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Anacréon (1754)
Jean-Philippe Rameau

Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

Anacréon (1754)

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Signum Classics
UPC: 0635212040225
Catnr: SIGCD 402
Release date: 05 February 2016
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Signum Classics
Catalogue number
Release date
05 February 2016

""Rameau deserves the best of the best!""

Tijdschrift Oude Muziek, 01-10-2016

About the album

Jean-Philippe Rameau wrote two complete Anacréons, both of them a one-act acte de ballet, but with two different plots and librettos. Anacréon (1754) had a successful premiere followed by some performances in Paris after the composer’s death, and then fell into oblivion for almost 250 years. From fragmented manuscripts scattered through Paris’s libraries the work was subsequently reconstructed by Dr. Jonathan Williams and published. Dr. Williams leads this world premiere recording, joined by a leading cast of soloists and the Orchestra and Choir of the Age of Enlightenment.

The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment presenteert een hoogstaande uitvoering van Rameau’s Anacréon onder leiding van Jonathan Williams
Rameau componeerde twee opera's met de naam Anacréon. Beide zijn ééndelige actes-de-ballet, maar hebben compleet verschillende libretto's en plots. De ene componeerde Rameau in 1754 op een libretto van Louis de Cahusac, de ander componeerde hij in 1757 en baseerde hij op een boek van Gentil-Bernard voor de wederopbloei van het Comédie-ballet Les Surprises de l’Amour. Dit album presenteert de eerste versie van Anacréon (1754). Na de eerste uitvoering van het werk in 1754 in het prachtige kasteel van Fontainebleau, genoot Anacréon enig succes in Parijs voordat het na Rameau's dood 200 jaar lang vergeten werd. Jonathan Williams het werk gereconstrueerd door middel van gefragmenteerde manuscripten die verspreid waren over de bibliotheken van Parijs, en leidt zelf deze wereldpremière opname van The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment samen met vooraanstaande solisten.


Jonathan Williams (conductor)

JONATHAN WILLIAMS The Director of College Music at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, and a research fellow at Oxford’s Music Faculty, Jonathan Williams enjoys a wide-ranging freelance career working at the highest level as an orchestrator, conductor and teacher. He has worked with groups such as the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, BBC Concert Orchestra, English National Ballet, English Chamber Orchestra, Liverpool Philharmonic, London Mozart Players, - 32 - Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, and the University of London Choir and Orchestra. He has taught Orchestration at Oxford since 1992 and his work as composer/orchestrator can be heard on award-winning soundtracks recorded at Abbey Road for Sony, the BBC and SKY, most notably with Emmy award-winner Sean...
JONATHAN WILLIAMS The Director of College Music at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, and a research fellow at Oxford’s Music Faculty, Jonathan Williams enjoys a wide-ranging freelance career working at the highest level as an orchestrator, conductor and teacher. He has worked with groups such as the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, BBC Concert Orchestra, English National Ballet, English Chamber Orchestra, Liverpool Philharmonic, London Mozart Players, - 32 - Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, and the University of London Choir and Orchestra.
He has taught Orchestration at Oxford since 1992 and his work as composer/orchestrator can be heard on award-winning soundtracks recorded at Abbey Road for Sony, the BBC and SKY, most notably with Emmy award-winner Sean Callery (SKY’s 24) and for the Novello award-winning score for Sony’s video game Killzone 2. His doctoral research on the operas of JeanPhilippe Rameau has come to fruition in the Rameau Project. This major collaboration between Oxford University, the OAE, scholars, musicians and dancers is pioneering the reappraisal of Rameau’s opera in the UK, particularly in Rameau’s use of complex choreography.
The Project led the British celebrations of Rameau’s anniversary year in 2014 with the UK’s first international Rameau conference, numerous BBC broadcasts and the semi-staged performance at the Queen Elizabeth Hall of three Rameau operas, all with the OAE and featuring Baroque choreography by Edith Lalonger. Also arising from the Rameau Project is this première recording of Anacréon, the first UK studio recording of a Rameau opera for 30 years.


Matthew Brook (vocals)

Anna Dennis (vocals)


Jean-Philippe Rameau

The Frenchman Jean-Philippe Rameau was one of the most important music theorists in the history of Western music. He introduced the term of the'subdominant' and divided chord structures into triads (chords with three notes) and tetrads (chords with four notes), and laid the foundation for the modern study of harmonics. Yet, he was also a seminal composer, and his contribution to the development of opera should not be underestimated. In the first 40 years of his life, Rameau remained in obscurity as an organ player in the country side of France. In 1722, he moved to Paris, where he published his Traite de l'Harmonie (treatise on Harmony). Here, Rameau was recognised as a major music theorist and teacher, and soon he...

The Frenchman Jean-Philippe Rameau was one of the most important music theorists in the history of Western music. He introduced the term of the"subdominant" and divided chord structures into triads (chords with three notes) and tetrads (chords with four notes), and laid the foundation for the modern study of harmonics. Yet, he was also a seminal composer, and his contribution to the development of opera should not be underestimated. In the first 40 years of his life, Rameau remained in obscurity as an organ player in the country side of France. In 1722, he moved to Paris, where he published his Traite de l'Harmonie (treatise on Harmony). Here, Rameau was recognised as a major music theorist and teacher, and soon he would achieve fame as a harpsichordist and composer. Yet, Rameau had even greater ambitions. He desired to become an opera composer. His first operas Hippolyte et Aricie, Castor et Pollux en zijn opera-ballet Les Indes Galantes became huge hits. The music was harmonically a lot complexer than the audience of the time was used to, yet it was also more dramatic. Rameau received financial support from the fabulously rich La Pouplinière and his ties with the royal court. Around 1750, Rameau was at the peak of his fame and his works were being performed throughout France. However, he slowly lost the support of the philosophers and artists of the Enlightenment and after his death in 1764 his operas went into oblivion. Only in the last couple of decades, his music was rediscovered and Rameau gained the attention he deserves.



"Rameau deserves the best of the best!"
Tijdschrift Oude Muziek, 01-10-2016

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(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Air accompagné: “Mirthes fleuris, naissant feuillage” (Anacréon): Scène 1
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Récitatif: “Vous nous cachez l’objet” (Chloé, Anacréon): Scène 2
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Air accompagné: “Tendre Amour!” (Chloé): Scène 3
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Récitatif: 'Ciel, c'est Batile... Hélas!' - Ariette: 'Des Zéphyrs, que Flore rappelle' - Récitatif: 'Dieux! vous pleurez!': Scène 4
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Air accompagné: “Mille fleurs parfument les airs” (Chloé) Récitatif: “Dieux ! ces chants ne sont pas pour moi” (Batile, Chloé): Scène 4
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Air accompagné avec chœur: “Régnez” (Anacréon, jeunes Théoniens et Théoniennes): Scène 5
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Airs Vifs 1 & 2 pour les jeunes Théoniens et Théoniennes: Scène 5
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Air accompagné: “Des caprices du sort” (Anacréon): Scène 5
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Air pour les jeunes Théoniennes: Scène 5
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Récitatif: “C’est lorsque vous chantez” (Anacréon, Chloé, Batile): Scène 5
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Ariette: “Qu’Anacréon dans ce séjour” (Batile): Scène 5
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Air pour les Bacchantes: Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Gavottes 1 & 2 pour les Égipans et les Bacchantes: Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Ariette: “Quand l’Amour enflamme nos cœurs” (Chloé): Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Pantomime pour Silène et deux Bacchantes: Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Airs 1 & 2 pour Silène et deux Bacchantes: Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Ariette: “L’Amour, riant et sans bandeau” (Chloé): Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Tambourins 1 & 2 : Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Trio: “Chantons Bacchus” (Chloé, Batile, Anacréon): Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Chœur: “Chantons Bacchus” (Chloé, Batile, Anacréon, Égipans et Bacchantes): Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
Contredanse: Scène 6
(Jean-Philippe Rameau, Anacreon) Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment, The Choir Of The Enlightenment
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