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Cançâo - Music From the Iberian Peninsula
Various composers

Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam

Cançâo - Music From the Iberian Peninsula

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525526808
Catnr: GLO 5268
Release date: 09 March 2018
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
GLO 5268
Release date
09 March 2018

"Binding is the quality of all the sometimes 'deafening' pure music."

Noordhollands Dagblad, 25-5-2018

About the album

Igor Stravinsky once said, “The only fitting comment on a piece of music is another piece of music,” and this thought has also fascinated BRISK, the only remaining recorder quartet in the Benelux, for many years. Through the ages, compositions have been arranged for different instruments, embellished, or used as a source of inspiration to write entirely new pieces. Putting early music in new settings is an essential part of BRISK’s identity. The quartet has made many transcriptions and arrangements of both vocal and instrumental compositions, and often writes its own elaborate diminutions for existing pieces. Modern composers have been invited by BRISK to write a musical comment on a certain style or composition. All these things can be heard on this album with music from Spain and Portugal.

The music reflects many different stylistic periods, from the end of the 15th century until today, and illustrates the influence of the different cultures which left their traces in Spain and Portugal. Hymns and chansons of the 16th century are combined with songs of a later date together with 21st century pieces inspired by fado and Sephardic songs.
Dit album is een caleidoscoop van Spaans en Portugees repertoire, gebaseerd op vocale muziek en uitgevoerd op 40 blokfluiten in alle soorten en maten. Het Amsterdamse ensemble BRISK speelt muziek uit de middeleeuwen en de renaissance, zoals virtuoos versierde liedbewerkingen van Coelho, Carreira en Cabézon. Maar ook bewerkingen van romantische muziek van Obradors en Montes Capón, hartstochtelijk en melancholisch. Nieuw zijn het op de Fado geïnspireerde, opzwepende Vientos Ibéricos en Romanza Belinfante, geïnspireerd op een Sefardische melodie. De pers prijst het ensemble om hun spelplezier en virtuositeit. Terecht want dat kenmerkt ook het wonderschone Canção (Portugees voor gezang).

Igor Stravinsky zei ooit: “Het enige passende commentaar op een muziekstuk is een ander muziekstuk,” en deze gedachte heeft ook BRISK, het enige nog bestaande blokfluitkwartet in de Benelux, vele jaren geboeid. De term brisk komt uit de Engelse Consortmuziek en is een aanduiding voor tempo en sfeer, die veel voor komt in de muziek van Purcell, Locke en tijdgenoten. Het woord betekent, levendig, wakker en snel. En dat is ook precies wat BRISK recorder quartet Amsterdam is: een energiek, inventief en vernieuwend ensemble.

BRISK heeft een enorme verzameling blokfluiten die door bouwers uit de hele wereld speciaal voor hen gemaakt zijn. Een concert van BRISK is dan ook bijzonder om naar te kijken. Alle mogelijkheden van het blokfluitkwartet worden voortdurend verkend en uitgebreid. Het aanbod van BRISK is opmerkelijk divers. Door de jaren heen zijn composities bewerkt voor verschillende instrumenten, versierd of gebruikt als inspiratiebron voor compleet nieuwe werken. Oude muziek in nieuwe opzet presenteren is een wezenlijk onderdeel van BRISK’s identiteit. Het kwartet maakt bewerkingen van onbekend oud repertoire en speelt ook erg veel nieuw speciaal voor hen gecomponeerd werk. Onverwachte muzikale combinaties en een vleugje humor creëren nieuwe luisterervaringen.

Igor Strawinsky zufolge ist der einzig passende Kommentar zu einem Musikstück ein weiteres Werk, und dieser Gedanke fasziniert BRISK seit Jahren. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden Kompositionen für verschiedenste Instrumente arrangiert, verziert, oder als Inspirationsquelle genutzt, um gänzlich Neues zu schaffen. Alte Musik in neue Umgebung zu bringen ist ein grundlegender Teil von BRISKs Identität. Die Mitglieder des Quartetts haben zahlreiche Transkriptionen und Arrangements angefertigt, sowohl von Vokal- als auch Instrumentalkompositionen, und sie schreiben oft eigene, kunstvolle Diminutionen bereits bestehender Stücke. BRISK hat moderne Komponisten eingeladen, einen musikalischen Kommentar zu einem bestimmten Stil oder einer bestimmten Komposition zu schreiben. All diese Werke kann man auf dieser CD mit Musik aus Spanien und Portugal hören.


Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam

BRISK, the ensemble’s name, is intended to convey an idea of liveliness and wakefulness. A critic once described the ensemble as providing “a coup de grâce for the recorder’s respectable image”. BRISK’s concerts exhibit variation of style and mood, virtuosity and light-heartedness in equal measure. The quartet always appear on stage with an enormous assembly of recorders. Since their founding in 1986, BRISK has given many concerts in important concert halls and festivals throughout Europe, in Bolivia, Canada and the USA. BRISK has recorded for radio and television both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as recording over ten CDs that have been well received by both press and public. Its daring programming of early music in combination with contemporary...

BRISK, the ensemble’s name, is intended to convey an idea of liveliness and wakefulness. A critic once described the ensemble as providing “a coup de grâce for the recorder’s respectable image”. BRISK’s concerts exhibit variation of style and mood, virtuosity and light-heartedness in equal measure. The quartet always appear on stage with an enormous assembly of recorders. Since their founding in 1986, BRISK has given many concerts in important concert halls and festivals throughout Europe, in Bolivia, Canada and the USA. BRISK has recorded for radio and television both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as recording over ten CDs that have been well received by both press and public.

Its daring programming of early music in combination with contemporary music is designed to expand the borders of the ensemble’s repertoire. Many composers have dedicated works to the quartet. BRISK works regularly with fellow musicians as well as with artists from other related disciplines such as actors, directors, librettists and film-makers.

BRISK made its name through lively performances of early music, the search for little-known repertoire, and for the many arrangements that the ensemble has made, which suit the style and tradition of the instrument. BRISK has collaborated with Amaryllis Dieltiens, Michael Chance, Marcel Beekman, Johannette Zomer, Maarten Koningsberger, the Egidius Kwartet, the Gesualdo Consort, Bernard Winsemius, Leo van Doeselaar, Rainer Zipperling, Mike Fentross and Camerata Trajectina amongst others.

The long list of composers that have written music for the quartet includes Martijn Padding, Kate Moore, Calliope Tsoupaki, Bart Visman, Klaas de Vries, Roderik de Man and many others.

New works are presented as a comment on or as a contrast to older works in BRISK’s programmes. There is also a large quantity of new music in BRISK’s programmes for younger audiences. BRISK regularly gives concerts in collaboration with specialists in contemporary music such as pianist Tomoko Mukaiyama, composer and improviser Guus Janssen, vocalist Greetje Bijma and percussionist Ramon Lormans.

BRISK has created a number of highly successful productions for children with directors David Prins, Jetse Batelaan, Marc Krone, Gienke Deuten and actors Porgy Franssen, Bart Kiene and Hans Thissen.

The quartet possesses a great variety of instruments; its extensive contacts with recorder makers throughout the world ensure that its collection is in a state of continual development. This variety of instruments enables the ensemble to perform works from the Renaissance and the Baroque as well as the 20th and 21st centuries in their correct tuning and with the correct timbre.



Tomás Luis de Victoria

Tomás Luis de Victoria was born as the seventh child to a family of eleven chilren, in Madrid. He received his first music lessons as a choirboy, and after his voice change at puberty he was sent to Rome to attend a different choir. There he undoubtedly got to know the renowned Palestrina, perhaps he was even Palestrina's student. He soon established a flourishing career as a musician and composer, until 1587 when he joined a monastery and composed music for them. The working conditions were so favourable that he was never tempted to accept a new offer for a better position. As a composer, De Victoria exclusively focused on the Latin liturgy: he composed many missas, magnificats and motets. For...

Tomás Luis de Victoria was born as the seventh child to a family of eleven chilren, in Madrid. He received his first music lessons as a choirboy, and after his voice change at puberty he was sent to Rome to attend a different choir. There he undoubtedly got to know the renowned Palestrina, perhaps he was even Palestrina's student. He soon established a flourishing career as a musician and composer, until 1587 when he joined a monastery and composed music for them. The working conditions were so favourable that he was never tempted to accept a new offer for a better position.
As a composer, De Victoria exclusively focused on the Latin liturgy: he composed many missas, magnificats and motets. For now his gloomy music, such as his Requiem and his lamentations for the Holy Week, remains the most popular. Because of this, De Victoria is often unfairly portrayed as a somber romantic, but he didn't appear to be a worrier at all! And if you listen closely, you can hear the musical joy in his music



Binding is the quality of all the sometimes 'deafening' pure music.
Noordhollands Dagblad, 25-5-2018

A whole CD, over an hour of playing time with only recorder music - that has to come from a good house to keep the attention. The Bisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam comes from a good home!
Luister, 18-5-2018

With music from the Iberian Peninsula. Spanish and Portuguese. But Brisk also explores borders ... It produces a cool CD with countless different tracks ...
NPO Radio4, 23-4-2018

An 'awake' CD that deserves all attention!
Opus Klassiek, 28-3-2018

Play album Play album
O lux beata trinitas
(Francisco De Peñalosa) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Sanctorum meritis
(Francisco De Peñalosa) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Romanza Belinfante (version 1)
(Gijs Levelt) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Tristis est anima
(Pedro De Cristo) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Ay Ay
(Juan Vázquez) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Sumens illud ave
(Diego Ortiz) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Canção a quattro glosada
(António Carreira) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
from: Canciones clásicas españolas: Con amores, la mi madre
(Fernando Obradors) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Sumens illud ave
(Pedro De Escobar) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Versos sobre Ave maris stella
(Manuel Rodrigues Coelho) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Versos sobre Ave maris stella
(Tomás Luis De Victoria) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Segunda Susana grosada
(Manuel Rodrigues Coelho) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
From: Baladas Gallegas: Negra Sombra
(Juan Montes Capón) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Todo quanto pudo dar
(Francisco Guerrero) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Señora de hermesura
(Juan Del Encina) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Con amores, la mi madre
(Juan De Anchieta) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Vientos Ibéricos
(Toek Numan) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Ancor che col partire
(Antonio De Cabezón) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Por un plasir
(Antonio De Cabezón) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Dulce memoriae
(Hernando De Cabezón) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
Romanza Belinfante (version 2)
(Gijs Levelt) Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam
show all tracks

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