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Opera Omnia XIX - Vocal Works 9
Dieterich Buxtehude

Ton Koopman / Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir

Opera Omnia XIX - Vocal Works 9

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917225822
Catnr: CC 72258
Release date: 15 August 2014
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72258
Release date
15 August 2014

"The work of recording the whole Buxtehude works was worth it. The music is really impressive."

ich-habe-gehö, 05-12-2014

About the album

The principal venue for the performance of Dieterich Buxtehude’s vocal music was not the regular Lutheran worship service on the Sundays and feast days of the ecclesiastical year but the series of evening concerts presented at St. Mary’s Church in Lübeck yearly on the five Sundays after St. Martin’s Day (November 11). This annual series of “Abendmusiken” took place from 4 to 5 o’clock immediately following the afternoon vesper’s service. The vocal music performed during the regular services under the direction of the cantor generally followed the structure of the liturgy and the seasons of the ecclesiastical year. In contrast, the programs of the Abendmusiken were in no way restricted to any liturgical requirements and, therefore, could add a new dimension to the spiritual function of sacred music. Buxtehude used to exercise a free hand in this regard and chose for his compositions in the form of arias, concertos, and cantatas texts from a variety of origins including biblical texts, medieval lyrics, church hymns, and modern poetry in both German and Latin languages. As the recorded pieces of the present album indicate, they reflect a wide-ranging repertoire of different types. The majority of texts feature psalm texts, general themes of Christian theology, and even include topics. excluded from the Lutheran canon of texts such as the Corpus Christi hymn by St. Thomas Aquinas, “Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium” (BuxWV 91). Of particular prominence are devotional and mystic poetic texts that relate to the Pietist movement of the later 17th century. Its emphasis on individualism made religion and the love of Jesus more an affair of the heart and of life rather than of the intellect.
In general, the audience of the Abendmusiken was exposed to a broad spectrum of edifying spiritual texts set in great variety of musical forms and styles. The compositions of this CD album are representative of Buxtehude’s interest in responding to the needs and desires of his listeners as well as his true mastership in developing innovative approaches to sacred music and in shaping and consolidating new genres and types of vocal composition.
Indrukwekkende vertolking van de geestelijke muziek van Buxtehude
Deel XIX van de Opera Omnia is het 9e album met vocale werken van Dieterich (Dietrich, Diderich) Buxtehude, uitgevoerd door Ton Koopman met het Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir. Het grootste deel van de teksten op dit album vindt zijn oorsprong in psalmen en de grote thema's van de christelijke theologie. Los daarvan bevat de opname een juweel als de Corpus Christi Hymne Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium van de heilige Thomas van Aquino.

Buxtehude stond in zijn tijd, de late 17e eeuw, bekend om zijn grootschalige oratoria, die hij componeerde voor zijn Abendmusiken. De concerten die hij in de wintermaanden organiseerde voor de rijke kooplieden van de stad. Deze oratoria zijn helaas niet bewaard gebleven. Dat gold wel voor zijn andere vocale werk.

Buxtehude was een Deens-Duitse organist en een door velen bewonderde componist uit de barokperiode. Hij componeerde vocale en instrumentale muziek. Het grootste deel van zijn oeuvre bestaat uit divers vocaal werk, zoals geestelijke concerten, aria's, koralen, cantates en canons, weelderige en rijke muziek. Zijn orgelwerken omvatten een aanzienlijk deel van het standaard orgelrepertoire van onze hedendaagse kerkdiensten. Buxtehude wordt beschouwd als de belangrijkste Duitse componist in de periode tussen Heinrich Schütz en Bach. Zijn stijl heeft veel componisten sterk beïnvloed. Hij was één van de grote voorbeelden van Johann Sebastian Bach. Het verhaal gaat dat Bach, toen 20 jaar, in 1705 helemaal naar Lübeck liep - 400 km - om Dieterich Buxtehude daar in de Marienkirche te horen spelen.

Wellicht dat die anekdote Ton Koopman inspireerde tot zijn project Opera Omnia om het gehele bewaard gebleven oeuvre van Buxtehude uit te voeren en op te nemen. Er was hem veel aan gelegen Buxtehude als het brein achter de vocale muziek van Bach te erkennen. Koopman is een van de meest vooraanstaande uitvoerders van oude muziek en voorzittter van het Internationale Buxtehude Gesellschaft.

Hauptaufführungsort für Dietrich Buxtehudes Vokalmusik war nicht der reguläre Gottesdienst an Sonntagen oder an kirchlichen Feiertagen, sondern eine Reihe von Abendkonzerten an Marienkirche in Lübeck, die jährlich an fünf Sonntagen nach dem St.Martins-Tag (11. Novermber) stattfand. Diese "Abendmusiken", die zwischen vier und fünf Uhr am Abens stattfand, schloss unmittelbar an den Nachmittags-Gottesdienst an. Im Kontrast zu den Vokalwerken des Gottesdienstes, die inhaltlich der Liturgie folgten, waren die Abendmusiken keiner ligurgischen Pflicht unterworfen und erhielten somit eine neue Dimension spiritueller Funktionalität sakraler Musik. Buxtehude hatte hier ein großes Maß an Handlungsfreiheit und so wählte er für diese Kompositionen Formen wie Arien, Konzerte und Kantaten, wobei die Texte von vielerlei Urpsung waren und biblische Texte ebenso beinhalteten wie Mittelalterliche Lyric, kirchliche Hymnen oder moderne Poetik in Deutsch und Latein.

Dies veranschaulicht die vorliegende Aufnahme eindrücklich. Der Großteil der Texte hat seinen Ursprung in den Psalmen und auch in den großen Themen der christlichen Theologie, aber enthält auch Quellen, die außerhalb des Kanons stehen wie beispielsweise die Corpus Christi Hymne des Heiligen Thomas von Aquin, “Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium” (BuxWV 91). Von besonderer Berühmtheit sind auch die andächtig- und mystisch-poetischen Texte, die in Zusammenhang mit dem Pietismus des späten 17. Jahrhunderts stehen.
Diaciannovesimo e penultimo volume della straordinaria collana curata da Ton Koopman dedicata all’integrale delle opere di Buxtehude. Nono volume dedicato alla musica vocale.

«La sede privilegiata per l’esecuzione della musica vocale di Dieterich Buxtehude non era il normale servizio liturgico luterano, nelle domeniche e nei giorni di festa dell’anno liturgico, ma la serie di concerti serali presentati alla chiesa di Santa Maria di Lubecca una volta l’anno, nelle cinque domeniche dopo il Giorno di San Martino (11 novembre). Questa rassegna annuale di “Abendmusiken”, organizzata e diretta dell’organista di Santa Maria, era stata fondata dal predecessore di Buxtehude, Franz Tunder. Le musiche avevano luogo tra le 16.00 e le 17.00, subito dopo l’ufficio dei vespri pomeridiano.

La musica vocale eseguita durante i normali servizi sotto la direzione del cantor seguiva generalmente la struttura della liturgia le stagioni dell’anno liturgico. Al contrario, i programmi delle Abendmusiken non dovevano affatto rispondere ad alcun requisito liturgico, e, di conseguenza, potevano aggiungere una nuova dimensione alla funzione spirituale della musica sacra. Buxtehude era solito a tale riguardo agire liberamente, selezionando per le sue composizioni in forma di arie, concerti e cantate testi di varia natura, compresi testi biblici, liriche medievali, inni sacri e poesia moderna, sia in tedesco sia in latino.

In generale, il pubblico delle Abendmusiken veniva sottoposto ad un’ampia gamma di testi spirituali edificanti, arrangiati in una grande varietà di forme e di stili musicali. Le composizioni di questo album ben rappresentano l’interesse di Buxtehude nell’assecondare le necessità e le aspettative dei suoi ascoltatori, come pure la sua autentica maestria nello sviluppare approcci innovativi alla musica sacra e nel modellare e consolidare nuovi generi e tipi di composizione vocale.»
Christoph Wolff, dalle note di copertina


Ton Koopman

Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time...
Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time to teaching. Ton Koopman is president of the International Dieterich Buxtehude Society and, since 2019, president of the Leipzig Bach Archiv.


Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir

Ton Koopman founded the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra in 1979. The group consists of internationally renowned baroque specialists who meet up several times a year and work together to prepare and perform new exciting programmes. For the musicians each concert is a new experience and Koopman's boundless energy and enthusiasm are a sure guarantee of the highest quality. The Amsterdam Baroque Choir was founded in 1992 and it made its debut during the Holland Festival of Early Music in Utrecht performing the world première of the Requiem (for 15 voices) and Vespers (for 32 voices) by H.I.F. Biber. The recording of both of these works won the Cannes Classical Award for the best performance of 17th/18th century choral music. For its rare...
Ton Koopman founded the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra in 1979. The group consists of internationally renowned baroque specialists who meet up several times a year and work together to prepare and perform new exciting programmes. For the musicians each concert is a new experience and Koopman's boundless energy and enthusiasm are a sure guarantee of the highest quality.
The Amsterdam Baroque Choir was founded in 1992 and it made its debut during the Holland Festival of Early Music in Utrecht performing the world première of the Requiem (for 15 voices) and Vespers (for 32 voices) by H.I.F. Biber. The recording of both of these works won the Cannes Classical Award for the best performance of 17th/18th century choral music. For its rare combination of textural clarity and interpretative flexibility, the Amsterdam Baroque Choir is considered among today’s most outstanding choirs. In 1994 Ton Koopman and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir embarked upon the most ambitious recording project of the last decades: the integral recording of Bach’s secular and sacred cantatas. For this extraordinary project Koopman and his ensemble received the Deutsche Schallplatten-Preis Echo Klassik. Next to the CD recordings three books have been edited and published by Ton Koopman and the musicologist Christoph Wolff and a series of six documentaries was produced and broadcasted by various TV stations.
Alongside Bach’s music the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has recorded all major baroque and classical works. Major recognitions include the Gramophone Award, Diapason d'Or, 10-Repertoire, Stern des Monats-Fono Forum, the Prix Hector Berlioz and two Edison Awards. In 2008 the ensemble and Ton Koopman have been honoured with the prestigious BBC Award. Since March 2003 “Antoine Marchand”, a new sub-label of Challenge Classics, took over the release of Koopman’s new recordings and among many others has published 22 CD boxes of the Bach Cantatas, a new recording of the St. Matthew Passion (on CD and DVD) and St. Markus Passion of J.S. Bach (DVD), live recorded in Milan, as well as the first seven volumes of the Buxtehude Opera-Omnia Edition. Ton Koopman and the ABO & ABC are regular guests at the major concert halls of Europe, the USA and Japan. In the 2008/09 season they will tour extensively in Europe (Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid, Vienna, Milan, Cologne, Dresden, Düsseldorf etc) and in Far East with concerts in Hong Kong, Seoul and Tokyo.


Dieterich Buxtehude

Among the general public, Dieterich Buxtehude is mostly known due to the admiration Johann Sebastian Bach had for his organ and composing skills, for which Bach traveled to the North German city of Lübeck to stay with him for four months, no less. This says quite something about the quality of Buxtehude's performance, but even more so about the influence it had on Bach and all composers after him. Yet, nowadays Buxtehude's music does not need Bach to survive, as a matter of fact it is extraordinarily beautiful just by itself! Buxtehude was originally Danish, but he spent most of him life in Lübeck. His so-called 'Abendmusik', which was a series of evening concerts outside of the liturgy, grew famous. In...

Among the general public, Dieterich Buxtehude is mostly known due to the admiration Johann Sebastian Bach had for his organ and composing skills, for which Bach traveled to the North German city of Lübeck to stay with him for four months, no less. This says quite something about the quality of Buxtehude's performance, but even more so about the influence it had on Bach and all composers after him. Yet, nowadays Buxtehude's music does not need Bach to survive, as a matter of fact it is extraordinarily beautiful just by itself! Buxtehude was originally Danish, but he spent most of him life in Lübeck. His so-called 'Abendmusik', which was a series of evening concerts outside of the liturgy, grew famous. In the works he wrote for these occasions, his enormous fantasy and creative freedom truly shows. As an organ player, Buxtehude was widely famous. If you would listen to his Organ Preludes, you would quickly know why. Buxtehude manages to combine an unprecedented virtuosity with a large variety of styles and techniques. No wonder Bach traveled all that way to see him!



The work of recording the whole Buxtehude works was worth it. The music is really impressive.
ich-habe-gehö, 05-12-2014

All these performances benefit from Koopman's lightly tripping organ continuo and the lyrically played rhetorical violin ritornellos
Gramophone, 15-10-2014

Ton Koopmann ans his colleagues have captured the essential Buxtehude perfectly (...) thank you Challenge Classic!
Early Music Review, 15-10-2014

This is delicate and stately music, somewhat bereft of the groundbreaking harmonic invention and emotional depth of Bach's oeuvre but nonetheless enjoyable and well recorded and performed with presence and precision.
Hi-Fi +, 15-10-2014

They are performed with flair
Sunday Times, 07-9-2014

Koopman varies them intelligently in this sequence of 10 numbers, and the performances have the unfussy directness that one associates with his music-making
The Guardian, 15-8-2014

"'Sunday afternoons during advent" 
The Guardian, 15-8-2014

"It's a pleasantly bracing collection, expertly presented."
The Guardian, 15-8-2014

Play album Play album
Was frag’ ich nach der Welt BuxWV 104
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Miriam Feuersinger, Maarten Engeltjes, Klaus Mertens, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Salve Jesu BuxWV 94
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Miriam Feuersinger, Dorothee Wohlgemuth, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Welt, packe dich BuxWV 106
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Miriam Feuersinger, Dorothee Wohlgemuth, Klaus Mertens, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Was mich auf dieser Welt betrübt BuxWV 105
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Amaryllis Dieltiens, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Pange lingua gloriosi BuxWV 91
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Amaryllis Dieltiens, Dorothee Wohlgemuth, Maarten Engeltjes, Klaus Mertens, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Accedite gentes, accurrite populi BuxWV 1
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Miriam Feuersinger, Dorothee Wohlgemuth, Maarten Engeltjes, Tilman Lichdi, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Fürchtet euch nicht, siehe ich verkündige euch große Freude BuxWV 30
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Miriam Feuersinger, Klaus Mertens, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden BuxWV 46
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Miriam Feuersinger, Dorothee Wohlgemuth, Klaus Mertens, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Schaffe in mir Gott, ein rein Herz BuxWV 95
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Bettina Pahn, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
O dulcis Jesu, o amor cordis mei BuxWV 83
(Dieterich Buxtehude) Ton Koopman, Bettina Pahn, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir

Often bought together with..

Dieterich Buxtehude
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Opera Omnia XVII - Vocal music vol. 7
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Opera Omnia XVI - Vocal Works 6: Membra Jesu Nostri
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Dieterich Buxtehude
Opera Omnia XIV - Vocal Works 5
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Opera Omnia XI - Vocal Works 4
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