar zorgt het bevlogen Zwitsers/Deense gitaarduo Raoul Morat en Christian Fergo voor. Zij bewerkten pianomuziek van Franz Schubert tot gitaarmuziek en goed ook. De grande dame van de piano, Elisabeth Leonskaja die het duo in 2014 voor het eerst hoorde, beleefde een fantastisch muzikaal moment en waande zich in de tijd van Schubert, alsof ze de piano's van toen hoorde: "een moment vol magische klanken." Om een coherent programma te creëren combineerde het duo voor dit album Moments Musicaux met de Impromptus en een selectie Valses Sentimentales.

Onze vaders koesterden de muziek van Schubert

Morat en Fergo: "Op een zeker moment in onze carrière als klassieke gitaristen kregen we de drang om niet alleen naar Schuberts muziek te luisteren, maar deze ook te spelen. Wij groeiden op met zijn muziek. In onze kindertijd kwam Schuberts muziek vaak thuis langs als een oude vriend van de familie. Ons beider vaders koesterden zijn muziek."

Gitaar klinkt door in Schuberts muziek

Onbewust hoorden Morat en Fergo de gitaar altijd al aarzelend doorklinken in de muzikale taal van Schubert. Dat, gecombineerd met hun liefde voor de muziek van Schubert, wakkerde de wens aan om zijn muziek te bewerken en zo uiteindelijk Schuberts wereld te ontdekken, niet alleen als luisteraars, maar ook als uitvoerenden. Het duo startte met de bewerking van Schuberts Moments Musicaux. Tot hun grote vreugde realiseerden ze zich hoe goed deze pianomuziek paste bij de gitaar; de intimiteit, sereniteit en folklore van Schuberts pianomuziek woonden als het ware in het karakter van de gitaar. En om nog dichter in de wereld van de componist te kunnen doordringen, besloten Morat en Fergo kopieën van gitaren uit de tijd van Schubert te laten maken en daarop te spelen. In hun eigen 'nieuwe' instrumenten vonden ze de klanken terug van die oude familievriend en stelden ze - ter herinnering aan hun vaders - dit album samen met pianomuziek van Schubert, maar dan voor gitaar. En zo horen wij nu in deze opname dezelfde klanken als Schubert die ook gehoord moet hebben in de Weense muzikale kringen.

Schubert bezat een gitaar maar geen piano

Franz Schubert (1797-1828) wordt naast zang, piano en orkest- en strijkinstrumenten ook wel geassocieerd met een instrument dat voor het eerst opgeld deed in het vroege 19e-eeuwse Wenen: de gitaar. Een modieus instrument, dat veelal thuis in de salons gebruikt werd en bovendien geschikt was om er buiten muziek mee te maken, een ideaal Biedermeier instrument. Ook Schubert bezat een gitaar, een cadeau van zijn broer Ferdinand. Het lijkt paradoxaal dat Schubert gedurende bijna zijn hele leven wel een gitaar had, maar geen piano. Niettemin, is er slechts één werk voor gitaar van Schubert bewaard gebleven: het trio voor drie mannenstemmen en gitaar, dat hij componeerde voor zijn vaders verjaardag. Het begeleidende deel uit dit trio suggereert dat Schuberts kennis van de gitaar beperkt was. Dat kan deels verklaren waarom hij niet méér voor de gitaar componeerde.
„Wir hatten schon immer das Gefühl, dass die Gitarre in Schuberts Musiksprache unbewusst mitklingt. Dies, gepaart mit unserer Liebe zu Schuberts Musik, führte zu dem Wunsch, Schuberts Welt musikalisch zu arrangieren und zu entdecken, nicht nur als Hörer, sondern vor allem als Interpreten. Wir begannen mit einem Arrangement seiner Moments Musicaux. Wir waren begeistert zu sehen, wie gut diese Stücke zur Gitarre passen: die Intimität, die Abgeklärtheit und Folklore in Schuberts Klaviermusik lebten sozusagen im Charakter der Gitarre. Um noch weiter in diese Welt vorzudringen, entschlossen wir uns, Nachbildungen von Gitarren aus Schuberts Zeit zu spielen, die genau die Klangqualitäten besitzen, die Schubert in den Wiener Musikkreisen gehört haben würde.“

Nachdem Elisabeth Leonskaja das Duo gehört hatte, sagte sie: „Ich habe kürzlich einen magischen musikalischen Moment erlebt. Zwei großartige Musiker – Christian Fergo und Raoul Morat – spielten Schubert auf zwei Gitarren. Ich habe mich in Schuberts Zeit zurückversetzt gefühlt und glaubte, Klaviere aus seiner Zeit zu hören. Das war ein Augenblick voller magischer Klänge.“


Duo Morat-Fergo

The Swiss-Danish guitar duo Morat-Fergo was founded by classical guitarists Raoul Morat and Christian Fergo in 2014. They studied together at the music academy of Lucerne with German Echo-Prize winner Frank Bungarten. In just a few short years they have created a new repertoire of romantic music through their arrangements for guitar duo and established themselves as one of the most exceptional guitar duos to emerge in recent years. Their mutual captivation of Franz Schubert’s music inspired them to start the duo to perform the masterpieces by the Austrian composer. The duo’s arrangement of Schubert’s Moments Musicaux op. 94 reveals new sound aspects and interpretative shades to the music. In January 2015 they premiered the work in Lucerne, which prompted an...
The Swiss-Danish guitar duo Morat-Fergo was founded by classical guitarists Raoul Morat and Christian Fergo in 2014. They studied together at the music academy of Lucerne with German Echo-Prize winner Frank Bungarten. In just a few short years they have created a new repertoire of romantic music through their arrangements for guitar duo and established themselves as one of the most exceptional guitar duos to emerge in recent years.
Their mutual captivation of Franz Schubert’s music inspired them to start the duo to perform the masterpieces by the Austrian composer. The duo’s arrangement of Schubert’s Moments Musicaux op. 94 reveals new sound aspects and interpretative shades to the music. In January 2015 they premiered the work in Lucerne, which prompted an outstanding reception.
The ‘grande dame’ of the piano, Elisabeth Leonskaja, commented after hearing the duo: ‘Recently I experienced a magical moment of music. Two fi ne musicians – Christian Fergo and Raoul Morat – playing Schubert on two guitars. I felt transformed back to the time of Schubert and thought I was hearing pianos from his epoch. A moment full of magical sounds.’ To explore the original sound of the nineteenth century in greater depth, the duo plays copies of romantic Viennese guitars from the time of Schubert.
Their high artistic level combined with strong individual musical personalities has proven to be an exciting combination. Christian and Raoul have performed both as a duo and as soloists in many countries across Europe, including Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Ireland and China. The duo’s own arrangement of Schubert’s monumental song cycle Winterreise for voice and guitar duo was premiered with German tenor Julian Prégardien to great acclaim in February 2016. That year they also performed Schubertreise, a work especially written for the duo by Irish composer Martin O’Leary.
Further music partners have included: bass René Perler, tenor Georg Poplutz, and cellists Mattia Zappa (Tonhalle Orchestra, Zurich) and Sebastian Diezig (Lucerne Symphony Orchestra).


Raoul Morat (guitar)

Christian Fergo (guitar)

Ever since their debut, Duo Morat-Fergo has made a name through their ground breaking arrangements and interpretations of 19th Century piano music. Musical intimacy and precision are some of the duo's hallmarks, defined by their ability to make the sound of their guitars melt together and appear as one instrument. Christian Fergo and Raoul Morat met while studying with Echo prize winner Frank Bungarten. A mutual love for Schubert's music sparked the beginning of the duo. One of their goals is to use the extraordinary abilities of the romantic Viennese guitars in their arrangements of the piano music of among others Mozart, Schubert and Chopin.

Ever since their debut, Duo Morat-Fergo has made a name through their ground breaking arrangements and interpretations of 19th Century piano music. Musical intimacy and precision are some of the duo's hallmarks, defined by their ability to make the sound of their guitars melt together and appear as one instrument.

Christian Fergo and Raoul Morat met while studying with Echo prize winner Frank Bungarten. A mutual love for Schubert's music sparked the beginning of the duo. One of their goals is to use the extraordinary abilities of the romantic Viennese guitars in their arrangements of the piano music of among others Mozart, Schubert and Chopin.



Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the...
Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer. Schubert already died before his 32nd birthday, but was extremely prolific during his lifetime. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works (mainly Lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music and a large body of chamber and piano music. Appreciation of his music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death. Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms and other 19th-century composers discovered and championed his works. Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the late Classical and early Romantic eras and is one of the most frequently performed composers of the early nineteenth century.
It was in the genre of the Lied that Schubert made his most indelible mark. Prior to Schubert's influence, Lieder tended toward a strophic, syllabic treatment of text, evoking the folksong qualities engendered by the stirrings of Romantic nationalism. Schubert expanded the potentialities of the genre like no other composer before.



This is a very enjoyable recording that presents some of Schubert’s nicest piano music in an effective and authentic-sounding setting. Intonation isn’t always perfect, though this may be a side-effect of some of the keys to which the composer sends the musicians.
Music Web, 18-9-2019

Sensitive phrasing and articulating!
Gitarre & Laute, 01-3-2019

Schubert on guitar, quiet but lively
Kerk & Leven, 18-10-2018

Play album Play album
Impromptu, Op. 90, D. 899, No. 1
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Six Moments musicaux, Op. 94, D. 780: Moderato
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Six Moments musicaux, Op. 94, D. 780: Andantino
(Franz Schubert) Duo Morat-Fergo, Raoul Morat, Christian Fergo
Six Moments musicaux, Op. 94, D. 780: Allegro moderato
(Franz Schubert) Duo Morat-Fergo, Raoul Morat, Christian Fergo
Six Moments musicaux, Op. 94, D. 780: Moderato
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Six Moments musicaux, Op. 94, D. 780: Allegro vivace
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Duo Morat-Fergo, Raoul Morat
Six Moments musicaux, Op. 94, D. 780: Allegretto
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Duo Morat-Fergo, Raoul Morat
Impromptu, Op. 142, D. 935, No. 2
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Duo Morat-Fergo, Raoul Morat
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 1 in E Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 2 in E Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 3 in G Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 4 in G Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 5 in D-fl at Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 6 in D-fl at Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 21 in F Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 13 in A Major
(Franz Schubert) Duo Morat-Fergo, Raoul Morat, Christian Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 25 in A Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Duo Morat-Fergo, Raoul Morat
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 12 in G Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 18 in C Major
(Franz Schubert) Raoul Morat, Christian Fergo, Duo Morat-Fergo
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 19 in C Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Duo Morat-Fergo, Raoul Morat
Valses sentimentales, Op. 50, D. 779 (Selection): No. 20 in C Major
(Franz Schubert) Christian Fergo, Raoul Morat, Duo Morat-Fergo
Impromptu, Op. 90, D. 899, No. 3
(Franz Schubert) Raoul Morat, Christian Fergo, Duo Morat-Fergo
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