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Mostly Stick

Scott Fields String Feartet

Mostly Stick

Price: € 13.95
Format: CD
Label: Between The Lines
UPC: 0608917123920
Catnr: BTLCHR 71239
Release date: 01 October 2014
1 CD
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€ 13.95
Between The Lines
Catalogue number
BTLCHR 71239
Release date
01 October 2014

"The American shines with a dance-like ease and a beautiful swinging phrasing. (...) simply exciting, vivid music"

FonoForum, 15-10-2014

About the album

One year after "Kintsugi" (BTLCHR 71235) and shortly after the double CD "Haydn" (BTLCHR 71237), a third CD by the Scott Fields String Feartet is being released on Between The Lines. Contrary to its direct predecessor, there is no explicit reference to classical composers anymore. Scott Fields' guitar also takes up more space, even though it is a special feature of "Feartet" that the ensemble playing is in the foreground. Despite all specifications with respect to the compositions and detailed arrangements, the leeway for improvising can be heard in all instruments all the time. Freely created lines of individual musicians cross almost unnoticed with the composed parts. Fields succeeds in creating a perfect symbiosis of both parts such as is seldom heard. The "master juggler between improvised jazz and new music" (jazzpodium, May 2014) presents six "comprovisation" on Mostly Stick, from which the majority also easily surpass the 10-minute limit. He titles them again with subtle humor: "Carolina Reaper" refers to the hottest chilli variety in the world, "Hello to Jason Isaacs" refers to the British actor who became know through Harry Potter films and "Schmatta" is a word from Yiddish which means "rags" (in the sense of inferior clothes) that has entered everyday speech in the USA.

Scott Fields lives in Cologne today and is considered one of the most the distinguished crossover artists between improvised and composed contemporary music worldwide. As child in Chicago, a city characterized by its music, he has dedicated himself very productively to music for the past 20 years, despite university studies in the meantime and a Master's degree in journalism. He has developed his very own language with his guitar playing in the meantime, which never loses sight of melodic elements despite his stupendous virtuosity. Fields has also composed numerous works, which have been widely acclaimed and appreciated.

Elisabeth Fügemann is one of the few cellists who has studied both classical and jazz cello. However, the music of Scott Fields (but also the title, which Axel Lindner contributed: Äpken) could hardly have been played adequately by musicians, who did not look beyond genre limits. This also applies to Axel Lindner, who plays alongside of Elisabeth Fügemann and Scott Fields in the "Multiple Joy(ce) Ensemble", i.e., they have already known each other and each other's skills for years. Radek Stawarz also moves securely in both worlds. Following classical studies in his native country Poland, he completed another degree at Cologne Music College, among others, under the tutelage of Bill Dobbins and John Taylor. In addition to classical ensembles, he plays in various groups from electropunk bands to folklore groups.

Scott Fields "is a master of refined strokes, a king. And his Feartet is a complete kingdom" (Alexander Schmitz in jazzpodium Oct. 2013).
"Crazy stuff for those that appreciate right on, improvised, free jazz" (Chris Spector, Midwest Record).
Ein Jahr nach „Kintsugi“ (BTLCHR 71235) und kurz nach der Doppel-CD „Haydn“ (BTLCHR 71237) erscheint nun die dritte CD des Scott Fields String Feartet auf Between The Lines. Anders als beim direkten Vorgänger gibt es keinen expliziten Bezug mehr zu einem klassischen Komponisten. Die Gitarre Scott Fields nimmt auch wieder mehr Raum ein – auch wenn es gerade ein besonderes Kennzeichen des „Feartet“ ist, dass das Ensemblespiel im Vordergrund steht. Trotz aller kompositorischen Vorgaben und detaillierten Arrangements ist der improvisatorische Freiraum aller Instrumente zu jeder Zeit hörbar. Fast unbemerkt verschränken sich frei kreierte Linien einzelner Beteiligter mit den komponierten Anteilen. Fields gelingt eine perfekte Symbiose der beiden Anteile, wie man sie selten hört. Der „Meisterjongleur zwischen improvisiertem Jazz und Neuer Musik“ (jazzpodium Mai 2014) präsentiert auf Mostly Stick sechs „Komprovisationen“, von denen auch die Mehrheit wieder locker die 10-Minuten-Grenze überspringen. Und betitelt sie wieder mit hintergründigem Humor: „Carolina Reaper“ verweist auf die schärfste Chili-Sorte der Welt, „Hello to Jason Isaacs“ verweist auf den britischen Schauspieler, der durch die Harry Potter-Verfilmungen bekannt wurde, „Schmatta“ ist ein Wort aus dem jiddischen und hat die Bedeutung „Klamotten“ (im Sinne von minderwertiger Kleidung) – und ist in den USA in den englischen Alltags-Sprachgebrauch eingegangen. Scott Fields lebt heute in Köln und gilt als einer der profiliertesten Grenzgänger zwischen improvisierter und komponierter aktueller Musik weltweit. Als ein Kind der musikalisch prägenden Stadt Chicago hat er sich - trotz zwischenzeitlichen Studiums und Master im Journalismus – seit 20 Jahren überaus produktiv der Musik gewidmet. Sein Gitarrenspiel hat mittlerweile eine ganz eigenen Sprache entwickelt, die bei aller stupenden Virtuosität nie die Melodik aus dem Blick verliert. Fields kann darüber hinaus auf ein umfangreiches kompositorisches Schaffen verweisen, das viel beachtet und geschätzt wird. Elisabeth Fügemann gehört zu den wenigen CellistInnen, die sowohl klassisches als auch Jazz-Cello studiert haben. Die Musik Scott Fields (aber auch der Titel, den Axel Lindner beigetragen hat: Äpken) könnte auch kaum von Musikern adäquat umgesetzt werden, die nicht über die Genregrenzen blicken. Das gilt eben auch für Axel Lindner, der mit Elisabeth Fügemann und Scott Fields im „Multiple Joy(ce) Ensemble spielt: man kennt sich und die jeweiligen Qualitäten also schon seit Jahren. Auch Radek Stawarz bewegt sich sicher in beiden Welten: nach klassischem Studium in seiner Heimat Polen absolvierte er ein weiteres an der Musikhochschule Köln, unter anderem bei Bill Dobbins und John Taylor. Er musizierte in – neben klassischen Ensembles – verschiedenen Formationen, von Electropunk-Bands bis hin zu Folklore-Gruppen. Scott Fields „ist ein Meister des feinen Strichs, ein König. Und sein Feartet ist ein ganzes Königreich“ (Alexander Schmitz in jazzpodium Okt. 2013). „Crazy stuff for those that appreciate right on, improvised, free jazz (Chris Spector, Midwest Record)


Scott Fields

Scott Fields lives in Cologne today and is considered one of the most the distinguished crossover artists between improvised and composed contemporary music worldwide. As child in Chicago, a city characterized by its music, he has dedicated himself very productively to music for the past 20 years, despite university studies in the meantime and a Master's degree in journalism. He has developed his very own language with his guitar playing in the meantime, which never loses sight of melodic elements despite his stupendous virtuosity. Fields has also composed numerous works, which have been widely acclaimed and appreciated.
Scott Fields lives in Cologne today and is considered one of the most the distinguished crossover artists between improvised and composed contemporary music worldwide. As child in Chicago, a city characterized by its music, he has dedicated himself very productively to music for the past 20 years, despite university studies in the meantime and a Master's degree in journalism. He has developed his very own language with his guitar playing in the meantime, which never loses sight of melodic elements despite his stupendous virtuosity. Fields has also composed numerous works, which have been widely acclaimed and appreciated.


Elisabeth Fügemann

Elisabeth Fügemann is one of the few cellists who has studied both classical and jazz cello. However, the music of Scott Fields (but also the title, which Axel Lindner contributed: Äpken) could hardly have been played adequately by musicians, who did not look beyond genre limits. This also applies to Axel Lindner, who plays alongside of Elisabeth Fügemann and Scott Fields in the 'Multiple Joy(ce) Ensemble', i.e., they have already known each other and each other's skills for years.  Radek Stawarz also moves securely in both worlds. Following classical studies in his native country Poland, he completed another degree at Cologne Music College, among others, under the tutelage of Bill Dobbins and John Taylor. In addition to classical ensembles, he...
Elisabeth Fügemann is one of the few cellists who has studied both classical and jazz cello. However, the music of Scott Fields (but also the title, which Axel Lindner contributed: Äpken) could hardly have been played adequately by musicians, who did not look beyond genre limits. This also applies to Axel Lindner, who plays alongside of Elisabeth Fügemann and Scott Fields in the "Multiple Joy(ce) Ensemble", i.e., they have already known each other and each other's skills for years. Radek Stawarz also moves securely in both worlds. Following classical studies in his native country Poland, he completed another degree at Cologne Music College, among others, under the tutelage of Bill Dobbins and John Taylor. In addition to classical ensembles, he plays in various groups from electropunk bands to folklore groups.




The American shines with a dance-like ease and a beautiful swinging phrasing. (...) simply exciting, vivid music
FonoForum, 15-10-2014

On this release Field is again the fascinating, hypnotic, very sensitive and often underestimeted master
Jazzpodium, 06-10-2014

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