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Mayke Rademakers

Mayke Rademakers


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917277227
Catnr: CC 72772
Release date: 09 February 2018
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72772
Release date
09 February 2018

"Stagione is about life and describes what people experience in it. The composition is also in the four parts that form the seasons. But above all, it is a groundbreaking innovation that also says everything about how Mayke gives and wants to present music."

Music Emotion, 04-5-2018

About the album

Mayke Rademakers: "The e-cello is a relatively new instrument; it has not yet conquered its true place in the world of classical music. It presents an enormous spectrum of sound colors as well as the possibility of polyphony when played in conjunction with a loop and other effect pedals. It has inspired me significantly as a classical musician and I cannot now imagine undertaking my compositions and improvisations without it. Improvisation directly engages intuition and spontaneity which in turn enlarges perspective.

"Following the improvisations which I combined with the Bach suites and works by contemporary composers (Challenge Classics CC72682), I felt the need to work on a larger piece. This has resulted in ‘STAGIONI’. I could not nor have I wished to ignore Vivaldi and have woven several quotes from his masterpiece into my improvisations. Inspiration has also come from the medieval mystic and first recognized feminine composer, Hildegard von Bingen. Other primal sources which have fed me along the way include early polyphony, Sephardic folk music and Afro-American blues. This was not according to any plan, rather repertoire influences which are recognizable only in hindsight."
Cellist Mayke Rademakers componeerde haar Stagioni voor de elektrische cello, een wonderschone compositie op een bijzonder instrument. Mayke: "Stagioni is een tocht geboren in stilte: een avontuurlijk en bevrijdend pad door de vier seizoenen van de natuur en daarmee ook door de seizoenen van het leven zelf." Het komt allemaal samen in dit werk, geniet van de warme klanken en de swingende ritmiek. Paul Janssen, Hardenberg Nu, omschrijft haar spel als volgt: "Rademakers mooie tonen doen je afvragen of ze met een strijkstok of een toverstok speelt."

Enorm spectrum van klankkleuren

De elektrische cello, of E-cello, is een relatief nieuw instrument, ontwikkeld door Yamaha. Na haar kennismaking met het instrument, realiseerde cellist en componist Mayke Rademakers zich dat het perfect was voor haar improvisaties. Het enorme spectrum van klankkleuren, naast de mogelijkheid om meerdere tonen tegelijkertijd te spelen met behulp van een loop en andere effectpedalen, gaf haar een keur aan mogelijkheden voor compositie en improvisatie. Zo kwam haar Stagioni tot stand. Mayke: "Als klassiek musicus heeft het instrument mij bijzonder geïnspireerd en ik kan me niet meer voorstellen hoe ik mijn composities en improvisaties zou moeten uitvoeren zonder de E-cello."

Middeleeuwse mystiek

"Na de improvisaties die ik combineerde met de Bach suites en werken van hedendaagse componisten, voelde ik de behoefte om aan een groter stuk te werken. Dit resulteerde in Stagioni. Ik kon en wilde Vivaldi niet negeren en heb verschillende citaten uit zijn meesterwerk de Vier Jaargetijden in mijn improvisaties verweven. Inspiratie haalde ik ook uit de middeleeuwse mystieke en eerste erkende vrouwelijke componist, Hildegard von Bingen. Andere primaire bronnen die me onderweg hebben geholpen zijn vroege polyfonie, Sefardische volksmuziek en Afro-Amerikaanse blues. Dat was geen vooropgezet plan, het waren, achteraf bezien, invloeden uit bestaand repertoire."

Lees ook de recensie van Paul Janssen van Luister magazine, april 2018.
Mayke Rademakers: "Das E-Cello ist ein relativ neues Instrument, das seinen Platz in der Welt der klassischen Musik noch nicht erobert hat. Es bietet ein enormes Klangfarbenspektrum sowie die Möglichkeit der Polyphonie in Verbindung mit einem Loop und anderen Effektpedalen. Es hat mich als klassische Musikerin stark inspiriert und ich kann mir heute nicht mehr vorstellen, meine Kompositionen und Improvisationen ohne das E-Cello auszuführen. Die Improvisation greift unmittelbar in Intuition und Spontaneität ein, was wiederum die Perspektive vergrößert.
"Nach den Improvisationen, die ich mit den Bach-Suiten und Werken zeitgenössischer Komponisten kombinierte (Challenge Classics CC72682), sah ich mich gezwungen, an einem größeren Stück zu arbeiten. Dies hat zu' STAGIONI' geführt. Ich konnte und wollte Vivaldi nicht ignorieren und habe mehrere Zitate aus seinem Meisterwerk in meine Improvisationen eingewebt. Inspiriert hat uns auch die mittelalterliche Mystikerin Hildegard von Bingen, die erste anerkannte weibliche Komponistin. Andere Quellen, die mich auf meinem Weg begleitet haben, sind frühe Polyphonie, sephardische Volksmusik und afroamerikanischer Blues. Dies geschah nicht nach Plan, sondern durch Einflüsse aus dem Repertoire, die erst im Nachhinein erkennbar wurden."


Mayke Rademakers (cello)

Mayke Rademakers is a renowned classical solo cellist, improvisor and recording artist. Mayke gave numerous concerts all over Europe and the US. Her playing and recordings are unanimously praised by the international press. She had the privilege to study with the famous teachers Navarra and Starker. Mayke is the first in the history of music who composed a substantial solo work for E-cello.
Mayke Rademakers is a renowned classical solo cellist, improvisor and recording artist. Mayke gave numerous concerts all over Europe and the US. Her playing and recordings are unanimously praised by the international press. She had the privilege to study with the famous teachers Navarra and Starker. Mayke is the first in the history of music who composed a substantial solo work for E-cello.



Mayke Rademakers (cello)

Mayke Rademakers is a renowned classical solo cellist, improvisor and recording artist. Mayke gave numerous concerts all over Europe and the US. Her playing and recordings are unanimously praised by the international press. She had the privilege to study with the famous teachers Navarra and Starker. Mayke is the first in the history of music who composed a substantial solo work for E-cello.
Mayke Rademakers is a renowned classical solo cellist, improvisor and recording artist. Mayke gave numerous concerts all over Europe and the US. Her playing and recordings are unanimously praised by the international press. She had the privilege to study with the famous teachers Navarra and Starker. Mayke is the first in the history of music who composed a substantial solo work for E-cello.



Stagione is about life and describes what people experience in it. The composition is also in the four parts that form the seasons. But above all, it is a groundbreaking innovation that also says everything about how Mayke gives and wants to present music.
Music Emotion, 04-5-2018

The four seasons that pass by sound like an autobiography in tone and make the listener almost a voyeur, so personal shivers, smiles, cries and dances every note. It makes this CD a true statement.
Luister, 13-4-2018

When young people appreciate my music and then start listening to classical music more often, I consider my mission to be a success.
Nederlands Dagblad, 16-3-2018

After the Cellosuites by Bach and the stirring CD La Furia, the Dutch cellist Mayke Rademakers once again surprises with her latest album Stagioni. No new chamber music CD for her, or a solo concert record. With the electric cello as a permanent companion she creates a completely unique world that digs much deeper than it would appear at first.
Luister, 09-3-2018

The 'e-cello': warmth and rawness
Eindhovens Dagblad, 26-2-2018

"La Furia", "Stagioni" and "Johann Sebastian Bach The Cello Suites" which are very, very special CDs by cellist Mayke Rademakers.
Stretto, 16-2-2018

"La Furia", "Stagioni" and "Johann Sebastian Bach The Cello Suites" which are very, very special CDs by cellist Mayke Rademakers
Stretto, 16-2-2018

Electric cello improvisations: Mayke Rademakers STAGIONI at Challenge Classics
Services for Music, 15-2-2018

Daily Classical Choice: Rademakers takes you by the hand in a world full of riches in timbres, one even more beautiful than the other.
Daily Classical, 14-2-2018

I listened to this Vivaldi adventure with great appreciation and admiration. In it, the cellist does not place herself between composer and listener, but casts new light (sound) or familiar themes, quite fascinating.
Musicalifeiten, 05-2-2018

The season of Mayke Rademakers.
Portici, 30-11-2017

Play album Play album

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Various composers
La Furia
Mayke Rademakers
Various composers
The Cello Suites
Mayke Rademakers

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