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Strange Ways - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 54

Diego Piñera

Strange Ways - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 54

Price: € 8.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917114126
Catnr: DMCHR 71141
Release date: 29 August 2014
1 CD
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€ 8.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71141
Release date
29 August 2014

"Jazzthing Critics Top Ten 2014 Place 8 for Bill Milkowski"

Jazzthing, 09-2-2015

About the album

A great young drummer, percussionist and composer is at the point of his breakthrough, even though this is his first CD sold nationally and internationally. Sometimes paths take unexpected turns: "Strange Ways". However, you need not be a prophet to foretell an important role as jazz drummer for Diego Pinera in the coming years—and not just in Germany by far. As the name lets you suspect, Pinera is originally from Latin America. But neither his compositions nor his playing can be labeled "Latin Jazz" correctly or even completely. On this CD, you can hear not only very varied rhythmic stylistics from swing to bop to Latin, but also elegant melodies that make listening as light as feather. The high degree of complexity, which distinguishes the pieces both rhythmically and harmonically, almost remains unnoticed. The band, which Pinera has gathered around him, is hand-picked and of optimum quality. They have been performing together for years and developed impressive interplay. Even excursions into free passages are perceived as joint projects and not as ego trips. An absolutely successful album and another highlight in the renowned series “Jazz thing Next Generation"!
Diego Pinera was born in Uruguay and grew up in its capital Montevideo. His path took him early to the important station "Berklee College of Music", but also to the University of Music in Havana, Cuba. Then he came to Germany and Leipzig College of Music. His teachers were, among others, Bob Moses, Danilo Perez and Jose Luis Quintana "Changuito"—his role model till today is Antonio Sanchez. Pinera lives in Berlin today and has made a name for himself in numerous bands. He accompanied Katja Riemann as well as Jerry Bergonzi and has played alongside Danilo Perez, Nils Wogram, Alexander Sipiagon, Tony Lakatos, Paul Brody and many others. They all appreciate not only his stupendous virtuosity, but also his high degree of sensitivity and variability.

Peter Ehwald is not a stranger in the series "Jazz thing Next Generation"; he was a member of the band "Oktoposse" almost 10 years ago and consequently in the sixth release of the series. After several years in New York (where he also taught at City College), he again lives in Berlin and is one of Germany's most distinguished saxophonists. He can be heard on more than a dozen CDs and tours internationally. His playing is characterized by his continuously powerful sound–even in the soft passages.

Born in Munich, Tino Derado also spent a long time in the capital of jazz, New York, as Pinera did. During 13 years on that side of the Atlantic, he accompanied many renowned co-musicians from Randy Brecker to Dave Liebman and from Peter Erskine to Gary Burton. However, today he also lives in Berlin. Since his return, he has been a very busy pianist, regardless of whether with Till Brönner, Rebekka Bakken, Andy Middleton or the NDR Big Band.

The Briton Phil Donkin was already part of the crème de la crème of the international scene of jazz bass players a few years after he moved to New York and Berlin. He has played in numerous internationally renowned bands, recently with Dhafer Youssef, Nils Wogram Root 70 as well as shooting stars Marius Neset and Max von Mosch, among others.

Hier steht ein großartiger junger Drummer, Percussionist und Komponist kurz vor seinem Durchbruch. Auch wenn dies sein erstes national und international vertriebenes Album ist. Manchmal sind die Wege eben etwas verwinkelt: „Strange Ways“. Aber man muss kein Wahrsager sein um Diego Pinera eine wichtige Rolle als Jazzdrummer in den kommenden Jahren zu prophezeien – und das bei weitem nicht nur in Deutschland. Wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, ist Pinera lateinamerikanischer Herkunft. Aber weder seine Kompositionen noch sein Spiel sind mit dem Etikett „Latin Jazz“ richtig oder gar vollständig etikettiert. So kann man auf dieser CD nicht nur rhythmisch sehr abwechslungsreiche Stilistiken, von Swing über Bop bis Latin, hören, sondern auch feine Melodik, die ganz federleicht ins Ohr geht. Fast unbemerkt bleibt da die hohe Komplexität, die die Stücke auszeichnet, sowohl rhythmisch als auch harmonisch. Die Band, die Pinera um sich gruppiert hat, ist handverlesen und von höchster Güte. Seit Jahren treten sie gemeinsam auf und haben ein beeindruckendes Interplay entwickelt. Selbst Ausflüge in freie Passagen sind so als Gemeinschaftsprojekte wahrnehmbar und nicht als Egotrips. Ein rundum gelungenes Album und ein weiteres Highlight in der renommierten Reihe „Jazz thing Next Generation“!

Diego Pinera wurde in Uruguay geboren und wuchs in der Hauptstadt des Landes, Montevideo, auf. Früh führte ihn sein Weg an die wichtige Station „Berklee College of Music“, aber auch an die University of Music in Havana/Cuba. Schließlich kam er nach Deutschland und dort an die Hochschule in Leipzig. Seine Lehrer waren u.a. Bob Moses, Danilo Perez und Jose Luis Quintana „Changuito“ – sein Vorbild bis heute ist Antonio Sanchez. Heute lebt Pinera in Berlin, und hat sich in zahlreichen Formationen einen Namen erarbeitet. Er begleitete Katja Riemann ebenso wie Jerry Bergonzi, spielte mit Danilo Perez, Nils Wogram, Alexander Sipiagon, Tony Lakatos, Paul Brody und vielen anderen. Sie alle schätzen nicht nur seine stupende Virtuosität, sondern auch seine hohe Sensibilität und Variabilität.
Peter Ehwald ist kein Unbekannter in der Reihe „Jazz thing Next Generation“ – vor nahezu zehn Jahren war er Mitglied der Band „Oktoposse“ und damit der 6. Ausgabe der Reihe. Nach mehreren Jahren in New York (wo er auch selbst am City College lehrte) lebt er wieder in Berlin und gehört zu Deutschlands profiliertesten Saxophonisten. Er ist auf weit über einem Dutzend CDs zu hören, und tourt international. Sein Spiel ist geprägt von seinem jederzeit mächtigen Ton – selbst in leisen Passagen.

Der gebürtige Münchner Tino Derado hat wie Pinera lange Zeit in der Hauptstadt des Jazz, New York verbracht. In den 13 Jahren jenseits des Atlantiks begleitete er viele namhafte Kollegen, von Randy Brecker bis Dave Liebman, von Peter Erskine bis Gary Burton. Heute allerdings lebt auch er in Berlin, seit seiner Rückkehr war und ist er hierzulande ein viel beschäftigter Pianist, sei es mit Till Brönner, Rebekka Bakken, Andy Middleton oder mit der NDR Big Band.

Der Brite Phil Donkin gehörte schon wenige Jahre nach seiner Umsiedlung nach New York und Berlin zur Crème de la Crème der internationalen Szene der Jazzbassisten. Er spielte in zahlreichen international renommierten Formationen, zuletzt u.a. bei Dhafer Youssef, Nils Wogram Root 70, und bei den Senkrechtstartern Marius Neset oder Max von Mosch.


Diego Pinera

Diego Pinera was born 1981 in Montevideo, Uruguay and has lived in Germany since 2003. He studied drumming at the Berklee College of Music (USA), at the University of Music in Havana (Cuba) and at the University of Music and Theater in Leipzig (Germany). Pinera’s encounters with Latin American music, and with jazz in all its breadth, have led him to develop an unmistakable style. Through the combination of his advanced conception of rhythm, a jazz sound with a Latin touch, and the freedom of improvisation his strong character comes across vividly. In Pinera´s compositions there is musical complexity and virtuosity in abundance imbued with great subtlety and his love to odd meter grooves. In Uruguay he recorded with the Diego Pinera...
Diego Pinera was born 1981 in Montevideo, Uruguay and has lived in Germany since 2003. He studied drumming at the Berklee College of Music (USA), at the University of Music in Havana (Cuba) and at the University of Music and Theater in Leipzig (Germany).
Pinera’s encounters with Latin American music, and with jazz in all its breadth, have led him to develop an unmistakable style. Through the combination of his advanced conception of rhythm, a jazz sound with a Latin touch, and the freedom of improvisation his strong character comes across vividly. In Pinera´s compositions there is musical complexity and virtuosity in abundance imbued with great subtlety and his love to odd meter grooves.
In Uruguay he recorded with the Diego Pinera Trio the album “Buscando” under the Perro Andaluz label. Back in Germany he founded the Berlin Quartet and released in 2010 “Reflexiones” featuring Tony Lakatos. In 2014 the Jazz Thing Next Generation Series “Strange Ways” followed. In May 2016 he went on the cd release tour for “My Picture” with Donny McCaslin and Phil Donkin.
In 2017 Diego Pinera received as bandleader and composer the prestigious prize ECHO Jazz for his album “My picture” in the category drums/ percussion national, recorded in New York with Mark Turner and Ben Street. His first ACT music album “Despertando” was released 2018 and his next ACT album “Odd Wisdom” feat. Donny McCaslin has been considerated for the finalist of the GRAMMY Music Awards 2021.
With this project he played at the Jazzbaltica 2022, live recorded by ZDF. In November 2022 he has been invited to play in 30th anniversary event of ACT at the Berlin Philharmonic together with Wolfgang Haffner, Nils Landgren and many more artists.
Diego Pinera won the German award Deutscher Jazzpreis 2023 for „Best Arrangement of the Year“ of Béla Bartók’s String Quartet No. 3, Sz. 85 and was also nominated for the best composition of the year with „Through Hell“.
Since 2022 he has taught at the University of Music Dresden “Carl Maria von Weber” and since 2023 at the University of applied sciences Osnabrück. He is also a first-call session/ sideman/ clinician and has been touring the world with many different settings and bands. He played with musicians like Donny McCaslin, Mark Turner, Ben Monder, Scott Colley and Ben Street. These brands have been represented by him as endorser: Yamaha Drums, Paiste Cymbals, Rohema, LP Percussion, SM Percussion und Musik Wein Ahead Armor Cases.




Jazzthing Critics Top Ten 2014 Place 8 for Bill Milkowski
Jazzthing, 09-2-2015

"It's easy to see why the abundantly talented Pinera was chosen for this edition of Germany's 'Jazzthing Next Generation' series of releases. He's a star in the making." "Pinera also possesses a rare sensibility as a composer that sets him apart from other accomplished young rhythmatists on the kit."
Downbeat, 01-2-2015

Diego Piñera offers with with Strange Ways not only an impressive card as a drummer but first of all as a composer. The drummer from Montevideo presents a beautiful debut CD.
Jazzthetik, 26-11-2014

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