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Seven Sins of Hieronymus Bosch, The
Various composers

Camerata Trajectina

Seven Sins of Hieronymus Bosch, The

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525606500
Catnr: GLO 6065
Release date: 15 September 2009
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
GLO 6065
Release date
15 September 2009

About the album

Het schilderij De zeven hoofdzonden van Jeroen Bosch was in 2009 onderwerp van een meesterlijke theatervoorstelling van Camerata Trajectina, het gezelschap dat onder aanvoering van wijlen Louis Peter Grijp veel verborgen Nederlandse muziek naar boven haalde. De muziek van de theatervoorstelling stond opnieuw in de belangstelling toen Bosch vanwege zijn vijfhonderdste sterfdag in 2016 veel aandacht krijgt. Een goede gelegenheid om weer eens in de oude muziek van diverse componisten en de spitse teksten van Gerrit Komrij te duiken.


Camerata Trajectina

It is impossible to imagine Dutch musical life without Camerata Trajectina. The early music ensemble has made a name for itself by pleading for Dutch music from the 16th en 17th century, in particular songs, and aims to bring this music back to life, in a playful and scientifically justified way. Camerata Trajectina comprises a nucleus of musicians, to which musicians and ensembles can be added. The group’s programmes deal chiefly with social events, such as exhibitions and commemorations of events and individuals from Dutch history. The group took part in almost all editions of the Utrecht Early Music Festival, gave hundreds of concerts in the Nederlands and Flanders and toured to amongst others the United States, Canada, Ghana and Indonesia. It...
It is impossible to imagine Dutch musical life without Camerata Trajectina. The early music ensemble has made a name for itself by pleading for Dutch music from the 16th en 17th century, in particular songs, and aims to bring this music back to life, in a playful and scientifically justified way.
Camerata Trajectina comprises a nucleus of musicians, to which musicians and ensembles can be added. The group’s programmes deal chiefly with social events, such as exhibitions and commemorations of events and individuals from Dutch history.
The group took part in almost all editions of the Utrecht Early Music Festival, gave hundreds of concerts in the Nederlands and Flanders and toured to amongst others the United States, Canada, Ghana and Indonesia. It has also recorded more than 30 albums with Dutch music.




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