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Gerardo Núñez & Ulf Wakenius


Format: CD
Label: ACT music
UPC: 0614427982223
Catnr: ACT 98222
Release date: 13 May 2016
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1 CD
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ACT music
Catalogue number
ACT 98222
Release date
13 May 2016

About the album

Unfamiliar combinations in music can lead to surprising, captivating results. At the “Jazz at Berlin Philharmonic” concert in October 2014, series curator Siggi Loch presented Swedish guitarist Ulf Wakenius in a new and unexpected role: as second guitarist alongside the undisputed master of flamenco nuevo, Gerardo Núñez. The combination of Wakenius and Núñez has succeeded in sending the Jazzpaña project off into a wholly new direction. The Tagesspiegel described the occasion as a “mighty fiesta.” Sparks definitely flew, Núñez had an appetite for more of the same, and he invited his Swedish colleague straight back to Madrid for the re-match.

This is the meeting of two superbly gifted virtuosi and absolute masters of their instrument:

Gerardo Núñez, originally from Jerez de la Frontera, has been called the crown prince of the flamenco guitar. Núñez is the natural and obvious successor to Paco de Lucía who passed away in 2014. He has not just renewed the centuries-old Spanish art form of flamenco, he has opened its doors, and let the winds of jazz, pop music and classical music blow in. For Núñez, co-operations which can lead to new inspiration have become something of a trademark. He has worked with operatic tenor Placido Domingo, with pop music idol Julio Iglesias and with John Patitucci, the star bassist from the world of jazz.

Now, in Ulf Wakenius, he has found his ideal partner, because the Swedish guitarist is a musician unusually receptive to new contacts and new ideas. Wakenius’ playing has always not just been inspired by the American jazz tradition but also by world music. Wakenius can play in just about any style he chooses, and always in a wholly individual way. His openness and versatility are the hallmarks of a quite remarkable career.

Wakenius has played alongside two bass icons Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen and Ray Brown,and for many years was a member of the legendary Oscar Peterson Quartet. He has also made his mark accompanying of singers such as Youn Sun Nah and Viktoria Tolstoy, and given free rein to his vagabond side in a duo with that unstoppable rising star of the accordion, Vincent Peirani.

Núñez has explained the name of the album. “Logos”, he says “describes the mystery of our meeting.” The word beckons the listener into the world the two have created through their intense conversation. They combine their musical vocabularies and create rhetoric, dialogue, narrative, discussion, definition and meaning.

“Logos” is also the meeting of two of the major guitarists of our time, two very different characters with both respect and curiosity for the other's music. They work so well together because each musician symbiotically extends the ideas of the other, and creates context and validity in the moment.

“Logos” might be unexpected, but it has developed its own logic, and that logic is irresistible.

Connect the unexpected: Ungewöhnliche Begegnungen führen oft zu außergewöhnlichen Ergebnissen. Wie bei „Jazz at Berlin Philharmonic“ im Oktober 2014, als Kurator Siggi Loch überraschend den Schweden Ulf Wakenius als zweiten Gitarristen neben dem Flamenco-Nuevo-Meister Gerardo Núñez präsentierte, um sein genre-überschreitendes Jazzpaña-Projekt auf eine neue Entdeckungsreise zu schicken. „Eine gewaltige Fiesta“ (Der Tagesspiegel) war das Ergebnis.

Die erste Begegnung der beiden schlug musikalische Funken und hinterließ Spuren. Ein gemeinsames Album, ganz auf ihr Zusammenspiel fokussiert, war die logische Konsequenz. Und so lud Núñez seinen schwedischen Kollegen zur Fortsetzung nach Madrid ein…

Zwei absolute Meister ihres Instruments treffen aufeinander, getrieben von der Neugier auf des anderen Musik. Beide sind sie begnadete Virtuosen:

Der aus Jerez de la Frontera stammende Gerardo Núñez gilt als Kronprinz der Flamenco-Gitarreund legitimer Nachfolger des 2014 verstorbenen Paco de Lucía. Er hat der jahrhundertealten traditionellen spanischen Kunstform eine moderne Richtung gegeben und sie weiter geöffnet in Richtung Jazz, Pop und Klassik. Ungewöhnliche Kooperationen auf der Suche nach neuen Inspirationen sind Núñez Markenzeichen. Er arbeitete mit Placido Domingo, dem Pop-Idol Julio Iglesias oder dem Jazz-Star John Patitucci.

Mit Ulf Wakenius hat er den idealen Partner gefunden, ist er doch ebenso ein Musiker ohne Berührungsängste und Scheuklappen: Seit jeher ist das Spiel des Schweden neben dem amerikanischen Jazz auch von der Weltmusik inspiriert und durchdrungen. Wakenius ist ein Stil- und Weltreisender, der nahezu alles spielen kann, auf seine ureigenste Weise. Seine Offenheit und Vielseitigkeit ist der rote Faden einer beeindruckenden Karriere:

Er spielte mit den beiden Bass-Ikonen Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen und Ray Brown, war langjähriges Mitglied des legendären Oscar Peterson Quartet, ist als Begleiter von Sängerinnen wie Youn Sun Nah und Viktoria Tolstoy hochgeschätzt oder präsentiert sich als musikalischer Vagabund im Duo mit dem französischen Shooting Star am Akkordeon, Vincent Peirani.

„Der Begriff Logos, zurückgehend auf den griechischen Ausdruck λóγος, beschreibt für mich das Geheimnis unseres Zusammentreffens, beschreibt Núñez die Idee zum Albumtitel. Bedeutungsreich und sinnhaft, aber nicht wirklich auf einen Nenner zu bringen, sagt „Logos“ doch so viel aus, was dem Zwiegespräch der beiden Gitarristen innewohnt: Aus musikalischen Wörtern entsteht Rede, Dialog, Erzählung, Diskussion, Definition und damit Sinn. Aber auch Rücksicht, Wertschätzung, Verhältnis und Vernunft steckt in der Bedeutung von „Logos“ und wird damit quasi zur Syntax intensiven miteinander Musizierens.

Völlig unabhängig davon ist „Logos“ einfach ein beeindruckendes Zusammentreffen zweier Gitarrenkoryphäen. Eine vitale Begegnung unterschiedlicher Charaktere, die sich symbiotisch ergänzen. Oder einfach ein multikulturelles Statement der besonderen Art. Unerwartet, aber letztendlich völlig logisch.


Gerardo Núñez & Ulf Wakenius (guitar)

Gerardo Núñez Guitarist Gerardo Núñez, born in Jerez de la Frontera (Andalucia, Spain), is one of the outstanding pioneers of the Flamenco Nuevo. Flamenco Nuevo artists stand out due to their fusion of different musical genres and styles. In Núñez’ case this led to a remarkable number of collaborations with artists of the most diverse genres. Núñez collaborated with tenor star Plácido Domingo, pop-idol Julio Iglesias, harp player Andreas Vollenweider or rock band Mecano. Another example for his musical openness was his unique quartet with trumpet player Enrico Rava, accordion virtuoso Richard Galliano and bassist Eberhard Weber. Nuñez also made a name for himself as the composer of several popular Spanish songs. Gerardo Núñez had his international breakthrough with the album...
Gerardo Núñez Guitarist Gerardo Núñez, born in Jerez de la Frontera (Andalucia, Spain), is one of the outstanding pioneers of the Flamenco Nuevo. Flamenco Nuevo artists stand out due to their fusion of different musical genres and styles. In Núñez’ case this led to a remarkable number of collaborations with artists of the most diverse genres. Núñez collaborated with tenor star Plácido Domingo, pop-idol Julio Iglesias, harp player Andreas Vollenweider or rock band Mecano. Another example for his musical openness was his unique quartet with trumpet player Enrico Rava, accordion virtuoso Richard Galliano and bassist Eberhard Weber. Nuñez also made a name for himself as the composer of several popular Spanish songs.
Gerardo Núñez had his international breakthrough with the album "Flamencos de Nueva York" in 1989. Famous Flamenco-critic Alvarez Caballero commented on Núñez playing: „Rarely ever the Flamenco guitar has shone more due to powerful prowess.” Guitar Player magazine added: „An outstanding virtuoso – but his musical taste and masterly fusion of styles are even more remarkable.” His ACT 2000 debut "Jazzpaña II" (ACT 9284-2) brought Gerardo Nuñez another great success and introduced contemporary Spanish jazz to a major audience throughout Europe. Together with the likes of Spanish pianist Chano Dominguez, saxophonist Perico Sambe at, drummer and percussionist Toni Di Geraldo, FrancoSpanish bassist Renaud Garcia-Fons and the Gitano singer Esperanza Fernandez, Gerardo went to the Sonoland Studio in Madrid. Further invited musicians were guitarist Fareed Haque, saxophinist Michael Brecker and arranger Colin Towns. "Jazzpaña II" turned out to be a well-received album from both listeners and media and reached #1 of the German Jazz Charts.
With the 2003 ACT album "Le nueva escuela de la guitarra flamenca – The New School Of Flamenco Guitar" (ACT 9413-2) Núñez presented a fascinating project based on his collaboration with five young Flamenco guitarists.
The 2004 album "Andando el tiempo" (ACT 9426-2) shows the state of modern flamenco guitar today: 11 tracks take one on a journey through the infinite distances that lie between flamenco and jazz, a journey for which only Gerardo Núñez can act as guide.
“Travesía” (ACT 9534-2) is Gerardo Núñez most recent record and a further proof of his border-crossing musical way of thinking. Pop, funk, jazz and Latin freshen Gerardo Núñez’s flamenco, which he combines with extraordinary technique and great passion. On this recording, his wife, the famous dancer Carmen Cortéz (for whom he has written some songs), and his daughter Isabel, join in with their hands and feet by clapping and tapping. Also featured are prestigious jazz musicians including saxophonist Perico Sambeat and pianist Albert Sanz, as well as the legendary percussionists “Cepillo”, who co-produced the album. Their common venture is “la travesía”, the crossing; whereas the Africans sail across the Mediterranean Sea to their new home, these musicians are crossing borders in music.


Cepillo (percussion)

Cancun (vocals)



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