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Symphony nos. 3 & 4
Alexander Scriabin

Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra - Vasily Petrenko

Symphony nos. 3 & 4

Price: € 19.95
Format: SACD
Label: Lawo Classics
UPC: 7090020181004
Catnr: LWC 1088
Release date: 06 November 2015
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€ 19.95
Lawo Classics
Catalogue number
LWC 1088
Release date
06 November 2015

""And because the Olso Philharmonics are splendidly manned in all groups of the orchestra, recordings of highest standard have developed.""

Fono Forum, 01-4-2016

About the album

The Oslo Philharmonic is launching the first release in a series of the complete symphonies of Alexander Scriabin. The orchestra and its Chief Conductor, Vasily Petrenko, offer the captivating coupling of the Russian composer’s Symphony No. 3 ‘Divine Poem’ and Le Poème de l'extase (‘The Poem of Ecstasy’), otherwise known as his Symphony No. 4. Both works were recorded in Oslo in February 2015. Orchestra and conductor will record Scriabin’s Symphony No. 2 in concert during the 2015-16 Season and complete the cycle the following season with the composer’s first and fifth symphonies.
The new album marks the start of a creative partnership between the Oslo Philharmonic and LAWO Classics.
Alexander Scriabin’s deep immersion in esoteric philosophy and related spiritual awakening became integral to his art. The Russian composer’s initial conservative musical language evolved in the early 1900s and opened up to daring harmonic territories. His art was influenced in part by his reading of Helena Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, a syncretic blend of ancient wisdom, occult practices, mysticism, and critical reactions to Darwin and modern ‘materialist’ science.
The Oslo Philharmonic, established in 1919, has achieved high international recognition for its artistry and has, since the 1980s, been in great demand as a touring and recording orchestra under Chief Conductors Mariss Jansons, André Previn, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, and, presently, Vasily Petrenko. With Petrenko the orchestra was invited to perform two concerts at BBC Proms in 2013 and ten Toshiba Grand Concerts in Japan in 2014.
Das Oslo Philharmonic stellt hiermit die erste Folge einer Serie von Einspielungen mit allen Sinfonien von Alexander Skrjanbin vor. Diese beginnt mit dem faszinierenden Programm um seine 3. Sinfonie „Le divin poème“ und "Le Poème de l'extase" auch bekannt als seine 4. Sinfonie. Die Aufnahmen mit Vasily Petrenko und dem Orchester fanden im Februar 2015 in Oslo statt.
La Filarmonica di Oslo presenta il primo volume di una collana con l’integrale delle sinfonice di Aleksandr Skrjabin. L’orchestra norvegese e il suo direttore principale, Vasily Petrenko, ci offrono un accattivante abbinamento della Sinfonia n. 3 ‘Poema Divino’ e del Poema dell’estasi, altrimenti conosciuto come la Sinfonia n. 4. Entrambe sono state registrate ad Oslo nel febbraio 2015. Orchestra e direttore registreranno la Sinfonia n. 2 in concerto nel corso della stagione 2015-16, per poi completare il ciclo la stagione successiva con la Prima e la Quinta Sinfonia del compositore russp.
Il nuovo album segna anche l’inizio di una collaborazione tra la Filarmonica di Oslo e l’etichetta norvegese LAWO Classics.


Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra

On 27 September 1919, a new orchestra took to the stage of the old Logan Hall in Oslo to give its first public concert. Conductor Georg Schnéevoigt presided over thrilling performances of Edvard Grieg’s Piano Concerto and Christian Sinding’s First Symphony. After forty years of making-do, the Norwegian capital had at last got the orchestra it deserved. The Oslo Philharmonic was born. In the eight months that followed, the Oslo Philharmonic gave 135 concerts, most of which sold out. It tackled passionate Mahler, glistening Debussy and thrusting Nielsen. Soon, world famous musicians were coming to conduct it, relishing its youth and enthusiasm. Igor Stravinsky and Maurice Ravel visited Oslo to coach the musicians through brand new music. National broadcaster NRK...

On 27 September 1919, a new orchestra took to the stage of the old Logan Hall in Oslo to give its first public concert. Conductor Georg Schnéevoigt presided over thrilling performances of Edvard Grieg’s Piano Concerto and Christian Sinding’s First Symphony. After forty years of making-do, the Norwegian capital had at last got the orchestra it deserved. The Oslo Philharmonic was born. In the eight months that followed, the Oslo Philharmonic gave 135 concerts, most of which sold out. It tackled passionate Mahler, glistening Debussy and thrusting Nielsen. Soon, world famous musicians were coming to conduct it, relishing its youth and enthusiasm. Igor Stravinsky and Maurice Ravel visited Oslo to coach the musicians through brand new music. National broadcaster NRK began to hang microphones at the orchestra’s concerts, transmitting them to the whole of Norway.
Over the next half-century, the Oslo Philharmonic’s reputation grew steadily. Then, in 1979, it changed forever. A young Latvian arrived in Norway, taking the orchestra apart section-by-section, putting it back together a finely tuned machine with a whole new attitude. Under Mariss Jansons, the orchestra became a rival to the great Philharmonics of Vienna, Berlin and New York. It was soon playing everywhere, from Seattle to Salzburg, Lisbon to London. Back home in Oslo, it got a modern, permanent concert hall of its own. In 1986, EMI drew up the largest orchestral contract in its history, ensuring the world would hear the rich, visceral sound of the Oslo Philharmonic.
Three decades after that, the world is still listening. The Oslo Philharmonic retains its spirit of discovery and its reputation for finesse. Under Jukka-Pekka Saraste it cultivated even more the weight and depth that Jansons had instilled; under Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko, it works at the highest levels of detail and style. Still the orchestra travels the globe, but it has never felt more at home. Its subscription season in Oslo features the best musicians in the business. Outdoor concerts attract tens of thousands; education and outreach programmes connect the orchestra with many hundreds more. In 2019/2020 the thriving city of Oslo will celebrate 100 years of the Oslo Philharmonic, the first-class orchestra it still deserves.


Vasily Petrenko

After just one week working with Vasily Petrenko in 2009, the Oslo Philharmonic invited the Russian conductor to be its fifteenth Principal Conductor. At a landmark concert in Oslo on 28 August 2013, Petrenko was inaugurated in his new role conducting Stravinsky’s 'The Rite of Spring'. Vasily Petrenko is one of the most significant and galvanizing musicians alive. He became famous for his transformative work at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, the oldest orchestra in the United Kingdom, where he refashioned the orchestra’s sound, reconnected the organization to its home city and presided over a huge increase in ticket sales. He quickly came to represent a new generation of conductors ready to combine their uncompromising artistic work with a passion for communication...

After just one week working with Vasily Petrenko in 2009, the Oslo Philharmonic invited the Russian conductor to be its fifteenth Principal Conductor. At a landmark concert in Oslo on 28 August 2013, Petrenko was inaugurated in his new role conducting Stravinsky’s "The Rite of Spring".
Vasily Petrenko is one of the most significant and galvanizing musicians alive. He became famous for his transformative work at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, the oldest orchestra in the United Kingdom, where he refashioned the orchestra’s sound, reconnected the organization to its home city and presided over a huge increase in ticket sales. He quickly came to represent a new generation of conductors ready to combine their uncompromising artistic work with a passion for communication and inclusion.
Vasily was born in St Petersburg in 1976 and trained at the city’s famous conservatoire. As a student, he took part in a master-class with Mariss Jansons, the conductor who helped establish the Oslo Philharmonic as one of the great orchestras of the world. After winning a handful of competitions, Vasily became Chief Conductor of the St Petersburg State Academic Symphony Orchestra in 2004 and later principal guest conductor at the city’s Mikhailovsky Theatre.
Vasily is one of the most acclaimed classical recording artists alive and has won numerous accolades for his recordings of Russian repertoire, including two Gramophone awards. In 2017 he received the Gramophone Award "Artist of the Year".
With the Oslo Philharmonic, he has recorded Shostakovich and Szymanowski concertos, "Romeo and Juliet" by Prokofiev, and a major new cycle of orchestral works by Alexander Scriabin, of which this release is the last in the series of three CDs.
Vasily has conducted the London, Sydney, Chicago, Vienna, San Francisco, and NHK Symphony Orchestras as well as the Russian National Orchestra, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande and the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France. In February 2018 he made his debut with the Berliner Philharmoniker. He has conducted at the Zurich, Paris and Hamburg Operas and at Glyndebourne.
At Oslo Konserthus, Vasily provides the backbone of the Oslo Philharmonic’s subscription series. He has conducted the orchestra in London, Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham, Berlin, Vienna, Bratislava, Dublin, Paris, Tokyo, Edinburgh, San Sebastian, Santander, Hong Kong and Taipei.



Alexander Scriabin

Alexander Scriabin was a Russian composer and pianist. He began playing the piano at the age of five, but received his first lessons only at the age of eleven. He could not play from sight, but studied the score and played the compositions by heart afterwards. He was also a gifted improviser. During the rest of his live Scriabin made a living as a composer and concert pianist.He established contracts with publishers and also had a patron in his former student Margarita Morozova for some time. In addition, he annually won a money prize in the context of the Glinka-prize for new compositions that was set up by Beljajev. Scriabin primarily wrote for solo piano and orchestra. His music progressively evolved over...
Alexander Scriabin was a Russian composer and pianist. He began playing the piano at the age of five, but received his first lessons only at the age of eleven. He could not play from sight, but studied the score and played the compositions by heart afterwards. He was also a gifted improviser.
During the rest of his live Scriabin made a living as a composer and concert pianist.He established contracts with publishers and also had a patron in his former student Margarita Morozova for some time. In addition, he annually won a money prize in the context of the Glinka-prize for new compositions that was set up by Beljajev.
Scriabin primarily wrote for solo piano and orchestra. His music progressively evolved over the course of his life, although the evolution was very rapid and especially brief when compared to most composers. His earliest piano pieces resemble those of Frédéric Chopin. The works from his middle and late period use very unusual harmonies and textures.
From 1904 till 1910 Scriabin lived in western Europe, primarily in Switzerland, but also in northern Italy, Paris and Brussels. After his return to Russia he found himself in the middle of a circle of admirers who were attracted to his exalted and mystic ideas. During the last years of his life he worked on a grandiose manifestation, a Gesamtkunstwerk, Mysterium, in which all arts and all people would have been united. He left only sketches of the prelude to this piece (L'action préalable) and large amounts of text.



"And because the Olso Philharmonics are splendidly manned in all groups of the orchestra, recordings of highest standard have developed."
Fono Forum, 01-4-2016

["]..Petrenko’s appointment as chief conductor of the Oslo Philharmonic… To mark the start of this new partnership the Lawo Classics have just issued the first in a projected cycle of Scriabin symphonies. I’m pleased to see it’s an SACD as well…Petrenko’s more affectionate reading does have its merits…not least because it brings out the composer’s gentler, more lyrical side…There are some lovely things here…"
Music Web International, 01-11-2015

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