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1605: Treason and Dischord - William Byrd and the
William Byrd

The King's Singers

1605: Treason and Dischord - William Byrd and the

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Signum Classics
UPC: 0635212006122
Catnr: SIGCD 061
Release date: 01 August 2005
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Signum Classics
Catalogue number
Release date
01 August 2005

About the album

Signum Classics are proud to release the fourth disc from The King's Singers on Signum Classics - 1605: Treason and Dischord. On 5 November 1605 Guy Fawkes was caught preparing to detonate 36 barrels of gunpowder under the House of Lords unveiling an act of attempted treason that shocked the whole of Europe. What led a group of young Catholic men to risk their lives for their faith? 400 years later the King’s Singers and Concordia illuminate the dangers of hearing Mass in secret, of conspiracy and downfall, and of protestant relief and celebration, through a project of music and prose.

The music, structured around Byrd’s perfect 4-part Mass, contains motets by Catholic composers, balanced with protestant anthems celebrating the downfall of the plot, and a commission from the British composer, Francis Pott. Master Tresham: His Ducke reflects on the ‘9/11’ of its day - 5/11/1605. The script, drawing on historic texts and written by Deborah Mackay for the quatercentenary concert series related to this CD, uses the dramatized persona of William Byrd, the most famous composer of his age, to recreate the atmosphere of change and hope in the Jacobean court. - See more at:
Een muzikale toelichting op het Gunpowder Plot
Op 5 november 1605 werd Guy Fawkes betrapt toen hij 36 vaten met buskruit wilde laten ontploffen onder het Hogerhuis, waardoor een poging tot verraad die heel Europa schokte werd onthuld. Wat leidde een groep jonge Katholieke mannen ertoe om hun levens te riskeren voor hun geloof? Vierhonderd jaar later illustreren de King’s Singers en Concordia de gevaren van het in het geheim beluisteren van de Mis, samenzwering en ondergang, en protestantse opluchting en viering, door middel van een project met muziek en proza.

De muziek, gestructureerd rond Byrds perfecte vierstemmige Mis, bevat motetten van Katholieke componisten aangevuld met protestantse anthems die de ondergang van het verraad vieren. Daarnaast bevat het album een opdrachtcompositie van de Britse componist Francis Pott. Zijn Master Tresham: His Ducke denkt na over de ‘9/11’ van die tijd: 5/11/1605. Het script, geschreven door Deborah Mackay en gebaseerd op historische teksten, maakt gebruik van het gedramatiseerde personage van William Byrd, de meest beroemde componist van zijn tijd, om de sfeer van verandering en hoop aan het Jakobijnse hof opnieuw te creëren.



William Byrd

William Byrd was an English composer. He was one of the greatest composers of his generation. Hiis name is sometimes spelled as Bird, Byrde, or Byred. The exact dates of his birth and death are not known, and even his place of birth (Lincoln) is merely guesswork, based on the fact that several families named Byrd lived in Lincolnshire during the 17th century.  As a child, Byrd received music lessons from the renowned Thomas Tallis in the Chapel Royal in London. Byrd is part of the so-called virginalists. In 1563, he was appointed as organist of the cathedral in Lincoln, even though he must have only been around 20 years old and in 1572 he was appointed as organist of Chapel Royal...

William Byrd was an English composer. He was one of the greatest composers of his generation. Hiis name is sometimes spelled as Bird, Byrde, or Byred. The exact dates of his birth and death are not known, and even his place of birth (Lincoln) is merely guesswork, based on the fact that several families named Byrd lived in Lincolnshire during the 17th century. As a child, Byrd received music lessons from the renowned Thomas Tallis in the Chapel Royal in London. Byrd is part of the so-called virginalists. In 1563, he was appointed as organist of the cathedral in Lincoln, even though he must have only been around 20 years old and in 1572 he was appointed as organist of Chapel Royal together with Tallis. In 1575, again with Tallis, he received the rights to publish and sell his music by Queen Elizabeth I. In honour of the Queen, the two composers dedicated their Cantiones Sacrae in the same year.
On multiple occasions, Byrd was prosecuted in court. As a catholic, he was repeatedly prosecuted for the rejection of Anglicanism. Nonetheless, he remained in favour of the Queen, probably because he composed music for both religious branches. Moreover, he wrote both secular and sacred music, and both vocal and instrumental pieces.



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