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Préludes, Book 1 & 2
Claude Debussy

Angela Brownridge

Préludes, Book 1 & 2

Price: € 19.95
Format: SACD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917272727
Catnr: CC 72727
Release date: 06 October 2017
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72727
Release date
06 October 2017

"This is a wonderful piano game that combines technical virtuosity with astonishing subtlety and dynamic control. Highly recommended."

Stretto, 23-1-2018

About the album

Debussy had been planning Préludes for two or three years before the first book was published in 1910. He seems to have been at work on the second book by the end of 1911 and the volume was published in 1913.

Whereas Bach and Chopin used their Preludes as something of a technical exercise, composing one for each musical key, Debussy's were free-form and full of his signature expressive indulgences. Each one has a different descriptive title that gives clues about what was going through the composer's mind when he was writing them, from Shakespearean dances to underwater cathedrals.

What Debussy did in the Préludes and earlier works with a similar inspiration was composing with sounds rather than notes. It is that, rather than their picturesque qualities, that changed history. Debussy did nothing less than liberate music from the domination by functional harmony which had prevailed for three centuries. Tonality becomes colour.

Meesterpianiste Angela Brownridge vertolkt Debussy's Préludes en L'Isle Joyeuse
Twee of drie jaar voordat zijn eerste boek met Préludes werd gepubliceerd (1910), had Debussy zijn Préludes al gepland. In 1911 leek hij te hebben gewerkt aan zijn tweede boek, dat in 1913 werd gepubliceerd.

Terwijl Bach en Chopin hun Préludes gebruikten als een soort technische oefening, waarbij er één voor elke toonsoort werd gecomponeerd, werden Debussy's Préludes in vrije vorm gecomponeerd en zaten ze vol met zijn karakteristieke openbaringen. Elke Prélude heeft een eigen beschrijvende titel die een idee geeft over wat er door de componist zijn hoofd ging toen hij de werken componeerde; van Shakespeareaanse dansen tot onderwaterkathedralen.

Wat Debussy deed in zijn Préludes en in eerdere werken met een soortgelijke inspiratie was het componeren van geluiden in plaats van noten. Dit, en niet zo zeer de beeldende kwaliteiten, veranderde een hoop. Debussy bevrijdde muziek van de dominantie van de functionele harmonie die al drie eeuwen heerste. Tonaliteit werd kleur door Debussy.

Op dit album vertolkt Britse meesterpianiste Angela Brownridge Debussy's Préludes en sluit zij af met L'Isle Joyeuse, een werk dat geïnspireerd is door Jean-Antoine Watteau's schilderij L'Embarquement de Cythère.

Debussy hatte seine Préludes zwei oder drei Jahre geplant, bevor das erste Buch 1910 veröffentlicht wurde. 1911 schien er an seinem zweiten Buch gearbeitet zu haben, das 1913 veröffentlicht wurde. Wo Bach und Chopin ihre Präludien als eine Art technische Übung nutzten und eines in jeder Tonart komponierten, waren Debussys frei in ihrer Form und voll seiner charakteristischen Schwelgereien. Jedes trägt einen deskriptiven Titel, der erahnen lässt, was dem Komponisten bei der Arbeit daran durch den Kopf gegangen ist, von Tänzen aus der Shakespeare-Zeit zu versunkenen Kathedralen.

Debussy komponierte in den Préludes und früheren Werken ähnlicher Inspiration vielmehr mit Klängen als einzelnen Tönen. Nicht die pittoresken Qualitäten, sondern diese Tatsache schrieb Geschichte. Debussy befreite die Musik von der dominanten funktionalen Harmonie, die drei Jahrhunderte lang die Vorherrschaft trug. Hier wurde Tonalität zu Farbe.


Angela Brownridge (piano)

ANGELA BROWNRIDGE, piano. ….'one of the world’s finest pianists….”     New York Times Hailed as a major star in classical music Angela Brownridge has been compared with such pianists as the legendary Solomon, Rachmaninov, Cherkasky, and Bolet. She began her life in an atmosphere of freedom and individualism virtually impossible to find today. Under the guidance of Maria Curcio, who had been a pupil of Schnabel for many years, she absorbed the ability to produce every nuance of the piano, and to present music flexibly and persuasively instead of concentrating on a single method of technique or continual displays of brilliance, learning to deal with the differing requirements of a varied range of composers which recalls Cortot in his prime. Indeed, by realising...
…."one of the world’s finest pianists….” New York Times Hailed as a major star in classical music Angela Brownridge has been compared with such pianists as the legendary Solomon, Rachmaninov, Cherkasky, and Bolet. She began her life in an atmosphere of freedom and individualism virtually impossible to find today. Under the guidance of Maria Curcio, who had been a pupil of Schnabel for many years, she absorbed the ability to produce every nuance of the piano, and to present music flexibly and persuasively instead of concentrating on a single method of technique or continual displays of brilliance, learning to deal with the differing requirements of a varied range of composers which recalls Cortot in his prime. Indeed, by realising that many pianists of a bygone age played with far more individuality, magic, and inspiration than has become the fashion, she was able to develop her own unique personality. In an age which has become over-fascinated with mere technique, and which seeks the degree of 'perfection' offered by over-edited CDs, Angela's playing restores spontaneity, character, and beauty of sound to the platform.
A child prodigy, equally talented in composition, extemporisation, and technically brilliant, Angela first performed in public at the age of seven, and a year later had several pieces published. By the age of ten she had given her first concerto performance, and in her early teens was appearing regularly as a recitalist and concerto performer throughout Great Britain and abroad. She later won a piano scholarship to Edinburgh University, and after graduating B. Mus. was awarded a further scholarship for a two-year period of study in Rome with Guido Agosti. As the winner of several competitions she was able to continue her studies with Maria Curcio in London, where she now lives.
Since then Angela has appeared in all the major London concert halls, and has visited Eastern and Western Europe, the USA, Canada, the Far East and Australia, as well as performing extensively in the UK. She has been a soloist with many leading orchestras and conductors, and Festival engagements include Bath, Edinburgh, Warwick, Newport Rhode Island, Bratislava, Brno, Hong Kong, and Maastricht.
Her recorded repertoire is very varied, including some first ever collections of the complete piano music of Barber, Gershwin, Kenneth Leighton and the complete piano concertos of Saint-Saëns.
Her recordings have received worldwide critical acclaim, several being voted “Critics’ Choice” by Hi-Fi News and Record of the Year by the Absolute Sound magazine of America . She has also appeared on BBC TV in programmes which have involved her in discussion about the music she has performed. She often gives lecture recitals and master classes, and maintains her love of improvisation which has led her on occasions into the world of jazz.
Concert Reviews ‘.....true genius. Her performances were passionate, rhapsodic and totally compelling. She is a marvellously exciting artist, and a wonderfully assertive pianist with a strong sense of musical structure’. New York Times ‘....amazing technique and tonal splendour .... wonderful clarity and dramatic force .... electrifying authority of which passion and dedication were the keynotes. She is an artist of the highest calibre and this was playing of the highest order’. The Guardian


Claude Debussy

Claude Debussy was a French composer. He and Maurice Ravel were the most prominent figures associated with impressionist music, though Debussy disliked the term when applied to his compositions. He was made Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1903. He was among the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and his use of non-traditional scales and chromaticism influenced many composers who followed. Debussy's music is noted for its sensory content and frequent usage of non-traditional tonalities. The prominent French literary style of his period was known as Symbolism, and this movement directly inspired Debussy both as a composer and as an active cultural participant Among his most famous works are his Clair de Lune, his Three Nocturnes...

Claude Debussy was a French composer. He and Maurice Ravel were the most prominent figures associated with impressionist music, though Debussy disliked the term when applied to his compositions. He was made Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1903. He was among the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and his use of non-traditional scales and chromaticism influenced many composers who followed.
Debussy's music is noted for its sensory content and frequent usage of non-traditional tonalities. The prominent French literary style of his period was known as Symbolism, and this movement directly inspired Debussy both as a composer and as an active cultural participant Among his most famous works are his Clair de Lune, his Three Nocturnes and his orchestral piece La Mer.



This is a wonderful piano game that combines technical virtuosity with astonishing subtlety and dynamic control. Highly recommended.
Stretto, 23-1-2018

The recording quality is of demonstration standard, making a disc that deserves a place in any record collection. Most comprehensively recommended.

This Debussy disc represents the apogee of her achievement.
CD choice UK, 10-12-2017

The pianist does not settle for conventional beauty, but would like to give the rhythmic innovations all space. Moreover, this pianist is not a lover of vagueness and slowness that must suggest depth. Her playing therefore has clear qualities.
Opus Klassiek, 27-11-2017

I simply had to make a CD of my choice of Debussy, So I suggested the complete Préludes and L'Isle Joyeuse

Play album Play album
Préludes Book 1: Danseuses de Delphes
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: Voiles
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: Le vent dans la plaine
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l?air du soir
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: Les collines d?Anacapri
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: Des pas sur la neige
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: Ce qu?a vu le vent d?Ouest
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: La fille aux cheveux de lin
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: La sérénade interrompue
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: La Cathédrale engloutie
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: La danse de Puck
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 1: Minstrels
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Brouillards
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Feuilles mortes
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: La Puerta del Vino
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: ?Les Fées sont d?exquises danseuses?
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Bruyères
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Général Lavine - eccentric
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Ondine
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C.
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Canope
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Les tierces alternées
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
Préludes Book 2: Feux d?artifice
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
L?Isle joyeuse
(Claude Debussy) Angela Brownridge
show all tracks

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