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Vassilis Tsabropoulos / Nektaria Karantzi


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: MSO
UPC: 0608917459425
Catnr: MSO 001
Release date: 13 May 2016
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
MSO 001
Release date
13 May 2016

"Music frames - juni 2016"

music frames, 03-6-2016

About the album

“Eleison” is the long expected new release of the internationally acclaimed pianist, composer and conductor Vassilis Tsabropoulos. Having echoes from Tsabropoulos’ previous distinguished albums, “Eleison” explores again in depth the roots of ancient music and the mysterious nature of sacred Byzantine music. The cycle of these new compositions for piano and voice seems to be a point of completion of the composer’s wandering in a particularly colorful byt unpretentious music world. Gifted female vocalist of sacred music Nektaria Karantzi joins Tsabropoulos for this release. Vassilis Tsabropoulos is considered to be one of the greatest Greek pianists. He is also internationally recognized as a conductor and composer. He is the Honorary President of the Sergei Rachmaninov Greek Society, and the founder, music director, and Principal Conductor of the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra of Athens. Nektaria Karantzi’s voice has been identified mainly with the Byzantine
"Eleison" ist die von Publikum und Kritikern lange erwartete Neuerscheinung des international gefeierten Pianisten, Komponisten und Dirigenten Vassilis Tsabropulos. Mit Anklängen der vorherigen Alben ("Akroasis", "Chant Hymns and Dances", "Melos", alle erschienen bei ECM) taucht auch "Eleison" wieder zu den tiefen Wurzeln der antiken Musik und der mysteriösen Natur der geistlichen byzantinischen Musik ab. Diesmal wird der Komponist von der höchst talentierten Sängerin für geistliche Musik, Nektaria Karantzi, unterstützt.
Dieser Zyklus neuer Kompositionen für Klavier und Gesang scheint für den Komponisten den Endpunkt einer Wanderung durch eine besonders bunte und doch unprätentiöse musikalische Welt zu sein, die Vassilis Tsabropoulos meisterlich auf seinen Aufnahmen präsentiert.

Das Label MSO Records ist ein neues, international veröffentlichendes Label, gegründet von Vassilis Tsabropoulos selbst. Die Philosophie hinter MSO Records lautet, auf inspirierter Kreativität basierend und die Vorteile der künstlerischen Expertise seines Gründers ergreifend, das klassische Repertoire und geistliche Musik aus der ganzen Welt erkunden zu wollen und die Musik neuer Komponisten zum Leben zu erwecken. Mit den Möglichkeiten des digitalen Zugangs werden alle Aufnahmen auch in hoher digitaler Qualität angeboten werden. Für MSO records ist Musik ein Gelobtes Land der aufopfernden Kreation.
L' opera “Eleison” è la multi attesa, dal pubblico e dai critici, nuova pubblicazione di Vassilis Tsabropoulos, pianista, compositore e maestro di fama internazionale. Conservando suoni dai precedenti suoi noti best seller album ("Akroasis" e "Chants, hymns and dances", pubblicati da ECM), "Eleison" indaga di nuovo in fondo le radici della musica greca antica e la natura misteriosa della musica bizantina sacra. Questa volta il compositore si unisce con un' interprete talentuosa della musica sacra, Nektaria Karantzi. Il ciclo di queste nuove composizioni per pianoforte e voce sembra essere il punto di arrivo del viaggio del compositore in un mondo della musica molto colorato ma non conosciuto, il quale Vassilis Tsabropoulos presenta ed avvalora con le sue registrazioni.

"MSO Records" è una nuova casa discografica con pubblicazione internazionale, che è stata fondata dal famoso pianista, compositore e direttore d' orchestra Vassilis Tsabropoulos. La filosofia di MSO Records basata sulla creatività inspirata ed avendo il pro di essere guidata dall' esperienza del suo fondatore Vassilis Tsabropoulos, indagherà il repertorio classico, la musica sacra religiosa proveniente da tutto il mondo e porterà alla luce la musica di nuovi compositori. Abbracciando la possibilità della tecnologia digitale, tutte le registrazioni ci saranno in digitale in ottima qualità sonora nel miglior modo possibile. Per MSO Records la musica è una terra sacra di offerta creatività.


Vassilis Tsabropoulos (piano)

Vassilis Tsabropoulos, who is considered to be one of the greatest Greek pianists, is an internationally acclaimed concert pianist, conductor and composer. Since 2000 he is an artist of ECM Records label and he has toured in Europe several times playing concerts. His unique solo piano releases, “Akroasis”, and “The Promise” are inward-looking albums and “Chants, Hymns and Dances” an international cross-cultural success. As The Times wrote: 'Tsabropoulos is one of those rare musicians who is equally at home in both the classical and the jazz worlds'.  Vassilis Tsabropoulos once described the making of different kinds of music as an aesthetic imperative, a conviction embodied in his ECM discography. A prodigy, was winning music competitions from the age of ten, and...

Vassilis Tsabropoulos, who is considered to be one of the greatest Greek pianists, is an internationally acclaimed concert pianist, conductor and composer. Since 2000 he is an artist of ECM Records label and he has toured in Europe several times playing concerts. His unique solo piano releases, “Akroasis”, and “The Promise” are inward-looking albums and “Chants, Hymns and Dances” an international cross-cultural success. As The Times wrote: "Tsabropoulos is one of those rare musicians who is equally at home in both the classical and the jazz worlds". Vassilis Tsabropoulos once described the making of different kinds of music as an aesthetic imperative, a conviction embodied in his ECM discography.

A prodigy, was winning music competitions from the age of ten, and after graduating from the Athens National Conservatory, continued his studies on an Aristotle Onassis Scholarship at the Paris Conservatory, the Salzburg Academy and the Julliard School. Tsabropoulos was an early achiever, winning the UNICEF competition. His distinctions and awards are too many and many are his collaborations with orchestras in Europe, performing an ever-expanding repertoire in both recitals and concertos. He has taken the stage with Europe's several important orchestras including among others the Philharmonia Orchestra, the Stockholm Philharmonic, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic, Budapest Chamber Orchestrate, Sofia Philharmonic, Italy Radio Orchestra etc. His repertoire varies from Bach to Beethoven and Chopin to Prokoviev. As a pianist he is highly effective in Russian music, particularly in Rachmaninoff. He has made his first USA tour in October 2004 with a significant critical and popular success. Pick of his career is his performances with London Philharmonia and Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, under the baton of Vladimir Ashkenazy in piano concertos of Beethoven and Rachmaninoff.

Vassilis Tsabropoulos is the Honorary President of the Sergei Rachmaninov Greek Society. He is also the Founder, Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra of Athens, which is under the aegis of the Archbishopo of Athens and all of Greece, Ieronymos II, and he is the Artistic Director of the Sacred Music Festival of the Radio Station of the Church of Greece.


Nektaria Karantzi (vocals)

Her voice has been identified mainly with the Byzantine sacred art and has been regarded as one of the most important voices in Byzantine Chant. She is the unique Greek performer of Byzantine music with discography in Byzantine music since she was fourteen and with active work of chanting as a chorister in church since she was nine.  Her performances in concert halls in Greece and abroad are purely devoted to Byzantine Chant and has been internationally acclaimed as the most ideal performer of Byzantine Melos [chanting] and of the Primeval Tradition. In her first recordings of chanting she accompanied a contemporary saint, Saint Porphyrios the Kapsokalyvite and with his encouragement she started her studies in Byzantine Music at a...
Her voice has been identified mainly with the Byzantine sacred art and has been regarded as one of the most important voices in Byzantine Chant. She is the unique Greek performer of Byzantine music with discography in Byzantine music since she was fourteen and with active work of chanting as a chorister in church since she was nine. Her performances in concert halls in Greece and abroad are purely devoted to Byzantine Chant and has been internationally acclaimed as the most ideal performer of Byzantine Melos [chanting] and of the Primeval Tradition. In her first recordings of chanting she accompanied a contemporary saint, Saint Porphyrios the Kapsokalyvite and with his encouragement she started her studies in Byzantine Music at a very early age. Nektaria Karantzi is also well-known in Greek music stage through her collaboration with the greatest teacher of the Greek Traditional Music Chronis Aidonides. The important moment of her career is her collaboration with the internationally acclaimed pianist, composer and conductor Vassilis Tsabropoulos in an artistic combination inspired by byzantine hymns joining West and East and toured in Europe several times. Other key moments in her career were the invitations from the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Hungary, the Sorbonne University in France, the Oviedo University in Spain, where she gave Master Classes about Byzantine Music.
She is the Founder and the Honorary President of the “Panhellenic Association of Women in Byzantine ecclesiastical Music” and she is the Legal Services Manager and the Public Relations Director of the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra of Athens, which is under the aegis of the Archbishop of Athens and all of Greece, Ieronymos II. Nektaria has studied Law, undertook postgraduates in Penal, in Criminal and in Ecclesiastical Law and is also a Doctor of Laws.



Vassilis Tsabropoulos (piano)

Vassilis Tsabropoulos, who is considered to be one of the greatest Greek pianists, is an internationally acclaimed concert pianist, conductor and composer. Since 2000 he is an artist of ECM Records label and he has toured in Europe several times playing concerts. His unique solo piano releases, “Akroasis”, and “The Promise” are inward-looking albums and “Chants, Hymns and Dances” an international cross-cultural success. As The Times wrote: 'Tsabropoulos is one of those rare musicians who is equally at home in both the classical and the jazz worlds'.  Vassilis Tsabropoulos once described the making of different kinds of music as an aesthetic imperative, a conviction embodied in his ECM discography. A prodigy, was winning music competitions from the age of ten, and...

Vassilis Tsabropoulos, who is considered to be one of the greatest Greek pianists, is an internationally acclaimed concert pianist, conductor and composer. Since 2000 he is an artist of ECM Records label and he has toured in Europe several times playing concerts. His unique solo piano releases, “Akroasis”, and “The Promise” are inward-looking albums and “Chants, Hymns and Dances” an international cross-cultural success. As The Times wrote: "Tsabropoulos is one of those rare musicians who is equally at home in both the classical and the jazz worlds". Vassilis Tsabropoulos once described the making of different kinds of music as an aesthetic imperative, a conviction embodied in his ECM discography.

A prodigy, was winning music competitions from the age of ten, and after graduating from the Athens National Conservatory, continued his studies on an Aristotle Onassis Scholarship at the Paris Conservatory, the Salzburg Academy and the Julliard School. Tsabropoulos was an early achiever, winning the UNICEF competition. His distinctions and awards are too many and many are his collaborations with orchestras in Europe, performing an ever-expanding repertoire in both recitals and concertos. He has taken the stage with Europe's several important orchestras including among others the Philharmonia Orchestra, the Stockholm Philharmonic, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic, Budapest Chamber Orchestrate, Sofia Philharmonic, Italy Radio Orchestra etc. His repertoire varies from Bach to Beethoven and Chopin to Prokoviev. As a pianist he is highly effective in Russian music, particularly in Rachmaninoff. He has made his first USA tour in October 2004 with a significant critical and popular success. Pick of his career is his performances with London Philharmonia and Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, under the baton of Vladimir Ashkenazy in piano concertos of Beethoven and Rachmaninoff.

Vassilis Tsabropoulos is the Honorary President of the Sergei Rachmaninov Greek Society. He is also the Founder, Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra of Athens, which is under the aegis of the Archbishopo of Athens and all of Greece, Ieronymos II, and he is the Artistic Director of the Sacred Music Festival of the Radio Station of the Church of Greece.



Music frames - juni 2016
music frames, 03-6-2016

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