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Bad Luck


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Origin Records
UPC: 0805558276026
Catnr: ORIGIN 82760
Release date: 05 October 2018
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Origin Records
Catalogue number
ORIGIN 82760
Release date
05 October 2018

"Titillating but to alerted listeners. In this case. Bad Luck is clearly a stranger on the Origin label that mainly deals in jazz that is more classical. You don't hear us complain."

Jazzenzo, 23-10-2018

About the album

A genre-defying supernova of electronics, hip hop, metal, folk and jazz., Bad Luck’s Four “bears down on you like a cyclone of fire” (The Stranger). The duo of saxophone/electronics player Neil Welch and drummer Chris Icasiano met ten years ago as jazz students at the University of Washington and built a friendship as they discovered free improvisation together. The epic long-form compositions from their previous 3 albums celebrated the tradition of the free jazz legends, while Four condenses that epic energy into shorter rhythmic forms. Welch screams and breathes into his horn, acoustically creates chords, and uses electronics more familiar to guitar players, while Icasiano produces sounds and structures that can seem impossible.

“Bad Luck chop up time and space into jagged, unpredictable shapes, but sometimes they hit upon a quasi-funk groove that sounds like an asymmetrical avalanche. Most of the time, you have no idea where they’re going, but they impel you to follow closely, no matter what.” - Dave Segal, The Stranger

Eine genreverändernde Supernova aus Elektronik, Hip Hop, Metal, Folk und Jazz, Bad Luck's Four "hält dich wie ein Feuerzyklon" (The Stranger). Das Duo aus Saxophon/Elektronik-Spieler Neil Welch und Schlagzeuger Chris Icasiano traf sich vor zehn Jahren an der University of Washington und baute eine Freundschaft auf, bei der sie gemeinsam die freie Improvisation entdeckten. Die epischen Langformkompositionen der letzten drei Alben zelebrieren die Tradition der Free Jazz-Legenden, während Four diese epische Energie in kürzere rhythmische Formen verdichtet. Welch schreit und atmet in sein Horn, erzeugt akustisch Akkorde und verwendet Elektronik, die den Gitarristen eher geläufig ist, während Icasiano Klänge und Strukturen erzeugt, die unmöglich erscheinen können.
"Bad Luck zerhacken Zeit und Raum in gezackte, unberechenbare Formen, aber manchmal treffen sie auf einen quasi-funkigen Groove, der wie eine asymmetrische Lawine klingt. Meistens hat man keine Ahnung, wohin sie gehen, aber sie zwingen einen dazu, genau zu folgen, egal was passiert." - Dave Segal, The Stranger


Christopher Icasiano (drums)

Christopher Icasiano is a Filipino-American percussionist and composer from Redmond, WA. He has been performing and touring professionally for over 20 years. His specialization in free-improvisation and experimental music combined with his vast experience with pop and rock have made him a highly sought after collaborator in all genres of music. He co-founded the grassroots arts organization Table & Chairs, as well as the Racer Sessions, a weekly performance series and free-improvisation jam session. He is committed to anti-racist and anti-sexist organizing within Seattle's DIY and art communities in order to create more accessible and safer spaces. When Chris isn't touring as a solo artist or with his long-standing drum-sax duo Bad Luck, you can find him in the kitchen...
Christopher Icasiano is a Filipino-American percussionist and composer from Redmond, WA. He has been performing and touring professionally for over 20 years. His specialization in free-improvisation and experimental music combined with his vast experience with pop and rock have made him a highly sought after collaborator in all genres of music. He co-founded the grassroots arts organization Table & Chairs, as well as the Racer Sessions, a weekly performance series and free-improvisation jam session. He is committed to anti-racist and anti-sexist organizing within Seattle's DIY and art communities in order to create more accessible and safer spaces. When Chris isn't touring as a solo artist or with his long-standing drum-sax duo Bad Luck, you can find him in the kitchen whipping up a batch of chicken adobo for his friends or singing Boyz II Men songs at karaoke.


Neil Welch (tenor saxophone)


Christopher Icasiano (drums)

Christopher Icasiano is a Filipino-American percussionist and composer from Redmond, WA. He has been performing and touring professionally for over 20 years. His specialization in free-improvisation and experimental music combined with his vast experience with pop and rock have made him a highly sought after collaborator in all genres of music. He co-founded the grassroots arts organization Table & Chairs, as well as the Racer Sessions, a weekly performance series and free-improvisation jam session. He is committed to anti-racist and anti-sexist organizing within Seattle's DIY and art communities in order to create more accessible and safer spaces. When Chris isn't touring as a solo artist or with his long-standing drum-sax duo Bad Luck, you can find him in the kitchen...
Christopher Icasiano is a Filipino-American percussionist and composer from Redmond, WA. He has been performing and touring professionally for over 20 years. His specialization in free-improvisation and experimental music combined with his vast experience with pop and rock have made him a highly sought after collaborator in all genres of music. He co-founded the grassroots arts organization Table & Chairs, as well as the Racer Sessions, a weekly performance series and free-improvisation jam session. He is committed to anti-racist and anti-sexist organizing within Seattle's DIY and art communities in order to create more accessible and safer spaces. When Chris isn't touring as a solo artist or with his long-standing drum-sax duo Bad Luck, you can find him in the kitchen whipping up a batch of chicken adobo for his friends or singing Boyz II Men songs at karaoke.


Neil Welch (tenor saxophone)


Titillating but to alerted listeners. In this case. Bad Luck is clearly a stranger on the Origin label that mainly deals in jazz that is more classical. You don't hear us complain.
Jazzenzo, 23-10-2018

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